how to create a collection within a collection shopify

Shopify OS: 2.0: How To Create A Sub Collection Within A Collection (2022) what's up guys,uh mitch h

Clean Canvas

Updated on Feb 17,2023

Shopify OS: 2.0: How To Create A Sub Collection Within A Collection (2022)

The above is a brief introduction to how to create a collection within a collection shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to create a collection within a collection shopify

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how to create a collection within a collection shopify catalogs

Shopify OS: 2.0: How To Create A Sub Collection Within A Collection (2022)

what's up guys,uh mitch here for clean canvas along,with my dog jesse who a lot of people in,comments when they spot him in one of,the videos were demanding he appear on,more so he's had a nice haircut,yesterday and he's gonna help me make,this video right,yeah so in today's video we're going to,cover sub collections and how you set,them up now in os2 because they're a lot,different,i will say it's a lot easier as well,um if anyone remembers the older way,there you go jesse,uh the older way when you're making,collection lists you require to create a,page and then that page had to have a,template and if your theme didn't have,that template you were kind of a little,bit outlook or there are some,alternative ideas but now it doesn't,apply to that method anymore collections,are going to be built into themes,further built on os 2. so as long as you,have a theme that you can upgrade to os2,or you're starting with a theme,like one of ours all of ours are going,to have the theme template for creating,collection lists built into them so if,using any of our themes you're going to,be covered but the real cool thing is,and i'm going to go over the topics,right now that we're going to cover i'm,going to show you how to create a,collection list i'm also going to show,you the feature that people were asking,for in the past but you couldn't,actually do where you could create,a kind of tree like collection list,which is basically,you have a collection list that when you,click on one of the options inside it it,brings you to another collection list uh,before you couldn't do that without some,wizardry but thankfully it's so super,simple to do now with the os2 update so,i'll be going through that as well,also i'm going to explain to you about,shopify do have the collection list,option in there and i'll point out what,that's,going to be involving and then the other,thing i'll also cover it's because,currently there's no way to delete a,collection list template that we would,create um but you can and i'll show you,about that inside the code it's very,simple it just involves going into the,code and deleting it unfortunately,there's no option just to delete the,template inside the theme admin but,don't worry you'll know exactly what to,do because i'll walk you through,everything so without further ado let's,get back into this video i'm really,excited to cover it because the old,collection this video was one of our,most popular videos so hopefully we're,gonna make this one just as popular so,if you want to help out with that please,give us a subscribe and give us a like,and a comment to let us know how he got,on if there's any other questions around,os2 i'm going to cover as much content,as possible going forward so if you have,any suggestions please do let me know,just drop in the comments below me and,my dog jesse will check them out so,let's get into the video guys alright,guys so for today's demo i'm going to,use our showcase theme showcase has been,updated to 2.0 and i quite like the,collection listing views that showcase,has so i'm just going to use that for,the demo but i'm going to use a blank,slate showcase i'm not going to base it,off our demo store so pretty much uh,exactly how it would look if you're just,trialling showcase and you want to set,this up so we head into the admin and we,go over here and we click on collections,we don't click on collection list i'm,i'll go into that a little bit later and,it'll make sense why we click on,collections after explaining a bit so,here we're presented with an option for,default collection or create a template,so i'm going to click on create a,template i'm going to call it collection,list one,and just copy and save that here you can,select a template to base it off but we,only have the one template so we're,going to click on create template all,right guys so here we are on our,collection page and as you can see we,have our products showing we don't want,them to be showing so it's time to get,rid of them so here we have this option,where we can just hide,uh this section which is the collection,pages and now they're no longer showing,now it's time to add the collection list,so we click on add section and we click,collection list so here we can see we,have three uh collection options we can,choose from but i only want to have the,one just for the purpose of this demo,so i click on collection list here i'm,just going to add one to this here,because i like having everything,matching if possible you don't have to,but i just find it's easy to keep track,of everything if it's like that so we're,going to select the collection that we,wanted to go to when this button is,clicked so for that we go here well,first make sure you click on collection,and then over here click on you can,click on all products collection or,whichever ones you have now that's done,i like to click save and then now we,need to do is since we have our template,created,we have to now assign it to a collection,page so what i mean by that is if i,click here this will bring me over to,this collection,right now but i want to just go over,then to collections over here,and now we have the full list of my,collections but now i need to click,create a collection page,to apply that template to,so might be a little bit confusing,because it definitely was for me at,first,but um this will hopefully make sense so,now i'm creating the collection this,page,here i want to set this to manual,because i'm actually not going to add,any products to this and then here i'm,going to,set this to the template that i've,created now,big disclaimer at this point i want to,make you aware of you can only select a,template that is created in the,published theme right now,so what i mean by that is if i was in,so if i was creating these templates i,was creating them on not a published,live version of my theme,when i go then in here to select those,templates i won't actually see them,um i'm not sure why maybe shopify might,change this in the near future but you,can only select templates,that are seen or created on your current,publish theme so just keep that in mind,that if you're not seeing the templates,that you're creating it's likely that,you haven't published the theme,and you'll quickly need to publish the,theme then you can select the template,and then you can unpublish the theme if,you want to continue working on it,something i hope shopify might change in,the future but as for right now this is,just something that you might run into,and this is the reason why you're not,seeing them,so back on track i've created a,collection page and i've assigned the,template to it so we're all good so this,part of the story is done now,the next part of the story is what if i,want to create a collection list,that when i click on the option in it it,brings me over to another collection,list well,pretty much the same uh structure,so we go here we select collections and,here we can see the collection list i,just created but we don't want to click,on that we want to create our new one so,we click on create template,and we're going to call it collection,list two,here based on this is pretty cool now i,can select this and make it based on my,collection list one,if i had a lot of work done in this,collection list one and i want to just,basically create another collection,that's almost like it this saves me some,time so you can see here right now i,don't need to uncheck this because the,products are hidden if i had selected,the fall template i would have seen the,products and i have to do this but i,don't have to do this all i have to do,now is i can click on this and make sure,it's collection that's two it actually,is so that's perfect and now here i have,all products collection so what i want,to do now is i want to change this to,the collection that we just created so,if i look here i can see collectionless1,so if i select that click select so now,we have our collection list two that has,the option now to go to collection this,one,a feature that's in showcase which is,pretty cool i don't know if other teams,will have this as well but maybe,i have the ability if i didn't sign my,collection a featured image or if i did,and i don't like how it looks i rather,use something different i can just go,here and click on,the images i want to use for my,collection list so yeah now the only,thing left to do is assign this template,to a collection that we created so let's,just head over to our collections area,you can see here collection this one is,there,everything's good with it so i'm going,to call it collectionist2,set it to manual,look for my template,assign my template click save and now if,i go back here i'll click save here as,well before i do anything else just be,on the safe side so now i'm on my,collection list two which now points to,my collection list one when i click on,it which now points to my collection,when i click on it so we successfully,created a collection list pointing to,another collection that's pointing to a,collection,and from what i can see there's no,limitations on how many times you can do,that so it's a really cool feature,now,let's say uh you created a bunch of,collections and some of them you're,you're basically not running anymore and,you want to delete those templates,because you're sick and tired of seeing,them here now shopify currently don't,have a way to delete templates from,inside the admin you do have to go into,the code but it's actually not too,worrying um i'll show exactly what you,do,so make sure you do a,backup of your theme before you go and,delete anything in the code because you,always want to make sure that you don't,delete something,by mistake um keep in mind there are,some things that you might think you can,delete but i'll try and keep it simple,so here i can see collection list dash,two so i know i created two templates so,i did i created this one and i created,this one this list collections,i didn't create this this is actually,part of the theme so i know i don't want,to delete that and i can confirm that by,just going here and looking for the,names of the collections i created so i,click correct collection list2 and,collection this one so i know i'm just,looking to delete those so to delete,them i'll click i'll click delete file,and i'll do the exact same thing again,here for this one,i click delete file and that's the,templates deleted that doesn't mean that,the,the um collections themselves are,deleted so if i want to do that as well,i go over to collections and i'll just,click here and here,click more actions delete collections,and then they're fully removed so if i,refresh here now and i go to look at,those templates i should no longer see,them or if i see them for a second it,just means that it hasn't fully updated,now it's updated and they're gone,um but yeah so like i was saying you do,that all in the collections because,you're creating collection pages for,them the collection list is just the,default shopify collection list it's,basically the same as going to any of,your pages and just typing in,collections,and you just see the list here so if,you're just looking to have one list,then you could just get away by doing it,that way,and you can select the in showcase,anyway at least you can select the,pages you want to see so here it's,showing,these are my collections it's showing,but if i want to have an option to,select the ones i want i can do that i,can set the number of rows i can even,set um here we have the option to set,the,portrait mode so if i want to see,everything in portrait mode i can do,that,so um yeah that's pretty much how to,create,collection lists and also how to link a,collection list to another collection,list and then also,how to delete your collection list like,i said keep in mind um you can only,assign a template um as long as long as,the theme that you're working on is,published so just keep that in mind,because it can happen where you go and,try and look for the template and you,don't see it it just means that you,haven't assigned it,because you can't because the theme,isn't published alright guys thanks very,much for watching the video i hope it,was informative and i hope you were able,to create your collection lists and,collections inside collections and also,to delete them if you need to,we're going to be making more content,around os2 because there is a lot going,on it is a very interesting editor to,play around with and there's a lot of,things you can do that might be apparent,at first so i have a couple of video,ideas planned along the lines of how to,create filtering now because it's,completely changed,and also i want to do a os2 kind of,newbie guide because i feel like someone,coming into it for the first time might,get a little bit overwhelmed and may not,know what to do,so that video will come as well,um but yeah thanks very much for,watching do give it a like and subscribe,if there's comments that you want to,leave like questions or also,ideas you have around content please let,us know because we'll be happy to get,some inspiration from you because here,the community that we,uh appreciate for you guys stick around,and we want to make content that you,guys enjoy watching so again thank you,very much

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