how to get an instant 6 figure shopify store

EASIEST Way to Find 6 Figure Products | Shopify Dropshipping it's a little windy out here hopefully,


Updated on Mar 20,2023

EASIEST Way to Find 6 Figure Products | Shopify Dropshipping

The above is a brief introduction to how to get an instant 6 figure shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to get an instant 6 figure shopify store

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how to get an instant 6 figure shopify store catalogs

EASIEST Way to Find 6 Figure Products | Shopify Dropshipping

it's a little windy out here hopefully,there's not too much background noise,but before we get to the product,research method I just wanted to share,with you guys that someone I realized,today was literally a year ago exactly,was whenever I started drop shipping and,within a year's time literally one,year's time I went from seeing my first,thousand dollars in my bank account to,seeing over six stickers and of moving,out traveling the world buying this,thing in cash one hundred thousand,dollar car and I was just like that one,year I was like wait a second I'm 20,years old I did this in one year,and it's just insane so it just goes to,show that if you guys hustle if you guys,do it then you can do it no matter what,you're striving for of course everyone,watching watching this is going to be an,econ you can do any column but no matter,what whether it's Fitness relationships,no matter what it is if you set a goal,you can do it in honestly your life can,change quicker than you could ever,imagine,so just know that guys and one thing I,wanted to make sure you guys know is,that I have not launched the course yet,actually I'm launching it this weekend,and I've not launched it yeah I made,sure to buy this car in cash before I,launched it just so you guys know that,it's possible with econ money a lot of,these guys out there latias do stuff,after launching of course but I just,wanted to show you guys that it's,possible before launching of course even,without having a personal brand like,literally just this is all with econ,money I mean I've literally made a,complete circle around the globe just,traveling the world like I said I bought,this car in cash and it's a Hawley,company so it just goes to show that,anything is possible and guys,you can just hear my voice I'm so,grateful so I'm gonna show you a few,clips of the car show you what's up show,you what I got and then from there I'm,gonna show you this new product,researcher method and I will see you,guys,alright guys I'm the king also known as,Chris as you know and I just watched,that it was a little bit windy but,hopefully you guys still got something,out of it and hopefully it was a little,motivation for you guys so before I jump,in this Park procession method that I've,seen no one talked about and it's,something that I use every single day,and honestly how I found most of my,winners I do want to mention a few,things I know I know I know you guys,have been waiting and dying for it the,chorus case-study mashup is finally here,so the official launch day is April 6,and of course if you're watching it,after that day then well it's already,launched so those of you that are,watching this before April 6 which is a,Saturday I'm gonna do a live stream on,that day at 2 p.m. Central Standard Time,2 p.m. Central Standard Time I'm gonna,do a live stream here on YouTube and I'm,actually gonna give away one free course,that day so I have to do is tune in here,on YouTube for the live stream on,Saturday at 2 p.m. ask questions,connecting with the Royals and you might,just be the winner and last note if you,guys want the course and you're on a,tight budget well then make sure to get,it within the first 24 hours because the,first 24 hours I'm doing an extra $100,off so total it's gonna be 197 for the,first 24 hours only so if you want to,see 0 to 100 literally the steps you,need to take from starting from scratch,to take a store to six figures and also,see it done in the case study section,around literally do that and take a,store new product new pixel new ad,account new everything to 120,000 in the,first six days well this is perfect for,you so I'll see you saturday and let the,games begin,so on my screen right here is the way to,find six and seven figure products going,into 2019 and on for those of you that,don't know this is called alley shark,and honestly I've not seen one single,person talk about this and honestly I've,known about this for weeks now I just,haven't told anybody just because it,works so so well so just to give you,guys a brief overview of what you can do,you can sort the products and like,filter them out by orders by growth by,wishlist by price you can do it for the,past or basically today yesterday the,past 2 days 3 days 7 days or 30 days,which that is the most crucial thing,there of course you can look at specific,niches and if you only select like,beards beer and birds then it will only,sort the products in here that are in,those 3 niches and then you could sort,it by the most orders within those,niches another thing you can do here is,you can select the countries that it,sold the most in so if you select United,States then it's going to show you the,products that are selling the most,the United States so check this out what,I just did is I selected the top four,countries which is US UK Canada and,Australia and these products are the,hottest selling products in those,countries right now so essentially when,you go to target these products you know,specifically what countries to target,because you know who's buying them,another thing you can do is you can,filter products by having a packet or,Aliexpress standard shipping so of,course you always want to do a packet,because if it doesn't have any packet,well then it's nothing you want to sell,one thing that is awesome here is you,can filter the products by having a,video so that means that any of these,products here that are listed are gonna,have a video supplied by Aliexpress so,you're gonna have content to work with,to create your own ad which that alone,is insane I know a lot of you guys and,myself in the beginning struggled with,finding content to actually create a,video or advertisement for so that's,gonna help a lot and so for those of you,that think this software is cool so far,just wait it gets so so much better so,what I do whenever I come in here to,look for products is I don't mess with,most of this but what I do do do do then,go over here to today and I do the past,three days I sort the products by the,past three days I sometimes do seven,sometimes two I never do 30 days but,I'll typically do just the past three,days and then what I'll do is of course,I'll sort it by orders and so what this,will do is it will sort it by the most,ordered products in the past three days,so this right here is literally,conversed and they've sold for thousands,in the past three days which if you can,do the math it's over a thousand orders,per day which is insane as you can see,there are $70 on Aliexpress so that just,goes to show that someone's selling,these for probably forgetting $150 or,more and making a hell of a lot of money,so if you just want to skim through the,products are very quickly what you can,do is you can just look at the blue,thing here and it will show you the,total number of orders for whatever time,stamp you put here so if you click today,then the blue stamp here is going to if,it loads up it's gonna show you the how,many its sold today so this one sold a,thousand today this one sold a thousand,today this one sold a thousand today,like I said we look at the past three,days only so this one has sold four,thousand in the last three days the gray,thing is the total number of orders,azzam Aliexpress and then the red is the,added to wish list in the past three,days and then the grey heart is the,added to wish list in total so the big,things I look at are the blue and the,gray just so I know how many it's,selling today or the past three days and,how many it's selling in total so then,if we click on one of these products,it's going to pull this up,here one thing we can do is we can save,it for later right here within a li,shark which is pretty cool but also it,shows you all the data that's on,Aliexpress but in a more effective way,so right here it shows you all of the,people that have added to wishlist so a,lot of people have their eyes on this,product and the total number of orders,it has especially it's going to show you,the reviews a so this product has 1300,votes and five stars which is insane and,right here is where my favorite part of,the apps come into play and so guys this,is this is key check this out there's,gonna change the game for you guys so if,you scroll down here it's gonna show you,the product performance which shows you,the sales that's gotten in the past 30,days so as you can see here this,prodigies begin about 100 to 200 sales,per day for the past few weeks but in,the past few days it looks like someone,has scaled it so the 28th we got 1300,orders the 29th they got 1200 orders the,30th 900 and the 31st is 12 so this,chart shows you how many its selling,every single day by the exact amount but,my favorite thing is the trend chart,right here and so right here you can see,how it's selling on a month-to-month,basis and as you can see here it's,peaking like it's this thing is all the,way up baby this is exactly what you,want to see and this is where you want,to hop in it because it's on the rise,and so if you hop in right here you're,gonna ride the wave of success and so,this right here is a very promising,product and really quickly I just want,to select on another one of these just,to show you guys so if we select on this,one right here the paint one and then,scroll to the trend here well you can,see that you know have you hopped in,right here at the end of December,beginning of January then that's where,it was spiking up that so you would have,made a hell of a lot of money but you,don't want to sell this now yes it's,selling good but it's dying down based,on the trend data I mean look at that,and so this is crucial a lot of you guys,may see products like this or whatever,and they're selling every single day,like this is like this is sold 3,000 in,the past three days so it's sold a,thousand a day but it's dying and you,don't want to invest in a product that's,dying and so this is gonna help a ton of,you guys invest into the right products,okay so if you guys decide to get this,what you should do as soon as you jump,in here just to make it very simple very,straight forward is first just go over,here and select your time zone to the,past three days yes you can do the past,seven days or two days but I like to do,the past three days just because it's,been consistent for the past three days,and it's something really well but if we,just did today then that means it's only,selling a lot today,and hasn't really been consistent the,past few days and then of course if we,select 30 days and that means it's been,selling a shit-ton for the entire month,and so it might be towards the end of,the trip so anyways just jump in here go,to the three days right here and then,sort it by orders and so like I said,what its gonna do is gonna sort the,products by the most ordered in the past,three days and so essentially you could,jump into any of these products and,start selling them assuming the trend is,doing good so I mean if you just select,on a random one and then scroll down to,the trend and you see okay honestly this,one this is also something that I would,jump into because this is just steady,like it's steady it's not peaking it's,not dying this one is just steady for,the past three or four or five months,that's pretty interesting saying and so,I don't know let's click on this one and,see what happens and so this one oh my,gosh this one was actually really steady,as well those are actually really steady,products that's awesome and so you could,go in here and look at any of these,products and just look for one that you,think you can market very very well you,don't want to look at these and just,think okay it's selling well let me let,me just try to sell it you should go in,here and look for products that you can,think oh I know exactly why someone,would buy that like I've had that,problem before or just just any product,that you think you can market a benefit,to then do it so like if you work out a,lot and you see these resistance bands,and you see that they're selling a lot,right now like two thousand orders in,the past three days and you're like oh,like I use one of those or I know what,those are used for like like I might,want to sell that so click on it really,quick and then honestly just scroll down,to the trend data and as you can see,here it's been rising since December of,2018 and honestly it's peaking right now,and it might just stay steady for a,while so that's insane so guys don't,overthink you just come in here sort the,products by the most ordered and then,find products that you think you can,market then look at the trend data make,sure it's on the rise or steady and make,sure it's not dying because if it's,dying you do not want to jump into it,yes like I said it may be selling on a,day to day basis but if it's dying then,it's not something you want to invest in,so guys that right there is a lee shark,that's what it is that's how you use it,and that's how it's done that's exactly,what you need to come in here and look,for us look for products that are on the,up rise of the trend of course if you,guys are interested in using this which,I highly suggest you do there's gonna be,a link it's gonna be the first one in,the description and it's going to be an,affiliate link for me so that if you,guys decide to use it it's gonna support,me as well if you don't want to support,me and you don't like that it's an,affiliate link we'll just go to Google,and search,Alley shark but if you're part of the,role of family then just go to the first,thing in description check out this,software and there is no doubt you're,gonna love it,so guys that's it hope you enjoyed the,video like I said tune in to the live,stream this Saturday April 6 at 2 p.m.,Central Standard and you'll be able to,ask me anything we'll talk a lot well,connect to the community it's gonna be,awesome and right after the live stream,is gonna be the launch of the course and,like I said it's gonna be a hundred,ninety seven for the first 24 hours,don't miss out on that because it's the,lowest it will ever ever be I promise,you that simple straight to the point,hope you guys enjoyed the video the key,is in this far as I can see just me,privacy a whole lot of tree on a,spotter see how these spaces do need you,to run what they're trying to see a,Stella Maxwell right beside of me,Ferrari I'm buying three a closet is,saying I run get without run when I walk,cuz his hunger is driving me I

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