how to add a page break line in shopify

Keep Line breaks in #Shopify Multi-line Text #Metafield hi this is jonah with sweet honeycode,and to

Sweet Honeycode

Updated on Mar 24,2023

Keep Line breaks in #Shopify Multi-line Text #Metafield

The above is a brief introduction to how to add a page break line in shopify

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how to add a page break line in shopify catalogs

Keep Line breaks in #Shopify Multi-line Text #Metafield

hi this is jonah with sweet honeycode,and today we're going to revisit the,multi-line,tags made a field and how we can keep,wine breaks,so let's get started so i'm revisiting,this,subject because it came to my attention,that i forgot about a special filter,that allows you to have line breaks for,multi-line text made of fields so let's,dive into how this works first i already,have a multi-line text meta field so if,i go over to my products and go to that,product where i've added default test,information here down below you can see,that i've simply just copied my,description up here and pasted it down,here but again this is just for,demonstration purposes this multi-lane,text could be used for a wide variety of,reasons but if i go and preview this in,a pre online store 2.0 it displays it,like this all clumped together with no,line breaks while we go back to our,themes here i'm going to go to the my,pre-debut,to online store 2.0 theme here and go to,edit code now keep in mind what i'm,about to show you can also work if you,if you're creating your own custom,blocks so i'm already on my product dash,template.liquid and i'm going to scroll,on down,and find where i put place this code,takes me a moment here it is,product dot made a field stop my fields,that multitext,so all i need to do here is do a space,add a pipe here,new line,underscore,to,underscore vr so now i saved go back to,my tab and reload,it now will honor the line breaks that i,placed with the multi-line,text field,now i still,wish they would improve this field by,actually adding a simple,rich text tools like for bolding and,things like that but for now this is,what we have so there you go now you can,add or preserve the line breaks that you,have placed in your multi-line text,fields,now,what about new themes that are,supporting online store 2.0 now this,could still change depending on that,theme but if i go to the dawn theme,which is the default template that you,can use and go to customize,i have it placed down below which is,right here now the one thing to note is,this multi-line text made a field will,only be presented to be added into text,fields that supports the rich text,editor so that is a key point to make if,it's a single text field it will not,display,if i go here to add a dynamic source i,can see multi-text is here as well as,single line text elements as well,but if i go back up further to something,like this which is not a rich text,editor i cannot select it so that's,something to keep in mind and may answer,a few questions to why it doesn't,display i hope you like this video be,sure to leave a comment down below if,you have any further questions and be,sure to support this channel there will,be links in the description and with,that i'll see you next time bye for now,you

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