how much is whois privacy on shopify

The Top 10 Privacy Policy Generators For Your Shopify Dropshipping Store 🕵️ your privacy policy is s

AutoDS - Automatic Dropshipping Tools

Updated on Mar 23,2023

The Top 10 Privacy Policy Generators For Your Shopify Dropshipping Store 🕵️

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The Top 10 Privacy Policy Generators For Your Shopify Dropshipping Store 🕵️

your privacy policy is something that,you need to have on your drop shipping,stores whether you're Drop Shipping on,Shopify Wix woocommerce or any other,host that lets you create your own,website this is a video that you have to,watch in order to learn how to create,your own privacy policies which is good,for your own protection so even if you,have no idea what these things are or if,you've heard about it but you're not,sure how to go about it in this video,I'm going to simplify the whole process,for you and provide you with the best,templates to use for your stores quick,intro and let's go,welcome back and let's get right to it I,know that this is not the most,interesting lesson that you can learn,for your eCommerce stores but it is a,must you're serious about your business,you don't want to get any wrong lawsuits,or anything that you did wrong on your,website you didn't tell the customer,exactly what his privacy policy is what,you're doing with the cookies what,you're doing with their Privacy,Information and in this video I'm going,to break that hole down for you so here,I'm going to introduce the best privacy,policy generators but we're not only,going to talk about privacy policies but,also the rest of the policy pages that,you need in your legal pages on your,website so we're going to go over all of,that starting right now one second,before we get started if you haven't,done so yet do not forget to subscribe,to our YouTube channel to always stay,updated and learn about the next step,for your eCommerce business go to our,YouTube channel subscribe and don't stop,learning but also while you're learning,don't also forget to take action one has,to come with the other now before I,start remember that everything that I'm,going over in this video you can also,learn about it in the blog article which,I'll leave a link to right below this,video in the description but I always,like to throw in extra value into these,videos so of course stay tuned,especially if you are the type that,likes to watch so privacy generators why,do we even need them a privacy policy is,a legal document that discloses what,personal data our websites collect from,users from anyone who's viewing our,website and how we process that,information and what we do with that,data what we do with that information,even if you have a Shopify store or a,WIC store and you're not really doing,anything with the customer's information,there are still things that are going on,in the background from the host from,Shopify Wix or whoever it may be and you,need to know about these things because,these things need to be written in your,privacy policy pages in your legal pages,and if you go to any website any brand,they all have policy Pages whether it's,on the header menu on the top or on the,footer menu on the bottom this is,something that every website has every,business needs to have for their own,protection and of course for the,reader's protection so we've got privacy,policies and we're also going to throw,in shipping policies return policies,terms of service and frequently asked,questions these are all very important,Pages for you to have but we're going to,start with the most important the,privacy policy so what do we need to,include in the privacy policy in our,Shopify stores and when I say Shopify of,course if you're on Wix it's also good,there if you're on woocommerce or any,other host that allows you to host your,online store and have your own domain,name and customize your whole website,I'm not talking about marketplaces like,if you're Drop Shipping on eBay or,Facebook Marketplace or Amazon they all,have their privacy policies done for you,but on these websites where it's fully,customizable for you you have to do it,on your own first the things that we,need to include in our privacy policies,how your website collects personal data,how your website stores the personal,data and what your customers privacy,rights are or your online Shoppers or,the viewers who didn't even purchase,anything from your website all of this,information needs to be inside so what,needs to be in there for example the,name the username the phone number the,customer's email address their shipping,address their credit card details their,billing addresses what are you going to,do with all that information you need to,disclose exactly what you're doing and,this will be a part of your privacy,policy now guys do not be afraid we've,got ready-made templates just let me get,to it but you need to understand the,importance of it first so let's keep,going in your privacy policy you've also,got things like what you're doing with,the browser type that you know that the,viewer is on and their device ID their,IP addresses the cookie data what are,you doing with the customers cookie,information which you're you are getting,when they are entering your website and,of course website referrals so those are,some of the things that you have to,include in your privacy policy what are,our customers privacy rights our,customers right is for them to know,exactly how we can edit or delete their,personal information how to opt out of,cookies and other tracking tools we need,to provide them with that information,and contact information for if our store,users would want to inquire their,privacy rights you're going to have to,be able to send it to them now granted,I've been doing this for a while and no,customers have ever reached out to me,and asked me for their privacy rights,but as long as you have it up there no,one is going to ask you for it now,besides that we all live in different,places around the world and with that we,all have different rules so you need to,also check locally what are the,institutional laws that you have in your,country in regards to your customers,privacy now in most cases you may not,learn anything new here since everything,will be included but that's also,something that you should know now,here's how to help you with how to,comply with all of the countries around,the world and this is something that you,all need to know bear with me guys once,again I know it's not the most,interesting topic but you have to know,this for your own protection so stay,with me and let's continue the European,Union in the United Kingdom both have,this thing called the gdpr that stands,for the general data protection,regulation and as long as your privacy,policy complies with the gdpr then you,won't have any problems you won't have,any issues as it will be relevant for,most countries around the world and here,is the info that we need to provide in,our privacy policy to make sure that it,is gdpr compliant the contact details of,our Shopify business or wherever we have,our selling channel the contact details,of our data protection officer's details,categories of personal information we,collect and use this one is important,how we should lawfully process each type,of personal information so what we're,doing with the information that we're,getting are guarantee when transferring,personal data outside the EU outside of,Europe or outside the UK and how users,can modify and change their personal,information like their contact details,and so forth all of this is important to,have inside your privacy policy and of,course I'm soon going to show you how,you can generate these really easily for,your websites now in the United States,there is a federal Privacy Law called,the California online privacy protection,act and also the children's online,privacy protection rule so of course we,need to comply with those things if we,are Drop Shipping to California,California has different laws than most,of other states in the United States,there's also some products that you will,try to drop ship to them and you'll,notice that shipping carriers will not,allow that type of product to be,imported into California and what this,means is that websites are simply not,allowed to collect personal data,personal information from children under,the age of 13. so children under that,age should not be shopping online and,should not be using their parents credit,cards in the first place but we will,want to avoid selling dangerous items,online so that children will not simply,not be able to buy them you know take,their parents credit cards purchase that,item and then will be held accountable,for selling these products for children,under the age of 13. so since we're not,allowed to collect data on children,under the age of 13 without of course,their parents consent and we can't,really control the age group who enters,our website just make sure that you're,not selling anything dangerous which you,shouldn't be doing in the first place,and that way you'll be able to avoid any,trouble coming from children who are,shopping online now Canada also has a,regulation called the personal,information protection and electronics,documents act this regulation is very,similar to the gdpa that I went over a,few minutes ago you can of course go,over it in our blog article and you can,also of course go to Canada's,government's website and read all about,that but once again it's very similar to,gdp8 so if you are good with gdpa you,will also be good with Canada so now,that you have a good basic understanding,of what the privacy policy is what,should be included in it now let's see,what are the best privacy policy,generators that we can use to quickly,whip up a good privacy policy for our,website and not have to hire lawyers and,spend a lot of money to do that but you,do need to know what it is you do you do,need to have the basic information most,of which I just passed on to you and,continue learning which is exactly what,I'm about to teach so we've got 10,policy generators all of these websites,can create your policies your privacy,policies for you but once again I told,you that I'm not only going to be,showing privacy policies I'm honest I'm,also going to show you how to create,your return policies your terms of,service your shipping policies and your,frequently asked questions because this,is all important things to have not only,for your own protection but also to help,you increase release your sales,conversion rates get more sales and have,less customers reach out to us and have,them simply purchase more since they're,already getting the answers that they're,looking for from these legal pages so,let's start from the top the top 10,privacy policy generators the first is,shopify's privacy policy generator they,have one themselves the second is auto,DS where we have ready-made templates,for all the policies that you need and,that is exactly what I'm going to show,you in a couple of minutes the third is,termly fourth is privacy policies the,fifth is privacy policy generator this,is of course the name of the websites,that can actually do it for you the six,is terms feed seventh is get terms,eighth is ubenda ninth is Firebase app,and tenth is shift for shop now you can,check out all of them once again in the,blog article you can also click on any,of them to go straight to that section,and read about them as you see right,here you've got a nice screenshot you've,got a description you've got their key,features and what they do for you but,I'm only going to talk about the top two,shopify's privacy policy generator and,auto DSS because this is pretty pretty,much everything that you need you only,need one of them but I will show you,both the rest is for you to read and,figure out for yourself decide for,yourself which is the best angle for,your store shopify's privacy policy,generator let's click on the link and,head over straight to that page so as,you see right here Shopify today can,create a privacy policy for you now this,isn't as copy and paste as it seems but,it is also very much like that you're,simply going to get a template where you,can copy that create a page on your,Shopify store and paste the information,there but there is still information,that's going to be unique to your,website which you will have to change so,it's not simply okay I got the policy,right here somebody generated for me,copy paste create that page on my,website put it on the heading or photo,menu and that is it it's not that simple,but it almost is so let's check it out,on Shopify what you have to do is simply,scroll down a bit click I'll skip the,Shopify trial for now just create my,policy and then enter your company,information once you fill in all of the,info click send me my privacy policy and,they will send it to your email address,now you can do the same for other,policies that that you may need so as,you see right here I'm going to scroll,down a little bit more and here I've,also got a refund policy and a terms of,service policy so I'm getting three,policies for the price of zero because,it's absolutely free so here for example,I can click on get a refund policy and,the same as before I'm going to click on,I'll skip the Shopify trial for now just,create my policy enter my information,click send me my return policy and it'll,get sent to my email box but once again,there is information that you will have,to fill out inside those policies and,that is made ready for you using Auto,DS's ready-made policies so as you see,right here you've got a link to each and,every one of them privacy policy about,us frequently asked questions shipping,policy returns and refunds and terms of,service that is six ready-made policies,and more than what you need to take care,of the legal aspects of your website and,of course cover your own butt especially,with the privacy policy but the other,policies around here like about us helps,the customer connect to who you are,helps them identify with your brand and,get to know your story so that of course,is a good thing to have to increase the,customer's confidence in your brand in,your business in your website then,you've got the frequently asked,questions which simply saves a whole,bunch of questions sent to your inbox,from customers who wanted to purchase,but now they have a question that they,want to ask first so they're going to,ask it and hopefully you will answer,them quickly in time for them to come,back to your website and purchase with,frequently asked questions you can,simply nail all these questions and,answers down and give the customers the,answers that they're looking for before,they even have the chance to ask it and,that of course increases your sales,conversion rates next you've got the,shipping policy your customers want to,know if I purchase from this guy's,website how fast are they going to ship,it to me and the returns and refunds,after I purchase from their website and,I want to return the product can I even,do that and how does that work these two,things are very important to have,sometimes the buyer may not purchase,from your website just because you,didn't specify how fast you can ship it,out or just because you didn't specify,if there are Returns what is the process,and how they can get funds many,customers are looking for this,information before they purchase and,some of them may not even get to the,stage where they're going to reach out,to you and ask you about that they're,simply not going to purchase so this is,something of course that you want to,have on your website next you've got the,terms of service of course what are the,terms of the service what do I owe you,what do you owe me how does all that,work that is also something that's,already ready for you so let's take it,from the top the privacy policy and as,you see I got taken to a page a privacy,policy page and here you can see all of,the information that we need inside our,privacy policy so what comes next what,am I doing with all this information all,you have to do now take all of this,information okay highlight all of it and,right click and copy now I'm going to,head to Shopify so to my Shopify,dashboard under online store I'm going,to click on pages and here I'm going to,create a page for every policy now as,you see here I already have my privacy,policy about us and so forth but let's,say you don't have any policies yet so,what you're going to do on the right,side is click on ADD page and I'm going,to call this page of course privacy,policy and simply paste all that,information from the auto DS website and,as you see everything got pasted pretty,well all of the spacing all of the Bold,everything looks pretty good the only,thing that you need to do here is fill,out the brackets with the right,information and this is where you need,to come in this is where it needs to be,unique to every website so here this,privacy policy describes how insert,business name or website address so in,my example doggy dog,Club collects uses and discloses your,personal information when you visit or,make purchases from the site the site,which is Doggy Dog Club and then you've,got the rest of your privacy policy so,just be on the lookout for those,brackets and enter in the right,information that is suitable for your,business when you're done you're simply,going to click on Save and that page,will get created for you then you'll see,it as a part of the pages on your online,store and then the next step is to go to,the navigation menu and here in the,footer menu you can add those policies,you can add those pages you can also do,it on the main menu you can put it,anywhere you want but I like to have it,on the footer some people like to have,it on the header sometimes you can have,some things in the header like your,shipping policies your return policies,things that are very important for,people to know and the privacy policy,terms of service and all of that can be,on the footer menu so what you're going,to do here on the navigation menu is,click on the footer or on the main menu,okay and then you can edit that menu so,I can say okay well as you guys can see,I already have all of my privacy and all,of my policy Pages set up here but if,let's say this is empty right the footer,menu is empty I'm going to click on ADD,menu item and on the name I'm going to,give it a name so privacy policy and,then link link to what what where do you,want to link this to so of course it's,under pages and privacy policy so what I,did was I just added it to my menu I'm,just going to click here on ADD but I,already have it here so it's just going,to create a duplicate but that is how to,add those pages to your footer menu to,your header menu and so forth now what,you want to do is follow up with the,rest of the pages so you've got your,about us we're going to click on that,copy all of the text head back to,Shopify online store Pages create a new,page,call it about us,paste the information,fill in the brackets,click on Save and that page will get,created for you back to the navigation,menu go to the menu that you want to add,it to click on ADD menu item give it a,name you're creating a link now and then,link to where so pages about us rinse,and repeat until you finish creating all,of your pages now once you have,everything here generated for you it'll,make your job much much much easier now,of course there are things like I,mentioned that you will need to fill out,for yourself especially in the,frequently asked questions ask questions,that are relevant to your category to,your Niche to your store to your brand,and of course shipping policy returns,and refunds that depends on the,suppliers that you're working with but,here you have all of the ready-made,templates and this is everything that,you need to create wonderful legal Pages,for your Shopify store for your WIC,store for anywhere else that you're Drop,Shipping that is not a Marketplace that,already has ready-made policies there,inside if you have any questions,comments or suggestions let me know in,the comment section below and I will,personally answer them and do not forget,to subscribe to our YouTube channel to,always learn about the next step in,growing expanding and multiplying your,Ecommerce businesses thank you for,watching and good luck with your privacy,policies

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