how to add google domain to shopify

How to Change and Configure Google Domains DNS settings records (point website to shopify) hello eve

Smart Help Guides

Updated on Jan 30,2023

How to Change and Configure Google Domains DNS settings records (point website to shopify)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add google domain to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add google domain to shopify

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How to Change and Configure Google Domains DNS settings records (point website to shopify)

hello everyone so welcome back to,another tutorial and today i'm gonna,quickly show you how to change the dns,settings of any domain connected to your,google domains account,or manage dns settings whatever you want,to say,um so first thing you have to do is log,into your google domains dashboard,and to do so it's really simple just go,to this,url domain start slash,registrar,and here you will see a list of all the,domains connected to your google domains,account,now select the domains for which you,want to change the dns settings,and then click on this manage button,here,so now this will take you to the domain,setting page,and from here on the left sidebar you,will be able to see this,dns option or here you will also see,edit dns settings option,so you can click on any of the option so,now this will open the dns settings page,for this domain,and right now you can see i'm using,custom name servers,of namecheap which is my hosting,provider,so most likely if you are using a simple,hosting a simple wordpress website or,using,um using a using your custom domain name,servers will be the,right method to do it will be the easier,method actually,the limitation with this is you will not,be able to use services like google,workspace,or if you have a shopify website kind of,then,you want your domain to point your,shopify website,so you will have to use the google,domain name servers,option okay so if you are using custom,name servers,all the settings on the rest of the,settings on this page,will basically get disabled and any,changes you make will,actually do not will not have any effect,because your dns is actually managed by,your,hosting company so you will have to,update uh,any custom changes in the interface your,hosting company provides,okay so now let's get back to the topic,to today's topic,and let's learn how to manage the dns,settings with google domains,so first thing you have to do is select,this option first option,use the google domain name servers okay,so i will click on savior,okay you can see the message changes to, are saved but,this will take like 48 hours to take,effect so usually it is like,two to four hours so now let's scroll,down,and all the settings on this page are,now active,so the first option is this dns security,okay so it's like not essential so i,will just um i will explain it later,and the second option is registered host,um you can also ignore this option right,now it is not super important,and you can see the message here that,it looks like we have changed the name,servers so all settings,um and synthetic records are currently,disabled,to enable the settings you need to,restore okay so we have already changed,but,it is not showing the embed that is,showing that we are using custom name,servers so let's refresh this page,okay so once you refresh this page it,should,show you that now we are using google's,custom name servers,um okay so you can see that warning,message is gone now,okay so now let's focus on this options,okay,uh the first is the synthetic record so,it is important if you want to use like,google workspace you can directly enable,that option,or email forwarding feature which i,explained in my previous video,um with custom google name servers it,all you have to do is just simply click,on it,and email forwarding gets enabled by,default,as all the mx records required will,automatically added by google,okay and if you want to use google,workspace all you have to do is select,this option here,and then click on add so it google will,automatically add the required,records to your dns,okay so um domain dns,so or if you want to use subdomain,forward you can also do it,let's say you want to create a subdomain,which you want to redirect to a,different url let's say you want to,create a,page like affiliate okay, and i,wanted to be,redirect to a different page like my,facebook page or something,okay so i can just add this record here,and now whenever someone will click on,this,um go to the subdomain, it will,automatically redirect them to this page,okay so now you can select what kind of,redirect you want to,it to permanent 301 or temporary 302.,um it is not really essential you can,select either,temporary directed basically depends on,the,kind of use if you want that redirect to,be permanent you can select three zero,one,and select three zero two okay and then,just simply click on,add here so but uh,the changes will take some hour to take,effect so i cannot just,show you right now that that's working,okay,and if you want to delete or edit you,can also do this,uh do the same from the options uh,visible here,so now let's scroll down and see this is,the most important part custom resource,record so these records are the,essential records and without these,proper records in this um in this,section your website will not work,and your you will see a blank page or,error page,okay so it's really important to,configure this settings properly,and to do so um basically this uh,dns records tell whenever someone types,uh your website name like my website is,,so in the browser when we type,,um the dna settings will tell that okay,this,okay this website is hosted on this,server,and this is the ib which is uh which we,input here,okay so i will explain the records to,you and the most important,most important records are a record uh,type a record and type c name record,so type a record is basically the direct,id address,of your server so to do add,you all you have to do is simply add the,rate put here,select the record type and put a here in,time you can just leave it blank,or depending on settings um you can see,google is uh let's put a short record,here so for a minute type just,five minute and here put the ip address,and you can have only one sub uh a,record,for your main root domain okay so,i cannot just um i already have a record,so i cannot,create another record so if i try to add,another record you will see i will get,an,error okay you can see the record is,already in use,but um if i want to create a record for,a sub domain then i can do it,for example i want to create a i want,my sub domain sharp dot,um this shop sub domain,to point to my shopify website okay so,what i will do is,um shop a record and now i can put the,ip address before adding shopify records,you will have to um add a record like,this,and then put your add okay,so i can put a record here this is how a,records work basically,uh a records a direct ip address,okay and let's say you want a sub domain,to point to the same website where your,main root website is hosted okay so,let's say i want my the most popular and,common subdomain is www dot,okay so w to add uh so if someone is,visiting,my website,i want him to point to the same,server where my root website is located,okay,so you can see here there's a ww dot,record,and in the type c name and here,it points to the,so but let's say i want to create,another record,you can see here i have added,,and the cname uh it's a cname record,type,and it is pointing to,okay so whenever someone type,,it will point them to this ipa address,but when someone types,,it will point them to the cname record,okay,basically this is a requirement by,shopify two point,uh domain to if you want your domain to,point to the store,so this is how you have to add you will,have to add two records first is one a,record you can see here,point your root domain a record to this,and point your sub domain,c c name record do this okay,so i will make it simple and i will tell,you which are the,essential records if you want your,domain to point your shopify store so,for that,um i will delete all the records and,again add,okay so now let's um i want my domain, to point to my,shopify store,so according to shopify i will have to,point my,root uh root domain say record to this,ip address so i will just copy it here,and go to google domains,add add the rate for root domain,type in the record type select a,and here select five minutes the time to,live,and then paste the ip address here and,then click on,add okay and we need another,record to point on the www.subdomain to,point to this,uh so i will here,put the ww dot,cname record type five minutes,and in domain i will put it this record,here,as required by shopify okay,so we have uh now my domain will start,pointing to my shopify store but this,these changes as you can see from the,notice here will take some hours to take,effect,okay so now um more records type so you,can see,another very common record type is,text record so this is required for,verification so for example i have my,google webmaster i want to add this,website to my google webmaster,but by default if you're using google,domains you automatically get um,verified,but let's say i'm used not using so i'm,just showing you,let's say for anyone else uh they will,have to verify it like this,okay so they will have to add this,record okay so i will just,copy this record here you can see here,it is showing that,sign into your domain provider copy the,text record and add it to your dns,configuration,so i will copy the text record here and,i will go here,and put at the rate,and in the text i will put the value,here and then,add this okay,so you can see here this record has also,been added,and now google will able will be able to,verify this with that,uh by completing this step google will,be able to know that,okay i really own this domain and,connect it to my account,okay so basically this is an example of,how to use it,um how to use this feature and i hope,you found this useful it may be a little,confusing at first but it's really,simple,the most common records are a and,another is c name and then if you want,to add for verification you can add text,records,and for shopify i have shown you how to,do it this is basically the,configuration you need to point your,domain to a shopify store,and similarly for a normal website you,can,replace this ip address with your,website hosting server,and to get to know how which ip you,should point to,you check the welcome email or emails,you got from your hosting provider they,will be,um they must have mentioned the ip,address of your hosting hosting server,or ask your,hosting company by support email you,know to,know that you want to add this record,and you need to know the ip so they will,tell you and,uh in the www just do not put,shop.myshopify put your,root domain name smart,help guides,here you can put anything uh put your,root domain name here,okay so now my website main website,domain will point to this,ip and the sub domain will point to i,will tell that okay where,it is located at the same place where my,main website is located,so that's it for this video and if you,have any question,or if you are not able to understand,anything please post in the comments and,i will try to help you,so that's it for this video and i will,see you in the next video

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