how to write product description shopify

E-Commerce: How to Write Good Product Descriptions That SELL good copywriting is your best,salespers

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Updated on Feb 07,2023

E-Commerce: How to Write Good Product Descriptions That SELL

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E-Commerce: How to Write Good Product Descriptions That SELL

good copywriting is your best,salesperson bad copywriting is customer,repellant in the game to win customers,product descriptions are your last,chance to win a customer's heart and,hard-earned money if you're writing,practice involves copying and pasting,product features from the manufacturers,website,well you might want to take it a pen and,paper because we have some work to do,I'm Tyler Fife I've headed the content,department for a community of 16 million,people driven hundreds of thousands of,dollars in revenue and written hundreds,of product descriptions for countless,brands here's something I've learned the,best product descriptions make people,envision the pleasure of their life with,the product in it and the pain or void,they'll be left with if they don't buy,it,in today's video I'm gonna show you how,to write product descriptions that,actually sell tip number one write to,your ideal customer try to please,everyone and you'll end up pleasing no,one writing product copy to some huge,undefined audience will have your copy,feeling vague and impersonal let me put,it to you this way when diffused broadly,light loses its power but when magnified,to a pinpoint it becomes a laser and can,cut through steel the best product,descriptions read as if they're speaking,directly to one person when it comes to,writing your own product descriptions,start by imagining the ideal buyer what,do they value one of their aspirations,and what are their pain points this is,the one time we're talking to yourself,probably isn't a cause for concern have,a conversation with this imaginary,customer and unearth their desires and,motivations if you've done your homework,by researching and interviewing your,target market this will be a lot easier,so don't skip that step how does your,customers speak and what would prevent,them from buying today consult these,topics directly when writing your copy,to lower buyer assistance,tip number two entice customers with,benefits here's something you should,never forget customers aren't really,buying products they're buying results,or at least a perceived result customers,always want to know what's in the,product for them write product,descriptions from the perspective of the,err not from the perspective of the,seller understand their desires and,problems how does your product make the,customer feel happier healthier or more,productive,what problems glitches or potential,hassles does your product help solve,people can be coaxed but never driven so,coax them with benefits but make sure,you're specific when discussing these,benefits or they may come off,inauthentic don't make blanket,statements but rather tie benefits to,specific product attributes a product,description that does an amazing example,of this is this product description by,Nike you see how they use their,headlines to show a specific product,benefit such as extreme responsiveness,or lockdown support it really gives you,the feeling that by simply wearing these,shoes your game would be drastically,elevated don't just sell a product sell,an experience tip number three avoid,cliches sorta take you back to English,class but when you're stuck for words,and you don't know what else to add,often we end up resorting to something,super bland that we've heard a million,times before and as a result it's lost,almost all its meaning or weight in a,customer's eyes these cliché phrases are,some of the worst offenders high quality,best-in-class,cutting-edge revolutionary huge savings,and unique at best these phrases sound,lazy at worst they sound desperate,every entrepreneur is gonna say that,their product is the best and if you,roll your eyes every time you read it I,don't blame you you become less,persuasive when a potential buyer reads,your product description and starts,saying to themselves yeah yeah so,something that I really often hear when,people are writing product descriptions,is that the particular product they're,writing about might not have a lot to be,said about it so to prove that sentiment,wrong we're gonna pick a relatively,simple product and write a product,description for it in this case it's,going to be a jump rope now we need a,snappy title so we're gonna call this,the ninja jump rope because it gives the,idea that this will improve agility so,here's how we're going to start the,ninja jump rope is the perfect jump rope,for athletes searching for a more fluid,jumping experice,it's so when we get here we're gonna,want to make sure we show a specific,product benefit in an h2 you make sure,you want to use an h2 because the h1 is,going to be reserved for the actual,title of the product page so in the h2,we're gonna right burn 1000 calories per,hour anywhere anytime you can see how,this is a pretty powerful value,proposition because we can assume that,by someone wanting to use a jump rope,they're wanting to burn calories and,they probably also like the flexibility,that a jump rope provides in terms of,not being chained to a gym empower,yourself to engage in high intensity,cardio workouts anywhere with this light,weight jump rope,now we're gonna want to highlight,another product attribute in this case,we're gonna go for the buttery,smoothness that everyone wants ultimate,smoothness for heightened performance,take your agility to the next level this,lightweight aluminum ball bearing system,propels the rope to slice through the,air with fluid precision you can see how,he made it pretty visceral people are,gonna begin to imagine themselves using,this rope and maybe doing some cool,tricks so there you have it,we took a relatively simple product that,might not have that many features but we,really highlighted the benefits and that,allowed us to paint a picture in the,mind of a prospective buyer which in,essence manufactures desire tip number,four write like a human speak to your,customers I - I like you what if they,were standing right in front of you,speak simply speak like a real person,don't dress it up too much it feels,inauthentic and it makes people feel,suspicious when it comes to superlatives,use them wisely superlatives sound,insincere unless you can clearly prove,while your product is the best the,easiest or the most advanced saying that,your rain jacket is more waterproof than,another rain jacket well that leaves,room for doubt but saying that your,performance shell rain jacket is 67%,more waterproof than nylon rain jackets,that makes people visualize scientific,comparisons simply put you need to back,up why your product is the,with actual facts take a look at this,product description by Vegas board it,clearly states here he was voted number,one sport nutrition product of the year,2020 by over forty thousand customers,it's sincere and it's definitely backed,up by facts if your product is really,the best always provide specific proof,as to why this is the case alternatively,have a customer saved for you and use a,testimonial quote saying why your,product is the best otherwise tone your,product copy down a little tip number,five,try appealing to your customers,imagination think of how many times,you've held something in a store and,imagine your life with it and maybe you,even had that feeling that it was,already yours because you knew you were,gonna buy it when selling online we want,to do that but with cobby,when a person imagines that something,already belongs to them they will go to,great efforts to make it so we want to,let our readers imagine what it would be,like to own our product so goes the,number one rule of writing show don't,tell there's solid scientific evidence,to suggest that perceived ownership a,customer feels of our product is,increased when they touch it and even,when they imagine touch again this,scented candle product description does,an amazing job of doing just that check,it out inspired by the vibrant June's,all-day cafe and wine bar in Austin,Texas,this candle recalls memories of late,nights spent at cafes in Lamar s,district of Paris and eclectic evenings,in Austin's famous South Congress Avenue,it's the embodiment of ease and,sophistication Wow notice how the,description paints a picture of what it,would be like to smell this candle and,the elegance that it would probably,bring to your home to practice this,copywriting technique start a sentence,with the word imagine and finish the,sentence or paragraph by explaining how,your reader will feel when owning and,using this product then rephrase the,sentence take out the word imagined so,that the reader begins in the middle of,the action tip number six cut through,rational barriers with many stories,including many stories in your product,descriptions lowers rational barriers,against persuasion techniques in other,words we forget we're being sold to for,thousands of years stories have been,used to tattoo important information in,a person's memory just how effective are,they,research shows that stories are 20 times,more memorable than facts ask yourself,what story can you tell about the work,that went into creating your product,what obstacles that you need to overcome,what inspired creating the product in,the first place and was the product,tested using any crazy methodology,chances are you have a story for any one,of these points key thing to consider,though is keeping the stories focused,and short no one likes a random story,and no one likes a rambling one number,seven is seduced readers with sensory,words sensory words have proven to,increase sales because they engage more,brain processing power just look at any,ad for restaurant or food brand ever,their coffee is dripping with words that,evoke the five senses sound sight smell,touch and taste sensory words really,help your message slip past the iron,gates of customers logic centers just,check out this product description for,this chocolate cheesecake it's the,definition of indulgent a tender and,chewy cookie crumble base a creamy,chocolate cheesecake center a rich and,mouth melting chocolate ganache on top,every bite is a mouth melting experience,okay so my mouth is watering this,product description is designed to,trigger your senses and manufacture a,serious chocolate craving and it,definitely did when writing product,descriptions make them vivid tip number,eight use social proof as multiple,social experiments have shown conformity,is an incredibly powerful driver of,human behavior sociologist Solomon Asch,actually proved this when he put a bunch,of people in a room showed them all the,graph of four lines and asked which was,longest B was clearly longest but when,actors who were in on the experiment,started saying C was a significant,amount of subjects were influenced to,change their mind,and conform with the strangers that same,psychological principle that draws us to,what's popular is equally present in the,world of e-commerce other customers are,some of your best salespeople we often,look to others for advice on products we,don't know about so leverage that by,including social proof elements such as,ratings and reviews from actual,customers here's another tip including,an image of a person can add credibility,to a testimonial it also makes an online,company more approachable and makes,customer relationships feel a lot more,intimate tip number 9 make your,description scannable people online have,a tendency not to read things but rather,scan things by now our social media,scrolling habits are firmly baked into,who we are,so package your descriptions with a,clear scannable design to make them more,appealing to potential customers for,example just take a look at this product,description by the be clean Juicery from,village Juicery immediately i know what,fruits and vegetables are in it the,vitamins it contains and that it's,popular all at a very quick glance if,you want to try this for your product,descriptions here are some immediate,areas to focus on entice your web,visitors with headlines rather than,using basic headlines like benefits you,sub headers that are more descript and,highlight specific benefits just like,nike did when their headline read,extreme responsiveness use easy to scan,bullet points because they give the,reader a feeling of making progress and,make reading copy feel a lot more,approachable they're also great for SEO,use plenty of whitespace and increase,your font size to promote readability,make it easy on the eyes,tip number 10 split tested the biggest,mistake entrepreneurs make is assuming,they know what customers want instead of,finding out for sure,writing marketing copy is especially,subjective even the smartest people in,the room often end up being dead wrong,your goal is running tests to break your,assumptions find out what works cut the,losses and keep the winners as,copywriter dan kennedy puts it customers,vote with their,let's apps like Optimizely make running,split tests especially easy right,different versions of product,descriptions that seek to test different,variables such as a headline be sure,only to test one variable at once so you,can accurately measure the result,against your hypothesis so there you,have it 10 tips for writing better,product descriptions and if you apply,these diligently you'll see increased,sales over time,always remember that product,descriptions are your last chance to,delight your customer so take the time,to make them great and don't forget to,subscribe to our channel because we're,going to be doing some deep dives on how,to put your online business into,hyperdrive

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