how to set up email automation in klaviyo shopify

Klaviyo Email Marketing for Shopify - Beginner Friendly Setup Tutorial hey there friends we are back

AOP Plus

Updated on Mar 05,2023

Klaviyo Email Marketing for Shopify - Beginner Friendly Setup Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up email automation in klaviyo shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up email automation in klaviyo shopify

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how to set up email automation in klaviyo shopify catalogs

Klaviyo Email Marketing for Shopify - Beginner Friendly Setup Tutorial

hey there friends we are back again with,another exciting episode of the aop plus,print on demand Academy today we are,talking everything about email marketing,because if you are not making 20 30 or,even 40 of your revenue from email,marketing you are not doing a good,enough job but don't worry I'm gonna,show you today how you can set up your,clavio email marketing software,integrate it with your store and start,making those extra email bucks so let's,get into it,so friends if you hadn't already,gathered we are going to be using clavio,which is our favorite email marketing,software it's also one of the most,popular ones there are other options the,principles will be the same but the,setup process might be slightly,different so to get started you can,either go to the Shopify App Store,search for clavio or you can click the,link that's Below in the description and,once you've installed that on your,Shopify store the setup process is,pretty easy so my store here sender name,my online store send your email address,we're just going to zip through this,okay so this is going to be your store,information it's going to help you it's,almost like a setup wizard okay it's,always going to ask you a couple of,survey questions don't worry too much,about these we just want to earn more,Revenue so it's sent an email,to activate our account,so once you've gone to your email,confirmed your email it'll open up in,this dashboard this nice looking clean,clavio dashboard so I'm going to give,you a really quick tour of this and then,we're going to sort of dive into some of,the more important settings,um and you know emails that you need to,have set up on your store so I'm just,going to close out of these tips clavio,themselves have great support and tips,and training and whatnot that you can go,through but let's just close that for,now so what we're looking at here is a,campaign is like a one-off email okay so,it might be you know a um a special,event it might be it might be Halloween,or it might be you know Veterans Day or,whatever the occasion is and you want to,go in there and just send a one-off,email or you might just want to do a,special sale on a particular product so,just one-off emails and campaigns so,what you can do is if you go into,campaigns you can create a campaign,email or SMS we're not going to cover,SMS today but that's great thing about,clavio they also do SMS so you can,create a campaign when you come in here,you just name the campaign choose who,you want to send it to okay I don't have,any uh people on this list for this,store this is my demo store but you can,see there's a heap of these what's,called segments so that's like different,sections of your email list and that's,getting a bit more advanced we're not,going to go into that today but this is,a great way you can use these powerful,email tool to really segment your buyers,and make sure you're hitting those,engaged people so we might just say okay,we're going to send it to new,subscribers again this is just a email,campaign and we continue to the content,and this is where you can choose drag,and drop which is probably the easiest I,recommend this so if we pick that and,you'll see it comes in here you can,either just go basic and have a one,column two column just these basic,looking emails which I like to start,with sometimes but there are also lots,of themed pre-designed emails that you,can pick and you can obviously put your,own branding on them so that's how you,do a well that's how you initiate a,campaign but we're not going to go into,that today you can play around with that,in your own time what I want to show you,now is just move on to what's called a,flow now these are your automations and,this is really where the money is going,to be made because you want to be able,to set up these automations or these,flows which is what clavio calls them,set and forget that's that's really what,you want to be doing so you know that,your emails are working behind the,scenes whilst you're doing other stuff,trying to grow your stores managing your,ads and all that type of stuff so what,we've got here is what's called a,welcome series now I highly recommend,you set up a welcome series I'm going to,show you how the how the email flow,dashboard and how it all sort of works,but I just want to give you a bit of a,overview of these so I welcome series is,essentially,um you know they've got templates here,but something that is going to warm up,your prospects or your customers when,they first get onto your list now that,might be telling about the brand,answering common questions frequently,asked questions anything to kind of,build that trust and you know make them,sort of know like and trust your brand,okay abandoned carts really really,important I've actually done a whole,tutorial on this which I'll make sure,pops up on the screen somewhere around,me here if you want to check that video,next this is when people go to the cart,they add something to cart they go,through the checkout process but they,don't complete it then they start,getting hit with these abandoned cart,emails very very important that you have,these set up now the next one I love,which I don't see many people using is,once someone is on your email list you,can actually track them and clavio will,know if they go and browse your store at,a later date and look at a particular,product but don't buy anything this can,shoot off an email saying hey noticed,you popped into the store did you love,this product What stopped you from,buying anything like that so it's like a,a reminder or it's like a you know it's,sort of,rekindling that love with your customer,they've gone and looked at something,they are already on your email list,that's why you've got their information,and clavio will automatically send off,an email to them and say Hey you are,checking out this t-shirt did you want,to finish purchasing it you know and,things like that so that's a great,little uh flow that you definitely need,to have set up a customer thank you now,if you're using Shopify you'll know that,Shopify always sends an order,confirmation but also what you should do,is send a thank you so the next day,thank you for your order here's some,important information about your order,plus did you know VIP such as yourself,get an extra 10 off any further,purchases so right there you can upsell,them and they'll go and buy something,else you'd be surprised how many do so,this customer thank you is great for so,many reasons now we're not going to keep,going through all the different flows,and ideas but they are really the main 4,or that you should have in place,so now something that's really important,is what we call sign up forms now we,definitely need to have something like,this on our e-commerce stores our,print-on-demand stores you absolutely,must be doing this don't be afraid of,having pop-ups they are very good at,helping you grow your list and obviously,you know bringing in that extra Revenue,just use them properly so in here you'll,see there's lots of different templates,already done for you okay so something,like this one's quite good subscribe for,coupon you'll see if you want to dive,more into multi-step email or SMS you,can clavio has everything you need now I,like this one to start with but again,it's going to be different for everyone,sometimes having a name is also better,it's a stronger quality lead or contact,but then sometimes just get grabbing,email is good enough so we're not going,to go into this strategy of that that is,something really that you need to test,over time okay but we're going to start,with this so we want to do a subscribe,for a coupon okay so you can customize,the name here you can choose a list that,you want to go on to so you might just,say newsletter or you might create a new,list we're just going to put these,people on the newsletter list you may,want to um create an actual list for,this you know say call it a 10 discount,list so you know kind of where they came,from,okay we're going to create form now you,see here it opens up a easy drag and,drop design and now this is how you also,design all of your emails as well I'll,just zoom out a little bit there so this,is actually how all your email templates,are designed which is really good so you,can just change this 15 off,um you know but I might say,this one here,when you join our VIP list,right now okay so you can play around,with the design you might put your logo,there or one of your products or,something like that all right so and,this is here is just the email you can,change the colors everything alright so,it's fully customizable so let's assume,that you've got your design looking,right you know there is you just play,around with all that spend as much time,as you want doing it but don't spend too,much time you're better off just getting,it up and running what you do need to,also consider is if we go go back you'll,see we were just in this little style,thing here over here just go done you,need to also set your targeting and,behavior okay so you can either show,this on page load you can show this,based on rules so when a customer is,exiting the page that one's not bad or,you can say show five seconds after page,load or show after scrolling 30 of the,page now exit intent pop-ups are less,intrusive I don't personally like to,show it as soon as the page loads if I'm,going to not do an exit intent so that,would mean that someone's mouth Scrolls,up to the top like they're going to exit,or switch to another Tab and it pops up,I usually give them sort of 10 or 15,seconds there for the page to load or,after they scroll 30 of the page okay so,and again you can play around with this,typically I don't like to do it as soon,as they hit on the page but you can put,a little bit of a delay then you can,change it up for desktop and mobile all,right again there's heaps of tutorials,online big experts and gurus like to,comment on this chevron's got a bit of a,different opinion but the whole point of,this is to show you what's possible and,you know have a look as well at other,big eCommerce stores and see what they,do and then you can try testing their,strategies too now let's just say in,this case I just want to say do a it's,an exit intent all right what you need,to do as well let's say we've got all,this design looking good you need to go,here to the success section and this,success section is like the thank you,and what you should do here to save,people having to go off your store and,go to their email looking for your email,to get their coupon make sure you,actually have the coupon code here and,here's another huge tip set up that,actual coupon code in your Shopify store,okay that's back in the settings so,whatever you've said here we originally,said 15 didn't we so make sure your,little thank you your success message,is true to what you offered in the first,email opt-in step then we want to say,you know I love IOP plus whatever you,know keep it something simple you might,instead say it's vip15 all right this is,the discount code or the coupon code,make sure you set that up inside your,Shopify settings as well very easy to do,but just make sure you do it otherwise,the code won't work and will go to waste,because people get upset their code,doesn't work they won't end up,purchasing but they will then enter your,abandoned cart,flow because you'll have already set,this up I would hope so that's how you,do it now over here you might not see,this on the right hand side of the,screen there's a little uh thing that,says draft and live you need to also set,it to live okay publish and publish and,that'll take it takes you over to your,Shopify store but you don't need to,worry about installing any code or,anything it's already done all right so,I've come back into my dashboard here of,clavio and I've gone into flows now I,want to set up a welcome series now this,is going to be the same principles for,all the different types of flows that,you want to set up like I said I'm not,going to go through each one but I do,want to just show you how this little,flow Builder works okay so this welcome,series setup let's just say that I want,to send it to people on the newsletter,list because if you remember that little,pop-up that I created sends people it,adds people to the newsletter list now I,should probably change that to something,different like the you know VIP 15,discount pop-up list or whatever but for,the purpose of this we know what we're,doing we know who these people are and,when we go in here so when someone,subscribes to newsletter so this is the,trigger so what that's saying is these,individual emails here,are going to start sending when this,event happens so that's great and what,we want to do is straight away this one,is going to send thanks for signing up,now the best thing to do here is to go,edit then you can actually edit the,email,and you can see this is very similar to,what we're looking at before where we,built that pop-up,um we'll just go not now,so you can sort of delete these in this,image here if you want delete the block,uh this one here,you might say,here's your discount code,discount code,and then here,we might go use the RP 15 to get your,exclusive discount,and then you might say here's some,information about us and how cool we are,and how we can help you so what I'm the,point I'm trying to make there is that,create this email,um you know it is it is a welcome email,and a thank you for joining our list and,here's your discount so create that,um you know with a bit of love and a bit,of thought behind it again look at what,other big brands are doing you can use,some ideas there save content done now,this here you can say the subject line,preview text who's sending it okay and,the email address you might want to,customize all that stuff but when we,click done we go back to this flow,Builder,you can see here the first email let's,just assume that's all done we're happy,with everything you actually need to,push it to live this is something that a,lot of people forget to do and they,wonder why things aren't working so,right now if someone enters their,details in that discount pop-up they're,going to get added to the newsletter,list then they're going to get this,first email now if we want to continue,this series which I highly recommend you,do you want to then say okay here's a,delay if you want to delay you can say I,want to send this to someone one day,later and then we go in here follow us,on social media we can go over here and,click edit and edit that email and then,you can just keep going keep building so,this year you can go clone this step,foreign,drag that down there then you can clone,this email and drag it down below you,can just keep going and like I said make,sure once you've done each email you,click on live so it is actually going to,start sending so there you have it,friends there is a super duper crash,course on how to get started with clavio,and your email marketing and all the,really important automated flows that,you need to have set up now I did do a,specific tutorial on this YouTube,channel about the abandoned cart flows,so you'll see that on the screen next to,me make sure you go check that out and,as always please like comment and,subscribe we rely on your support and,your feedback so we know what topics you,want us to cover next to help you sell,more on your print-on-demand store,thanks again for watching take it easy

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