how to install fullstory on shopify

Best UX Research Tool: FullStory hey guys what's up today I'm conducting,user research as part of a

Flux Academy

Updated on Feb 28,2023

Best UX Research Tool: FullStory

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Best UX Research Tool: FullStory

hey guys what's up today I'm conducting,user research as part of a redesign a,process for our product Prospero I want,to share that with you have been,spending the morning working in full,story which is kind of my favorite tool,for UX research one of my favorite,products in general and I want to share,that with you so basically part of my,research was to interview some of our,customers and to ask them like literal,feedback what do you think what doesn't,work for you and I've listed down to,those feedback and it's super important,but the thing about doing research with,interviews is that a lot of at least in,in dental products and sauce products,like we have a lot of the users that had,kind of a bad experience or signed up,and didn't come back you don't get the,chance to actually interview them and,you know in person you can send them,emails but most of them are not gonna,reply they're not engage and they don't,have a reason to talk to you and so it's,very very hard to get in touch with them,in person and that's why tools like full,story come in super super handy so,basically what full story does is it,lets you see the sessions like recorded,and you can see them but it also,actually helps you to understand many,more things and I want to share that,with you but note I will kind of block,off a lot of things because a lot of,that is personal information like names,of people and in general you know,prosper our product is helping,freelancers to create proposals and so a,lot of the information there is also,personal and so I'll blur some things,out but I just want to show you the,process of how I work so here's here's,basically the interface of full story,and you get the list of people who,recently visit and you have the,recordings and then you have some kind,of analytics here and an insight first,of all is the rage grade if people are,kind of like raging clicking because,something is super unclear or annoying,so in that sense,turns out Prospero is pretty good,they're saying that we are in the,fifty-six percentile among BTC industry,so I'm pretty happy about that but that,still doesn't mean that I didn't find a,lot of UX issues in our design so,basically as you can see,people you can see people who are online,right now and people who are online,before and some of those people they had,like this user for example had 38,sessions and a lot of them are super,super long like two hours session 30,minutes look this guy spent hours using,our product and what's amazing here is,that I got the backlog recorded of all,of his sessions so I can actually go and,see his first session when he signed up,in December and then see how his first,experience went and so that's actually,part of a sign-up process and that's him,actually creating his first proposal and,so for example here he's working in our,in our wizard and what's nice is I can,do page insights and so and to get,little details on this website that are,not specific to this user specifically,and for example I can see that most of,the most clicked in area on the wizard,screen is this area and I know that from,feedback and also from seeing other,people working here that this text field,for example is way too small for the,amounts of tax that people have to put,in and so that's for example one thing,that I learned just seeing how people,work with it and validated by actually,talking to people and understanding that,yes this is actually a problem so once I,go over a lot of them I kind of catalog,the issues here on this Google Doc so,I've kind of listed the components of,our of our tool and wrote down the,issues in each and every screen so as,you can see the dashboard doesn't have,any issues everything works there,everything looks pretty pretty clear the,wizard and actually the pricing edit or,is most most of our problems are I,actually knew this and that's part of,why I'm doing the redesign because I,want to restructure this whole part of,the app but it was really great to know,what doesn't work at the moment and what,works so for example I know that just,seeing that people don't understand how,to record your items in the tactile so,they actually just delete and create,them in a different position or I can,see that I have a deliverable list but,not a lot of people actually click there,so those are things that you know I,can see them you know in the analytics,how many clicks there were or not but,actually visually seeing that you know,session after a session people are,looking through there so they're,clicking it might look in the analytics,as if it's working but they don't end up,using that content for example that,means that we can actually just remove,this whole part and and it might,actually end up being a better,experience so one other super super cool,thing about full story that happened,today as you can see I can see here the,people who are online right now in the,app and this morning as part of the as,part of the research that I did I,clicked live and I saw somebody who,didn't understand that they can actually,change the language during the signup,process trying to create you know a,proposal in Hebrew but his account was,actually in English and so while seeing,him doing this wrong you know I open up,my intercom and started chatting with,him and explaining him what to do and,also got great feedback around the fact,that he didn't see it he didn't know,it's possible and his ideas of in,general how we can make the product,better so this day was I think super,successful for me I got the I got the,main issues down which is great you know,tomorrow I'm gonna start rethinking and,you know prioritizing the new features,and starting to wireframe this but this,was very very important to me because I,want to make sure that we're not that,we're actually solving the issues that,we have right now,all right so for me it's been pretty,productive and fun day recommend if you,have a digital product please check out,full story such a great experience hope,you have a great day,now it gets

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