how to get sales on shopify reddit

Reddit Viral Traffic For Shopify Store hello guys Manny Medina here for market,hero today I'm going

Manny Medina

Updated on Mar 15,2023

Reddit Viral Traffic For Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to get sales on shopify reddit

Let's move on to the first section of how to get sales on shopify reddit

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Reddit Viral Traffic For Shopify Store

hello guys Manny Medina here for market,hero today I'm going to show you how I,go about creating viral traffic for my,website and how I go about transforming,that website or that traffic into actual,email addresses now I'm going to be,using reddit and if you don't know,reddit reddit is basically a huge forum,that gets I think about a billion hits,every year or more in how it works is,dead users about and downloading each,post and the post that obviously has the,most uploads it gets to the top of,Reddit and you can see here some of,these poets are getting about well this,one is getting 11,000 about this one is,getting 38,000 are boats now in my,experience for every upload add a post,gets it usually gets 10 times that,amount in traffic so you can imagine,this post right here is getting 38,000,no no no no 380,000 views in just the,last six hours and wow that's crazy,you can see this one is all about the,same 370,000 abuse approximately,sometimes more sometimes less,there's just approximately three hundred,and seventy thousand views in just the,last nine hours so you can see right,there how crazy it is actually reddit is,pretty well known for for getting so,much traffic to some websites that they,actually end up being taken down because,they just can't handle the traffic so,that's crazy and today I'm going to show,you how you can take advantage of that,traffic completely free and how I go,about transforming the traffic into,actual email addresses into an actual,email list so for the purpose of this,video I actually created an e-commerce,site that has,an email capture pop-up and so my niche,is a vegan ecommerce store so I'm going,to go to the vegan to the vegan,subreddit so I subreddit is basically,for the ones that you don't know it's,basically just a niche it's like a,reddit for twice Pacific niche so you,can see here the vegan subreddit has,about 91 thousand subscribers so I'm,going to go inside and okay so we are,inside here and as you can see the top,post in this subreddit is getting about,1200 views or abodes which means it's,probably getting 12,000 views,approximately so you can see right there,are 12,000 views in just the last 13,hours I think it's obviously not,millions of years it's not hundreds of,thousands of views but it's pretty,pretty amazing getting 12,000 views in,just 13 hours I'm not sure that some of,my websites can actually handle that,amount of traffic in that short amount,of time so you can see right there that,you don't have to get to the top of,Reddit to to get crazy amounts of,traffic you can just get to the top of,your subreddit which is actually pretty,pretty common it's not that hard so how,I actually go about going or getting to,the top is I usually like to I just,usually let me show you I usually just,go into Google News and just search for,my my niche and then followed by the,word news I go to the news tab and I,just search for for a new some type of,news that he's already getting a good,amount of shares social media shares and,and I can create a catchy title now for,this time I actually did my research,a couple of minutes ago and I actually,found a pretty funny YouTube video that,it's basically a vegan trap it's just,hilarious,so um what I'm going to do is just I I'm,going to take the embed code right here,and I'm going to post it on my blog so,this is my Shopify blog this is my,Shopify website that I created for this,video so I just took the the code - for,the embed and just wrote the sentence,right here,they title the blog post and I'm going,to save it I'm going to grab the link,and I'm going to go back to Reddit,submit a post now if you don't have a,reddit account you obviously have to,create one and you want to subscribe to,the reddit to the subreddit I mean and,once you do that just submit a new post,sometimes it's gonna say submit a new,link go inside of here your just post,your URL and the title the title was so,that's basically all I'm going to do,make sure that your subreddit is here,yeah that's all I'm going to do summit,now some subreddits are going to ask you,for a flare a flare is basically a,subcategory inside of that subreddit as,you can see here this these are the all,of the flares that are inside of this,subreddit you know like funny uplifting,rant blog book video for this one I'm,going to select funny,no video yeah let's go with video the,video saved and sometimes okay perfect,so just safe actually I'm not gonna save,it right now because right now it's,about midnight and there's the best,there's usually around I mean the,Pacific time zone so in my time zone,usually the best times to post our edit,is between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. so right,now I'm actually gonna skip the actual,submission because well otherwise I'm,not gonna I'm not actually gonna get,about it because not a lot of people are,online right now so I'm actually gonna,delete my post and just post it in the,morning,I just wanted to create this video right,now because I have some time to share,this with you,alright so now after you have your after,you posted your your reddit post on your,website how you want to set up your,website is very simple to catch you're,gonna be trying to catch or to convert,your traffic into actual opt-ins and how,you want to set it up is that after a,couple of seconds,you want your website to load an opt-in,form and in exchange for for something,relevant that is for your niche in my,case I'm offering a three month supply,of the vegan box which is very popular,within the vegan community and you know,it's well a free giveaway and all they,have to do it's an opt-in so it's a,no-brainer it's a very very attractive,offer for just your email so that's what,you want to do you want to create,something that is unresisted and it's,super easy all all they have to do is,just opt-in and he's you know it's,relevant to the niche it's relevant to,the traffic that you're selling hey,that's pretty much it's very simple just,submit either your your video like I did,right now or if you chose to to look for,to go with a news article just recur,right your article post it on your blog,and the same just have an opt-in form,pop up after a couple of seconds and,that's pretty much it that's how I how I,transform free viral traffic from reddit,into an actual email list completely,free and now to give you some pointers,it's not always gonna catch catch up and,read it it's not always gonna go viral I,mean that's obvious so what you want to,do is just keep posting what I will,recommend is actually just post no more,than no more than to post I gotta go,back to your website because reddit is,just like any other forum out there if,you keep just posting and posting and,posting links that go back to your,website people on the forum are gonna,catch up to you and they're not gonna,like it and you're gonna end up being,banned so you don't want to do that what,you want to do in reddit is create,relationships just like in any other,forum just create relationships post,and image like you as you can see here,let me show you most of these posts are,actual just text or an image like this,is just a question and they get answers,and most of the reddit posts are just,images or a text post asking questions,but they are there are posts that go,back to websites so what you want to do,is create relationships posts if you can,post at least once a day once a day and,that way you're gonna be creating,relationships with people and once these,people start to see your name they're,gonna be more likely to to click on your,on your next post on your next post,because they like while you're sharing,when you're sharing do you think it's,funny or they think it's interesting or,they think it creates an act an,interesting conversation so they're more,time do you spend on Reddit the better,you will understand it and the more,relationships you will create and,they're easier it will be for you to,create a viral post so and with that,being said that's exactly what I do to,send free reddit viral traffic,niche-specific,back to your website and how I transform,it into email AIDS

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