how to add cookies to my shopify store

HOW TO ADD COOKIE CONSENT TO SHOPIFY THEME | TUTORIAL 2022 hey what's up graduates so today i'm,goin


Updated on Apr 01,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to add cookies to my shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to add cookies to my shopify store

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how to add cookies to my shopify store catalogs


hey what's up graduates so today i'm,going to be showing you how to add a,cookie banner to your store for free um,and shopify actually offers this this,this option for all stores they have a,very free app it's very very good it,works with their,consent tracking api this covers gdpr,and the ccpa so the,california has their own cookie tracking,policy and then you know gdpr the europe,and all those countries they have a,certain law you have to follow and you,don't want to kind of you know find,yourself in a lawsuit for not having,this option on your story now i'm not an,attorney i don't have any legal,authority or anything like that so i'm,just here to help you prevent,things from happening you know i don't,know the laws and the specifics of what,could happen if you don't have this on,your store i just know that people are,getting sued over this so let's prevent,you from getting sued so you can focus,on making more money rather than losing,it so the first thing what you want to,do is you want to go and log into your,store you're going to click on online,store here and then you're just going to,click preferences,i'm going to wait for this load we're,going to scroll down you're going to see,these options limit data collection for,uh eu buyers is deactivated so we're,going to activate that,and then we're going to hit save and,then we're also going to activate this,this is for the ccpa california consumer,privacy act click activate,and then we're going to install the app,and it's completely free and you,definitely want to do this you don't,want to catch yourself not having some,sort of cookie policy or privacy policy,uh in place,and,then what we're going to do what,features you want to get started let's,add gdpr start setup show banner now you,need to have,a,privacy policy here so what we're going,to do is we're going to go into our,settings uh actually no i already have a,link you want to link your privacy,policies let me scroll all the way down,here we'll just copy this link right,here,uh copy link to address,and scroll down boom,hit that,and you can adjust it you can have the,dark theme or the light theme oh i like,the light thing the uh dark theme so,let's hit save and we can actually view,and see what it looks like on our store,and there we go we care about your,privacy blah blah blah and that's the,option now it's completely free great,right so now let's go and we hit save,let's go back and let's start the ccpa,setup so you're going to add an opt-out,page we already have one i'm pretty sure,um what is this revert to original,all right whatever create menu link,we'll do the footer menu,we don't have that link right now right,yeah we don't,perfect now let's close out of this we,don't need this,and it's recommended we're done we get,everything activate perfect now if,you're in california you'll see these,options but uh let's refresh your page,you'll notice a footer link has been,added,in and you see this do not sell my,personal data there's a page now i'm,gonna open that in a new tab,perfect all right and,how to opt out by clicking on the link,below you will no longer collect uh will,no longer sell or collect your data this,applies to both third parties to be,eligible opt-out you must be browsing,from california so we're not browsing,from california,we're browsing from a totally different,location so,that's how you add it it's really that,simple,if this helped you out at all please you,know click that subscribe button click,the little bell icon and like the video,if you want we also have a free facebook,group that you can join uh we're filled,with like-minded individuals we,primarily talk about development adding,new features to your store all that so,if you want to join the group go ahead,and click the links below there's a we,have a,a lot of links down below that could,help you with a lot of different things,and also be sure to check out our other,videos where we teach you how to add all,these unique features to your store to,kind of level up your online presence,and,help you make more money because that's,what we're all trying to do right make,more money you know live that free that,that that passive income there's no such,thing as passive income just kidding,there's nothing passive we never try to,preach anything passive because there's,literally nothing passive in this life,except for you know if you get really,lucky with stocks you get passive income,that way right but anyways guys thank,you so much for watching i'm rambling as,always,until next time

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