how to create shopify partner account

How to Create a Shopify Partner Account (NEW) hello students welcome to my today's,lecture on how to

Sultan Global

Updated on Feb 05,2023

How to Create a Shopify Partner Account (NEW)

The above is a brief introduction to how to create shopify partner account

Let's move on to the first section of how to create shopify partner account

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How to Create a Shopify Partner Account (NEW)

hello students welcome to my today's,lecture on how to create a Shopify,partner account this is going to be a,small video I'm going to show you only,how to create the account because I have,already created a different video on how,to actually create the e-commerce,website using your top 5 partner account,also I had a video on how to create a,Shopify partner account which I created,I think roughly 10 months ago,I just noticed that Shopify since then,has changed the process a little bit so,I just wanted to create a new one so,that you don't get confused between the,old way and the new way so let's just go,to start so first of all when you go to,this website /font as you,will see this isoh to join or to create,a shop shot 5 partner account you have,to put in your email address here,where's this join now so you have to put,in your email address yet so I'm gonna,put in my email address so then you have,to click on this button called join now,and then you have to provide your,details so your name first name and last,name and then you have to create a,password so since your password must be,at least five characters long and can,begin or end with I space so I'll just,choose random password okay,so the password that I'm going to choose,I have to remember so that I can log,back in later on so you guys need to be,careful while choosing the password,because you have to remember it all,right then I have to click on this,button called create account,all right so so we get to this screen,when you have to click on this button it,says create new partner account then you,have to provide your business name so,it's not necessary that it has to be,your name but it can be your name as,well or if you're running a business,let's say marketing agency so you can,put your business thing yeah yeah so you,have to just provide the name of,whatever the business name is so I'm,gonna put in sake global,website optional city signal country,Australia region New South Wales then I,have to answer a few questions here so,the first question is what is the,primary way you plan to make money so,maybe we can pick like any of this,depending on what we're going to do so I,can pick either this one or I can pick,this one because if you are just gonna,sell products and build a website only,for yourself,you can pick this one so it really,depends on what you plan to do but if,you're going to manage a lot of clients,under this one partner account you can,actually click on this option but let's,say you're gonna only create a website,for yourself and you're gonna sell,products I chopped up fine merchants so,and then they'll ask you which ecommerce,platform have you worked waved before,basically please select all that apply,so you can select the ones that you've,worked with and then if you have to work,with any before,that's absolutely okay then you have to,just say you know I'm not working with,any commerce platforms so you just have,to click here and then you have to say I,have read and agree to the you know,partner program agreement then you have,to click on this,and then you're gonna see the this page,so on the left-hand side you have all,the you know the menu and the buttons,and the first one is stores so that's,where you need to go to create an,in-store so if you click on that you're,gonna see things now currently there's,no store here chocolate platform has,already sent an email to your email,address and so you just have to verify,your email address and then you'll be,good to go,this button will be you know enabled,once you verify your email address and,then you need to just click on this,button to create a store so while I have,you on the video I'm gonna quickly,activate my account by clicking on the,verify account email or the button,alright,I've already verified my email address,from my tab so I'm gonna refresh this,page so now you can see that this button,add store has been activated and you,just need to click on this button to,create a new store so I'll quickly show,you how to get there,so now you have to pick an option from,this two options so let's say don't,finish doors because you're developing,to store from scratch,so you have to provide I store name I'll,pick a store name from here so let's say,something sports maybe I'll put them,together,yeah it's available so some tennis balls,it's it's not taken so it's available so,initially it's gonna be soft and sport,my shadow,once you purchase your domain name you,can link the domain name with your,Shopify store but for now and it's going,to be sort of sports doctor my shelf of,Viacom and the email you can keep the,email same or you can use a different,email address for to to log in to your,store so for each store that you're,going to create you can use a different,email address and password,all right I'm not gonna click on this,because I don't want to do I don't want,to create a non-transferable store so,I'll just keep it unchecked for now so,you have to put in your address wherever,you are located so I'm gonna I'm not,going to put my exact address now just,I'll just pick a random entrance now,what will you do with this still pistol,you can pick any of these options so,let's say builders build a new store for,it find so let's hit the buttons save,this a success your store is ready to go,so let's just wait for it to load,you

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