how to connect website to shopify web000host

How To Remove Deceptive Site Ahead 2022 hey guys my name is in today's video i'm,going to talk about

Webbiit Media

Updated on Mar 13,2023

How To Remove Deceptive Site Ahead 2022

The above is a brief introduction to how to connect website to shopify web000host

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How To Remove Deceptive Site Ahead 2022

hey guys my name is in today's video i'm,going to talk about,deceptive site ahead,right,a lot of people have this on their,domain they just hold their website and,they have this deceptive,site i have,so in today's video i'm going to show,you,how you can remove,your website from showing deceptive,website ahead right i'm also going to,discuss with you reasons,why your website show,deceptive site ahead right,so pay attention carefully to this video,and you'll be glad you did now,there are certain reasons why,your website will show deceptive site,if your website is showing deceptive,site ahead just know that,it is not your hosting,who has suspended your domain it is not,your domain or hosting company,it is not the kind of script you are,using that is making your site to show,deceptive site ahead,no matter one reason why your site,should decept your site ahead,is if your website,is,used for scam purpose,if your website is used for scam purpose,your site risk showing,deceptive site ahead if your website is,used for phishing it's risk this to show,deceptive site if your website is used,for collecting um,private information from people,illegally it also risk to show deceptive,site ahead right uh before now it was,not rampant but i think um this video it,was so rampant that any site you know,that is used for deceptive purpose,google,you know,flag social website right so i'm going,to show you how you can remove this you,can actually remove this deceptive site,ahead from your site right i want to,show you how you can remove this and how,you can avoid this,now number one reason why you get these,and how you can avoid this is,avoid using google chrome,right avoid using google chrome,if you,are designing a website on this side is,it um used for fishing or any of those,sparkles,it's a risk,google,you don't see in that site,as it disappears that motorcycle like,when you're using the latest version of,google chrome now google chrome has been,built with a lot of security to detect,websites that are used to illegally,collect,people's information so if you avoid,google chrome,you might um,you might be able to stop this to some,percentage number one,right number two,avoid using domain names that looks like,another company to me,right,so some people design a website i want,to design this website they,you know they,they try to to imitate,another kind of unexisting domain they,try to imitate they try to use a,particular existing domain they try to,use a brand that is popular and try to,um treat their domain to look so closely,to the brand,right and they are from this brand they,have some kind of security features,on the on on the on the web they have,some kind of security companies that,they have paid to always monitor their,domain so they get a signal by the time,any any time someone try to imitate that,domain or use something very close to,that domain that's why you do not need,to re actually if you want to use,something close to any company to me you,should do it you know,you should do it um in a way that it,does not really look as safe you are,trying to imitate that company so avoid,using,um,other people's domain or trying to,imitate other people's domains so,closely,if you do that you might likely get,deceptive sites,ahead right,so those are some of the ways that you,can those are some of the ways that you,can actually avoid this now what,if you investigate this how do you stop,this right so i'm going to show you how,you can get google to remove this from,your domain i've done it many times um,over and over again i'm going to show,you how i get it done so the first thing,you need to do is what you just go to,,webmaster,right so you go to slash,webmaster,right then um you click on get started,all right so you just make sure that,your your your your your email is,logging right this particular email this,particular email is logged in right here,right it's logging so all you need to do,is just go to search console,so when you go to search console,sometimes when you go to search console,if you are doing this for the very first,time you may not see this screen right,you may not be screwed you're going to,see something like this let me go here,and say add property yes this is what,you're going to see if you're doing it,for the first time right if you're doing,this for the first time this is what you,are going to see,so but if you are doing it maybe you,have done it for one particular domain,you want to do it another domain so you,just go to um,click here then you say add property,right so this is a,property,for this particular um website domain so,i'll just go i'm just going to copy that,link,right and then i'm just going to put,that link right here,can you see that then i'll click on,continue,so i'm going to click on continue,awesome so google is going to show you,this option that you should download,this,you know so you say download these to,your um link so this is the link,right this is the link to yeah i am,having that um,so i'm just going to download that,so i'm going to download that then i'll,head on to,my cpanel,all right here's my domain right so,here's my domain um i see finally i have,that so i'll,look for five right so i click on file,manager,so i'll go to the public underscore html,right so this is where i have that i,have that right here inside this,particular folder so i'm just gonna open,this folder up right here,i'm gonna open that photo off right,there,so i'm gonna upload that file i,downloaded from google,i'm going to click on this file,and download it,i have it here,so i'm going to upload it right here,so that is the folder or the domain,where i have that so i'm just going to,um,reload that,right so that has been,uploaded here so i'm not click verify,awesome awesome so you can see education,method right so i will not click um go,to properties so i will not go to that,properties it will drink me to that,property so this is the properties here,look at the url here right so just make,sure you are in,that particular property right,so i mean that particular property let,me just make sure i am,in that particular property,so this is the property i'm the,particular property right so immediately,you upload that,you're going to see something like,security issues one issue detected if,you click on full report,you see that you pick up full report so,you're going to see one issue detected,deceptive click it ahead,right so you're gonna see goggles gonna,tell you this so you click um,um request review right so you click all,issues have been resolved and you come,here and just write,saying,my website,is used for practical,purpose,and save,not,used for,any,other purpose,please,allow,to run,smoothly,so some people see one type exactly what,i typed,right,on type exactly,we see that everybody is typing the same,thing problem for yourself so you have,to just type something just like telling,them that the website is not for scam,purpose the website is not for,fraudulent purpose,so,um just tell them that and then,you click on submit request right,so you see that request,successfully submitted right request,successfully submitted so when you do,that you usually take them between 24,hours to 70 for them to lift up the ban,right so you just wait between 24 hours,to seven days they will lift up the bar,and they are going to remove,that deceptive,site ahead from your website so this is,how you can actually remove deceptive,website ahead from your website and,don't forget right that you need to um,just make sure you write something on,the box telling them that this side is,safe for users to actually use so if you,do that you just have to wait for them,and they are going to automatically i,think that robot is going to,automatically detect that you have,submitted um a complaint on that and,they will lift the side now this does,not mean that you may not get that again,right you should nominate another,situation wherever you do that you live,to decide and after some time you get,out again right so but the best way to,always make sure that you don't get out,again by time the leafs decide you just,try to avoid using google chrome so,thank you guys very much for listening,to me and i hope this you know helps,this video helps you a lot,and if you have this kind of issues to,resolve in your domain god bless you

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