how to create a 6 figure shopify business mike vestil

How I Built a 6 Figure Business In One Year (For Beginners) in this video revealing how i built a,si

Mike Vestil

Updated on Mar 14,2023

How I Built a 6 Figure Business In One Year (For Beginners)

The above is a brief introduction to how to create a 6 figure shopify business mike vestil

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How I Built a 6 Figure Business In One Year (For Beginners)

in this video revealing how i built a,six-figure business in one,year more with that after the intro,hey guys how's your mike fasil here,welcome this video before we actually,remind you that several spots have,opened up for this week's free workshop,where it's the fastest and easiest way,to make money online,we literally have a 62 year old woman go,from zero to 160 grand profit in 90 days,so sign up for now all right guys so,just check this out with just one online,business alone that we literally just,started in the past like six to 12,months,in the past 30 days we've netted about,48 000,net and in the past seven days we have,netted,about 10 000 net but here's the thing,this wasn't always the case,you know i remember when i first got,started in my online business and it was,scary because i did not have that much,experience,you know my parents actually came from,the philippines to america had me and my,sister in my entire life,all i knew was to go to school get good,grades get a job and maybe one day,quote-unquote being successful my entire,life i always see like my mom and dad,work eight to 16 hours a day blood sweat,and tears,to just make enough to help me and my,sister you know have enough food,get to the right activities get the,right education and maybe one day you,know support us so that we could get the,job that we wanted,but here i was you know stuck in college,not feeling fulfilled not actually,wanting to become a dentist,realizing is this actually what i wanted,out of life,and you know i was like looking around,at all my friends and i would constantly,compare myself to them because they,always seem to have the money to go out,to like dinners or,to go travel for spring break and here i,was someone that had,no money whatsoever and i hated myself,for it i felt ashamed that i never had,any money,i was angry that i was stuck in this,position where why is it that we had no,money why did my family have no money,even though they had,good jobs they still had no money maybe,they had maybe a thousand dollars in,their savings account,why why why i got so angry to the point,where,i it turned into like the severe,depression where i ended up just like,dropping out of dental school before the,first year to like literally figure out,my entire life,and i tried so many things online um a,lot of it,some succeeded a lot of it failed and it,was just depressing because no matter,when i started an online business i,could never build that reliability,and and safety to allow myself to you,know pay off my student loan debt pay,off my credit card bills,help my mom and dad so that they,wouldn't stress as much with finances,and i remember just being like,as stressed as as i was um working so,hard,and seeing my parents slowly get older,from just the stress of their,nine-to-five job,that i remember because i not only left,college because,i saw the stress of my parents's like,eyes just,going crazy because of their work that i,was like you know what,i'm in a very dark place i was like,drinking a lot i was doing a bunch of,bad things i wasn't being the smartest,person with my decisions,we're at the lowest of low and of course,it doesn't help that like i had a,heartbreak at that time too,so like me my girlfriend ended up like,breaking up and i was literally in the,most suppressed state of point,but i like thinking that sometimes it's,only at our lowest of lows do we realize,that we can only go one direction that's,up from there,and i ended up getting you know uh like,tickets to going to a tony robbins event,and i realized you know my family was,completely depressed we were all in a,very dark state of mind,everyone thought i was crazy and like,our family relationship was the worst,it's ever been in its entire time,so i was like okay let me take my mom's,credit card money that we did not have,and i just swiped it to go to a credit,uh,tony robbins event it was this event,that was exactly really weird,because i went and there was literally,five to eight thousand people in the,room,the room was extremely cold and here we,were,at this tony robbins event of this guru,that teaches people like oprah winfrey,like kobe bryant,like all these successful presidents how,to actually empower themselves to,actually start,making more money create more,fulfillment and create a better life,but of course my parents and family were,skeptical they're like what is this guy,dragging us into and it wasn't until we,did this one exercise,that it completely changed my life you,know he had everyone closed their eyes,and you know i remember 8 000 people,closed her eyes and,the entire room was hushed and he was,like okay i want you guys to,imagine the last day of your life so,here i was you know like 20,21 at the time just imagine what the,last day of my life was,and i didn't think i realized it at the,time of how crazy that is to just,imagine the last day of your life,um but he had us walk through like this,visualization exercise okay,i want you to imagine you're on your,deathbed on the last day of your life,there's one decision that you knew you,needed to make back when you were,younger,back when you were in your 10 20s 30s,40s 50s,imagine you did not make that decision,now on this deathbed i want you to,imagine who are the people around you,your loved ones your wife your husband,uh your girlfriend your boyfriend who,are the people you love the most i want,you to imagine their faces,so i was like closing my eyes and i was,like okay my mom my dad,my wife my future kids at the time i'm,just seeing how sad they are,and then they had me visualize what,their face looked like when the doctor,told them that i only had,you know a couple minutes left to live,and just see the pain in their face and,then he's like i want you to visualize,what it would look like not only seeing,the people that you love,but all of the ghosts of the dreams,goals and aspirations that never,happened because you were afraid to do,that one thing that you knew you needed,to do,after this event that you're in right,now or this video,and i started thinking about all the,things that i could have done like oh,man i could have started that business i,could have traveled more,i could spend more time loving the,people that i cared about and started,living,more in faith instead of fear i could,have stepped more into my greatness i,could have felt more confident i could,have taken more of a chance in the,things that i loved instead of,falling prey to a job that i hated and,then i started visualizing that and,feeling angry for myself,at the end of my life that i had all,this regret and then he said,as you close your eyes for the last time,you see the person you could have become,had you have not been so afraid to take,that one decision,and they say that you know the real,definition of hell is you know on the,last day of your earth,on this earth you meet the person you,could have become,had you've not been so afraid and here i,was seeing the person that i could have,been,seeing the life i could have lived the,love that i could have experienced the,success the happiness the growth of,fulfill,fulfillment how i could have given back,realizing that i could never do that,because i was too afraid to take action,and as i closed my eyes forever he said,now make the noise of what it would be,like seeing that person,knowing you could never do that knowing,you're about to close your eyes forever,and you will never accomplish all the,things that you wanted,and at that moment there was 5 000 to 8,000 people in the room,i heard blood curdling shrieks,people in their 50s 60s 70s even 80s,nearly,near their deathbed in pain adults in,tears realizing that they lived a life,based off of fear,instead of faith and it was at that,moment that instilled into this,into like my body this fear of death,of not wanting to be at that of my life,to be filled in regret,and it was at that moment that lit this,fire underneath my butt that i realized,okay i was like 20 21 at the time i told,myself,i need to create a deathline for myself,because most people wait until it's too,late to,take action and to do the things that it,is that they wanted,so i told myself if i were to die at age,30,how would i go ahead and live my life,what would i build what life would i go,ahead and do and that's exactly when i,ended up,you know going crazy in finding a mentor,online,i remember going to all these facebook,groups because i wanted to realize okay,i've been doing these things all by,myself,never actually reaching out so i went on,all these facebook groups about,e-commerce and affiliate marketing and,making money line,and i just saw who would post something,about their success this was before,people were making youtube videos about,it right,and the moment i would post someone like,that had a success i would literally,message them and say,thank you so much for your post i'm,literally a college dropout trying to,help my mom and dad,your post gave me inspiration i just,want to say thank you,i said that to every single person that,posted something on a facebook group,and then a couple times a handful of,them started reaching back out to me and,saying ah that means so much to me,you know i was in your positions just a,year ago keep on going and then what i,started doing was started building,you know networks and um you know,friendships with those people,some of these people started building,started helping me,with my business they started being my,mentors that i've never actually met,before and i started realizing the,secret to building a six-figure business,online in a year,is actually reaching out to these people,so i kid you not i was going all these,groups i was seeing who was posting what,i was reaching out to them saying thank,you just giving gratitude i wasn't,asking or begging them for,my their help i was saying hey thanks,for that post i wasn't asking anything,but because i led with gratitude they,started reaching back out to me and we,started building that friendship,and from that friendship started a,mentorship where one of them actually,you know taught me how to,like drive traffic to products that i,did not even have to create myself,and that business went not just from,zero dollars to six figures in one year,went from zero to 1.5 million dollars in,sales,my first 12 months,and that's what completely changed my,life you know we took that money and we,started like,traveling around the world i started you,know like traveling and like going,and doing all these things that you,could see on my channel from like,four years four years ago right i,started going to like barcelona,spain portugal i went to peru right i,went to,california i went to the philippines i,went to malaysia,i brought my family to the philippines,all because,in one year from my death line that i,was told myself i literally,was able to do this i need to go ahead,and do this now let's break down why,that works so well number one i gave,myself a time limit,most people think that they have all the,time in the world and because that they,always postpone things they,procrastinate,i told myself if i were to die at age 30,what would i actually go ahead and do,i also did another timeline i told my,mom and dad i was like okay if i can't,make six figures in one year,i'll go back to college and because of,that that gave me a time from where i,literally had to burn the bridges,and actually make this happen the second,step i reached out to people that were a,lot smarter than me,i'm not the smartest person in the world,i had no tax having this whatsoever,i had no confidence in my own skills,which is why i,i literally found people who could put,their own confidence in me,i started joining all these facebook,groups about affiliate marketing about,you know facebook ads about you know,e-commerce and i started reaching out to,the people that were posting their,success stories,and saying thank you the third step is i,started building a network and,friendship,because i knew that if i could build a,network in a relationship with these,people just by because i'm a good human,being and i share with them my why,oh i want to help my mom and dad i want,to travel around and i do want to do all,these things and you inspire me,they started reaching out to me this is,exactly why you know a lot of my,business,are now just reaching out to more,successful people like on my podcast,like this 11 year girl that turned on 30,million dollars,and this guy that makes a million,dollars per month profit because i know,that the real six figure business,is by networking with these people,learning what they did and then do it,and reverse engineering it,that's why for example in this other,business last year we pulled in 118 000,commissions not really counting exactly,how we made,uh with this other online business you,could see 48 000,and we started learning from business,models that were already working,the problem with most people is they do,business models that might be outdated,or that might work a couple years from,now,a couple years ago but they don't work,right now which is why i always stress,to focus on the network that you build,facebook groups are huge youtube is huge,because there are people that are making,money right now if odds are you see me,making money right now with this in the,past 30 days in the past seven days,we pulled in ten thousand dollars then,you know this method of making money,online which is affiliate marketing,recommending other people's products and,services where i don't have to do my own,customer,service fulfillment actually works and,in fact if i can do this remember i'm,not the smartest person in the world,then why can't you which is why we,literally have people,students go from ten dollars a day to a,hundred dollars a day to a thousand,dollars a day without ever showing,themselves on camera without,being the face of it being behind the,scenes and literally doing it with no,experience no tech skills and no prior,confidence or experience,if you need help with that and sign up,for this week's free workshop because we,have a 62 year old woman,go from zero to 160 000 profit in 90,days,and if you want to get inspired on how,all the these other people have made six,and seven figure businesses,sometimes as fast as within one year and,check out these podcasts right here like,this 11 year ago they turned on 30,million dollars,and this guy that makes a million per,month you can check out right here and,right here hopefully sells for olivia i,see isaiah,you

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