how to customize shopify emails

How to Customize Shopify Email Notifications | Shopify Tutorial for Beginners if there's one thing i


Updated on Feb 02,2023

How to Customize Shopify Email Notifications | Shopify Tutorial for Beginners

The above is a brief introduction to how to customize shopify emails

Let's move on to the first section of how to customize shopify emails

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How to Customize Shopify Email Notifications | Shopify Tutorial for Beginners

if there's one thing i absolutely cannot,stand,about shopify it's their emails because,they kind of,suck hey guys welcome back to my channel,my name is chrissy and i help struggling,and aspiring product-based businesses,launch shops that not only get seen but,also make,money online and see a return for all of,the effort you are putting out,on the internet and today i wanted to,talk a little bit about the emails that,your customer receives,when they are shopping through your,shopify store,why i don't really like the setup that,shopify has and the customization,options that they give you,and i'm also going to be sharing my not,so secret hack,for how you can customize your emails,and how i create,super on brand exciting emails for my,clients,so that their customers are getting an,on-brand experience,from start to finish of their journey,but before we jump in,to the meat of this video if you are new,here and you haven't already,make sure to hit that red button down,below and subscribe i post new videos,every week all about turning your,passion into your business,okay so let's start off this video,why are the emails that you send your,customer,so important so with an online based,business unlike with a brick and mortar,store your emails are really going to be,the only time,you are interacting with your customer,from the start of their journey,so from when they purchase to when they,actually receive their product and,beyond if you do have advanced,automations,set up so your emails are speaking for,you and they're making sure that your,customer understands,that you are here for them you value,their business,and it also helps guide your customer,along to where you want them to go,post purchase so most times when i do,work with clients and when i,talk to my students they don't really,think about customizing these emails,within the shopify platform themselves,they think like if they're using a,platform like shopify shopify knows what,they're doing,the emails are gonna be bomb they don't,need to really worry about them,but honestly the emails that shopify,provides within,its platform are very basic,and they have very little customization,options and they're kind of,robotic and if you're like me i like to,throw my personality and my brand voice,into like everything that i do so if,you're on my email list,you will know that i really talk very,conversationally,so if my customers were to get an,automated email,from any of my softwares that i use,you would more than likely be able to,tell that it's not something that i,wrote and it's something that's,automated and that's not the experience,that i want my,customers to have and my subscribers to,have and it's not something that i know,my clients want,their customers to have so not only are,shopify's email templates kind of,robotic,but when you actually go to edit these,templates it's really confusing,and you might be totally put off from,editing them in the first place,when you see the options that shopify,gives you so i'm sure if you've,gone into your shopify settings and,you've taken a look at the different,emails that shopify provides you,you will know what i'm talking about,when i say that you kind of need to like,understand a little bit of code,to edit these emails and honestly i just,think that's like really,a weird choice on shopify's part but,that's a whole other story for a,different day that's not what we're,talking about today,what i am here to talk to you about,today is how you can,actually hack the system and how you can,edit your emails,to be on brand and super appealing for,your customers without actually having,to know code at all,well i take that back there is one tiny,little bit of code but i'm gonna tell,you exactly what it is,so instead of just explaining it in this,kind of format i'm actually gonna jump,over to a screen recording that i did,walking you through step by step,everything that you need to do,to customize your emails how to plug,them into shopify,and how to do that little bit of code,that i'm talking about you'll see,you'll know what i'm talking about in,one second okay so we're gonna jump over,to my computer,and i will be right back okay so as we,can see,this is really the only option you have,for editing a shopify email,um you have to know a little bit of code,you have to kind of like search through,here to see,what you can change what you can't,change stuff like that and then when you,do go around and change it this is,really the best you can get unless you,know like advanced,coding to make it a little bit more on,brand and maybe this is okay for you but,we could do a lot better so this is my,little hack so what you're going to do,is you're going to go to,and then you're going to go to email,templates now claudio is free,um totally free there's no like free,trial or anything i've had this for,months,totally free so you're going to go to,email templates and you're going to,create a template and then,you will see up here that they actually,have a whole section,for shopify and notification templates,so,you can use this method for any of these,templates that you see here these,the way they've coded these emails they,will work when you copy and paste the,code into,shopify which i'm going to show you how,to do so let's go ahead and go into your,order confirmation and we're just going,to do,youtube example,so this is what you're gonna see and,then from,here it's really awesome because it's,literally,just drag and drop so say for example,you already have the social links down,here but say for example you like want,them higher on your email,you can just grab this social links,and insert it into your email you can,add as many social links as you want,here,and then you can save it and that is,what's going to be in your email so it's,really awesome in the fact that it,is drag and drop you can also add like,specific,products from your shop in here which is,awesome,um if you want to like cross promote i,wouldn't suggest probably putting,products in your order confirmation,email,but maybe in another email you might,want to put products in there,you can add a picture in here which i,don't have,pictures in here besides um ones that,i'm not going to use for this example,but,you can add a picture in here like if,you want to create an on brand,banner that says like thank you for your,purchase you can do that,have all of the information here that,you want about like joining your,facebook community or,your instagram or something like that,and then you have the order details,which is what,people want to see in obviously their,order confirmation,so let's say for example you go through,all of this you save it and you return,to templates,now what you're going to do is you're,going to see our youtube example here,so what you're going to do is you're,going to create or you're going to click,these three dots,and then you're going to hit export and,this looks scary but i'm going to show,you exactly what you need to do so go,ahead and copy this,and then what you're going to do is,you're going to go back to,shopify you're going to go in here and,you're going to delete,all of this code i know scary it'll be,fine look there's a little revert to,default button there so if you mess up,you can just start all over and then,what you're going to do is you are going,to,paste the code that we just copied,from clavio so now,when you hit preview you are going to,see,the um template that we edited and,created within clavio and obviously i,didn't really make the swan brands like,at all i didn't do anything,but this is what you're gonna see you're,gonna see essentially what you,created in claudio now,you'll see at the bottom here that,there's clavio branding there,now i'm not saying you should do this,but you can get rid of the clavio,branding i'm going to show you how,so let me go all the way to the bottom,so if you go to,this section right here and i will copy,and paste what you need to search for,and what you need to find,um in the description box so you can do,this really easily,you are going to delete all of this,right here,until you get to here you're going to,delete that,and i'm going to like i said copy and,paste it in the description box for you,and then the clavio branding is gone,everybody just thinks,it's an in-house shopify email not,saying you should do that because,technically you should be paying for,clavio if you want the branding removed,but yeah you didn't hear that from me,um so yeah like i said clavia is really,awesome they have a ton of templates,that you can choose from,something that as well i think is pretty,cool is,let me go back to the templates here if,you edit it,you can add drop shadows so you can like,add a drop shadow,underneath your header image,which i think looks really cool and then,you can add a drop shadow like,underneath this line at the bottom,you don't even have to have a line but,it just looks really cool,and just adds a little bit of extra,pizzazz,i guess if you want to say that so yeah,that is my little hack,with clavio like i said you can really,use it for as many templates as,they offer um even though you might not,actually need them all in your shop,so as you can see once we change our,emails from something,like this to something like this,it is a lot more of an appealing,experience,for your customer and like i talked,about before,if you have these emails through,different stages of your customers,journey,like the order confirmation the shipping,confirmation the delivery confirmation,and then if you also have,a post purchase series set up through,your email provider,you are really going to be killing it,and giving your customer that on brand,experience,from start to finish and beyond,so now that we know how to actually,create these beautiful emails,that are going to wow your customers,through the journey,what should you include in these emails,so obviously,with the order confirmation you want to,include the basics,this is what you ordered this is your,shipping address your billing address,i already showed you how to put them,into your emails within,the screen recording but another good,idea in your order confirmation,email is to let your customer know where,else,they can find you online so while,they're waiting for their order to ship,can they join a facebook community and,kind of get to know the community a,little bit more,can they follow you on instagram for,like order updates and behind the scenes,of actually creating orders and,packaging orders,can they follow you on youtube direct,your customer away,from their inbox and into another social,media stream,that you have for them this is an,amazing opportunity to convert a,one-time customer,into a lifelong fan by welcoming them,into your community,okay so i went ahead and i did a little,example here i just created this,template in canva and if you,search um email header in canva,this size will pop up and it works,perfectly for these,so you can insert your header there,i did also edit this just to show you an,example of,what i would maybe put in my order,processing,email and something else that i wanted,to mention,too is that clavio has this option,here so if you're familiar with like,email marketing in general you know that,you can insert certain rules that will,basically,put your subscribers first name into the,email so you can actually do that here,so when you're writing out your,email copy you can hit insert property,and it has all of these different,options here so you can put first name,email address anything like that you,probably only really need your first,name,or even like the order number or,something like that so you can put that,there,and then the customer's first name will,actually show up so it makes it a little,bit more personal,so something else that i did just want,to,say is it might be a good idea to,also put a first name tag in the,subject line um just makes it a little,bit more personal and this is in,particular for,like abandoned cart emails making those,a little bit more personal so people,click on them but you can absolutely add,that tag,into the email subject line and edit,this up to make it a little bit more,on brand and your style so i'm just,going to go ahead and save,that and then i'm going to preview this,and now this is what my email will look,like,to my customer so it's just a lot more,on brand a lot more personal,and if you want you can also change,these to be your on brand colors,likewise for the shipping confirmation,emails,you can tell them that they should,expect to see updates within 24 to 48,hours depending on,what your chosen shipping provider tells,you,and then with the delivery confirmation,email this,is obviously optional you don't have to,have a delivery confirmation email,but i think this is a great opportunity,to make sure that your customer is 100,happy so one if they didn't actually,receive their order,make sure that they know that they can,contact you and you can help them figure,that out,two if they have a damaged product,or if it's just not kind of what they,were expecting,you should be opening up that dialogue,to make sure,that you are making them a happy,customer and you are 100,satisfying their needs and then likewise,you can also tell them if they haven't,joined those communities,now that they have your product let's go,talk about it let's go rave about it,let's go give each other tips,on how to use your product in my,facebook community or on instagram or,within my youtube channel,these are all great areas and,opportunities,to convert that customer into a long,time,fan so i hope this video was helpful,if you are thinking about making the,switch to shopify i actually have a free,checklist,of everything that you need to do to set,up your shopify store so if you're just,watching this video and you're like i,don't know,if i want to switch to shopify or not do,it you will not regret it and check out,that checklist in the description box,down below,like i said if you haven't already make,sure to hit that red button i will be,back to you next week with another,video until then stay safe and have a,great day

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