how to integrate shopify with quickbooks desktop

Connect Quickbooks POS To Shopify - Shopify Quickbooks Integration Connector hey folks Peter here wi

BlackRock POS

Updated on Feb 12,2023

Connect Quickbooks POS To Shopify - Shopify Quickbooks Integration Connector

The above is a brief introduction to how to integrate shopify with quickbooks desktop

Let's move on to the first section of how to integrate shopify with quickbooks desktop

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Connect Quickbooks POS To Shopify - Shopify Quickbooks Integration Connector

hey folks Peter here with Blackrock,business and today in the world of,QuickBooks point-of-sale I'm going to,answer question I keep getting and that,is we've been talking a little bit,lately about hooking your quickbooks,point-of-sale up to your online store it,just so happens that through comments,and questions I seem to be getting asked,a lot about QuickBooks point of sale and,Shopify and so I'm gonna take the first,step today in connecting a quickbooks,point-of-sale establishment up to a,Shopify store and so if if you haven't,caught the other video I am recommending,a very awesome integration you'll see it,in a moment and it just does wonders for,hooking your brick-and-mortar quickbooks,point-of-sale store up to an online,e-commerce store there's 40 different,cards that works with today we're gonna,talk about Shopify because it seems to,be the most popular lately all right,before I go any further very important,if you are interested in this topic of,having an online store from your,QuickBooks point of sale go ahead down,down below in the description there will,be a link to sign up for an on-screen,demonstration where a representative can,answer all of your questions about this,software that we're going to be using,and you'll get some white glove,treatment and if you'll you'll get,walked through the software it's really,great no strings attached just to chew,on peace of mind go ahead and sign up,right now and get that on-screen,demonstration because it is dynamite,all right Before we jump into that go,ahead and click on the link down below,to get over to our QuickBooks,point-of-sale Facebook group a wonderful,community where you can get all sorts of,questions answered about your QuickBooks,point of sale ok this integration by the,way syncs your quantities between your,point of sale in your store and your,online store so you never like have a,mismatch on how much stock you actually,have and then it helps you process your,orders from online into your QuickBooks,point-of-sale or QuickBooks accounting,systems and that's just the start of,what it can do for you in a later video,I'm gonna show you how you can push,products from your item list in point of,sale up to your online store but today,we're just gonna cover getting it,connected so here we go we're gonna,connect QuickBooks point of sale to,Shopify I have created a real quick,trial version of Shopify so this just,got connected and there's really nothing,in it there's it's pretty much blank,this is once you shine sign up for,Shopify this is what its gonna look like,it's just gonna be all blank you're not,gonna have any orders or products or,really anything and today I am working,with the web Jilla T desktop app and the,desktop one is the only one that,connects to QuickBooks point-of-sales so,here we have it you launch it and you,hit login and right away I'm not,connected to a store so it's gonna pop,up and say hey we need to know what kind,of store you have you can see there's,many stores that you can connect to I'm,gonna go down and find Shopify maybe,we'll cover all the different stores at,a later time I'm gonna call this let's,see I named this store the rad sports,Emporium because my point of sale has a,bunch of sports equipment in it and then,tell me the truth it was kind of hard to,figure out a store name that wasn't,already taken I was amazed at some of,the weird and unique and wacky store,names I came up with and it said that's,already a Shopify store so apparently,Shopify is getting super popular and,you're gonna have a hard time finding a,unique store of course you can register,your own them,and I'll let Shopify take care of that,with you so I got the red sports,Emporium dot my Shopify dot-com had a,typo sorry about that rad sports and,poor him okay,connect all right and here it wants the,email I used to sign it up all right,next and it'll have you sign in with,your password logging into the rand,sports Emporium now it's asking you for,permission to do things with your,Shopify store which of course we want,web Jilla T to have those permissions,there we go now it's getting product,categories manufacturers order status,location that's pretty much took no time,at all because I have nothing in there,here it's going to grab all of the,information that I put into the Shopify,store and it's just gonna pull it out,you can add a logo otherwise you can,just hit continue now step number two we,need to connect to QuickBooks,point-of-sale so I'm gonna pull this,down and I'm gonna tell it hey I've got,QuickBooks POS 5.0 and up which is like,pretty much all if you're operating on,point-of-sale be 45.0 then I don't know,what you're doing come on now my version,I'm on 18 my company file name is sports,Emporium which is right here at the top,of my point-of-sale window this is the,multi-store Edition and I'm in store,number one and I'm going to say connect,to QuickBooks,it's gonna pop up and ask me this is,actually point-of-sale poppin this up,saying hey this app wants access to your,company file I'm gonna say yes,always always let it connect and here we,go this is real this is a real short,video and I'm just kind of showing you,hey you can conduct Connect Shopify up,to your QuickBooks point of sale I think,the real awesome video is gonna come up,next and that is going to be pushing,products from my brick-and-mortar,point-of-sale sports store up to Shopify,and that's just gonna be it's gonna blow,your socks out so it got the data I'm,gonna hit continue and now it's going to,ask you a bunch of questions about how,you want your online store and your,brick-and-mortar store to interact and,so it's like hey how are you gonna,record the orders I'm gonna say sales,receipt because that makes the most,sense to me if you're a store that,doesn't exactly have the product at your,store for fulfillment and you're doing,some sort of further ordering from your,vendor or something like that you can do,sales order but we're gonna leave it,with sales receipt I'm gonna identify my,customers as first in last name you,might want to do company name or some,other combination and then I am going to,identify products in the store I think,yeah as the SKU and I identify them a,lot of people might want to use ALU I'm,not totally sure if this yeah some of my,products in this store do not have an,ALU so I might use either UPC which is a,manufacturer barcode or item number so I,could use item number and this is going,to be how you correlate your product up,to the Shopify store,and then and of course when you sign up,for web Jilla tea and they just have an,excellent rollout service so a lot of,this stuff will either be done for you,or explained to you when you sign up so,I'm gonna hit continue and it's gonna,think for a little while,all right I've successfully connected my,store to agility now I either want to,configure my store some more and go into,a lot of the settings that web Jilla tea,will help you out with or I want to,process orders so take me to the,dashboard so I'm gonna skip the store,configuration cuz that's really gonna be,in web giladhiz hands with you when you,do that I just want to get done here and,show you where we're at when we're all,done so it popped up on this other,screen here let me bring it over this is,pretty much a blank web Jilla tea,desktop I don't have any orders but I,can certainly look at products if I look,at all my products these are the ones,from my point of sale but I haven't done,anything in Shopify yet so I don't have,any products here yet but that will be,covered in the next video when we're,trying to push items up to the Shopify,store so my name is Peter with Blackrock,business thanks for coming along on this,wonderful little video if you liked it,hit the like button down there and don't,forget to subscribe to the channel so,you get more QuickBooks point-of-sale,videos and lately we're gonna be,exploring the online store connections,alright,thanks have a great day

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