who fullfill orders shopify va

How To Fulfill Orders On Shopify & Automate Your Dropshipping Store in 2020 hi guys my name is marco

Marko Kulich

Updated on Feb 02,2023

How To Fulfill Orders On Shopify & Automate Your Dropshipping Store in 2020

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How To Fulfill Orders On Shopify & Automate Your Dropshipping Store in 2020

hi guys my name is marco and in this,video i will show you how to fulfill,your Shopify orders and how to automate,your drop shipping business okay so,let's get into it okay guys let's say,that you have your first drop shipping,order on Shopify and now what's next you,need to source the product from,somewhere ok,usually it is Aliexpress and now I will,show you the three best ways how you can,source the product,ok so first the way of doing it it's for,Shopify apps called open low drop a,fight or flu app called d'azyr's that is,integrated with Aliexpress actually so,you can find it on Aliexpress you can,place multiple orders with this app ok,so first app is called a bellow it's,really simple you can find it on apps,that Shopify dot-com and when you type,in search overload it will look like,this and you can add it to your to your,Shopify store next step is called ropa,fide I used to drop a fight last year,and it requires a little bit of budget,it's like 47 dollars a month but it's a,little bit better than over low but I,think you don't need it that much when,you are starting out because of the,payment plan it's a little bit more,convenient than Oboro I think ok and,next app it's called d'azyr's dinners i,don't know if i should pronounce it like,that but it's called dinners I didn't,use this app at all but I think it can,work really well with Aliexpress because,it's their partner and it's the tool,that they released I think maybe half,year ago and you can play some multiple,orders with it so I think this is the,way to go maybe when you don't like uber,lo try this one and let me know in the,comments how it works for you but I,didn't use this ok I didn't use this but,you can find it on desserts calm you,just enter your email address and get,started ok it's that simple,so let's go back to our presentation,you need to start building relationships,with your suppliers that means when some,of the products get a lot of orders and,you source it for a while from then just,reach out to them you know you can go to,go to their store on Aliexpress and,contact them directly from message and,ask them if they can communicate with,you on skype or whatsapp and do,something what we call the CSV drop,shipping it's a way of Bullock drop,shipping that you just export your,orders to a CSV file and you send it to,your supplier once a day or next day how,when you get orders the next day you,will send your CSV file to them and they,will fulfill the orders for you I will,show you in the next step how you can do,all of this ok let's say I get a lot of,orders for this multifunctional trouser,rack stainless steel multi-layered,trousers bah-bah-bah I can contact the,supplier right here ok and you can you,can send them a message something like,hello I do drop shipping on your store,and I want to start communicating with,you closely on skype or whatsapp and I,want to know if you are offering a CSV,dropshipping not every supplier will do,this for you some of them will say that,they can create the VIP link for you and,some of them will send you a Skype right,away you don't really know you don't,really know you just need to try and I,think there is also a lot of different,suppliers for each product then you can,contact and ask them for this you can,literally ask them for a better price,because you are already doing a bulk,orders and you don't want to place it,one by one,ok now let's say you get them finally on,skype or whatsapp and now they are,communicating with you and they want to,do CSV dropshipping with you that means,you can export your orders on a daily,basis and I will show you how you can do,it you just need to select the orders,for the day and click on export,you can go to the selected let's say,yesterday you got 50 orders and you just,export it as CSV for Excel and you just,click on export orders you sent and this,exported file in CSV davio I don't know,maybe in 2 hours 3 hours they will send,you back that exact csv file but believe,the tracking numbers okay you just,download that file and now how you will,import it and actually fulfill the,orders you need the app called mass,fulfill it looks like this you can also,find it on the Shopify app store it's a,free app it looks like this,you just select entire order and when,you are here you just select or drop a,file ok and you will find your CSV file,that supplier send you and you will,import it ok it's it's this simple and,then must fulfill processed the orders,and it will fulfill it for you on the,back end ok so once you understand this,you save yourself a lot of time but what,if I told you there is a 1 by the way,when you start getting a lot of orders,don't wait and find your drop shipping,agent or private supplier a lot of these,suppliers can do for you CSV drop,shipping but not a lot of them have,their own API integration this is the,thing that most of the drop shipping,agents and private supplier use you just,need to Google or drop shipping agent or,private supplier from China and contact,them again on skype it's the best way to,contact the the Chinese suppliers when,you already doing like 20 orders per day,or more I can give you the info on my,private supplier it's like a company and,they can source anything from every,factory in China and for the better,prices so it's like the best way of,doing things okay and when you find your,drop shipping agent or private supplier,from China what you need to do is,give them the permission to be able to,connect to your store and install the,API you just go to the settings on the,bottom and you go to the account and you,will add the staff account okay you can,on the basic plan I think you get two of,them which you can add what I use is the,one for the fulfillment and next one for,the customer service once they are,signed up they will install some Chinese,API integration that works with their,fulfillment system so they can,automatically see which orders are you,getting on the daily basis okay I put my,private supplier uses it's called my,bank arab free i don't know if i,pronounce it right but that doesn't,matter as you can see on their side it's,completely in chinese i don't really,know what i what i can talk about it,here but it's like a chinese integration,you can see this this man handling your,orders and ship it before I used the,drop shipping agent and he uses API,called dying's Iommi it's I don't know I,I think it can be a lot of different,names but it really doesn't matter they,just install it in your Shopify and they,will automatically fulfill the orders,for you for me it looks like this on the,daily basis they will just send me out,the excel sheet on on the Skype I will,just take a look at it and told them if,it is ok if the prices are right if,everything everything is right but it's,completely automated I don't need to do,anything about it I just look at the,excel sheet and tell them ok thanks and,they will just ship out the orders for,me,as you can see 14 November I call the,please confirm the orders thanks I will,just download the file and take a look,at it if the prices are right they just,sometimes mess up the prices because of,the quantity breaks or something like,this so we just need to take a look at,it time to time and just make sure that,the prices are ok,okay so if you get to this final step,when you have a drop shipping agent or,private supplier you can have totally,automated fulfillment system you don't,you don't need a VA for this table they,will do it for you for free because you,are bringing them business and they want,someone that make a lot of orders for,them okay guys I hope you found this,video valuable and if yes just click the,like button and subscribe to the channel,I will try to make much more videos,about the drop shipping and and also,maybe a passive income businesses and,all this stuff because I'm doing it,full-time and I can share the knowledge,with you only problem that I have it's,it's my English it's not the best,because I'm from Slovakia middle of,Europe and we don't really talk in,English at all here so it's really what,I thought from the other videos that I,saw and from the school you know it's,okay but it can be better of course,so if you enjoyed this video just,subscribe to the channel and I will see,you in the next video bye bye

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