how to sell vitamins on shopify

Dont Sell Supplements On Shopify don't sell supplements on Shopify here's,why in early 2017 Shopify

Didactics with David Lopez

Updated on Feb 26,2023

Dont Sell Supplements On Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell vitamins on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to sell vitamins on shopify

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how to sell vitamins on shopify catalogs

Dont Sell Supplements On Shopify

don't sell supplements on Shopify here's,why in early 2017 Shopify payments,change their policy when it comes to,supplements what that basically means is,they decided to cut off all merchants on,their platform specifically using,Shopify payments from allowing them to,sell supplements on the Internet the,reason being is the company that,actually powers Shopify payments is,stripe and stripe due to pressure from,Visa and MasterCard decided to no longer,process transactions for the supplement,industry the reason why is because,credit card processing companies like,stripe are required to review supplement,products much like cosmetic products to,make sure that they're not making any,direct claims on the effects of those,supplements that are not backed by the,FDA or at least don't have studies that,can prove the direct claims and they can,cite that or they have a legal opinion,that the direct claims that they make,are legitimate those direct claims have,to be taken into consideration when,facilitating transactions for,supplements because cause a lot of,charge backs charge backs are basically,when a cardholder a consumer buys a,product if a whey protein guarantees,that you're gonna put on 20 pounds of,lean muscle and in three and three week,that's obviously gonna be a problem,because if you know anything about,health and fitness,I personally am really into health and,fitness you'll know that's basically,impossible so if you sell a product,guaranteeing that outcome you can,definitely bet a lot of people are gonna,call their bank and say hey I want my,money back you know you'll get lucky if,they call to get a refund on the product,the worst thing that can happen though,is that they call their bank or their,credit card company and say hey I want,my money back I bought this product it,guaranteed me 20 pounds of lean muscle,in three months it did not do that I,want my money back chargebacks are you,know one of the worst things that credit,card companies have to deal with when,facilitating transactions especially,over the internet Visa and MasterCard,require that credit card processors have,2% or below of a chargeback ratio per,transactions over their whole portfolio,of merchants that they facilitate,transactions for you know there could be,10 10,000 - you know hundreds of,thousands of merchants that credit card,processing companies like striped,process for on a monthly basis and if,they have a ton of merchant selling,products that are very prone to getting,chargebacks because of direct claims,well they're gonna get rid of those,merchants on top of the direct claims,that are not backed by the FDA that,supplements and the supplement industry,is known for making you know certain,shady companies do market their products,in a very dishonest manner we have to,also take into account the actual,ingredients in the supplements I've,talked about this in other videos if you,watch my other videos you kind of know,there's a database that the whole,credit-card processing industry is,required to use per Visa MasterCard,Rules,so it's called legit script and this,database has all of the flags that the,FDA has made when it comes to consumable,products topical products prescription,online pharmacies etc a supplement has,to be reviewed as far as the ingredient,and one by one every ingredient needs to,be logged into this database much like a,Google search that ingredient that needs,to be placed into a spreadsheet and if,there is a flag on that ingredient it,has to be listed and it has to be a,taking account for if the flag may or,may not apply to that merchants product,either because of the way it's being,marketed or if it's a red flag that,obviously can cause whether or not a,merchant will even be able to get an,account with a credit card processor let,alone with stripe so stripe basically is,a very big payment processing company I,would say probably 90% of the,transactions that flow through Shopify's,websites are done through stripe and we,all know how huge Shopify is there,probably I would say the number one,ecommerce platform out there there's,definitely you know big commerce Magento,but I'd say Shopify especially as of the,past three years is be kind of dominate,the you know entrepreneur internet,business sort of market because it is an,easy way to get set up to start selling,online and start your own online,business right basically has decided,it's easier to just turn down business,than to spend money to gather more,resources and hire more people to review,every single product being,through their platform and every single,ingredient and then go through all of,the marketing product labels etc to make,sure there's no direct claims being made,so early 2017 they started sending out,emails letting merchants know that they,had 48 hours to get a new credit card,processing solution I personally have,built a really good contacts throughout,the years I've been in this industry of,credit card processing for about seven,so Shopify has sent me a lot of these,merchants directly merchants that had,already been using the platform and,merchants just signing up to sell,supplements online now this problem is,not only with stripe or Shopify payments,this is with many credit card processing,companies many credit card processing,companies just flat-out do not want to,work with supplement companies it's too,much of a risk there's a lot of shady,stuff out there I mean there's,supplements that contain steroids,there's a you know pseudo pharmaceutical,you know ingredients that are actually a,steroid but they're masked and renamed,as something else there's a lot of,banned stuff by the FDA I mean there is,constantly I think monthly new and new,things that are being labeled steroids,there's you know constantly the you know,the database to legit script when it,comes to supplements and what people buy,in the health industry is constantly,growing so it's just way too much of a,hassle way too much resources need to be,allocated by credit card processing,companies in order to mitigate the risk,that they have when they facilitate,transactions for the supplement industry,if you're one of these merchants that's,wanting to sell supplements online and,you have any questions or you want help,there's three things that I can offer,you as far as getting you started with,your business or if you're already,running a business what I can help you,with now my email is gonna be on the,description box below as all my videos,do you can reach out to me via email and,I'd be more than happy to jump on a,phone call with you but one I can go,through your website and your product,labels and really see if there's any,direct claims that a credit card,processing company might have who would,even be willing to consider your,business type - I could definitely,assist or facilitate the product review,which we'll review every,ingredients and make sure there are no,flags now I'll kind of go over the flags,real quick because I missed it earlier,there are three major flags that you,need to be to be aware of one is just a,green flag means that it's a perfectly,okay to sell no no problem I mean,something like I think vitamin C is,probably green flag I would imagine the,second thing that is flagged is it's a,yellow flag a yellow flag means that,this ingredient is not an issue to to,consume and sell and buy it is an issue,however how this ingredient or product,set to contain this ingredient or,marketed I believe green tea extract or,green coffee bean extract is one for all,use for an example a lot of companies,have used that particular ingredient or,products containing that and made a lot,of direct claims on weight loss you have,to really be careful on how you market,weight loss it's a very problematic in,the supplement industry specifically,when it comes to getting subjects of,credit cards you can't make any direct,claims as far as how much weight you,might lose it becomes a very tricky,subject so you you know definitely you,have to be aware of that so that's the,yellow flag and the red flag is,basically a prohibited ingredient I mean,it might as well be illegal if you have,a red flagged ingredient on any one of,your supplements a credit card processor,that's willing to underwrite you or,review your website your products and,your business will not accept you if you,have a red flag ingredient so that is,something you definitely need to be to,know about that I can help out with that,I can definitely facilitate the review,of your ingredients and the third thing,is I can kind of talk to you about,credit card processing rates there's a,lot of things you need to take into,account credit card processors charge a,lot of money for high risk merchant,accounts because they have to cover the,cost and time that it takes for the,product review to be made for the,consultation of direct claims and a,marketing so that is something I can,talk to you about and give you kind of a,rough idea of what the cost might be,when it comes to that including,interchange so again reach out to me if,you want any help if you want to just,chat have any questions leave me some,feedback or comments and yeah hope to,hear from you soon this is didactics,with David Lopez

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