how long does it take to build a shopify store

How long does it take to build a simple Shopify store hey everyone I hope you're all doing,well for

Digital Startup

Updated on Feb 11,2023

How long does it take to build a simple Shopify store

The above is a brief introduction to how long does it take to build a shopify store

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How long does it take to build a simple Shopify store

hey everyone I hope you're all doing,well for those of you who don't know me,already,my name is Craig host of digital startup,and I'm here to help non tech savvy,entrepreneurs build their first,ecommerce store so I often get asked how,long does it take to build an e-commerce,website and similar lists there isn't,really a simple answer but I'm gonna try,and answer it the best again be sure to,hit that subscribe button to be notified,of new videos and always feel free to,hit that like burn or ask any questions,in the comments below,right I'll see you in just a second,so in just a few moments you're going to,watch a time lapse video of me setting,up a simple ecommerce store in Shopify,but before I do that I just want to,point out a few things firstly I've sped,up the video by a factor of five so that,you don't have to sit there watching me,in real time because that we are,watching paint dry and i don'r put you,guys through that secondly I've prepared,some assets which kind of goes without,saying,because if you're about to build your,own e-commerce store then you already,have things like product data,information and images etc I also,decided to manually add that products to,shop refine rather than import them,because I kind of thought I was doing,you a bit of an injustice by simply,clicking a couple of buttons and,uploading a CSV and you'll also notice,well if your eyes trained enough to,notice cuz the videos going quite,quickly that I created some dummy pages,I see so many e-commerce stores that,forget to include these pages but are,vital for legal reasons or customer,expectations all online stores should,really include terms and conditions,privacy policy refund policy returns,delivery rates and an FAQ anyway I've,kept me waiting long enough let's play,the video,you,so have you've made it this far or,you've skipped ahead then fair plates,here what you sing now is the result of,46 minutes work I'm a Sunday morning I,know right I'm assuming that you,expected to get something out of this,video which answered the question how,long does it take to build an e-commerce,website but the point that I wanted to,get across is that the time it takes to,build an e-commerce website heavily,depends in on the preparation that you,make first so these include things like,products information products imagery,knowing how you want to brand your,business knowing the terms and,conditions that you want to set knowing,how your refunds process is going to,work knowing with certainty your,delivery rates Basin area weight and,basket size and thinking up some likely,questions that you can put in your FAQ,anyway thanks for watching please hit,that like burn if you enjoyed the video,you can always subscribe to be notified,of future videos and if you have any,questions let me know in the comments,below and I'll do my best to answer them,thanks everyone see you next time

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