how to remove enter using password shopify

Remove 'Enter Password' link from Shopify Debut Landing Page so in this video I am going to show you

The Shopify Chick

Updated on Mar 09,2023

Remove 'Enter Password' link from Shopify Debut Landing Page

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove enter using password shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to remove enter using password shopify

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how to remove enter using password shopify catalogs

Remove 'Enter Password' link from Shopify Debut Landing Page

so in this video I am going to show you,how to remove the intro using password,this button are this toggle that allows,you to enter the pass,enter into your store um because once,you've created your store or you've set,up your Shopify account one of the,things that you want to do is make sure,that you have a landing page enabled,which is essentially a password,protected page in Shopify that allows,you to continue to capture email,addresses so what we're going to do in,this tutorial is remove this section,here in following tutorials we'll,actually I'll actually go through and,begin to remove this section here and,show you how to format this page um such,that it looks prettier than what it does,now alright so let's get started one of,the things that you want to do that I,like to do when it comes to inspecting,my Shopify page is in chrome there is,this inspect tool and inspect allows you,to actually look at the HTML and CSS,behind your theme and um granted that,this is kind of like an over technical,piece to this video I am a techy person,and I like to educate where I can um let,me make note that I am using the debut,theme alright so this is one of the free,things from Shopify if you're using,another theme you can follow along I,will do the same video for pop for the,pop pane if you're using something,different,definitely posted in the comment section,and I'll see what I can see what I can,do about getting a video recorded but,what you want to do,with inspect inspect allows you to see,the different areas of your theme it,also allows you to change things within,the HTML and CSS and CSS stands for,cascading style sheets and essentially,what it does is it makes the page the,font and the layout presentable right,hTML is just the content CSS is the,structure of that content and so in this,case I want to use CSS that help me,identify in my code where I need to make,the change just that simple um there is,this little arrow it pointing to a box,here in the pointer in the corner if you,click it and it highlights to blue then,now you can hover over different,sections of the page you see how it,highlights and as it highlights it drops,down to different areas of the HTML and,this window here um so I want to hover,over this intro using password ok this,button here I'm an actually some link,and so this gives me an idea as to what,code I need to change to get rid of this,now I'm not a fan at least for the three,things of just deleting code right away,I like to comment things out so the,comment um code for HTML is this follow,so I'm looking here I entered Pat using,password I'm going to take out this,entire div or this section so I'm going,to right click and do edit as HTML and,somebody hit enter and to comment out a,section of eight HTML you want to do a,less than sign exclamation point and two,dashes okay and I don't know if you can,tell from my screen this now is,highlighted to green the color has,changed to green up here you see it's,kind of lavender or purplish,some type of burnt orange and blue you,see it's much more colorful here but,when I coming out of section similar to,what you see here it turns to green and,I want to capture this entire from this,div to this closing div fetch - greater,than okay and then I'm going to hit,enter and now you see it's gone okay,now understand that any changes that I,make in this window it's temporary,right it's for the sake of the session,so I know that I know that I need to,comment this out I know what to do now I,just need to find it and if I click,refresh it's going to come back ok all,right so now let's jump over into,Shopify and we're actually going to edit,the HTML and CSS behind the scenes,understand that this is just the Shopify,as a content management system it's,layout as is in directories and the,liquid files link to each other I'm some,of them do um but that's not the topic,of this discussion so I know for this,theme and all things are not structured,the same so if you go into your back-end,and you only see theme that liquid then,that's how your thing the structure your,theme does not have a separate password,file it may have a password section that,ties to a snippet right but for this,thing we have password that liquid okay,and this password that liquid let's see,if I go back and I should not opposed to,so early go back to my inspect tool let,me highlight this section the stiff as,the password - login and here it is here,within the password that liquid file,this password - login so I am going to,go above come to the stiff right one of,the things good things is see I,highlighted this tip that I want to come,and out it showed me the opening and,closing line right are the open and,closing element are open and closing tag,alright um so for this element I'm going,to do a less than exclamation point two,dashes I want to click enter,oops enter I want to indent that such,that it's easy to read come to my,closing give and new dash dash greater,than right and it's okay if this is,highlighted to green that's fine um this,is a dot liquid foul it's not about HTML,file so the highlighting and coloring of,certain keywords it's okay all right,it's a part of the interpreter and I'm,going to click Save,so my password that liquid file has been,saved I've removed the commented out the,section that's responsible for showing,on the password so let's see what,happens get it work it work it work,let's refresh,and it's gone yay okay so this is how,you remove the inter password link from,your password protected page and the,debut theme in my next video I am going,to show you how to do the same thing in,top thanks

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