how to get background music on your shopify store

How to Add Audio to Your Shopify Store if you'd like to add an,audio file to your shopify store such


Updated on Mar 04,2023

How to Add Audio to Your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to get background music on your shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to get background music on your shopify store

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How to Add Audio to Your Shopify Store

if you'd like to add an,audio file to your shopify store such as,music or a podcast episode,you can certainly do that by installing,the audio background music player app,this app is very easy to use and it is,also free,once you're logged into your shopify,admin head on over to apps in the left,hand navigation,from there we'll go ahead and click on,the explore apps button,and then simply look for the app,there are many different options when it,comes to playing music but the one that,we'll be looking at today again,is the audio background music player,so we'll go ahead and hit the add app,button,and then we'll go ahead and install it,next you'll want to hit the customize,app button,and we'll go ahead and start configuring,the options over on the left hand side,the first thing we'll need to do is,enable the music player,then let's go ahead and upload our music,file,then if we scroll down a little bit more,here we have additional settings like,whether or not you want the music to,auto play,we can also select whether or not the,music should loop,and then we can also add a greeting,message,in the display after field we can set,how many seconds we want to wait before,this message appears,next we can enter a tooltip which is,essentially a small set of instructions,and here we have the ability to show on,all pages,or just the home page,we can also decide whether or not to,show this on mobile devices,and then last but not least we can play,around with the placement,and if you'd like you can go ahead and,play around with the distance from the,bottom,as well as the distance from the right,once you're done with all of the,settings click on the save button in the,top right hand corner,now if we head on over to our website we,can go ahead and see the music player,simply refresh the page and as you can,see here we have the music player in the,bottom right,if you'd like to change the color and,the style of the music player icon we,can certainly do that as well,head on back to shopify and from there,we'll go ahead and click on the style,tab,as you can see here there are a bunch of,preset gradients that we can choose from,we can also choose a custom color,now i do quite like the preset gradient,so i'm going to go ahead and choose one,of those,and we can also change the icon,you may want to change the icon based on,the type of audio file you'll be,uploading,so for example if you're uploading a,song or piece of music you could use a,musical icon,whereas if you're uploading a podcast,snippet perhaps you may want to use the,microphone icon,we also have more generic icons like,volume or the play and pause,so go ahead and choose the one that's,right for you and then a little further,down we can also play with the size of,the icon,as well as whether or not we'd like to,use a rounded icon,once you're done playing around with the,style settings hit the save button in,the top right hand corner,now if we head on back to our website we,can check out the changes,and as you can see in the bottom right,hand corner we've got our orange little,microphone here,and that's it you now have an audio file,uploaded to your shopify store,if you found this shopify tutorial,helpful please do give it a like and,subscribe,and stay tuned for more shopify videos

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