how to add shopify links in adobe muse

How To Create Buttons and Links in your Adobe Muse Website hello and welcome to another episode of,t

Terry Lee White

Updated on Mar 31,2023

How To Create Buttons and Links in your Adobe Muse Website

The above is a brief introduction to how to add shopify links in adobe muse

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How To Create Buttons and Links in your Adobe Muse Website

hello and welcome to another episode of,the Adobe Creative Suite podcast my name,is Tory white and in this episode we're,going to pick back up where we left off,with my episode on how to create,websites with Adobe news as a matter of,fact that website was overwhelming,received positively but one of the,things that people ask for tremendously,and over and over again is how to create,links and buttons in other words it kind,of left you hanging got to start on the,site but if you really want to start,linking to other pages or linking to,other sites how do you do that how do,you make a button how do you make a link,how do you do rollovers and all of the,above,so let's come back to this episode and,get started I have the amuse website,open that we work last worked on so I'm,just going to go ahead and double click,on the home page where we want to put,our button and I also have Photoshop,open now this is not a requirement but,it is a feature abuse where if you have,a Photoshop graphic and you've gone,ahead and created layers that represent,your various states so in other words I,have an upstate that's dark blue and an,over state that's lighter blue and again,this could be an effect below a shadow,any kind of effect that makes it look,different when someone hovers over it,you can actually use those states inside,mutes so let's go ahead and head back,over to Adobe News and what I want to do,now is I want to placed I have a Twitter,button and have a Facebook button so I,want to place those buttons maybe over,here on the right-hand side so you'll,notice that there is a place command,just like InDesign where you would place,graphics and text but in this case it's,the place Photoshop button and again,this is in the case that you built a,button in Photoshop it's a Photoshop PSD,file with layers so we're just going to,go ahead and say place the button and,again I can grab multiple files here,actually I can grab multiple files when,I'm placing an image but when I place a,button it is one at a time because you,do have to answer the question next,which is what do you want your your,state's to be in other words your,composite state would be your Upstate,for example your / status,of explanatory when they hover over it,you can also have a mouse downstate and,an active state so you can actually have,up to four states for your Photoshop,button we only built to the up or a /,composite and / so those are the ones,we'll use and they've already been,identified so we'll just click OK then,my placement gun loads it asks me,basically where I want to put this,button I click to put it on the page and,again if I just click instead of drag it,will always come in at actual size now,let's go back and get the Twitter button,so once again file place this Photoshop,button will grab the one for Twitter,same thing it asks me if I want you know,what's my composite or Upstate what's my,/ state down state and active state so,we'll click OK and we're just going to,put that one right next to it and again,with things like smart guides we can,make sure they're lined up nice and,neatly and get it right about there okay,so now we got our buttons and even if we,preview this right now right in muse we,can actually preview the interaction of,the rollovers but clicking those buttons,wouldn't do anything because alas there,are no links to them they're just,buttons on the page with a rollover,state that don't go anywhere so now how,do we do this if we just click on the,Facebook button for example you'll,notice that there is a hyperlink option,right here on the toolbar and that,hyperlink option is actually in two,places there's one here that's basically,sets the controls or expands the options,and this is where you actually put the,link itself and you even have the,ability if you're linking to something,on a longer page to do a an anchor so,you can basically Inc you know create an,anchor link to something that's further,down on the page so the user clicks and,it Scrolls to right to it so you have,all of your linking options right here,okay so now that we know what the what,the links are full or how to do the,links let's go ahead and create one so,we have the Facebook link here we're,just going to say that I want that to,open in a new window or,up and we're just going to go ahead and,call this facebook fanpage just so we,can keep it nice and neat there in HTML,and now we're just going to actually,click over to where we actually want the,hyperlink and this is where you can,actually type it in or paste it in so,this would go to and now,I'll put in just a sample Terry White,fans for now but of course I would link,that to the actual sites fan page ok and,the same thing for Twitter I would do,the exact same thing here I wanted to,open up in a new window or new tab and,again that's an option and we're just,going to say that this is Twitter and,then we go over and put the Twitter few,RL which is forward slash,Terry L white so you can follow me on,Twitter as well ok so now that we've got,both of those in we can go ahead and,test it right in the browser so we'll,just go ahead and say preview page in,browser and that will bring up the page,and allow us to test again,once again our rollovers and actually,click to test if make sure we typed in,the link properly and we did it took me,to my fan page and once again we'll test,the one for Twitter and if I typed it in,correctly it takes me to my Twitter page,so those are active working links in,your muse site ready to be deployed,ready to be used and again you can line,up these buttons or put them any way you,want wherever you want on your page so,that is how you work with buttons from,Photoshop now what if you just want to,turn something else into a button or,link for example the date for our,meeting is March 18th and I want if,someone happens to click on that,calendar I want that to actually take,them to the meetings page so this is not,linking to an external site this is,actually linking to another page in use,so all I feel select the object is again,it's not a Photoshop button button with,multi multiple layers it's just an,object so I'm just going to go,and again I don't want to have to type,in a URL and figure out what the page is,but if I just click the little pulldown,menu it knows about the rest of the,Meuse pages so if I say take this to the,meetings page that's where that will go,so automatically that's how you link,from within one music to another Mueller,site using a graphic I've done it before,I think in the last episode with a,hyperlink and the text but it would be,the same thing you'd highlight the text,create the hyperlink that way so in a,nutshell we've covered most of the ways,that you're going to create links inside,of your muse Adobe muse website using,buttons Photoshop buttons graphics and I,believe in the last episode we cover,text links which is the same technique,so that's it for this episode of the,Adobe Creative Suite podcast my name is,teri white thanks for watching,you

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