how to change shopify shipping address

How To Set Shopify Check-out Settings & Shipping Zones now we are going to be talking about,checkout

AutoDS - Automatic Dropshipping Tools

Updated on Jan 29,2023

How To Set Shopify Check-out Settings & Shipping Zones

The above is a brief introduction to how to change shopify shipping address

Let's move on to the first section of how to change shopify shipping address

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How To Set Shopify Check-out Settings & Shipping Zones

now we are going to be talking about,checkout settings and shipping zones,when you combine this lesson with the,previous lesson your customers and your,viewers will have a very smooth checkout,process when trying to buy from your,store which is exactly what we want,so on your shopify dashboard go ahead,and click on settings and then click on,checkout the first option that you want,to look at is customer accounts you can,go ahead and leave it as disabled or you,can go ahead and choose accounts are,optional i do not recommend to go with,accounts are required because you don't,want to tell your viewers hey you have,to create an account on my website,before you check out many do not want to,create accounts they just want a simple,and fast checkout process,next you can choose if you want the,customer to check out using either a,phone number or email,or by only using an email address in my,opinion the email address is more than,enough but if they add phone numbers,they will get order updates by smses and,not just through emails so go ahead and,choose whatever is most comfortable for,you here i would go only with the email,option because once again it's more than,enough and it gets the job done next on,the receive shipping updates go ahead,and choose the first option the customer,can choose to add a phone number or,email to receive shipping updates after,they complete their order instead of,having them download an app to see,what's going on and you have to be a us,resident to use that so it's not,comfortable for everyone so the first,option is good next on the form options,you should require a first and last name,since you don't want any problems with,the delivery process with the shipping,company on the company name you can,leave it as hidden or as optional but,definitely do not make it mandatory so,either hidden or optional address line,two should also be optional,shipping address phone number is,definitely not a must so you can go,ahead and leave it as hidden and now you,can go ahead and leave the rest of the,options as default because they are good,enough for what we need so once we're,done with that go ahead and click on,save and that's it concerning the,checkout settings,now let's move on to the shipping zones,back to the shopify dashboard click on,settings,and then click on shipping and delivery,the reason that we need to create a,shipping zone is to tell shopify which,countries we want to sell to and so that,our viewers will be able to get free,shipping or a shipping cost of whatever,we want so a shipping zone is a must so,once you are here click on manage rates,now here you'll notice on a default,setting you are shipping from your local,address which you have registered to,shopify with on your shopify profile and,you're also shipping to the same country,that you're from and obviously this is,not what we're here to do and this is,exactly why we need to set these,shipping zones so what you need to do,now is open your settings in a new tab,and here instead of using the default,location we're going to go ahead and,click on add location,and this is going to be the name of the,location where your products are,shipping out from so we're just going to,go ahead and call it us warehouse,now in the address field you're going to,have to have an address a valid and real,address from the us now to help you with,this in the resources pdf that you have,for this course there is a file over,there with a whole bunch of us addresses,in new york to help you out with these,addresses so go ahead and copy any,address for example this one 13,washington square south paste it over,here in the address and as you can see,there's a drop down menu so go ahead and,choose any address this way we'll know,that it's valid and this way it also,simplified the process it shows the,correct city in the state of,massachusetts with the zip code and,that's good enough let's go ahead and,click on save and now we have a location,which we can set our shipping zone from,and have any resident in the us buy from,our store so now let's head back to the,shipping menu that we were on before now,on the shipping from click on show,details,manage the one that's not relevant,remove it and click on done now we have,the address that we do want to use the,us warehouse that we just created on the,settings locations on the shipping zone,we're going to click on the three dots,and delete it the shipping tool,now we're going to create our own,shipping zone so the zone name is going,to be called,ship to usa for example,and in the country go ahead and add the,united states,click on done and now shopify will allow,anyone that's coming from the united,states to our site they will have the,add to cart and buy now options because,we told shopify that we want to ship to,all of the 62 countries in the united,states now we're going to click on add,rate,we're going to call it,free shipping,and the price is going to stay on zero,dollars because we want to offer free,shipping just as we are getting them,from our suppliers go ahead and click on,done so once again now everyone from the,united states can buy products from your,store because they will see the add to,cart and buy now options anyone outside,the united states can still go to your,site they can still view your products,and their prices but they will not have,the add to cart and buy now options if,you want to add those countries just add,them in your shipping zone so once you,save them that's all there is to it you,have created your shipping zones so,that's it when it comes to your checkout,settings and your shipping zones this is,exactly how you guys can get those two,features done and now our viewers will,have a very smooth checkout process,without any problems or interruptions,guys i'm really glad that you made it,this far i know that the past couple of,lessons were not the most interesting,ones but you see how important they are,to run your business smoothly and,efficiently but don't worry you're going,to love the next lesson your assignment,for this lesson is to configure your,checkout settings and your shipping,zones and i'll see you in the next,lesson where you will finally go live,with your store you worked really hard,up until now i'm proud of you and i'll,see you in the next lesson where we are,finally going to go live

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