how do i unfulfill an order on shopify

How I Process + Pack + Ship My Shopify Orders 2019 so how do you do Shopify fulfillment,what am i sh

Hannah Gardner

Updated on Jan 29,2023

How I Process + Pack + Ship My Shopify Orders 2019

The above is a brief introduction to how do i unfulfill an order on shopify

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how do i unfulfill an order on shopify catalogs

How I Process + Pack + Ship My Shopify Orders 2019

so how do you do Shopify fulfillment,what am i showing you how I fulfill one,of my Shopify orders I'm gonna be,showing you guys from the back end of my,Shopify store plus I'm going to show you,guys,offline what I actually do to put the,shipment together and get it to my,customer if you saw my previous video I,showed you how I did some filament for,my Etsy store which it's pretty similar,in the Shopify platform but there are a,few things that look different and feel,different and actually a few things that,I do differently with the fulfillment,for a Shopify order versus a Etsy order,so let's get into it,by the way my name is Hannah Gardner and,if you're new to the channel make sure,you smash that subscribe button wherever,it is because I'm putting out videos,regularly well I'm trying to put them,out regularly because they're very time,consuming so oh now I'm gonna hop into,my computer and show you how I actually,get the shipping labels for an order,alright see so we are here inside my,desktop and this is if you've never even,been on Shopify or you don't have an,account with Shopify this is what your,dashboard looks like your main dashboard,and so when you actually get an order as,you can see I have a whopping one,visitor today,great um when you actually get an order,you're gonna get a notification here,that says orders and we're gonna just,click on that real quick and it's gonna,show you all the orders that you have,whether they've been fulfilled or,unfulfilled this was just like a test,order for me this was a newest order,that I've had I haven't really done much,with my Shopify store since I opened the,VC so I really haven't been doing,marketing for it but I am going to be,really pushing my my Shopify store you,know and these upcoming months,especially with Christmas coming up,because the fees aren't on Shopify or,way less than all the Etsy seller fees,plus it's your own website internal,platform so it is always better to build,up an audience around you know something,that you actually own not that Etsy,isn't good or anything it's just you,know it's a platform that is owned by,somebody else where it's your website is,your website you own it but that was,just a little tangent so as you can see,I have one order here by Anja Vazquez,and it says unfulfilled in order to get,this order to her and process it you're,gonna have to print a shipping label,which Shopify makes it super super easy,because you can purchase the shipping,label break from Shopify and I recommend,that you actually purchased from Shopify,because you're gonna get the label at a,discounted rate so that means that your,customers getting it for cheaper if,they're paying for shipping or if you,are actually giving away,free shipping then it's gonna make it,cheaper for you to acquire that cloth,that cost so what do you want to do to,fulfill this order is your gonna click,on her name here and then it's gonna say,create shipping label and we have all,the information right here,and it's gonna show you the price of it,for 284 I use USP first class package,for most um you know national US orders,it's the cheapest and it's pretty fast,three days sometimes I get there in two,days depending on where they're at so,USPS first class package and then it's,super easy to just come here you say buy,shipping label and you buy your shipping,label and then it's gonna bring you to,this page here which this money is going,to get deducted from your account and I,think there actually is a delay in that,fee so if you see like um you know a fee,hits your billing account um a few weeks,later I don't know if it's like once a,month or something don't get freaked out,it's just your shipping that that your,customer has already paid for so it's,not actually like your money so what,you're gonna do next is you're gonna,come here and you're gonna print,shipping label and it's as easy as that,now I'm gonna off of my computer and,show you how I actually put the package,together so I just putted the shipping,label out it is looks like this on this,newspaper and I'm just gonna cut it up,real quick and send us in my other video,I think that you can buy stickers so you,don't have to sit here and cut and tape,this stuff on to your mailers or your,boxes or whatever but that's just like,another added expense so if you're kind,of like on a budget in the beginning,maybe just do it the hard way next thing,that I do after I cut out puts on my,label is I have these little matte rose,rose gold pink mailers and I take the,label and I stick it on and,I take packaging tape cool I take,packaging tape and I kind of like,laminate it looks like that when it's,done as you can see it's laminated I,usually look at all of my orders for the,day and then I print them all the labels,first like I don't go and try to do the,products and stuff just to try to keep,it organized so I prepare all the labels,at one time count them up and then once,I put them on the mailers and I have all,the mailers you know pulled out and,counted out or whatever then I go and,actually go search in my inventory for,the product so I can't miss anybody it,will automatically say that the orders,fulfilled once you print the shipping,label and they will automatically notify,your customer that your your pack their,packages in transit so your customer,will be able to see how long your,processing time is with that being said,if you want to change the notification,email that their package is been shipped,you can go into your settings for,Shopify and then you can go to the,notifications tab and you can edit the,emails the automatic emails that Shopify,and sends your customers after I have,the mail are all ready to go I would,then go back into my Shopify and look at,the name and then look at their order,and then I would go into my inventory,and find their order ordered these,earrings so it's just like these little,tags they're really cute so just know if,you're buying any paper products like,this from Oak like a local printer the,more that you buy the the bigger,quantity that you buy the cheaper the,cost should be so if you're planning on,selling a lot I would just buy the most,that they can because the cost per unit,is gonna be cheaper so I think I just,had to order a new shipment of these and,I bought like a thousand or something,and it came out to like like eight cents,or something crazy so buy more involved,in the long run it's cheaper it's gonna,make you more money in the long run so,just basically take those I throw them,in the mailer,and then this is a similar strategy that,I actually do with my Etsy store is I,have these letters these cards that I,also got printed and they look like this,I don't know if you can see it but it's,just the same logo on the other little,cards and basically it just says thank,you so much for supporting the visa,company if you had in an amazing,experience please follow us on Instagram,and tag us in any pictures and if they,tag us in any pictures on Instagram then,I manually send them a discount code for,their next purchase so that's just like,the little hack a little marketing,strategy that you can do and you also,want to get as many of your current,customers to take more loyal steps,towards your business by either,following you on Instagram you know,subscribing to your email list getting,in your ambassador program what other,follow-up system you have it's really,important that there's a call to action,post sale for them to continue the,relationship and continue the,conversation with you outside of their,purchase because you know you might have,a great product and a great store but,you probably also have competition and,so it's really really important that you,have a follow-up system in place so that,the next time your warmest traffic that,you have right the people that have,already spent money with you want to buy,something again or they want to buy a,gift for Christmas or something like,that it's your company that comes to,their mind first so make sure you do,some kind of little thing to make sure,that you're keeping the conversation,going,post sales well after that I basically,just put the card in here I pull the,little strip here and I close it up and,then I drop it off at the post office my,post office has a little desk so I don't,wait in line and I just drop all my,orders off on the table and then,everyone thinks that I'm skipping the,line but I'm actually not I just already,have labels so I don't have to wait in,line I let anyone bully about that,basically that's it I go to the post,office once or twice a day every single,day of the week that they're open my,except Saturday I usually don't go in,Saturday but yeah basically that's it if,you guys enjoyed this video make sure,you give it a like comment down below,any of your questions and I'll see you,guys in the next video

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