how do you create website with shopify lite



The above is a brief introduction to how do you create website with shopify lite

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how do you create website with shopify lite catalogs


okay i thought i would show you how to,add,like a new product to shop uh in case in,the future if you ever need to do that,so,once you log on to the site you'll want,to go to the shop page,and um let's say you're creating,a new earring you'll just drag your,mouse,over all of that stuff and then i do,command c,and then command v which is just copy,and paste and then if you hit the shift,key,you can move all of that content you've,just copied over,to where you want it you obviously need,to add the new photo,um and then you need to change out the,title and the price,now okay we'll leave everything else so,that's how you create the new item,and then we'll just leave it as is,and then you need to create a new,product page for it so i'm going to,delete that because i don't want to stay,in there,um and i'm going to create i'm going to,create a product page for this,so what you do then is you come over,these are the two product pages i've,created so far you'll have,obviously a ton more 25 so you just go,and click on one of the project pages,click on the three dots,duplicate and now you have the new page,so if i go back to my shop i'm going to,do the first one so this is the name of,it,copy that name click on the three dots,click rename,give it the new name with the name of,the item obviously,and then right here you want to change,out the photo so there's going to be,quite a few gallery images uh you'll,want to delete those and just start,putting in the new gallery images,um of that product right now i don't,have a ton,so we'll just put those in for now and,then,you'll want to change out the name of,course,change out the price,and then of course you want to change,out the,make sure that that little thing doesn't,go over the black part um,content about it,that enter,and what you have now we have this whole,page done if you want to like make sure,that the page has the right name,click out of it and then click back into,it and you'll be able to get the page,info,so this is the page slug,so when you have the url that's what,it's going to be so i usually just copy,that to make my life easy,i go back to the shop page click on that,image of the main,photo and then come forward to click,actions link,a page you actually don't need to copy,that url,and then you link the correct item right,there,and then if we preview it and if it's,good just make sure to click that blue,publish so that you're saving it,all right so kind of hover over you can,click on it,and it brings you right to that now,where it says your embed code,for your shop goes here i'm going to,create a new video um we're going to go,into,shopify and get that code and then you,put that code there so i'll show you,that after,add products to shopify so you can go to,products,and then you'll just do add product,um i'm gonna do this bracelet,obviously at the title description,um we're still waiting on some photos so,i'm just gonna use a temporary photo,right now,i'll change it out later i'm gonna put,the price um,you can leave all that if you want to,track the quantity so,i don't know if you like have a certain,amount of,product in stock i'm gonna guess you do,then just change this to,however many you have seven or whatever,and it'll track the quantity so,once you've sold seven someone can't buy,it um if you wanna be able to continue,selling,even when it's out of stock you can,click that box right there,um this is a physical product if you,want to put the weight for,calculating for shipping you can do that,um but i'm just going to leave all that,blank and then the only other thing,um you want to,do let's change this to active,you can add the product type if you want,so i actually already have bracelet in,here i think,but we'll just like that um the vendor,is,obviously you,and then if you want to add tags or,collection you can,um it's not necessary though,looking like it's taking a little while,to upload but,uh once you have that all done you can,go ahead and save it,the reason you only need the shopify,lite,program is because all you need is the,buy button this store doesn't have to,look pretty or anything because all i'm,doing is taking,a code of that item and putting it into,right here um this is,where i'm gonna put that code so that it,like can automatically,have a buy now button uh so that's,all i have for you and i will give you,more details,in another loom video that's really long,but,um it's really helpful as well okay,so we now have the two products they're,both active uh we're gonna go to the buy,button,and create a buy button it's a,ours of the product and i'm gonna do for,the manifest,bracelet,and then you can customize the button,type um,i think basic is fine if you because i,have like i don't want the price and,stuff i because i've customized that,already,in here um and show it so i'm just gonna,do,a basic button uh this tells you what,action do you want when people click,so do you want it to add the product,to the cart and then like it'll be it'll,show like this right over here,um or do you want it to directly go to,the checkout,so adding products the cart kind of will,encourage them to keep on shopping and,potentially buy more so i'll leave that,as,is button style um add in your hex,color code or whatever,you can obviously play around with this,um and then,layout center is,i just good to have this be capitalized,okay and then if you want to show the,quantity field you can,um but in this particular case they,probably aren't buying more than one,of that item uh shopping carts this is,what,will pull up when they click like add to,cart this is what pulls up over here,so if there's anything you want to,change in there you could i'm good with,all that,and then if we go to advanced um,this again i just leave this as is,so at that point i am ready for the code,so go next,you can copy that code go back to,the website and right here is where i,want that button to go so i'm just going,to delete,your embed code goes here,move my little face and then down here,you click on embed,double-click that add in that code,and the button will pull up,i'm just gonna make it smaller and,situate it wherever i want it,um if you have,more than one view of this cam of your,page which,i don't but if you had more than one,view just make sure you pull this button,out of the view one of you two because,you want it to like always be,seen um so this is good to go and then,you just click,publish and it will work

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