exclude showing article with tag shopify

Exclude Sale Products From Discount Code Shopify for FREE - No apps or coding required hello everyon

eCom Simplified

Updated on Mar 06,2023

Exclude Sale Products From Discount Code Shopify for FREE - No apps or coding required

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Exclude Sale Products From Discount Code Shopify for FREE - No apps or coding required

hello everyone this is ellen from ecom,simplified,today i will show you easily how you can,create a discount code that you can use,on just full price products only this,means that a customer cannot use a,discount code on products that are,already discounted,which means you prevent them from double,dipping,and saving your margins and profits,from being given away so unfortunately,this seems to be like an ongoing,issue of shopify that they cannot,exclude products or collections to be,used on discount codes,and this just takes a little bit of,reverse engineering,but what we need to do in short is that,we'll make,just two automated collections which,means that,they'll just have full products full,price products,and then we'll make sure that your,discount code,only applies to that collection,so unfortunately again shopify doesn't,have a way to create,a collection that are just full price,products only,but they can create a product collection,that,is on sale so we'll use um that,to our advantage so again you,wouldn't need to use any apps or coding,for this,so first we go to your store from our,backend,and we'll go collections create,collection,and we'll just create a collection,called on sale,just um so we can find out all the,products,that are on sale you want to make it an,automatic collection,and the compare price is greater than,0.01,so once you create this collection this,will capture all the products that are,currently,on sale so what,i have here just to show you for example,is,i've got a just one product i've got two,products here one is on sale and one,isn't,so now we've got this collection that is,on sale which,just has the one on sale so now we want,to create a second automatic collection,this second automatic collection is um,one that we want your discount code to,apply to,so we can call it promotion in this,example,and we want it to be an automatic,collection so we,want to have the product tag is equal to,any tag you choose but for this example,we will just say that we'll use a,product tag promotion,and save,and once you have these two automatic,collections created,now we want to go back to your products,area,in your store,so once we go to all your products we,want to select all your products,by clicking the top box here so i've got,two here if you've got 50 plus,products or more you have to click this,link to select everything in your store,so first we want to go to more actions,add tags,and we want to add the promotion tag to,everything in your store,so you can see that it will start,populating the tag into your products,and bear in mind this is very crucial if,you have,if you have a lot of products you're,gonna have to give it some more time,because,shopify has a limit of around two tags,or calls per second,so if you have a lot of products you,have to make sure that the job is,completed,until you do the next step because,you'll essentially mess up products,otherwise,now because we have now,tagged all the products with promotion i,only have two products so it would have,been done by now,we now want to filter by the sale,collection,so go to more filters and go to,collection,and filter all the products that are now,on sale,so you can see that it's just filtered,the one product that i have on sale,now we like to select what the product,says in this collection,i've only got one and if you have 50,plus you have to click the link here to,select all 50 plus and now we want to go,more actions,and this time we want to remove the tag,that has promotion index,now once that is done it means that,the collection called promotion that we,created earlier,would only have products that are full,priced,only because we've essentially tagged,all the products,and then we remove the tag from products,are on sale,leaving just the full price products so,we take a look at the promotion,collection and click view you'll see,that it's only the full price product as,in this collection,if you have a lot more products this,would ultimately show all the products,that are full priced,now we'll go back to the back end and we,can create a discount code,you can create a discount code or,automatic discount,that's totally up to you but uh what we,can do,is that we can call the sale let's give,it a 15,off and now we want to apply to specific,collections now we just wanted to select,the one that we made,called promotions because we know that,it has,just full price products only and now,you can see that,we've just created a discount code that,only applies to our full price products,only so give it a whirl you can test to,see if this,works for you or not so now if we go,here and you can try,adding this product to cart and then,try to go to cart,and go to checkout this is a product,that is on sale,actually we can add both products just,to show so we'll also add the full price,product,and then we've got a view cart and check,out,so one's on special and one isn't so now,if we apply this discount code,sale you can see that we've,only applied this to the product that is,full priced,so that that's pretty much it now every,time you want to,create a discount code you can remove,all the promotional tags,of all your products and rinse and,repeat the steps,that i've just gone through,unfortunately this is,a slightly a bit of a manual way but at,least you have the ability to control,this without the use of any apps or,coding,if you find that you tend to do this a,lot or you want this to be more,automated,you can surely do this by using auto,tagging apps like easy tagging,so easy tagging is an app that can tag,products for you automatically,by certain criteria such as full price,products,and then you wouldn't have to go through,the first few steps,of adding all the tags and removing all,the tags,but that's totally up to you but um,yeah so that's pretty much it if you,have any questions,feel free to comment or,ask and i hope this video was able to,help you overcome,the shop for by shopify,of course of any value please like and,subscribe,for more to come and thank you again for,watching

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