how to link amazon fba to shopify 2018 reddit

How To Rank For Keywords On Amazon Using Reddit Ads - 3 Strategies STEP-BY-STEP AMAZON FBA TUTORIAL

Adam Heist

Updated on Mar 19,2023

How To Rank For Keywords On Amazon Using Reddit Ads - 3 Strategies STEP-BY-STEP AMAZON FBA TUTORIAL

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How To Rank For Keywords On Amazon Using Reddit Ads - 3 Strategies STEP-BY-STEP AMAZON FBA TUTORIAL

are you looking for unique ways to drive,external traffic sure Amazon listing to,spiked ranking in this video I'm gonna,look at three different strategies using,red and ads that I've used to,successfully launch products on Amazon,and if you're tired of crappy Facebook,rebates losing you money,make sure you stay through the end to,see the last strategy here we go I've,built and led multiple 70 parens on,brands now I'm setting out to share how,I did it with radically transparent with,detailed weekly videos join the journey,with you and Gregg premium welcome to,Heist okay so let's go over my shoulder,and create these three different ad,types using reddit ads for the,unacquainted this is basically reddit,com,it's one of the most popular news and,interest oriented websites on the,Internet,worldwide and so you've got kind of a,home page here which will list the most,popular topics on reddit so this is,gonna be a lot of new news items or kind,of key things happening in the day that,you're looking at this but what's really,cool about it similar to Facebook groups,or interest targeting or forms on the,internet that oriented around niches,there's sub reddits or directories,within this main platform of Reddit com,we're very hyper focused niches or,interest groups can go to find articles,about things that they care about so,let's use you know we're coming into,summer let's use darting as an example,there's a ton of like passionate,gardeners it's a passion based niche,which I like it on Amazon let's just,assume that we're gardener and we were,on reddit calm so if we go to gardening,let's a subreddit there's basically 2.6,million members that are interested in,gardening and that basically flagged,this as an interest that they like to,come to is a subreddit and when you come,into here you can kind of see here,there's 2.7 million members there's over,two thousand online right now and this,is gonna list all of the top posts of,the day that are oriented around this,gardening subreddit so if you kind of,scroll down here you've basically got a,green house now here's what's,interesting and what we're going to be,targeting with this exam,as you see here that there's this,promoted it's pretty subtle but there's,a promoted to you thing here and then,this is basically an ad so it's you know,as you scroll down the feet of post for,the day there's an actual ad here which,will highlight an offer and we're,basically gonna go in and create one,here so let's show you how this looks to,create one so you're gonna come into ads,dot you're gonna create an,account you got a sink a credit card and,validate your email all that fun stuff,but once that gets sorted out and it's a,couple minute of process to get signed,up you can basically create a campaign,so if you've ever run a Facebook ad this,is very similar to Facebook Ads but,instead of typing in an interest within,Facebook you're looking at a subreddit,interest within Reddit so we'll go ahead,and create a campaign and can over go,over my shoulder here so let's call this,kind of gardening launch there's a bunch,of different ways or behaviors that you,can target so you can look at reach,traffic conversions video views app,installs I typically do this conversions,one right here which is kind of oriented,more around people with buying intent or,that have shown an interest in buying,products and they've got pixel data very,similar to what Facebook has to track,those kind of behaviors and what kind of,start off from there again we'll just,kind of call this gardening launch,gardening product launch so here's an,important area you can basically select,the location so all those 2.7 million,members aren't all going to be within,the United States so I'm going to target,the United States here if you're doing a,uk-based launch or a germany-based,launch or Japan any of those regions you,can target within the within the group,here so I've targeted in the United,States and then again communities so,this is the subreddit that I was talking,about gardening so I'm gonna come in,here and it looks like there's 500,000,members within the United States that,are fans of that gardening subreddit so,that's what I'm gonna select here and,know basically sure this daily,impression so I'm gonna have the,opportunity to tap into north of 580,thousand eyeballs a day with my,particular ad you select a budget you,can select a bit amount kind of similar,to Amazon,click this 50 cents isn't gonna be what,you're gonna bid every click it's gonna,be a maximum of 50 cents so if they can,find an opportunity to bid below that,this this ad platform will find bids no,more than 50 cents but many of the,averages will be be less than that I,think most of my campaigns run around,that 40 cent range per click and then,basically run continuously and then hit,continue and then you basically get into,the actual creative so you can either do,a link based post or URL based post that,clicks through to something or you can,do a video post I typically do these,link based the base posts so let's kind,of find an actual example on Amazon of,what what a product might be that we may,want to do I don't know what people buy,there's gardening bag let's look at,gardening bag so let's say you're,passionate about gardening and you want,to get your bag for the summer just for,fun let's actually see what this this,market looks like,okay so the average revenue for products,in this niche is just shy sixteen,thousand average reviews is 380 you know,what this is actually a pretty decent,product so there's a product idea for,somebody if you want to sell a gardening,bag but let's kind of come down here and,find this one's kind of super colorful I,like that let's see cool so this one's,actually pretty cool let's let's pretend,that this is our product for this ad,just download this image about it being,about a bang okay sweet alright so let's,just pretend that we're doing like a 50%,off launch so this product is is 44,bucks let's say for this launch that,it's let's say we make it 30 bucks and,the average price is 59 so let's like,without even a coupon code let's assume,that we're doing a 50% off discount on,this one so if we come down here 50% off,launch special now for this link section,here to help with ranking,whenever I'm sending external traffic to,my listing on Amazon I use a a link,service called pixel Phi dot me so it's,P IX e LF y dot AME I've got a link down,below it's cheap it's like 10 bucks a,month you'll get a bit of a discount I,think if you use that link and maybe pay,for a half cup of coffee for me but but,that's the service I use and it helps,some reenact some buyer behaviors on,Amazon to give your listing some rank,credit or some rank juice the link that,I like to use if you come down here to,create tracking link is the supreme URL,2.0 what that basically does is is it,reenacts the organic behavior somebody,typing in a keyword but it will only,show your listing versus the entire you,know multiple pages full of results so,using this example of this product here,that we've kind of looked at you,basically take the ace in here,put your gardening bag launched reddit,you put your Aysen right here and let's,say we want to rank for gardening bag in,this particular example you basically,generate a link boom that quick copy it,I'll show you basically what it looks,like when you click through so when,somebody clicks sir you're ready dad,this is basically what happened so it,reenacts somebody that just typed in,gardening bag except instead of multiple,pages full listings and distractions,it's basically gonna show you here your,your Aysen that you're targeting and if,somebody ends up clicking on this it's,gonna give you click-through rate,ranking juice which amazon likes and if,somebody ends up adding it to cart or,buying it it's gonna give your a some,credit as though somebody was typing in,gardening bags so this can be a very,powerful tool especially it launches and,especially when you're driving external,traffic from places like Reddit or,Facebook or or elsewhere so so we'll use,this link here in our reddit ads so that,anybody that clicks you can kind of get,some juice on this and then you,basically need to create an image so,this one's 1200 by 628 is kind of the ad,format which is definitely different,than what you'd find on Facebook I use,canva which is like a super simple easy,way to create graphics if you're not a,graphic designer so you don't need to,pay a designer to do this stuff so let's,just create our our kind of blank ad and,then what's cool about canva is it's got,a lot of like pre-designed features,depending on what you're you're kind of,wanting to build out so let's just kind,of scroll through here and just see if,one catches our eye all right this one's,pretty poppy let's go ahead and copy,that one over so again all you really,need to do here is just kind of edit the,edit the copy on whatever the template,is that you select so let's just say 52%,off,Claunch special,we're not gonna like I'm not gonna,overthink the copy here but let's just,say like this week only let's move this,over here make this a little bit smaller,and then remember I downloaded this,image here so let's pop this one up I,like to throw the actual listing image,so people kind of recognize it when they,click through and just so people know,it's Amazon I like to kind of throw in,Amazon badging just so people aren't,surprised when they kick over to a to,the click through page and it's actually,an Amazon page so I'll just put some,like this one on here like that so it,does need to be fancy but I'd use,something like that and then let's just,go ahead and download this so literally,I don't know what that took us three,minutes I'm creating an ad got our pixel,fire rank link targeting the product and,targeting the keyword that we care about,well it's kind of loading that image the,call-to-action I like to do use here,shop now,again you want people to know that,they're actually going through with,buying intent so this can help weed out,people that actually kind of click on,this to help your performance on,conversion but and about it being about,a bang you're kind of done so this is,basically what somebody would see,scrolling through that Reddit sub,subgroup which it looks like about,500,000 plus people in the US per day,are gonna are gonna kind of scroll,through and I'm gonna pay any time,somebody clicks around this ad I'm gonna,pay roughly 40 cents I know or up to 50,Cent's but most of the click throughs,will be around 40 cents so so a couple,of different ways we can leverage an ad,type like this the first which we just,kind of mapped out here is is super,simple right so you don't really need to,do coupon codes you don't need to send,them through anything complicated you,can basically just say I guess in this,case hey you know it's it's $30 kind of,launch special this week and it would,normally cost you 60 bucks for our bag,no coupon code needed you can put all,that kind of stuff in the copy and,basically just you know create that,reddit ad you use the super URL and then,you take them directly to that,discounted offer on Amazon so it's like,the simple approach it's it's one that,I've used successfully and you know,Amazon loves it right because you've got,a bunch of external,traffic driving to Amazon and that if,they ultimately click through your,listing for that keyword you're gonna,get a lot of benefit but ultimately if,they end up adding it to cart whirl or,buying it which a lot of people will,come in from this ad you're gonna get a,ton of rank juice as well especially,because it's external traffic another,option that you can use is to actually,send them to a landing page first and,then ultimately to your listing on,Amazon via the super URL so how this,might look and for those of you that use,helium 10 they've got a new option here,at the top called portals which enables,you to use landing pages that are very,Amazon specific and so that's one of the,ones I like and it's cheap and free if,you already use the the helium 10,software but you come through here and,there's a whole kind of ton of different,options but like product sales are that,are kind of the pages that I like to,like to leverage for the use so so let's,imagine in this case this was our kind,of gardening example we could throw in,our listing image here we could put in,the title of our product we do this 50%,off sale it's got some really cool stuff,up here where it's like I like urgencies,so if you're doing a limited time launch,special you can have that tie into kind,of some of the messaging here you can,throw your logo up and you can kind of,go through here and can do some feature,benefits and help kind of pre sell the,product and get people to have a higher,likelihood to convert when they actually,go to your Amazon page so that's option,number two is to use kind of an interim,landing page and then send them through,the third option which I think might be,near and dear to a lot of people's,hearts if you've ever run Facebook many,chat rebates is you probably found that,there's just you know a lot of really,crappy buyers that come through Facebook,ads for mini chat because it's become so,popular over the last six months,especially you just get a ton of buyers,that all they do is buy these hundred,percent rebate offers they're copy buyer,quality scores from Amazon so they can,actually hurt your your listing they may,have reviews that get deleted but,they're just their customer that shops a,ton on rebates and it just becomes,incredibly frustrating and very,expensive and wasted money sometimes,when you get these these low quality,buyers your Facebook,so another approach to doing Retta,dances to actually use rebates so you,set everything up very much the same,that you would for a facebook mania chat,rebate where you use a mini chat kind of,messenger sequence but instead of using,the Facebook interest to target them and,shoot them over to messenger you,actually used reddit ads using the exact,same approach that we just talked about,but instead of that link being a pixel,file link that we used up here and what,you can basically do is send them to a,many chat landing page and then when,they click through on that they're gonna,go into into the messenger kind of,rebate flow and you can kind of send,them through that mini chat rebate so,what that looks like if you go into in,your mini chat account and you go down,to growth tools here you create a new,growth tool you can do something here,called a landing page so if you click,through on that this is what it kind of,looks like and you can edit all this,stuff here free flow so you can do,something like you know 50% off rebate,darning bag launch special again I'm not,going to get cute with with copy here,but you kind of get the idea,and then you come in here again and do,this drop your image in here or you,could even use the reddit ad if you want,to kind of keep things seamless boom,like that so click Next,click Next and then you basically,instead of this often flow you would,basically replace that with whatever,your your mini chat rebate flow is that,you would normally use for for say,Facebook ads let's just pretend that,that this is our actual flow although,it's not but you basically kind of plug,that in there and then you hit next,so through this URL here now you've got,a landing page to your rebated mini chat,flow that you can plug in so instead of,using your reddit ad for your pixel file,you basically can put that landing page,so when somebody clicks on this reddit,ad they go to a landing page for your,mini chat rebate flow and then enter it,much like they would through a facebook,ad the only difference being is a lot,cleaner of a buyer you're not gonna have,the same cesspool of kind of rebate low,quality buyers it's gonna be much more,likelihood that they're not gonna be,scamming you which has become very very,popular with Facebook rebates and so,it's just another awesome option to to,get some clean traffic and really guys I,don't know anybody that's doing this so,this is really hot the presses stuff,that's working for us right now as I,build my seven-figure brands and I've,been using this my last few launches,with a ton of success so whether you,want to use method one which is super,simple just redirecting somebody from a,targeted interest to your actual listing,page whether you want to get a little,bit fancier and pre sell them using a,landing page like helium tens portals,landing page or even using it for your,traditional rebate campaigns but instead,of using Facebook Ads using really cool,untainted interest groups within Reddit,and driving your traffic that way either,method you choose this is a cutting-edge,approach to ranking products I hope it's,been valuable I'm gonna be posting,videos like this at least weekly guys,cutting edge stuff deep dive over the,shoal,our step-by-step tutorials on how I'm,growing my seven-figure brands if you've,got any value out of it at all it would,mean a lot if you just hit the subscribe,button it's gonna help me kind of,generate interest in this channel so,when people are searching for Amazon,related topics they find us but join the,community guys I'm enjoying this ride so,far hope you are as well and we'll see,you in the next video Cheers

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