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How I Create VIRAL Video ads from TikTok (EASY!)

no that's not what we're doing here,today,today is about viral tick-tock,and utilizing the viral videos from,tik-tok to run as good compelling ads,ads that is shareable likable,viral by going to tick-tock to get ideas,now this,is a new technique that i've been,utilizing and i wanted to be able to,share with you how you can actually,utilize tick-tock,without the fancy or weird dancing i,don't know about you but those kind of,movements,make me really uncomfortable but i'm,going to be showing you how you can be,able to use tick-tock,without the silly moves without the the,the all the fancy production without any,of that,you're gonna be able to see why by the,end of this video there's,just so much opportunity on tick tock,right now not by posting the videos,but by getting ideas and creatives from,tik tok,and how you can extract that and utilize,that in your market,even if you could be in a serious market,even if you could be in,plastic surgery you could be in real,estate by the end of this video you're,going to be able to see how you can,utilize tick-tock,to get one of the best most compelling,viral video ideas,that can be utilized in your ads and i'm,gonna be showing you behind the scenes,to a coaching call that i did to show,you how you two,will be able to do that,one of the things to give you guys a,glimpse before i even begin,is basically add creatives creating ads,that's more interesting,more engaging um and one hack,that i have been utilizing to create,more effective,and engaging ads is basically this one,of the things that i've been doing is,i have been going on tick tock to see,different,music videos that is viral so what does,that mean it means that i would go on,tick tock,to look at videos that's being served to,me on my,for you page okay the for you page is,like the instagram explorer page it's,like the facebook watch,it's the the algorithm feeding you what,they think,you would be interested in what i would,recommend if you're not active on tick,tock,just follow a bunch of people in your,market in industry and,because of that tick tock will start to,see what it is that you like,and they'll try to serve you more of the,stuff based on what they think you like,one thing that i realized made it good,is that it gives us,a framework to see what,is converting and what works and you,will see,that on tick tock there are a lot of,people in serious markets,plastic surgeons chiropractors,that is crushing it on tick-tock not by,doing,stupid dance moves but by creating,content,that is relevant to their market but,my my goal for you guys here is to help,you,walk away from today's session with,one great ad utilizing the framework,that i'm literally using right now based,on,like literally how i spent my day today,okay so choose your character is where,you know it's got a lot of different,themes to it it could be like different,different bartenders different work from,home moms,different ways to wear your mask but the,theme of it,and based on the song it sounds like you,know choose your character so,the market that i'm in it's like you,know choose your marketing guru right,choose your,the style that that resonates with you,okay so this is something that i've been,working on,a lot which is basically not not about,creating videos on tick tock,but rather use utilizing tick-tock,music and themes that is,proven to be viral and shareable and,engaging,and utilizing that as an ad,so how can i connect it to my offer so,if the video is,on choose your guru types i'm gonna,think about what's the story because,that this video is gonna be posted on,facebook when people are scrolling,this is what stops the school this is a,great scroll stopper,but on its own it's not gonna make money,so how can it make money it can make,money,if we can link it with the offer well so,how can we,link this to the offer by having a story,so imagine if somebody is scrolling on,facebook,and they're scrolling scrolling,scrolling and all of a sudden they see,that ad,which is this 15 second choose your guru,video so,it's a great pattern interrupt they're,watching this video,they're engaged but it doesn't mean,anything so now what i need to do next,is to think about what's the right up,and what's the story that connects to,this hook,so for example if the hook is having,different type of gurus,the story would be ultimately there are,a lot of different,teachers and gurus and marketers out,there with different personality types,and you gotta find a method that,resonates with who you are your,personality,and double down on that okay so so that,could be the story,right we all have our own unique way,that could be polarizing,that could be eccentric that could be,weird that could be funny,so that's a story right many different,type of guru types and,i would love to be able to help you tell,that story,that angle in a unique way that,fits your character and if you would,love to be able to do this,in a way that is authentic that is true,to you,then right offer call to

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Affiliate Marketing Step-By-Step Tutorial (for Beginners)

Affiliate Marketing Step-By-Step Tutorial (for Beginners)

How to get money from Amazon. TikTok affiliate  marketing with Amazon products. Do you want to get  ,money from Amazon instead of paying all the time?  Hi, my name is Sebastian and in today's video,  ,I show you how to do affiliate marketing with  Amazon products. This is an affiliate marketing  ,step-by-step tutorial and if you want you can  follow along all the steps in this video you will  ,see what is affiliate marketing how to sign up  for Amazon associates how to get your free website  ,where you can place your product links then i show  you a free traffic source where you could promote  ,the product stay till the end and i'll show you  three example channels that make money from TikTok  ,first what is affiliate marketing? Affiliate  marketing is promoting other people's products  ,for a commission you get a part of the sale as a  bonus to refer the products to a customer and this  ,is how you get the money if someone clicks on your  affiliate link your affiliate partner knows that  ,you referred the customer, and you get the money  and now we jump into the computer, and I'll show  ,you how you could sign up to Amazon associates the  Amazon affiliate program i think to prove enough  ,if a company like Amazon has an affiliate  program that affiliate marketing is legit  ,to join the program there are two different ways  first way is go to amazon.com scroll to the bottom  ,and click on become an affiliate the second  way is type in google Amazon associates,and go to the Amazon partner program if you  click on become an affiliate or on the Amazon  ,associate program you can sign up it's easy sign  up recommend products and earn money from it go  ,through the sign up process and then you come to  this page where you have to enter your website  ,but don't worry about the website we  cover this in the next step if you  ,have a social media or YouTube channel where  you want to promote the products you can put  ,in as well to continue the sign up process we  need a website for our website we go to beacons.ai,and it's free to sign up and we make a page  like this but with Amazon products you will  ,see examples at the end of this video just go  through the signup process it's easy to join  ,and when you sign up you have a page like this  with Amazon products here you have your website  ,copy this and paste it at the Amazon page  click on add and continue the sign up process  ,when you sign up on Amazon associates go to  product link product linking and here you  ,find the products you can promote just search  for product you want to promote on your channel  ,they have a lot of products for example we  take the hexagon light this cool product,if you want to order them i put the link in  the description i think they're really cool  ,but but that's not why i make this video okay  how to get your links and just click over here  ,get link we want the text  only link this is the link  ,or you can make a short link if you want to put  it in a description on youtube take the short link  ,copy this link go to your beacons page to links  add a new link copy the text hexagon lights  ,insert the text, and we have it over here  and you can put in the Amazon image as well  ,now if someone clicks on this link you come to  this Amazon page you can put in as many links as  ,you want but don't use too much if someone has to  scroll down 20 links they won't click on your link  ,it's too complicated it should be easy if you like  this affiliate marketing tutorial for beginners  ,please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe  to this channel the next step for this TikTok  ,affiliate marketing tutorial is to join TikTok  download the TikTok app and create an account  ,so now we're on my TikTok account put in a  description on the mobile version there would be  ,a link to YouTube that's for the free training  and this is the description for amazing Amazon  ,findings and my beacons page if you click on the  page you get to the beacons page we saw earlier  ,if you want to put in the link in the bio  you have to create a business account,  ,or you have to get over 1 000 followers otherwise  you're not able to do so within creator account  ,or personal account and now I show you  three channels that make money on TikTok  ,using affiliate marketing the  first one is Amazon expert  ,he hasn't that many videos this video has over  3.1 million views let's see for an example,and he's making explaining videos like  this and here you can shop the products  ,and this is a no face channel you don't have to  dance on TikTok you don't have to show your face  ,just make cool product reviews for really cool  products the next channel is Rachel's channel  ,she has 2 million followers  shop your products over here,and let's watch a video example video this  one has 4 million views Amazon home gadgets  ,if you live in a home that doesn't have a  fireplace hear me out trust me this is so worth  ,your time this is a mini personal fireplace  that burns

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Go to the market to sell mustard greens and repair motorbikes. Building farm, Free Life (ep153)

Go to the market to sell mustard greens and repair motorbikes. Building farm, Free Life (ep153)

مرحبًا بكم في حلقة الفيديو الجديدة الخاصة بي,، أتمنى للجميع,يومًا سعيدًا ومليئًا بالطاقة,، ذهبت من الخيمة إلى الحديقة لحصاد الخردل الخضر وبيعها في السوق,. سأستخدمها,كبذور أحتاجها لاختيار ورقة الخردل المورقة,بمجرد أن ألتقطها ، سأضعها في السلة,ضع السلة والخضروات على الأرض,واستمر في التقاط الخضروات وإزالة جذورها,ربما تكون خضروات الخردل مألوفة جدًا بالنسبة لي,لأنها غذاء لا غنى عنه في وجبات الطعام اليومية,، كما يتم تحويلها إلى مخلل ، وهو أمر شائع جدًا في منطقتنا ، ولدي,بالفعل قدر كبير من الخردل في سلتي ، وما زلت أحصد,نظرة هناك! ، طماطمي بها بعض اللون الأحمر الناضج,أخيرًا انتهى الحصاد ، انتقل بعد ذلك إلى الخيمة مع العمل في انتظاري,لإطعام الخنازير ، لابد أنهم ينتظرونني,صب النخالة في حوض الخنازير ، أتمنى لهم وجبة جيدة,الآن يمكنني المسهم بشكل مريح,، آمل أن تكون الخنازير على ما يرام ، في الشتاء البارد,أطعم الدجاج بعض الطعام,، سأقدر التوسع في مزارع الدجاج في المستقبل,لأن الدجاج سيحقق لي الكثير من الدخل.,كل شيء جاهز للرحلة إلى أسفل الجبل.,Hope ستكون مزرعتي على ما يرام عندما أكون بعيدًا,أحيي اليوم الجديد!,تشير توقعات الطقس اليوم إلى أن,درجة الحرارة ستنخفض قليلاً,مع رحلة دراجة نارية إلى السوق سيكون الجو باردًا جدًا,. منذ فترة طويلة ولم تكتمل بعد,. الجبهة هي المكان الذي أريد أن أذهب إليه ، المنظر من الأعلى جميل جدًا,وصلت إلى السوق بجو صاخب,ربما يكون هذا هو أفضل مقعد للمبيعات,قم بترتيب باقات الخضار على عملاء Ground,Hope سيشترون كل ما عندي من الخردل,أول ضيوف الجميع!,يطلب مني هذا العميل تقليل سعر الخضار ، لذلك قررت عدم تخفيض قيمة السوق,التي أبيع خضروات الخردل مقابل: 5000 دونج فيتنامي / حزمة,اشترى هذا العميل 5 باقات من الخضار ، المبلغ الذي تلقيته هو 25000 دونج فيتنامي ،,ها هو المال لقد صنعت من بيع الخضار ، شكراً لجميع العملاء,الكشك الذي يبيع اليوسفي بجواري,اشترى الضيف التالي بعض المجموعات,التي لا أستطيع الانتظار بعد الآن لأنه لا يزال هناك الكثير من العمل الذي يجب القيام به,ضع ما تبقى من الخضروات والأشياء في السلة,I أعط هذا المال للمالك لأنني أجلس أمام متجرهم لبيع البضائع,، ذهبت إلى متجر صيانة الدراجات النارية لإصلاح سيارتي,. هناك الكثير من الأشياء التي تحتاج إلى إصلاح واستبدال لضمان السلامة المرورية,. في الخارج وأحتاج إلى تغييره,، سيستغرق الانتظار بعض الوقت لانتظار,السرج على دراجتي النارية قديم وحان الوقت لاستبداله,يبدو مصلح السيارة قويًا وماهرًا حقًا,انتهيت أخيرًا من إصلاح الدراجة النارية,المبلغ الذي أحافظ عليه otorbike هو: 230،000 دونج فيتنامي ،,آمل ألا ينكسر مرة أخرى ، لأن إصلاحه سيكلفني مالًا,. إنها مركبة بالنسبة لي للسفر لمسافات طويلة,ينتهي الفيديو الخاص بي ، وداعًا أراك في الحلقات القادمة!

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Start NOW or Be Left Behind For Good

Start NOW or Be Left Behind For Good

we all know of someone who started an,online business and was extremely,successful or we at least know of,someone who's made over a million,dollars online but the question is how,did they get there was it hard work what,did they do to succeed and why is it,that they're essentially able to print,money online these were the exact,questions i asked myself over eight,years ago when i got started in the,agency space managing facebook ads now,eventually i did end up finding the,answer and really understanding what it,takes to build a million dollar business,and the answer might surprise you but,before i share what the answer is i want,to take you back a few years the year,was 2016 and facebook ads were,absolutely booming i'd already been,going through the process of managing,facebook ads for two years by this point,and around this time in 2016 we started,to see facebook ads really taking off,and this was really for two reasons one,because there was little to no,competition and two the targeting was,absolutely superior you could identify,your exact target audience target them,and get purchases for an extremely low,cost and small businesses were blowing,up and were able to successfully scale,to millions of dollars in such a short,time frame businesses were literally,becoming million dollar brands what,seemed like overnight in just a matter,of a few months and this is all because,facebook ads at that time were extremely,successful and you could actually go,after the core audience you wanted to,and whenever we were managing facebook,ads so many smaller brands started to,see this opportunity and took the risk,to see the rewards but what ended up,potentially changing later down the line,was was bigger brands started to see,this value and slowly started to move in,as more and more trust was given to the,platform big brands like coca-cola and,geico literally were coming into the,advertising space and spending millions,of dollars on ads as more and more big,brands saw other big brands hopping onto,facebook and instagram ads the dollar,started to flow in and as billions of,dollars have been increasing over the,years through facebook ads it has gotten,incredibly more complex and more,competitive because of that we have high,cpms competitions really fierce you're,having to create content and spend a lot,more money on ads just to get the same,results that you once did and lots of,people at the time didn't understand,that because they were getting such good,roi spending a dollar to get you know 8,10 15 15x rois they're only spending a,few thousand dollars a month to really,build a six and seven figure business,but the ones who really understood it,and took the,opportunity to really scale up their,campaigns to the hundreds of thousands,of dollars in spend those were the ones,that built the massive brands all from,the platform but then come 2021,something really changed and that was,the ios 14 changes so now not only did,you have a lot of competition you had,the ios 14 impact literally ripping you,know businesses apart from not being,able to get their targeting down the,data got pulled out people became even,more complicated with structuring their,ads and not understanding what was,getting results and it really created a,frenzy of high competition and not,really understanding where the true rois,are coming from now what does this,really have to do with anything because,if you're running facebook ads you might,already know that yes it is very,competitive it is harder to get results,with facebook ads and after my eight,year journey i've really learned,something and have been able to spot,trends and that's really noticing that,history does repeat itself and,opportunities come and go based off when,people see the opportunity lots will,start to take advantage of it and,there's usually a short window when i,look back in time i wish that i had even,spent more on facebook ads back in 2016,when lookalikes and really being able to,scale up was an absolute incredible,opportunity where we could have,literally been spending millions of,dollars on our business every single,month and had explosive growth but all,of us can always look at those,situations and think that we could have,come out stronger but when we look back,on it it all makes sense at the end of,the day but really now with having,understanding where that we came from i,can now see and tell you that there was,a big shift happening in the marketplace,right now we are literally living,through a moment in history where a,platform like tick tock has come onto,the map in just recent years for what it,seemed like a dancing platform and most,of you you know have family members or,little siblings and you know aren't even,on tick tock yet but you think it might,be an actual dancing platform but in,reality that is the furthest thing from,the truth at the moment tick tock is,providing an incredible opportunity for,brands and businesses just like 2016,facebook ad days where you could,literall

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

- How to run TikTok ads in 2022.,This is a TikTok advertising tutorial for businesses.,TikTok has now over one billion monthly active users,as of January, 2022.,160 million videos are watched,in an internet minute on the platform,and it's the most popular mobile app,downloaded in 2020 and 2021.,If you want to leverage that platform,,but don't want to spend all that time and energy,figuring out an organic growth strategy,,TikTok ads may be a great alternative.,Today, I'm going to show you what you need to do,in order to run successful paid ads on TikTok.,Step one, create and install a TikTok Pixel.,Similar to Facebook ads,or Google ads and other ad platforms,,when you install a pixel, that allows you,to understand the user's behavior on your website.,That in turn will allow you to segment those users,in cohorts that you want to target with other ads.,So let's say someone visits your website,,goes through the checkout process,,and doesn't complete their purchase.,You'll be able to retarget that person,with another ad and that'll help you increase,the number of conversions you get,,because when they're on TikTok, they'll see it, boom,,you can start making them convert.,And here's a trick.,Let's say you're selling a product or a service.,When you do that remarketing ad on TikTok,,you can show a video of what it's like to be a customer,or use your product or service.,That'll get more people to convert.,Step two, start with a very broad audience segmentation.,Don't target a specific gender or age group.,Let TikTok run your ads to a broad user group,and let it optimize and deliver so they can find out later,which audience are the most responsive.,You should run your ads,and wait some time for user data to come in,so that you can optimize around the data,so you can see what's working for your campaigns,versus just jumping the gun.,Step three, use as placement only TikTok.,Don't waste your time and money advertising,on other platforms that TikTok offers.,The real value is really on TikTok as a platform itself.,Step four, make sure to target only one interest at a time.,When you're starting, you don't want to mix up things,that have too many interests,being targeted at the same time.,If you stack different interests,,you won't be able to understand which interests,are creating the best results.,It's better to target only one interest at a time,so you can clearly identify which interests,are the most profitable for you campaign,and then expand from there.,Step five, ideally, start with,a minimum budget of $50 a day.,This will allow TikTok to run more experiments,with your ads and show them more audiences,in order to optimize your ad delivery faster.,Step six, cap your costs per conversion.,Make sure that it's at least at breakeven point,and that'll allow you to run ads,and spend money and not lose it.,Step seven, use TikTok's ad platform.,They'll show you all the top performing ads,on their platform so that you can learn,what's working for other people,and how you can model after those ads in your own business.,That'll reduce the risk.,Now, if you need help with your TikTok ads,,check out my ad agency, NP Digital, we'll be helpin',with TikTok and all the social platforms out there,,even performance marketing.,Or if you just have any questions on TikTok,,whether it's paid or organic, leave a comment below.,I'm here to help.

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How to Use TikTok Live Events to Market Your Business

How to Use TikTok Live Events to Market Your Business

- TikTok Live is one of the biggest opportunities,When you schedule your Live event,,you're gonna allow your audience to know,First, you have to go to your profile,and in the upper right-hand corner,,you're gonna see a calendar icon.,Once you click that icon,,it's gonna take you to the scheduled page.,All you have to do at the bottom of the screen,is click on create an event.,And remember, if you're not seeing this feature,,it's because you haven't gotten to 1000 followers yet.,This is where you're gonna put in your event name,,your description, and choose the date and the time.,So your title gets 32 characters,and your description gets 200.,It's really important that the title,is something catchy and juicy,to entice your viewers to watch your video.,I teach a lot about TikTok,,so I'll do TikTok 101 or Free Account Reviews,,and oftentimes, I will get hundreds of people,to join my livestream to get what it is,that they want to get from me.,So know what your audience wants and put that in the title.,And your description is a lot less important,than your title, but sometimes people,,when they click on your video,,they want to know a little bit more about,what's gonna happen in the livestream.,So make sure that your description, of course,,matches what's happening in your title,and give them a little bit more of what they can expect.,Quick note, when you're scheduling a Live event,,you have to schedule at least two hours in advance.,If you try to schedule something sooner,,TikTok won't allow it.,So now you've created your Live event,and I encourage you to click add to calendar.,That way it can remind you of your event.,Once you create your event,,it's important to note that TikTok,will put your video under a review process.,Oftentimes, it happens instantly,,but sometimes it can take an hour or so.,Go to your notification settings,and you're gonna see a message from TikTok,that says your video has been approved.,Another way to check to see if your event has been approved,is by going to your profile and looking to see,if the event is listed in the description.,If it's there, then it's automatically approved.,Now you're able to move forward,with creating a promotional video.,I encourage you to give them a little snippet,of what they can expect from your Live event.,That way, it draws them in. So make it juicy.,Ready to use TikTok to grow your business?,Need a little bit of help?,Well today, at five o'clock, I'm gonna be teaching you,how to use TikTok to grow your business.,All you have to do is click the link here to register,,and I'm gonna give you all of my juicy tips.,Pro tip: if you don't want to record a video,,you can actually upload a previous video,you already have stored in your camera roll.,So once your video is recorded,,similar to creating a regular TikTok video,,this is where you can add sound, text, effects,,and all the different things.,Add a description and put your hashtags.,Now the big difference between a regular TikTok video,and a promoted Live event is this video,is actually gonna have a link posted on your video,and when they click on it,,it's gonna take them to register for your Live event.,So let's talk about promoting your Live event.,Now, TikTok is somewhat limited,on how you can share your Live event,,but there are a couple of ways you can do it.,Number one, you are able to send a link to other people,on the platform through a DM.,Or specifically, what I encourage you to do,is just drive people to your profile,,and when they get to your profile,,they can actually see the Live event you have scheduled.,Pro tip: if you have multiple Live events scheduled,,it's important for you to tell your audience,that when they get to your profile to click on the event,and then TikTok is gonna pull up a list,of all the events you have scheduled,and just tell them which one to register for.,So let's talk about ways you can promote your event,while it's actually taking place.,There's a lot of different things you can do,when you're already Live.,So within the livestream,,you have an option to be able to share.,At the bottom of your screen,,you're gonna see a little arrow.,When you click on that arrow, you can now share that out.,You can share it on Facebook, on Instagram, WhatsApp,,or through a text message through a link.,In addition to that,,you can ask your audience members to share.,But one of the number one things that seem to work,really, really well on the platform that I have learned,is just by asking your audience to engage.,Because when they start tapping the screen, giving hearts,,something happens with the livestream,and the TikTok for You page.,Something boosts, and then we have more people that join in,on that Live event.,Another way you can promote your Live event,is through collaboration,,and what that allows is for you to be able to share the Live,with your audience,,but they can also share the Live with their audience.,Now, I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself.,And so I want to actua

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Pelé - เรื่องราวที่น่าทึ่งและถูกลืมด้วยวิดีโอเกม (วิดีโอพร้อมคำบรรยายที่ยอดเยี่ยม)

Pelé - เรื่องราวที่น่าทึ่งและถูกลืมด้วยวิดีโอเกม (วิดีโอพร้อมคำบรรยายที่ยอดเยี่ยม)

الأخبار التي لم يرغب أحد في مشاركتها هي أن بيليه مات.,على الرغم من أن حياته المهنية مليئة بالجدل ، إلا أن هذا لا يغير حقيقة,أنه أحد الأعظم في تاريخ جميع الألعاب الرياضية ،,كونه مصدر إلهام لكثير من الأشخاص الذين فعلوا أشياء جيدة لاحقًا أيضًا.,يمتد إرث بيليه إلى ما هو أبعد من كرة القدم. في الألعاب ، ساعد في نشر ليس,فقط النوع الرياضي ، بل صنع أيضًا إعلانات تجارية للمساعدة في زيادة شعبية وحدات التحكم,وبالتالي الوصول إلى المزيد من الأشخاص. لديه أيضًا امتياز خاص به ، وظهر في الألعاب الحديثة ،,وله تاريخ مثير للغاية في ألعاب الفيديو. لذا فإن أفضل شيء يمكنني فعله لتكريم,الإرث الذي تركه وتركه لكثير من الناس هو إظهار تاريخه بألعاب الفيديو.,لذا أولاً سأجعلك تحديًا. إذا كنت ترغب في معرفة ذلك بدافع الفضول ، فأنت تريد معرفة,أسرار الألعاب ، فقم بالتسجيل هنا. إذا لم يفاجئك أي شيء في أربعة مقاطع فيديو ، فيمكنك,إلغاء الاشتراك وعدم العودة إلى هنا أبدًا. لذا جربها ، اشترك ، دون أن تنسى ،,بالطبع ، جرس الإشعارات مع الجميع ، حسنًا؟ لذلك دعونا نذهب دون مزيد من اللغط.,بدأت قصة بيليه بامتيازه الخاص! نعم ، كان من أوائل الذين رخصوا,اسمه وساعدوا في نشر ألعاب الفيديو حول العالم. واحدة من أولى,ألعاب كرة القدم الحالية هي لعبة Pelé Soccer ، التي تم إنتاجها بواسطة Sears في عام 1980 ، وتم إصدارها لـ Atari 2600.,في اللعبة لديك رؤية من الأعلى. بقدر ما هي بدائية ، إلا أنها لا تزال,مبتكرة تمامًا في ذلك الوقت ، لأنه منذ البداية كان لديها بالفعل أشكال مختلفة من اللعبة ،,حوالي 54 منهم ، لأنك لعبت مع اثنين من المدافعين ، حارس مرمى ومهاجم ،,يمثلون بيليه ولكن الحقيقة هي أن اللعبة لم تصدر بهذه الطريقة في الأصل. كان,يطلق عليه Championship Soccer و Pelé الذي أيده قام بتغيير الاسم حتى وقت لاحق لم يعد لديه,الترخيص وعاد إلى Championship Soccer ، وهو ما يمكنك العثور عليه في الوقت الحاضر.,كان Pelé Soccer جزءًا من عدة مجموعات لأفضل ألعاب Atari على الإطلاق ،,وكان جزءًا مهمًا من إعلانات Atari لجلب وحدات التحكم وألعاب الفيديو لعدد أكبر من الأشخاص.,تم التعاقد مع بيليه للقيام بالإعلانات التجارية باللغة الإنجليزية حتى,يعرف المزيد من الناس المتعة التي تتمثل في لعب ألعاب الفيديو ، والتي كانت ، مرة أخرى ، نتذكر ، في بداية,الثمانينيات. ونتيجة لذلك ، كان بيليه جنبًا إلى جنب مع كريم عبد الجبار وماريو أندريتي على التوالي من,الأصنام كرة السلة ورياضة السيارات العالمية معًا جعلوا هذا الإعلان الشهير الشهير.,تركت كرة القدم للعب أتاري.,أنت بحاجة إلى مزيد من التدريب ، بيليه.,نعم ... لقد لعب بيليه بالفعل ألعاب الفيديو قبل ولادتك أو عندما كنت لا تزال صغيراً ،,لكنه لم يتوقف عند هذا الحد. كان لدى بيليه بالفعل لعبة ميجا درايف أيضًا. في عام 1993 ،,من إنتاج شركة Radical Entertainment ونشرتها Accolade ، وُلد فيلم "Pelé!" ،,هذا تمامًا وبعلامة تعجب. لعبة متقدمة للغاية استفادت من أجهزة Mega Drive,مع عرض متساوي القياس والكثير من التكتيكات وأوضاع اللعبة والكثير من الابتكار. لم يتم استقبال اللعبة بشكل جيد,بسبب صعوبتها ، فهي تمثل تحديًا كبيرًا ، ولكن هناك حقيقة مثيرة للاهتمام للغاية: قام,بيليه بالتسجيل كأحد مصممي اللعبة الذين يساعدون في الإنتاج مباشرة! وفقًا,لمدير مشروع Accolade ، Robert Dayle ،,تم دمج العديد من استراتيجيات ألعاب Pelé بواسطة Radical في منطق اللعبة ، كما كشفت عنه مجلة Game Informer,، العدد 11 لعام 1993. ربما لهذا السبب كانت اللعبة معقدة للغاية بحيث يصعب فهمها.,في الواقع ، كان هذا النوع من الألعاب رائجًا في ذلك الوقت لأن منتجي الألعاب هؤلاء في,الولايات المتحدة كانوا متحمسين جدًا لكأس العالم التي ستقام,في عام 1994 في ذلك العام ، لذلك بدأ إطلاق العديد من ألعاب كرة القدم في ذلك,الوقت وربما تهدف من أجل ذلك ولإمكانات اللعبة ، تم الإعلان عن تكملة:,Pelé 2 World Tournament Soccer من 1994. اللعبة ، التي تضم أيضًا Pelé ،,حسنت العديد من جوانب اللعبة السابقة من خلال تقديم المزيد من الخيارات ، بما في ذلك إمكانية اللعب,بأربعة لاعبين في نفس الوقت من خلال multitap ، من يتذكره؟ بل جاءت اللعبة,بإمكانية تغيير الأحوال الجوية للمباراة ، وهو أمر جديد جدًا في ذلك الوقت ،,لكن النقاد الأمريكيين اعتقدوا أنها مجرد لعبة كرة قدم أخرى ، ولأنها ليست دولة من كبار,المعجبين بهذه الرياضة ، لم يكن هناك الكثير من الاهتمام. ، وترك تسلسل امتياز بيليه مع,مشاركته نوعًا من النسيان في تاريخ ميغا درايف نفسه. حتى لأنه في ذلك الوقت,سادت ألعاب EA Sports أكثر من ذلك بكثير ، والتي حظيت باهتمام أكبر بكثير من SEGA نفسها وعلى,Super Nintendo الكلاسيكية على International Superstar Soccer ، مع قاضي الكلاب.,بعد ذلك يستمر بيليه في الظهور في الألعاب ولكن ليس مرتبطًا بشكل مباشر باسمه ،,لأنه لا يريد الجميع دفع الإتاوات ، لذلك هناك العديد من الألعاب الأخرى التي يمكنك,العثور عليها بيليه ، ولكن باسم آخر ، هل تريد مثالاً؟ في Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 كان هناك,اختيار سري! كلاسيكو البرازيل هو اختيار غير قابل للفتح. يمكنك إصداره إذا كنت,بطل العالم باستخدام المنتخب البرازيلي وكان فريقك يتكون أساسًا من,لاعبين تاريخيين رائعين من فريق كانارينهو الوطني. لكن كونامي لم يرغب في دفع الإتاوات,أو محاولة رؤية حقوق الصورة للاعبين ، لذلك وضعوا كل شيء في اسم عام ،,لكن من الواضح عندما تنظر إلى اللاعب والإحصائيات والمواقف وكل شيء آخر,من هو. وكالعادة ، كما فعلت في International Superstar Soccer Deluxe ، كانت,تلعب بأسماء اللاعبين ، مثال؟ جيرجونهو هو Jorginho. Malo Sila هو Mauro Silva ، و,Rozério هو Romário ، و Zilry هو Zico ، و Palm هو Pelé. إنه يعتمد على لاعب في السبعينيات,عندما فاز بكأس العالم الثالثة ، ولديه سرعة لا تصدق وتسديدة شبه مثالية ،,إنه أحد أفضل اللاعبي

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