shopify how to send create customer account link

How To Redirect Shopify Customers After Login, Logout & Account Creation - 2022 FREE TUTORIAL shopif

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Mar 05,2023

How To Redirect Shopify Customers After Login, Logout & Account Creation - 2022 FREE TUTORIAL

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How To Redirect Shopify Customers After Login, Logout & Account Creation - 2022 FREE TUTORIAL

shopify world customers account on your,shopify store how to have them,and how to make sure they get redirected,to the right page,with some code let's just jump straight,in right now all right so,we are on the store page right,here and first and foremost i'm talking,about,the customer account page this now if,you don't have that yet installed,on your team no big deal just go to,settings,right here go to checkout in here you,can,activate or disactivate any accounts,for your customers so those are the,three options they're in settings,checkout as you can see i chose accounts,are optional and then this little,account logo shows up all right the next,step,is redirecting the accounts so once i,create an account i want to be,redirected to a certain page,if i log in i want to be redirected to a,different page and if i log out i want,to be,redirected to yet another page let's do,that right now with,some code first thing you're going to do,is you're going to go right here on,the online store section on themes,and you're going to click on action,duplicate i cannot stress enough how,important this is if you do not do this,step you're an idiot because if you make,a mistake,you're working on your life version and,then you can screw everything up,just make a duplicate work on the,duplicate version and if you make a,mistake just delete that duplicate,version,all right you got that part cool all,right once it is duplicate right,here you click on actions and you click,on edit code,welcome to the code editor now this,might look a bit intimidating but it,really isn't,right here on the left you're going to,click on theme dot liquid,and then you're going to look for the,body tag now this is a head,tag there's only two one opening and one,closing one,closing one should be right here and,this is the body tag,this is the opening when there is a,forward slash it means you're closing,attack so this is the opening,body tag and the closing body tag is,right here,so spacing doesn't really matter in,shopify so you can do that,uh as many times as you want we're going,to type tensor a couple of times,spacing don't really matter in code make,sure you're before,it's not here but here and then a,a piece of code here,so this is oh this is the little script,now i like to add some uh,notes for the future developer on it,a script for account,login redirect,and there we go,and then i indented and we save it,one thing that's very important to know,is that this will redirect to the,checkout,page so once it is completed you,probably want it to redirect,somewhere else so we're just going to,redirect it to the home page by removing,checkout,slash just a slash is the home or you,can do,collections or you can put the,url of any page that you want there the,important part,is let me show you for example to take,it,after your,you have the slash and then you take all,of this part,so starting from here you just paste,that there,what i typically would recommend is that,you do a welcome page,so for that we're going to first create,that welcome page pretty simple,you go into pages right here,you do add a new page,welcome thanks,for creating an account,you save this page,you view that page by clicking view page,right here,and then you take that url and that's,the url we're going to,use so when people create an account,they get redirected to this page,so again back to online store,copy of the butte action edit code,we're going back to the piece of code,that we have just pasted it's in team,dot liquid it's all the way at the,bottom right here,and instead of going to the collection,page we're going to go,to our newly created welcome page,and we save it cool all right that's,done now,i personally like people to have a warm,welcome so a little bit of confetti,maybe when,they come to the welcome page we're,gonna add that as well that's a little,extra here so far having that we're,going to go to the template page right,here,we're going to add a new templates we're,going to,choose pages,welcome create a template,this will make more sense towards the,end of the video you'll completely get,it,i promise you fitty welcome,scripts again a little comment so that,the next developer knows what he or she,is getting themselves into,we tap it and we save that all right,so the entire part that we just did,right now is when someone creates a new,account they get redirected to a welcome,page,and that welcome page will have a little,bit of confetti now let's do the other,scenarios what happens when someone logs,in well we want to redirect them not to,the same welcome page on congrats of,creating an account but,another page an account page for example,to make sure we redirect the login users,to the correct place,for that we're going to go right here on,the left,we're going to type in login and then we,have here,a template called customer login we,click on that one and then right here,you're going to look for the form,customer,login this one sometimes there is a no,validate behind it sometimes there,isn't so this is what you're looking for,as soon as you see,um this form customer login you know,you're in the right spot,you go all the way behind that line type,enter a couple of,times and then you're going to be,pasting the input line,again the exact code i'll provide it to,you at the very end of the video and so,here is the place where you can control,as soon as someone logs in where they,want to go,okay so currently with this code they're,going to the collection all page that's,maybe not ideal so make sure that you,so make sure that you save it so you,probably wanted to go to,pages slash account for example,and then you need to create the account,page right here in the pages and make,sure it has that url,anyway you can type in the url that,people want to go,when they log in right here and then you,just click,save all right and the last step is when,users log out you want them to redirect,them to a specific page,let's say for example on faq page so,we're going to go to,pages right here,we're going to create that faq page,maybe you already have it created maybe,you don't want them to go to the faq,page at all,i'm just creating it for the purpose,this is,an faq page,we made an entire video about faq pages,so make sure to check that out if you,want to,code your own save,we're going to take the url from that,page,we're going to go back to online store,right here copy of the butte,edit the code,all right so in the team.liquid again we,added this earlier,now we're going to add the other piece,of code right here for the log out,i'm going to just paste that right here,there we go i'm going to indent it just,to make it look a bit nicer,and here it says well when it log out it,goes to collection at all you can leave,that or you can go to somewhere else for,example,faq page pages dot,copy oh,yeah pages.faq we save that,boom all right perfect,now we're going to be putting our theme,alive because there is,one more change we need to do we're,going to go to online store,themes the version we have just worked,on because it last saved just now,actions publish are you sure you want to,publish this,ah yes i am thank you very much,then remember we did that confetti which,is a fun little extra i believe,you can go to pages if you want to,confetti you just have to make sure you,use the right templates we created the,confetti template,so you go to pages the welcome page will,have the confetti,so right here you can do in templates,you change yours to be the page.welcome,just a quick sidenote if you want your,faq or any other page to have confetti,you just go to that page and you switch,it to the page dot welcome,template and it will have confetti you,can do this with all pages,okay let's see how all of this looks we,can just view it right here,we go to our account we create an,account,andrew,econ experts dot io,to continue let me know that i'm not a,robot i am not,a robot i'm submitting it,and here is the welcome page perfect,um now,if afterwards um i'm here,i would like to log out where is it,going to bring me,it's going to bring me to the faq page,awesome,and if later i want to sign in i just go,in,experts dot io,i sign in and i'm on,thanks a lot guys all the code is below,if you just follow the first link in the,description that way you don't have to,pause the video and then kind of figure,it out and maybe do a typo so you just,go on the first link you copy paste,everything that's it,also if you like this there's a full,channel with shopify advice on coding on,strategy and app reviews,love it if you would give it a little,subscribe thank you so much and we'll,see you in another video

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