how to update printful mockups in shopify

Change Printful Mockups In Shopify LIKE THIS if you want to change your mockups from,printful from l

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Updated on Mar 24,2023

Change Printful Mockups In Shopify LIKE THIS

The above is a brief introduction to how to update printful mockups in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to update printful mockups in shopify

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Change Printful Mockups In Shopify LIKE THIS

if you want to change your mockups from,printful from looking like this to,something like this,or something like this,this video is for you,keep watching,what's going on everyone it's me melvin,and i'm back again with another video on,this channel we talk about make money,online print on the man how to tutorials,and reviews if this is content you like,do me a quick solid smash that like,button destroy that subscribe button,make sure you hit that notification bell,that way you don't miss out on any,future videos and without further ado,let's get straight into the content i'm,going to keep things real simple for you,guys okay,what you're going to want to do if,you're not satisfied with printful's,mock-ups my suggestion is upload the,actual,t-shirt design whatever product you're,actually uploading onto your store as,you normally would okay so once that,product is already added onto your,shopify store on the back end what,you're going to want to do is right here,on your dashboard click on products okay,once you click on products you're going,to go and look for that actual product,that you actually uploaded from printful,okay and once you click on that product,you're going to go down to where it says,media right in this section this is,where you can actually change your,actual mock-up that was uploaded from,printful with the mock-up that a,designer sent to you or one you created,yourself so you're probably wondering,like hey melvin how did you do that,right there right well real easy guys so,the first way i'm gonna show you is,actually place it right you can easily,go to mockups you can go to apparel and,you can find t-shirts okay and then,you're gonna get all these models here,okay that you guys can use let's say you,want to use this one all you do is click,on that model,and check this out it's real easy guys,okay and if you go down as you can see,this doesn't have a transparent,background but if you go down,you can see the actual model sitting,right here with the actual,transparent background so you can easily,click on that okay,and you can actually upload the t-shirt,design that's gonna go right there on,the t-shirt and the actual t-shirt color,okay so that way it can actually match,the actual t-shirt that you uploaded,from printful okay it's real simple and,then this is the actual image okay so,once you download it from place it okay,once you're done you download and then,you're gonna actually upload it on,to your shopify backend okay so right,here where it says ad that's exactly,where you can go and add that image okay,this right here should place it,so you're probably wondering how about,this one here that says basic t-shirts,well guys if you guys are not familiar,with glorify glorify is an amazing,software okay and it's geared for,entrepreneurs and e-commerce,geared store owners okay it's really,nice and you guys can sit here and use,it how to take is a few clicks okay it's,more drag and drop click of a button and,start decorating your actual product,images okay so i'm going to give you,guys a quick example on how you guys can,do it i'm going to log in by the way,guys i'm going to leave a link to,glorify in the description below,so now that i'm logged on i'm going to,say here click on the search bar and i'm,just gonna type in something like,shopify okay,check this out this is how cool it is so,right here,you have hero images mock-up scenes okay,infographics so for your shopify store,you want to decorate it a little bit you,guys got hd banners okay and lifestyle,images okay so i'm gonna click view all,under hero image and i'm gonna get a,bunch of templates that i can use right,for my actual store it's real simple,and right here,i'm gonna go down and that's where i,actually got this t-shirt okay the,actual template with t-shirt i'm gonna,click on that right use this template,and all you're going to want to do guys,okay is just click on this real easy,just click on it i'm going to hit delete,okay now i'm going to go to uploads and,then i already have it here but i'm just,going to show you guys how to do it just,click to upload and then what i'm going,to do here is click on this image that i,downloaded from place it i'm gonna hit,open and after i hit open it's gonna,load up right here under my uploads,okay so once that's done all you're,gonna do is click on it and it's to,upload right here on the template and,once it uploads on the template guys you,guys can drag it and you guys can center,it but this 30 percent off you could,either keep it if you're gonna run a,certain percent off if not,delete it and you can actually bring,down that actual model to the center,okay you guys can actually decorate this,right you can title it whatever the name,of the t-shirt is or you can put the,name of your actual store,and then once you're done there guys all,you're gonna do is hit this arrow button,and you're gonna download it and once,you're done downloading that actual,image okay,that product image you're gonna go over,to shopify and you're gonna hit add okay,and once you hit add you're gonna go and,find that actual image and you're gonna,hit open okay but real quick you guys,can actually change the color of this,okay you guys can click on the actual,image go right here to image adjustments,okay where it says overlay you click on,that box and you can actually move this,around okay,or even better if you guys have a,certain hex code right if your color,scheme of your store is a certain color,and you know the hex code well guess,what you can go ahead and put that hex,code right there and that way everything,can match color coordinate your store,and everything's just gonna fall into,place and that's the beauty of this,actual software okay call glorify you,guys can do a little bit of,everything,with this okay for your print-on-demand,store your drop shipping store you name,it you have everything right here at,your fingertips okay link will be in the,description below so then that is how,you can do it so maybe you don't want,this image,to be showcasing on your store okay,maybe,you want this image right here to be,showcasing on your store all you have to,do is just click on it drag it over,okay,and once you drag it over you got to,make sure it overlaps and there you go,it says media order saved now if we go,back to take a look and now that i,refreshed it guys there you have it okay,now i have the actual model wearing the,t-shirt so now that i click on it guess,what guys it's gonna be right there okay,and it's up to you if you want to keep,the other images or you guys can simply,click on this okay and you can delete,the file okay maybe you want to add,another model wearing the t-shirt okay,you guys can do so remember just hit add,and then you're all good and that is how,you guys can change the mock-ups that,are from printful that you don't like,or maybe you do like but you want to add,some more flavor to your store this is,how you can get it done,my name is melvin i appreciate you guys,stopping by this channel if you guys,found value in this video do me a quick,solid smash that like button destroy,that subscribe button make sure you hit,that notification bell and also if you,have any suggestion of future videos you,would like to see let me know in the,comment section below,just like how janna has done and i'll,get back to you guys with future content,and i'll see you guys in the next video,thank you for watching

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