when should i fulfill an order on shopify

How To Fulfill Orders On Shopify + Printful I'm excited for you you got your,clothing brand looking

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Updated on Mar 31,2023

How To Fulfill Orders On Shopify + Printful

The above is a brief introduction to when should i fulfill an order on shopify

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when should i fulfill an order on shopify catalogs

How To Fulfill Orders On Shopify + Printful

I'm excited for you you got your,clothing brand looking nice using,Shopify and printful as your print,provider and you started marketing your,clothing brand and guess what you got,some orders and now you want to know how,to fulfill these orders in this video,I'm going to share with you how to do,just that,what's going on,there with another video on this channel,we talk about make money online print on,demand how-to tutorials and reviews if,this is content you like give me a quick,Sonic Smash that like button destroy,that subscribe button make sure you hit,that notification Bell that way you,don't miss out on any future videos and,without further Ado let's move on with,the content all right you guys so right,here I'm on the dashboard okay Shopify,and as you can see I do have an order,but before I click on that order I'm,gonna actually click right here under,settings,okay and I'm going to show you guys,something right so I'm going to show you,guys two ways to actually do this right,the first way is obviously automatically,fulfill the orders line items with,automatic payment capture okay and the,second way is don't fulfill any of the,orders line items automatically with,manual payment capture okay so the first,one is automatically so I'm actually,going to go right here to checkout so,right here as you can see it says after,an order has been placed I have,automatically fulfilled the orders line,items clicked okay and the next thing,I'm going to show you guys is payments,right so as you can see right here to,the right payment capture I have it set,to automatic the customer's payment,method is authorized and charged,automatically okay you click manage and,click manually I'm actually going to get,to that here in a second now let's,actually click out of this let's go back,to this order okay and as you can see it,shows in progress right so it has been,requested so as you can see right here,in the timeline it's going to show you,everything the whole outline of what's,going on right so right here show,fulfillment of one item was requested,from printful and that right there shows,the piece of the clothing brand okay in,the service as you can see it's printful,and then the order confirmation email,was sent to your customer okay so,everything is pretty much all set right,and then you're gonna get all the,updates right here in the timeline of,your orders okay now we're gonna move on,to the second option okay whereas don't,fulfill any of the orders line items,automatically with manual payment,capture okay all right you guys so I'm,back here on my dashboard okay and I'm,gonna go right here to my settings and,I'm gonna go to checkout,just to show you guys and I haven't,clicked where it says don't fulfill any,of the orders line items automatically,okay now,and the next step would be to click on,payments and as you can see I have it,set to manual okay,and uh remember you can always check,that right here okay if you want it to,automatically capture payment for orders,you can click on automatically or if you,manually want to do it you can click on,manually okay so right here I have it,set to manual now we're going to go back,to orders okay,now as you can see there's an order but,there's a payment status that shows,authorized and there's a fulfillment,status that shows unfulfilled okay so,I'm gonna go ahead and click on it,so as you can see here you're gonna have,that piece of clothing brand sitting,right there okay the size all that good,stuff right you're gonna have this,section that says authorized and this,part right here that says capture,payment okay so what you're going to,want to do is capture the payment okay,so just click on capture payment you're,gonna hit accept now you're going to,want to click on request fulfillment you,want to let printful know that hey I,need this uh this order fulfilled and,that way they could be aware and get,that order to your customer okay and,then you can click right here where it,says send fulfillment request and as you,can see it shows in progress okay now,you're all good to go and you're gonna,get all that information right here okay,so right here is going to show you the,whole entire process okay with printful,you know how they're handling that order,okay and if they ship the order all that,good stuff right so guys that's pretty,much it that's pretty much how you can,fulfill orders using Shopify and,printful right now if you got your,clothing brand and your website also set,up okay your marketing game is on point,and you should be out there making some,really good money all right hopefully,this video was helpful and if this video,was helpful and you found value in this,video do me a quick solid smash that,like button destroy that subscribe,button make sure you hit that,notification Bell that way you guys,don't miss out on any future videos and,by the way go ahead and let me know in,the comment section below if this video,was helpful and I'll see you guys in the,next video thank you for watching

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