how to set up shopify alerts when something is sold

How to Setup Sales notification on Shopify with Booster Theme V5 in order to set up the recently bou

Booster Theme

Updated on Mar 31,2023

How to Setup Sales notification on Shopify with Booster Theme V5

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up shopify alerts when something is sold

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up shopify alerts when something is sold

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How to Setup Sales notification on Shopify with Booster Theme V5

in order to set up the recently bought,settings,scroll down click theme settings,scroll down again and click recently,bought,the recently bought settings is an,extremely cool feature,inside of booster theme it allows owners,of stores,to be able to sell more products easier,using something called social proof,social proof is a phenomenon that when a,user,sees that someone else has bought a,specific product,they're more likely to buy that product,as well,and even more if they have the,opportunity so that's something that we,definitely want to have,inside of our booster theme stores,so the recently bought settings begins,with this enable and disable,we could click right here and enable,the recently bought settings onto our,store,this recently bought settings right this,enable button,this is for web versions we also have,another enable button that we can use,for,mobile so if we decide to turn it on we,can be able to see it,but this down here is the recently,bought settings,you see and it actually lists out that,huey h,or whatever person you put has purchased,this product and it shows the product,it's really cool really useful,so if we click,this actually allows the user when they,click,to be sent to the actual product page,which is really cool,for customer retention we're not sending,them to a different place where they,could get lost,it carries them directly to a place,where they could be able to make a,purchase,really useful all right so in the,recently bought settings,we also have this collection we can,choose which collection we want to show,up,inside of the recently bought collection,so,making sure that this is enabled right,and if we want it to be enabled on,mobile that this is enabled as well,then we go down here select the,collection,and let's say we want the discounted,yoga pants collection,we select it and click select,and now that collection will be shown in,that recently bought,pop-up let's scroll down some more,it also has some instructions i don't,want to miss it says if no collection is,chosen,up to 15 best-selling items will be used,so even if you don't have this set up,right or you haven't chose a collection,it will still show some products,but now this collection is chosen that's,what's being shown below,see from the yoga pants section so now,we can mess with our frequency,how often do we want this to be shown so,we say,show every one second right that might,be a little bit too quick,so we can take this and move it maybe to,about let's say,10 seconds by setting this show every 10,seconds,it gives some users some time to scroll,a little bit before they see a pop-up,but you can definitely move this to,wherever you desire you can move it up,or you can move it down maybe four,seconds,but it's definitely a good idea when,setting this to make sure that you show,some sense of urgency right so the,sooner that they pop up is the more,urgency the,more you the longer that it takes for it,to pop up,it should it might not show that same,kind of urgency to your users,so something to know for the display you,can set how long you want this to be,shown,we have it right now for 13 seconds i,will maybe,bring it down a little bit maybe like 10,seconds,but you can definitely set it for,whatever you desire right,so let's now go down to the styling so,we can choose if you want it to be on,the left position,or on the right we could see that it's,on the left right now,and we'll see when it pops up see it's,on the left we could also move it to the,right if we want so i'll click the right,see so when it pops up now it's on the,right and i kind of like that so i'll,leave it here for now,we can change the background color from,white to you know whatever other color,we choose,or whatever color we desire we can,change the text color,from black to maybe whatever color goes,with our site,but i'm going to leave that as white and,it's black because i like how that looks,as we scroll down we could actually set,the border radius,so what that basically means is that we,can set how much,of a curve there is right now it's at,100 100 pixels,right that's what the px stands for but,we can actually drop this down let's say,do,50. see and we can see the difference,it's not as round it's a little bit,square still so see that's really cool,you can mess with the border radius to,make it up or down wherever you like,i'll leave it at 50 pixels for right now,for the image type,we can change how the image looks you,see that image how it's,kind of circular inside of there we can,change it where it has no border or we,can change it with width,so i'll change it with no border,two so if we look the image does not,have a border you can't see it inside of,that,right so see that's what this allows to,do right it doesn't have,it smooths out those edges it doesn't,necessarily um,have any specific styling on them you,see that that's with no border,so if we change it with with border,so see with border,you see how it looks right now right and,it says,that determines whether or not that will,that uh it determines whether or not the,image will have surrounding space,right so if you have with border you'll,have surrounding space if you have,without border,it won't have surrounding space so i'll,leave it as with border,so for names this is a really cool,customizable section,but right here you have a check mark if,you uncheck it it will remove that you,see how it says racquel r,it will remove that and it'll turn it,into somebody or excuse me into someone,right so you could remove this if you,want,see so when we uncheck it it says,someone here which might be cool if you,don't want them to be able to,see that there's a name attached to it,but if you want there to be that name we,could,click this and check it again right and,while that loads up,we can also change the name format right,so we saw a shortening name,before it was rockhill r right so it,doesn't show the full last name we could,leave it like that as shorten the last,name,or you see it shortened last name right,now it says y,we could change that to full name,right so when it pops up again you'll,see the full name or you can,show just initials i'm going to leave it,at full name,but it's cool to be able to have these,choices so you can choose which one best,works for your situation,see and now we have the full name but,where do these names come from,we could actually set a list of names,here so,if you have you know,any any person's names that you,specifically want to use you can be able,to put them there,so i could add a name like bob,jones and i'll make sure that it's,separated with that comma,and then now if it goes through those,names we'll choose a random name,and then we'll be able to see that name,in the pop-up that'll appear here,see we see augustina angelo and if we,look,augustina angelo right there so see it,goes down this list of names so you,could customize it,if you have somebody's names in,particular you want to use this would be,a good place to be able to put it,but make sure when you're putting the,names together that at the end of every,name you have,a comma in place see like how we added,one right down there,right so a comma to separate each name,so this is the recently bought settings,i hope you enjoy it,it's one of the coolest features in my,opinion because once they come directly,to your site they can bump right into it,and as they scroll it's something that,they'll see so it's something that will,attract your buyers,and be able to allow you to have more,sales thank you for watching this video,please refer to our help center for more,information

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