how to delete a collection on shopify

Shopify Tutorial: Removing /collections/ name from product URLs i want to show you,how to get rid of


Updated on Feb 07,2023

Shopify Tutorial: Removing /collections/ name from product URLs

The above is a brief introduction to how to delete a collection on shopify

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how to delete a collection on shopify catalogs

Shopify Tutorial: Removing /collections/ name from product URLs

i want to show you,how to get rid of that possibly annoying,for you slash collections,url slug that happens in your product,pages when you visit them uh from a,collection page,and if we go on uh,,they've got this guide for shopify,optimizing for,seo on shopify and i love moz i trust,moz,and if we scroll through here,they make reference to duplicate content,and they know that shopify creates this,issue within product pages by default,and i'm not sure this is true anymore,shopify stores allow their slash,products pages to render two different,url paths the canonical path which is,slash products and the non-canonical,path which is slash collections,whatever the collection it was in at the,time and products slash products,and so you end up with with duplicate,non-canonical urls,in,your store and it's an easy thing to fix,in the theme and so i found there's a,thread that that moz article links to,uh where people walk through it and they,say well this is the intended behavior,but here's how you fix it and aha they,tell you there's a pipe filter where it,says within current collection so where,it says within current collection so,shopify liquid code does a little bit of,magic it adds the slash collections url,in here but all right,let me show you,what i'm talking about so here's the the,out of the sandbox turbo demo store i'm,in a collection,page,and on here if i hover over an item,and i click through,we can see what is going on here,let's go back,you can see in the bottom left it says,slash collection slash apparel slash,products slash intentional short and,what we want is for the theme to just,send us to a link that says slash,products slash intentional short no,slash collection slash apparel and that,way we don't have this duplicate product,issue now in the past themes all did,this by default but i don't know that,that's true anymore because if we go in,shopify supply their swag store,we look at a collection page there,and we look at our urls you can see they,just go to slash products and same with,if we load up their demo store for dawn,their default theme,same deal when you go to a collection,and click through,it,well here it doesn't do it but,it said it doesn't include the slash,collection just as slash products so we,we,i suspect that's the the preferred,method now we've built this on a few,client stores we think we had positive,results with it you know it's hard to to,be 100 sure so how do we do it how do we,do this ourselves i'm going to implement,this on my wife's shopify store we're,going to update it,and so let's head to,her site,and,under shop she's got some teas,lovely t-shirts and on here i can see,they go to slash collections,uh all right i don't want that i want to,get rid of that,so here we're going to go,in this live theme we're going to say,edit code,and oh it's got the updated theme editor,edit your themes files,choose from the side,all right and once i'm in the theme,editor,we're going to search for a phrase we're,looking for within colon collection,and,normally i use a theme extent extension,to search through themes quickly however,this theme editor,at the time of this recording has just,recently been updated so my theme search,tool,does not work,uh however here let me show you the,shopify theme search tool extension that,i'm using,there's one by bold that works very well,and there's another one that works well,just called shopify theme file search,by,it says it's offered by diego fortes so,those are the two,i've used that work for me and hopefully,one of the two will be updated to,support this new theme editor but all,right,we need to find in our theme you know,normally if you have the theme extension,you can search for,this within colon collection and you'll,find what you want right away,in our case i get a sleuthing i know,that it's in snippets,uh and it's probably in product loop,product dash loop and so once i've got,product dash loop open,there it is if i hit find,all there within collection and so you,can see what this thing is doing like,here's the link a href,custom featured product.url within,collection all i got to do is take that,out,just remove that,hit save,and i'm just going to search again,here's another one,take that out,save,and now i don't see any more in here so,okay now if i go back,this says slash collections in the url,if i look in the bottom left and now,when i refresh,and it refresh,it still goes to slash collections so i,definitely have not fixed this,the screencast video is getting away,from me,product swatch,you know now i'm just gonna start,finding stuff product thumbnail,there it is okay,here we go,take that out,take that out,save let's,find it again,not in there so let's refresh it let's,see if it happens again,refresh oh my gosh there we go,we fixed it,now when i click through you can see it,goes slash products slash product title,or slash product handle rather and that,collections url is gone now i've undone,it,fabulous,however,what if,what if my wife says i didn't want that,that's bad why didn't you ask,well it's easy to change in the theme,editor it does some basic versioning,don't rely on this as a backup,but you can go current,and original it'll keep a log of the,changes so you can switch back to it so,if i switch original just now and search,for within collection there it is it's,still in there so it's undone my changes,but i'm going to go back to current,because that does what we want and then,we should be good to go hopefully i,didn't break anything else,all right,hope that helps

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