how to sell my amazon book on my shopify store

Selling Low Content Books On Shopify - How To Set Up A Shopify Store, Shopify Tutorial For Beginners

My Freedom Empire

Updated on Mar 10,2023

Selling Low Content Books On Shopify - How To Set Up A Shopify Store, Shopify Tutorial For Beginners

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell my amazon book on my shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to sell my amazon book on my shopify store

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Selling Low Content Books On Shopify - How To Set Up A Shopify Store, Shopify Tutorial For Beginners

in this video i'm going to set up a,shopify store to sell low content books,welcome to my channel my name is,caroline and today i wanted to start a,little,case study a little experiment of sorts,a little while back i did a video all,about my kdp account getting,accidentally terminated and while i did,get it back and amazon admitted that it,had been terminated by mistake it did,get me thinking about how little control,we ultimately have over business a,business that we run on kdp or on amazon,at all no matter how much we try to,follow their rules and i also have,talked about perhaps finding some,different places,where i can sell low content books so,that i do have the potential for other,streams of income from selling low,content books just in case anything were,to happen that would mean we would have,to stop selling these kind of books on,amazon on kdp plus i also talked about,wanting to have more printing options,in particular some more premium higher,quality printing options which you,currently can't get from amazon so for,2022 i have decided to experiment with,setting up an online store with shopify,and selling low content books on a,standalone online store so hopefully i,will have lots of videos coming up in,the future about this about this little,experiment that i'm doing,and the process of setting this business,up and sharing any progress that i have,if any fingers crossed i do and if you,do decide to set up your own standalone,online store as well at the same time as,me well then hopefully we can go through,this together and hopefully we can all,see some success with this so with that,being said first of all who am i going,to be partnering with to create these,books i'm going to be partnering with,lulu i did a video not too long ago,about lulu and about creating spiral,bound books with that platform and it is,a print on demand platform just like kdp,so you upload your books to their,platform and they will only print your,books as you sell them so i like lulu,because they have some really really,great premium options for creating books,which i'm particularly interested in,plus they do also integrate with shopify,which means that the whole order process,so the process between a customer,ordering a product from my online store,and the process of me ordering that,through lulu is all automated i don't,have to do anything manually to process,the orders so you will see all that when,i start setting up the shopify store so,today's video this video is going to be,about that first basic initial setup of,the shopify store i will be sharing the,url and the name of the store so you are,welcome to go,see it and look at it and just see the,progress that i'm having with it and i,really do hope that no one goes out,there and just blatantly copies what i,do you can still do this with your own,original ideas i'm just sharing it to be,really transparent and it is nice to,actually see what someone is doing when,they are,talking about doing a series of videos,on a particular website or an online,store it is nice to actually be able to,go and see it and see what they're,talking about because it is a standalone,online store the competition with each,other isn't going to be there like it is,with kdp but that aside the first step,is to choose a domain name or a website,address for your online store now i,don't spend a lot of time anymore on,choosing domain names i have registered,hundreds of domain names over the years,and back in the day it was important to,select something that was seo friendly,meaning,giving you more of a chance to rank,higher in google's search results but,that doesn't really work as well as it,used to plus,there is a real struggle these days to,find a domain name that is actually,available so you are probably going to,have to get creative,when you are trying to register a domain,name if you are going to be setting up a,shopify store so my suggestion here is,just don't spend too long trying to come,up with a domain name try to come up,with something really simple easy to,spell try not to fill it with hyphens so,if the domain name that you want isn't,available you pop little hyphens between,each of the words that can get really,messy so try to avoid doing that and try,not to get too creative in terms of,trying to change around spelling of,words and things like that if the phrase,the word or the phrase that you want,isn't available you still want to make,it easy enough for people to be able to,spell out without getting confused,as to what your actual domain name is,and also try to get a dot-com domain,name if you can,there are lots of different extensions,available out there at the moment for,all sorts of different types of websites,but com is still the most recognizable,and popular type of,domain extension so do try to go for com,if you can i purchase all my domains,from namecheap they have really good,prices and include free privacy which,means that when someone does a whois,lookup on your domain they can't see,your private information such as your,address and your telephone number so no,matter where you end up getting your,domain from make sure to add privacy if,you don't want people to know your,private information now the domain name,i chose was,,and do not ask me how i came up with it,like i say i didn't put a huge amount of,time into thinking about it don't often,register domain names with my name in it,and i sort of came up with the idea of,sort of like at the end of a letter or a,note you write love whoever it's from so,love from caroline almost because i'm,going to be creating notebooks and,journals and i feel like it's sort of a,note writing letter writing sort of,niche i don't know and then also because,i had the idea of something being,created with love by me for my customer,so that's where love caroline came from,and of course that wasn't available love,caroline i mean wasn't available so i,popped the word shop in front and i was,happy with that next up i need to start,a shopify store as with everything i,would just like to say that this isn't,the only way to set up an online store,in the past i personally have used,woocommerce within a wordpress website,to create an online store but i actually,want something that is just super easy,click and play plug and play type of,thing and also because if any of you do,want to follow along shopify is the,easiest in terms of not needing any kind,of technical knowledge to set up the,online store the hosting is all included,so you don't need to be setting up,hosting and everything like that too so,that's why i've chosen shopify and of,course because of the lulu integration,with shopify 2. so we're just going to,go through the process of setting a,shopify store up in this video this is,basically the main page of the shopify,store we will be starting a free trial,because that's how you start any shopify,store with this platform to start a,shopify store and to start that 14-day,trial of shopify you do need an email,address you can get your email address,just from gmail or something like that,if you want namecheap also do have,options to purchase an email account as,well they're very affordable in my,opinion so if you wanted a custom email,as in for example my email address is,hello, if you want one of,those dedicated type of email addresses,then you can just sign up here with,namecheap or any other kind of hosting,service provider if you are happy just,to have a gmail account you can do that,too that's totally up to you so i'm just,going to enter in my details here,and it's pretty straightforward so we,just answer the questions that they ask,going through,then we just need to go through and add,some personal information and probably,our payment information will be coming,up so i'm just going to fill that out,now okay so that's all we needed to get,the 14 day free trial going we don't,actually have to enter any payment,information in just yet just popping up,popping in my address business,information that sort of thing was all i,needed and now we have an active shopify,store you can see how very quick and,simple and easy that was from there if,you want to wait to the end of the,14-day trial that is fine if not you can,select a plan now and we'll just get an,idea of the different shopify plans that,are available so here we have a basic,shopify plan a,shopify plan and advanced now to start,with i will be just going for the basic,shopify plan i don't need to add staff,members locations and things like that,the biggest difference between the plans,are going to be the amount of fees that,you pay for the payment processing that,gets done through shopify so you can see,there that on the basic plan payments,you're going to pay a 1.75 percent,fee plus 30 cents on domestic which is,your local orders and then any,international orders are going to have a,2.9 with a 30 cent fee whereas when you,go up to that next plan that 79 a month,your fees reduce less so you're paying,less fees with the amount of orders that,you're having so to start with the basic,plan is going to be sufficient yes,you're going to be paying a little bit,more in terms of fees but obviously,you're not going to be having as many,orders at the beginning so as the,business grows which hopefully it will,when the amount that you're paying in,fees outweighs that monthly cost that's,when you can go up into the next tier of,membership where it might save you more,money in only paying 79 a month but,having the reduced fee so hopefully that,makes sense but to start with i'll just,be having that basic shopify plan until,we see how it all goes now if we scroll,down here on the dashboard it has all,the things that you sort of need to do,to get started you can go through,shopify's apps to find any kind of drop,shipping apps if that's what you're,planning on doing you can go through and,customize your store template add domain,set up payments things like that so if,we click on add domain that is what i,want to do because i have the custom,domain that i want to use i don't want,to be using shopify's we want to connect,an existing domain,enter it in,click next so to connect your domain you,need to log into your provider's account,and change your settings follow the,provider step-by-step instructions to,get started so we click on those,instructions and we will look at how to,connect to a third party so the third,party is where you have your domain now,this is the part where it can get a,little bit technical but if you have no,clue what any of this means just contact,namecheap they will be able to support,you through updating these changes if,that's where you buy the name name from,if you've bought it from somewhere like,godaddy or one of the other places,shopify lists then you can just click,auto an automatic connection i've gone,through namecheap so i just have to,update these records manually so,basically in my account area for this,particular domain name we look at the,instructions it just says we need to,change the following records so we need,to point an a record to the shopify,address so we head over here to advanced,dns if you just drop this little,template down it actually gives you the,option to automatically fill out the,shopify information so if you just,select shopify it will automatically,fill out the a record and the cname,record as per,the shopify instructions so it's,actually quite simple and very easy to,do actually so you don't really need to,have any kind of technical info just go,to your domain manage your domain click,on advanced dns and change the dns,template to shopify and it will pre-fill,everything for you so that was very easy,now if we head back over here to shopify,i'm going to verify the connection it,can sometimes take a little while so it,might not verify correctly right now but,i'll do it anyway if you do the same and,it doesn't verify sometimes it can take,a little while so don't stress if the,connection isn't immediate just keep,retrying so although it's saying that it,was successfully successfully connected,it is saying not connected down here so,it can take as it says up to 24 hours,for the changes to take effect i will,just keep checking on this later on,throughout the day and if by this time,tomorrow perhaps it hasn't verified then,maybe i'll look into it and see if,there's an issue or something but as the,updates that i did were very,straightforward that should verify,within the next day,okay i just actually did it again,literally 30 seconds later and it is now,connected so the connections verified my,domain which i purchased my custom,domain is connected to shopify and at,this point if we click on the actual,domain name it just goes to this opening,soon page where it's sort of just like a,placeholder for the online store waiting,for us to set the online store up and so,that's the basic,very first initial setup of your shopify,or of my shopify store from here i would,be going to look at some themes to see,if i wanted to choose a theme for my,store i don't know personally how,important themes are in terms of are,they going to affect your sales,personally i don't think a theme is,going to affect whether your store is,successful or not i don't think you're,going to make or lose a sale based on,your theme as such i do think a theme,can give you some sort of credibility,almost or just a more professional look,to your brand and the main thing you,want out of a theme is for it to be,functional you want to make it so that,the customer has no problems with their,order process so going from browsing to,adding a product to cart to paying for,that you do not want there to be any,issues you do not want there to be any,buttons that they,have to click,extra in order to get to the payment,part the less times a customer needs to,click to get through to paying for,something the better because the more,times they have to click through,something the more likely they're going,to just get sick of it and just leave so,the main things i think that you want,with a theme is to make it quick to load,easy to use good functionality and easy,for the customer to get through the,order process in order to be able to pay,for their products you have the options,of choosing a free theme or a paid theme,so on the shopify themes website they,have the option of free themes or paid,if you don't have a budget or you do not,want to pay for a theme just go through,the free themes and see see what they're,like and see what functionality they,have see if they've got the look that,you want in a theme if you do want to,purchase a theme some places that i,suggest is theme forest they have a,really great selection of affordable,shopify themes and i think it's probably,one of the more popular places to buy,shopify themes from you can see here,that they have reviews and ratings you,can see how many sales they've had and,so you can go through and choose one,that suits what you want your store to,look like and what kind of functionality,you want it to have somewhere else,that's always good to purchase themes,from is creative market we just hop in,there and search for shopify,themes you'll see what comes up and you,can purchase one from here as well if,buying one is something that you want to,do so i will probably spend some time,looking through some themes choosing a,theme and in the next video so next up,i'll be working on customizing a theme,that i chose for the store creating a,brand so things like picking colors of,the brand the feeling that i want,customers to have when they're on the,store designing a logo and setting up,the main basic pages things like the,about page the contact page the policy,pages which you have to have they are,built in there are some built-in ones to,shopify policy pages i mean things like,needing to have shipping policy a,returns policy just terms and conditions,on using your website and any sort of,policies you want to have in place for,customers when they do actually purchase,from you and if there's any kind of,problems how you want to handle them and,things like that so that's going to be,all in the next video if you are going,to be setting up a shopify store too,please let me know down in the comments,and if you would like to share the url,of your store if you feel comfortable,doing that please do that because i,would love to go and see your progress,if you are going to be following along,with this case study if you did like,this video and you are excited for this,upcoming series please let me know by,giving the video a thumbs up and i will,see you in the next video

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