have articles show up in search results shopify

Modify And Remove Search Results In Shopify (Shopify Tutorial) welcome back today I'm gonna go over,

Jody Edgar - The Shopify Expert

Updated on Mar 21,2023

Modify And Remove Search Results In Shopify (Shopify Tutorial)

The above is a brief introduction to have articles show up in search results shopify

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have articles show up in search results shopify catalogs

Modify And Remove Search Results In Shopify (Shopify Tutorial)

welcome back today I'm gonna go over,something that I missed in my last video,and it's how to modify the search button,after that I want to show you something,else that I learned later on so stick,around to the end of the video and I'll,show you something cool that I've been,looking for for a number of years so,last week when I built out that private,collection I realized after I published,the video there's another component that,we need to adjust on our online store so,that people can't see those products and,that is the search so if you have a,search installed on your website the,default search options for Shopify would,pull up those products so in this video,I'm going to show you how to modify the,search so that it omits products that,are tagged with a certain tag let's jump,over to my screen and I'll show you what,I'm talking about,so for on our Shopify store and I have,this handbag organizer which I want to,make invisible to anybody who goes and,searches it so I'm on my search here and,I look up organizer organizer and I,search and the search results will come,back and it will show me that I have one,handbag organizer here but this is a,item that is only going to be available,to my VIP members of the people who are,a part of that collection that we,created in the last video so what we,need to do is we need to have the search,automatically remove any products that,are inside Shopify that are tagged with,a specific tag and we're gonna do that,now so if we're on our store we want to,go over to the online store we want to,go to themes and then we want to go and,edit our active theme once we're in our,active theme we want to go and we want,to find the search dot liquid file so,I'm gonna scroll down it's gonna be,found at the bottom it's gonna be found,at the bottom of templates you can go,right to the bottom and select it and,then when you're on the search liquid,you want to look for the line of code,that has four item in search results now,depending on your theme this may be,different I'm using the pipeline theme,so if you're using the same theme as I,am it should be easy to find on line 44,so what we need to do is we need to,write an if statement around,are include file which brings back our,search results which checks to see if a,product contains a tag first so what,we're gonna write is we're gonna write,if I don't object type now it's,important to keep in mind that the way,liquid works for search is different,than the way liquid works for products,as we saw when we were modifying the,notifications it uses the item tag so,we're gonna go and look through the,items that are pulled back in the search,and we are going to check to see if the,product type is first a product because,we only want to hide products we don't,want to hide any of the pages or any of,our blog posts that get searched when,Shopify goes through and searches all of,our terms so the first thing we want to,do is we want to go if item object type,equals product we're going to check to,see if we're dealing with a product then,what we're gonna do is we're gonna add,another declaration to it which is gonna,check to see if the item dot tags,contains VIP now it's important to,remember that these are tags on the,product it doesn't have anything to with,the collection they need to be the,products themselves need to be tagged,with VIP so if the product tag equals,contains a VIP then what we're going to,do is we're going to put in a piece of,code which says a message that is going,to come back to the user,this item is private please join our VIP,list to view and that way we have an,instruction to the user so that they,know what they had to do next that we,need to write an else statement so if,it's not true so we're gonna go else and,then we're going to display the regular,search results so if product comes up,that doesn't have a tag with VIP it will,just just display it and then the final,thing we're gonna do is we're going to,end at this if statement,ok so now I'm going to save this now if,we go back over and we preview our,search page so we're gonna go in preview,it here and we're gonna go to search and,we're gonna look up organizers and we,can see now we've got this message in,here where a bag organizer is now,private we could test this by going over,to products and taking off the VIP tag,so let's save this and remove the VIP,tag from our organizer and then if we go,back over to products and refresh it we,can see that it pops up so now if we go,back over and add VIP remember it's,important that we have the case is,correct and hit save hop back over to,our search reload the results and that,item becomes invisible now you don't,have to put a message in there I can,show you what it looks like if you don't,put in a message this would just not,show anybody any results so once I save,that template it'll automatically,refresh and you can see it's just,skipped over that organizer so it's a,way for us to hide results still utilize,the search function but be able to,manage which ones show up inside the,search thanks for coming by I hope this,was helpful now on to that item that,I've been looking for for a number of,years it's been about 2 or 3 years where,I'm looking for an app that will help me,properly track shipments that I've been,purchasing online as someone who buys a,lot of things online it's always,difficult to remember what exactly I,bought and it turns out what I've been,looking for has been under my nose the,whole time,and I want to show you guys about this,app called arrive,now it's an app that's been developed by,Shopify and it allows you to add your,email address to your app and it will,automatically go through and pull out,all of your shipments it will then show,you when they're going to arrive and to,watch which peel boxes it's a great way,for you to track where your apps are,going where your online purchases are,coming from so that you don't ever,forget something that you've ordered and,end up ordering it twice that's pretty,much it for me this week don't forget to,Like subscribe hit the bell notification,if that's something that you're into and,we will see you guys next week,you

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