how much is a shopify membership

Best Shopify Subscription App for Lean Startups? - Seal Subscriptions Shopify App Review hey guys so

Will Misback - Shopify Developer

Updated on Feb 08,2023

Best Shopify Subscription App for Lean Startups? - Seal Subscriptions Shopify App Review

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Best Shopify Subscription App for Lean Startups? - Seal Subscriptions Shopify App Review

hey guys so using subscriptions in a,business model has really taken off,these days,you see things like netflix or things,like certain subscription boxes all the,time,so i came across this app called seal,subscriptions on the shopify,app store and it's basically to my,knowledge it's the only,completely free with zero percent,transaction fee,uh subscription app on the shopify app,store,and so caught my attention and i've been,checking it out,and using it on my live store for a few,months now,and i just wanted to give my review or,put up my review on youtube,so that um other people can kind of know,what to expect when they download this,app i'm gonna pull up my whiteboard app,and you're going to have to forgive,my drawing or writing skills because,they are not,not the best but um when we think about,subscriptions,right there's two reasons why,subscriptions are great for new,businesses right or any business really,they are going to drive up the lifetime,value of your customers,and they're all also going to give you,better,better expectations as far as,how much money am i going to make this,much uh month uh or quarter or whatever,and when we're talking about,subscription apps right we're really,interested in two things right as,a business owner we're interested in,um how much is this going to cost,and uh what are the features,that it has the features are very,important,specifically because once you pick a,subscription app,on shopify uh it's going to be,difficult and a headache to migrate your,customers over to another one,so you want to make sure that the first,subscription app you pick what uh,you stick with so if we go back to our,options on shopify,there's seal subscriptions and then the,rest,right and if we look at some of these,other ones right like if we look at bold,or,recharge you can see these can get quite,pricey per month this one's 50 bucks a,month,um and it used to be less but it's now,50.,uh this one's 60 bucks a month um they,have free trials but,but uh you know those run out so um,so yeah so they can be quite pricey and,the other thing with these is that,if we look down here there's this 50,bucks a month and then there's also,they're taking uh one percent of orders,containing subscription products,and that's really starts to add up over,time when you consider that that is,in addition to the 2.9,percent plus 30 cents or whatever that,the,uh payment provider like paypal or,shopify payments takes,and so depending on your product if you,have very low,margins this one percent might be uh,untenable for you,so if we go to seal subscriptions we see,that it is,it has a free plan and it's also has a,zero percent transaction fee,now so if we go back to here we've got,this this is covered right like,we've got great great um or low low,pricing right,now we have to look at the features,right so if i take you into the back end,of seal subscriptions so this is on a on,a test store that i have this shop code,101,um you can see the the,features it provides you right and so i,want to highlight a few features,gives you these sort of analytics and,whatnot and that's nice but,it has auto charging mode which has been,newly implemented and what this means is,that basically,once you're if you make an auto charge,subscription,once your customer signs up for it it's,automatically going to rebuild that,customer,at the desired frequency that the,customer set up for,so the way that this works is you're,going to create subscription rules and,whatnot,and it'll walk you through this i really,don't think that i need to put this,as a tutorial it'll walk you through how,to make this but you can set up,what your desired subscription,frequencies are you can,decide which products you want to be for,which uh,subscription rules and whatnot and then,these,this subscriptions is just going to show,you your subscriptions,and um or which customers have,subscribed and whatnot and the details,about their subscriptions you have,translations here,this is just goes into you'll see on the,live site i show there's different areas,where you can edit,okay what what do i want it to say here,what do i want to say here,notifications are just where you can,customize what,emails that's going to send your,customers and whatnot,general settings it's just changing,colors and stuff,how many times it's going to retry,failed billing attempts blah blah blah,right you guys get the picture,the installation um you're gonna you,want to click these,buttons when you first install it it'll,automatically install things,if that doesn't work go ahead and click,their instructions,and if that if you're still running into,trouble you can reach out to them,and the support for this app is really,great i've reached out to them maybe,three times the time,in the time that i've been using it and,each time within 24 hours they got back,to me,and they fixed my problems very uh,quickly and they also there was one time,i was requesting a it was like,not really feature it was just like a,sort of like a feature but,but it just did a little bit of a change,to the app and they very quickly,promptly,implemented that and then the support,center is,has some faqs and whatnot and then it,tells you where to contact them so,that's that's the back end,um if you guys have any other questions,about it just leave it in the comments,below and i'll i'll try to help you,through it so if we go to my live site,uh and i just click on one of my,products right,so if i click here go to one of my,products,the customer to do a subscription,they're going to be able to still change,all the different options and whatnot,then they're just going to go down to,the subscribe button,that um you know once again this is,where those translations come in,you can change what this says and then,we have the different desired,frequencies here they can choose,whatever let's say they want a monthly,subscription,they're going to add it to cart oh and,the other thing,the other feature that's nice is this,save 10 this is a feature where,the subscription app allows you to,create subscriptions where customers can,save a certain amount,if they subscribe versus just a one-time,purchase,it allows you to do that either when,they on the first time they buy or to,skip the first time they buy but on,recurring orders it gives you that,that option to save that 10 percent then,the customer would check out like usual,just go to this view cart,or whatever hit check out and,that should um they'll check out and and,it'll set up the subscription and then,it'll build them,with this recurring order it'll just,bill them uh they won't even have to,remember to to check it or anything like,that i'll just build them,when they want to be built so steal,subscriptions i would give it,overall i'd say it's really great value,especially for,for lean startups it's very good value,uh for it for what you get um,you're basically getting a somewhat bare,bones,subscription app it doesn't have as many,of the features as,some of the other subscription apps but,it's free and the really nice thing,about it that i find especially with my,products,because my products are at times,um the margins are fairly low uh,i can't be afford to be paying this,three percent transaction fee on top of,another three percent for the payment,provider so,um so yeah so but your mileage may vary,perhaps your products have,much higher margins and you know one,percent two percent is,is uh nothing to worry about if you like,this video i'd appreciate if you leave a,like,and a comment um if you want to,subscribe to my channel basically what i,try to do is i'll do these app reviews,like i'm talking about here,and the other thing i do is i create,coding tutorials for,complete beginners on how they can start,to customize,or implement some some new features into,their shopify sites that usually they,would,either have to use apps which might slow,down their site,or pay or hire,freelance developers to code for them so,if that sort of thing interests you you,can go ahead and click subscribe and be,sure to hit the bell,to get notifications for my channel,alright until next time guys

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