how to embed google calendar on shopify website

How to Add Calendly to Shopify all right so in this quick video I will,show you how to add the calen

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Updated on Mar 30,2023

How to Add Calendly to Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to embed google calendar on shopify website

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How to Add Calendly to Shopify

all right so in this quick video I will,show you how to add the calendar to your,shopping store first you need to log,into your calendar account,and need to create an event,so I will create,first event,so I will choose one on one first as for,this example I will give a name,then you can select and add description,if you like and event colors,and happy I will click next,then you can choose the best settings to,your account into your needs,so I will click next,okay so now the,this is the,uh currently form we just built,so we need to integrate this to our,Shopify store,then go to your dashboard,then you need to click here,then in here you need to go to the,active website section,in here you can there are three three,types you can add as a pop-up text or,pop-up widget or inline named,so in here I can choose pop-up widget,then click continue so they give us a,code you can change the background color,if you like,so I will click green,so I will copy code from here,then you need to go to your Shopify,store,dashboard then click on livestock,so you need to go to the theme liquid,file for that you need to uh select your,theme then click these three dots,and click edit code,then you need to go to the theme liquid,file,in here as you can see this is the,previous code,I pasted,so,if you if you have seen this first time,you will see like this,this is the head section and this is the,start of the head section,you need to paste that copied code for,in here,so I will face detail right this is the,code we paste from the canal calendar,then click save,okay,then go to exit 10.,click,Behavior site,so as you can see you can see the pop-up,from calendula as you can see the green,color is in here if you click this,you can see the our heading and,our unit,so anyone can book a meeting,or,do your preferred things,through this,so I hope you enjoyed this quick video,if you liked the video press the like,button and subscribe my channel thank,you

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