why are there tiktok ads everywhere now

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How To Analyze & Scale Your TikTok Ads Like A Pro

oh man that really hits us,oh geez louise guys none of the middle,of my wii sessions uh i mean how badly,do you guys really want to learn how to,analyze your tick tock ads i mean,understand the data the the kpis the,metrics you really want to understand,how to react to your data so you can,scale your ecommerce brands that badly,well if that's the case then kudos to,you i tip my fedora and let's get right,into it so first off how do you even,test products with tech talk now for me,personally i always do one campaign five,ad groups 25 a day not 20 not 30 because,for me when we did 20 budgets the bare,minimum tick tock tends to not spend,that often so 25 dollars seems to be,that golden mark and then once you set,that up go down to your ad groups i have,my five ad groups identical from always,being united states always doing all,broad for the ages and the demographics,unless it's specifically for a gender,and then when we scroll on down i never,do interest i have not done interest in,months for me personally going broad,just works better for my cpms and my,results overall and then i always will,depart from 7 to 11 pm so that's pretty,much what i like to do very simple,lowest cost also i don't really do cost,caps anything else until i get some,purchase data and then when it comes to,the creatives i usually like to have,three creatives in each ad group and,it's the exact same creatives i like to,give my creators five chances of being,successful compared to only having one,ad in each ad group and sure yes that ad,gets 20 of ad spend but if that audience,sucks and the cpm maybe is inflated then,that ad could be a winner but it was the,audience's fault so i like to give each,creative five chances all right it's,time to get serious so after you've set,up your campaign you really need to know,one important metric what is your,breakeven cpa that is the most important,thing that you will be using to analyze,all of your ads and if you're not using,it to analyze your ads right now,frankly i think you're an absolute idiot,so when we go down to this specific,brand we can see that buying one is 34,for this product and let's say,hypothetically it costs four dollars to,fulfill so that means our breakeven cpa,is 30 so if an ad group is under 30 25,20 that means you are profitable and,that is the main thing i'm always,looking at and when evaluating a,campaign so when we go down here and we,look at our columns we can see right,here i got cost cpc one of the ads were,scheduled all these other things are,extraneous they are not the most,important things so i would get straight,into the meat and potatoes whenever,analyzing a campaign after a day and i,would say all right which one of my ad,groups are profitable which ones are not,and as we see right here this ad group,is absolutely going off three complete,payments eight dollars we are looking,good and this is the most important,thing you should be focusing your,attention right in this space but when,we look at the other ad groups we can,see another one is profitable perfect,then when we go to the other three i,would say would i turn off something,that's not profitable after the first,day,sometimes yes and that's typically if it,has very little add to carts so from,this first one i would see okay this one,has one add to cart i'm gonna kill it,but this one at the bottom that has,seven add to carts it just didn't get a,purchase because hey sometimes it can be,unlucky i would definitely leave it on,and see after one more day if it can get,a purchase now if it doesn't get a,purchase after another day yes we're,gonna turn it off it's probably just bad,traffic and with this one that has three,add to carts i would say in general,usually three after cards will lead to,one purchase and that would have made,this somewhat profitable so i actually,would have left this on as well and,getting into day two of the data we can,see that if we left the bottom one on,that had some add to carts it actually,was our best performing ad group on the,second day so for me yes if it shows,some signs of life i do let ad groups,spend for two days now let's say if this,campaign after one day had no purchases,whatsoever but a ton of adds to carts,i'm still gonna let it run for another,day i know with tick tock it sometimes,takes an extra day to optimize it's not,as fast as facebook some people need a,little bit of time and with tick tock,it's a brand new platform it's still,figuring out a lot of things and that's,why we like to keep it very broad so,that tick tock has a large audience that,he can eventually narrow down on and we,can also see on day two that our best,performing ad group is still performing,very well this one right here is still,getting one conversion still a ton of,ads cards but how would i break down,this data and try to scale next now when,it comes to scaling with take tock ads,it's really easy to over complicate and,focus on bid caps and surf scaling and,all this crap but for me the most,consist

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6 Reasons Your TikTok Ads Suck (The TRUTH!)

6 Reasons Your TikTok Ads Suck (The TRUTH!)

you've got an e-commerce brand you want,to start leveraging tiktok ads to their,maximum potential you want to drive more,sales through the platform but for some,reason your Tech talk ads just don't,seem to hit consistently well you're in,the right place because in this video,we're going to break down six reasons,that your Tech talk ads suck hi everyone,my name is Mark I run a tick tock,marketing agency and we help e-commerce,Brands to set up and scale their Tick,Tock ads today we're breaking down six,of the most common areas that e-commerce,Brands fail on when they're trying to,scale their Tick Tock campaigns these,are things that we've learned after,working with numerous different,e-commerce Brands as clients after,making content ourselves after growing a,tick tock account into over a hundred,thousand followers we've learned these,experiences through doing and through,trying and battling and learning from,our own mistakes as well we've tested,all these for ourselves and now we're,going to share it with you let's jump in,the first area that we see Brands trip,up on is not using vetted creators over,the last six months there's been an,influx of Pokemon quality just simply,terrible,ugc creators it's like the new Forex,where people selling courses on how to,make money online how to record ugc for,Brands and there's an inbox of people,who have literally never uploaded a,video to social media and they're now,trying to charge you 200 for the,privilege I've seen it time and time,again where brands that we work with,have fallen into this trap of paying,somebody who has no concept of what a,good ugc videos no concept of marketing,no concept of copywriting they've done,one course or seen a couple of tweets,and they're now trying to become a ugc,Creator and the difficulty is that the,good creators are swamped in amongst all,the bad ones it's not like there's an,easy badge on Twitter that says good,Creator bad Creator you've got to go out,there and try and find the needle in the,haystack to pick out the best craters so,how do you choose the best of the best,well number one you can either just go,straight to an agency and just use their,creators because chances are if they're,getting good results they've got a bank,of good creators already the second,thing is have a very strict,qualification process when you're,choosing ugc creators break down all,their portfolios don't just skip through,it quickly because it's another task on,your to-do list take a little bit of,time to analyze the videos they're in,are they authentic do they use a good,hook do they have any data or metrics,from previous videos that they've done,that shows they can actually get,attention hold it and sell a product as,time goes on the viewers on Tick Tock,are becoming aware that ugc content,exists they're starting to realize that,these are ads and over time it's only,going to get more important to do this,vetting process number two and the,second reason Brands don't crack their,Tick Tock creatives is because they're,simply not captivating Tech talk is all,about holding attention on the organic,side of it the biggest metric is watch,time is how many people do you get,through to the end of your video,likewise on the advertising side you,need people to get through your video if,you want to sell them a product there's,no good hooking someone for the first,five seconds when your call to actions,at the end nobody's going to hear the,call to action if they swipe way through,everyone online talks about the hook,about the first three seconds get people,stopped and yes I'm not saying that's,not important that's a crucial first,step of a good Tick Tock ad but nobody,talks about the other 90 of the video,you still have to hold them there as,always with all the content I put out I,want this to be as valuable as possible,for you so I'm not just going to give,you six rough ideas of why your ads,might not be performing we're going to,give you the Tactical action items you,can actually Implement as well so how do,you hold people to the end of your video,there's a couple of different methods,you can use and a couple of different,styles everyone talks about tech talk,about having high energy Fast Pace Quick,Cuts every two seconds and that is one,strategy the reason people tell you to,do that is to hold people to the end of,the video if it's fast if it's high,energy there's Cuts every two seconds,you don't give someone the chance to,scroll and get bored so yet the reason,people tell you to do that and to,implement that strategy is because of,this is to get people to the end but,that is only one style of tech Talk,video you may have seen those videos on,Tech talk where people are telling a,story there's no Fast Cuts they're just,sitting holding the phone in front of,them talking to the camera and running,you through a story it's not high energy,it's not high Pace it's not every two,seconds but you're hooked on the aspect,of the story you're bought in you want,to hear how it

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Why Your TikTok Ads Aren't Spending ( How to Fix it)

Why Your TikTok Ads Aren't Spending ( How to Fix it)

what's up beautiful people in this video,i'm going to talk about three things why,your ad account your tic tac ad account,is not spending number two how to get it,to spend and warm up your account number,three if none of the warm-ups or,anything that they do work what you need,to do to get that out account to spend,or what the alternatives are so if you,want to see what those things are keep,watching,what's up beautiful people it's nas here,back with another video i've been,getting a lot of questions on instagram,on facebook and emails on,linkedin i don't know everywhere that's,my ad account is not spending why is my,ad account is not like why is it not,spending it's just so annoying you're,trying to test the product or you might,already have a winner and you want to,scale it or whatever and it's just not,freaking spending it's so annoying i,know how annoying it can be to actually,want to scale something or you want to,test something and your ad account is,not spending even when you're setting it,at lowest cost in this video we're going,to go ahead and answer all those,questions but before we get started i,just wanted to throw it out there that i,have a brand new mini course on tick,tock which is going to get more detail,about tick tock ads product research for,tick tock and everything and the link,down below is completely free go ahead,and download it,you know it's an hour of anything that,you need to learn about tick tock and,running tick-tock ads so make sure you,go ahead and check it out take your time,learn about tick-tock and implement the,things that you learn from um what i,have um inside the inside the course now,that you know that let's talk about why,your ad account is not spending and this,is the case most of the time for people,that just are opening an ad account so,let's say you just went on tick tock you,open an account uh you register for a,business manager you got an ad account,and now you're setting up your ads,everything looks good your pixel is set,up correctly your store looks good,everything that they need is out there,and now you set up your ads first day,you put in a conversion you set up a,conversion ad it doesn't spend any money,second day doesn't spend any money third,four it goes on does not spend any money,maybe like five cents six cents seven,cents you've been there if you're,watching this video you know that you've,been there right and it's super annoying,and you're like okay what the hell am i,doing wrong,i've had a phone conversation with,someone that knows what they're doing in,one of the reps that actually knows what,they're doing so here's the thing with,one of the things if you're setting,something for conversion first of all,set up your all your ad accounts with,with cbo it tends to not actually spend,if it decides sometimes some ad accounts,are fine you set up your account you set,up your testing account and it starts,spending with conversion when you do,complete purchase conversion it spends,but not all the time that's the case,right so a lot of times they pick some,ad accounts that they don't want you to,basically get to conversion right away,right so you either have to let it just,sit there for seven days before it,starts actually spending and every day,is going to spend a couple cents and,eventually he's gonna spend or there's,faster way to do it so what the rep told,me is that your ad account is not,optimizing they don't know what they're,doing they don't know what to look for,so technically they don't want to spend,your money because they don't really,know uh you know what you're you're,about that's what it is your account is,not warmed up you they don't want you to,spend your money they don't want you to,spend money so basically after talking,back and forth and emailing back and,forth with a bunch of reps and agents,and all that this is what they come up,with and this is kind of like what they,got got back to me right so i was like,hey i want to know why the account is,not spending like that's a brand new,account right so i have multiple,accounts that i work with i have agency,accounts agency accounts usually i don't,have any issues with so that's not ever,a problem but i just kind of wanted to,figure out for my students for my people,to know why this is happening because,all people come in they don't you know,and their accounts are not warmed up so,a lot of accounts that i have that are,already warmed up that i've been,spending thousands of dollars on they,never had this issue but when i open a,new account that's when the issue,happens when i open a new account it,just doesn't spend so this is kind of,what they told me right um it is normal,to see delay and fluctuation activity in,the beginning period of the delivery so,don't worry our system explore new,customers basically they're saying that,they can't figure out who to find,based on the things that you're,advertising so they don't spend your,money so what they're taking the data,during this stage is used to

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that's right guys all you have to do to,stop tic toc ads from playing forever is,don't you go and surfing on the Internet,hello my fellow Internet Explorer's my,name is Mason and welcome back to the,world wide web today on our online,adventures today I can't even finish my,intro correctly because I am so,irrationally excited for what we're,gonna talk about today I cannot wait to,fill in this video so as most of you,probably know already there's been one,particular app that's been taking over,the world recently and that app is,called tick tock now if you've never,heard of tick tock that would be a,little surprising but just in case you,haven't it's an app where users can,share short little videos of themselves,set to music or other soundtracks that,they can post for the whole world to see,despite tic TOCs massive popularity,though it's gotten a lot of backlash,recently for something I'm sure most of,you are familiar with which is they're,very aggressive ad campaign which has,left a lot of people wondering why on,earth is every single YouTube ad I see,an ad for tick tock and I myself was,very confused by this as an avid YouTube,viewer I was curious as to why I was,getting the same ads over and over and,over again and curious as to where this,app tick tock even came from so I did a,little bit of research and found out a,ton of information on why tick tock is,marketing their apps so heavily right,now and what their long-term goals might,be to grow the application and that,information is what I'm about to share,with you right now,so tick tock was launched in September,of 2016 under the Chinese name Julian,and it was later introduced to overseas,markets under the name,tick tock it was launched by a company,called bite dance which was founded in,2012 and is responsible for three other,major social media application although,largely unknown to Western markets by,dance is one of the largest startups in,the world right now although it's,private it was recently valued at over,75 billion dollars and to give you a bit,of a reference for that uber is valued,at 75 billion dollars right now so this,startup is about the same size as uber,which means it's about 1/10 the size of,Apple and Amazon although it was not,originally backed by me,investors buy dances success can largely,be attributed to its cutting edge,artificial intelligence technology which,it uses in all of its apps to help,customize the apps to the users and help,them grow internationally,so after tik-tok was founded its,popularity quickly skyrocketed in China,and across the world,tik-tok is getting massive global,traction in the first half of this year,it was the number one download in the,App Store worldwide beating out other,behemoths like YouTube whatsapp,Instagram and Facebook the fight dance,wanted to grow Tik Tok even further and,looking around it found that musically,it was a very compatible app to the,long-term goals of bike dance and so in,September of 2017 bite dance actually,purchased musically for 1 billion,dollars to merge it eventually with Tik,Tok to create a super app so bite is,kept its purchase separate from Tik Tok,for a while but in August of 2018 the,two merged together under the name Tik,Tok,which means musically is no longer,existing under its previous name and,that's essentially where we stand today,with tik toks popularity still going off,the charts and musically nowhere to be,found,but alongside its own popularity as a,social media mogul Tik Tok also became,very popular for the wrong reasons when,its advertising campaign started to get,really out of hand and I mean people are,complaining that every single ad they,watched on YouTube Facebook and other,sites were just being dominated by Tik,Tok over and over again these freaking,like they boom Balaji throughout the,whole of Facebook it's getting to the,point where every time I frickin get,done with you snapchat at least have,seen the 10 tik-tok ads and that's what,I want to talk about today but first I,think it's really important to give kind,of a general overview of how advertising,on social media works so you can better,understand the strategies that tik-tok,individually is employing to make sure,that it's app continues to grow so,basically what companies do to advertise,on social media platforms is along with,creating an ad campaign of course to,post on the site they also set a budget,of how much they're willing to spend on,advertisements on that site the social,media platform in the company then set a,rate on how much the company should be,spending every time one of their ads is,run so for example every time someone,on a YouTube video how much does that,company have to pay the social media,platform for their ad to be run on that,video once that rate is determined then,that is factored into the budget to,determine just how much that company is,going to be spending for all their ads,to be run the ad campaigns are then,delivered to the social media platform,and they're disseminated acro

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I Bought EVERYTHING TikTok Ads Recommended Me!

I Bought EVERYTHING TikTok Ads Recommended Me!

i'm just gonna be scrolling through my,tic toc for you page and every single ad,that comes up i'm just going to,literally hit purchase right then and in,there,wait a second why is this so cute it's,an ad by the official las vegas tick,tock account you guys are not going to,want to go to las vegas for a tick tock,okay come on you guys come on,hi sisters james charles here and,welcome back to my youtube channel for,today's video we're going shopping and,i'm super excited because i'm going to,be buying everything that tick tock ads,recommend to me i feel like there's a,certain group of people that are like,the ad buyers and i feel like it's a lot,of moms and a lot of grandmas i love you,guys to death i'm not being shady when i,say that but it's like there's just you,know an ad for anything and suddenly,it's in the cart for three easy payments,of 19.99,i've never been that person i really,don't shop via ads that often a tick,tock ad or a simple little picture on,like a youtube banner page is not doing,it for me however that is all going to,be out the door today because i am going,to be the easiest way person on planet,earth because i'm just gonna be,scrolling through my tic toc for you,page and every single ad that comes up,i'm just going to literally hit purchase,right then and there so without further,ado let's just get into it,let's scroll i don't care what it is i'm,going to hit purchase oh my god wish you,luck usually the first thing that you,see when you open tick-tock is an ad so,let's see what we have in store for us,today new chrome finish,bubbles you can make your own oh yes,gorgeous mandarin red did you say red,man fly literally slime color you're,going to want to frame this,okay you should say that i'm not easily,swayed because even if i was not filming,this video and i just saw this girl i'd,be swiping the card okay this is for the,sodastream art and i do know what a soda,stream is it's basically a machine where,you can turn any liquid into a,carbonated delicious soda beverage and,you guys if you know me you would know,that i love soda okay i think wine,tastes like battery acid the wine cellar,in my house filled with coke bottles,let's fly,i have an ad for bat oh hbo max i,already paid for a subscription for that,sorry sweetie let's go,oh what's this nothing beats a day on,the water gear up with columbia pfg for,your next angling adventure,my free page is giving me ads about,fishing,this literally so cute are you literally,kidding me a mini film camera oh my god,they're half price for the next 10,minutes it says who will be buying it's,really hard for me to cook dinner every,night especially with the full-time job,i mean a doordash ad hello y'all don't,have to sell that to me okay our lunch,is literally on the way we ordered,chinese food for lunch today i'm very,excited to eat it it's on the way right,now via doordash does it does that count,should we just do another one,come on give me something good give me,something good,oh here's one,then m m's and cookies,two of my favorites on one try eminem's,new crunchy cookie m ms,oh,crunchy cookie m ms this might be an,unpopular opinion i love the m m's with,things inside of them i love a peanut m,m you know what the ones are so,underrated that i stan pretzel m m's,do you like them yeah i thought that was,the only person on planet earth that i,like love i love them it's like an,exaggerated,like i've never done like,this like,trav,you know,let's mosh,yes,oh my god an ad for domino's pizza yes,my boss said i had to make a tick tock,about domino's 50 off pizza deal being,back so,50 off yes,please,no transfer no bleed no fade for 16,hours with our vegan fave shine loud,high shine lip color,that's a name i don't know how that,could ever exist but i'm definitely done,to try let's do like one or two more,because i feel like we have a lot of,good ones at this point,okay crocs i love crocs love love crocs,i love that they're having a comeback,but i slide on our new ultra plush,classic cozy sandals,good question chili chews that meat if,you work from home,no,no no no sorry what is it it's an ad by,the official las vegas tick tock account,that's fine no,you guys we're not going to we're not,going to las vegas for a tick tock ad,i don't care what it is i'm going to hit,purchase hit purchase,okay come on you guys look come on,um,hey oh hi finn oh okay hello it's been,only a couple seconds for you since i've,seen you last but it's been a couple of,days for me everything has officially,came in the mail obviously you know we,had the vegas hat we'll get to that a,little bit later on but everything else,like the end up,every other ad that we got the furry,crocs the cookie m ms the soda stream,the domino's pizza literally is like,setting us up for like a sleepover,slumber party i mean is that not the,cutest idea i've ever done had okay you,guys,we have to get changed into my lovely,feet wear oh don't pan down don't,that's not for free you didn't say it,you didn't say it qui

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How I made $12.3k in 24 Hours Running Tiktok Ads (SHOPIFY DROPSHIPPING)

How I made $12.3k in 24 Hours Running Tiktok Ads (SHOPIFY DROPSHIPPING)

so august 28 we did about twelve,thousand three hundred dollars the day,before that it was,it was eight thousand eight hundred and,eighty two dollars and a day before that,was about four thousand eight hundred,forty four dollars so in this video i'm,gonna show you guys how we get a product,to scale so quickly from thousand to two,thousand four thousand six thousand,eight thousand to twelve thousand,dollars a day if you wanna learn more,make sure you watch this video till the,end,what's up beautiful people it's nas here,thank you so much for coming back to my,youtube channel in this video we're,going to talk about a little bit bigger,numbers compared to my other videos just,so you guys can get an idea what it,takes you know to even go from zero to,thousand dollars a day and then now from,there to scale it to four or five,thousand dollars a day and then from,there to get it to twelve thousand,thirteen thousand dollars a day and then,going from there um there are a couple,things that you're gonna learn by the,end of this video by the end of this,video you're gonna know how i found this,product,what method i use to scale this product,uh what my profit margin is and uh,basically how i get to find these,products and to scale them quickly so,let's get into it let's get into my,computer and i'm going to show you all,the good,details of what it takes okay before we,get started i just opened up two spots,in my mastermind if you're interested dm,me mastermind on my instagram i'll put,the link down below but let's get into,this video,don't click out yet don't click out yet,i want to show you all the dirty details,you know all the good stuff um and i,know all of you guys want to see the,profit and all that stuff so let's get,into it uh first of all a lot of people,i know the first thing first is going to,be like where did you find your product,how do you do your product research,product research is really important but,the thing is all these products that you,i find you know in one product,let's say research platform um they're,out there you know there's no secret you,find all these products everywhere i,honestly believe that 20 30 is your,product research and 60,is how you're making your videos like i,said i'm gonna show you how i make my,videos so you guys you know that that's,gonna help you a lot with making your,own videos but my own students you know,one thing that helps them a lot with,scaling is literally how they edit and,make their videos that's what's gonna,give you a winning product you could,have a okay product and with a good,video and right marketing you can,actually make that product a winning,product so let's get into it first of,all a lot of people again gonna ask me,how did i find this product um i've been,using pp ads forever pp ads is a,platform that you can spy on every,single ads on tick tock uh most of them,at least that they're available and you,can see what people are running what,marketing you know they're using all,that stuff so you can kind of spy on,people i don't usually go after products,that people are scaling i like to find,stores that know what they're doing and,look to see what they're adding to their,store that means i go after products,that they're just about to test okay now,now that you guys know how i use this,platform another question would be how,do i make these videos right so let's,say i decided on a product how do i make,them i highly highly recommend you make,your own videos or send them to,influencers and ask them to make the,video for you but you have to control,how they make the videos for you you,gotta make the first three seconds super,catchy the first two three seconds is,when people decide to click on your ads,so if it's not catchy enough people are,not going to be clicking on your ads now,how do i do this uh the products that i,find uh let's say if they i can order,them quickly from amazon i ordered them,quickly either to myself or to my editor,or to my influencers that really depends,um i like to take control of a lot of,stuff like very detailed so a lot of,times i re-edit even when other people,do the videos i like to re-edit them so,here's multiple methods that i use them,one way is stitching that means like i,have a video let's say someone is just,using the product and then i react to,that video if that makes sense so uh,that does really really well because,they create that curiosity i call the,stitching method i guess um you have a,video someone is you know,using the product and then you have,someone else reacting to that video,right okay the next method is just,simply people using the product and,putting their experience out there so it,doesn't look like an ad it doesn't look,like they're selling your product,they're just using the product i'm going,to actually show you an example just,looking this ad so i'm going to show you,an example,so this is just like someone literally,using the product super easy to make,these videos super effective because,it's kind of

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TikTok is Destroying a Generation

TikTok is Destroying a Generation

okay finally back from vacation so it's,time to start back in with a somewhat,normal routine first things first i'm,thinking about changing the channel name,to just upper echelon instead of upper,echelon gamers the content wouldn't be,changing at all just the name so let me,know your thoughts down below with that,out of the way let's discuss tick-tock,because i believe that the app is,verifiably impacting almost an entire,generation of the human species in a,decidedly negative way before getting,started i want to go on a bit of a,tangent here september 22nd 2020 i,posted a video to the channel titled why,i hate tik tok now ordinarily this would,have just been like any other video but,this time it actually wasn't when,posting content on youtube there is a,number of different viewership patterns,that can occur the most common format is,a large initial spike and then eventual,plateau when the content has been viewed,by your subscriber base subsequently,dropping out of algorithmic favorability,afterwards that's the most common format,for this channel in particular and for,many others on the platform as well,however the most common format is not,always the most desirable the best,viewership pattern is usually called,evergreen content and it occurs when a,video becomes embedded in the algorithm,and ranks highly enough in popular,search terms or general browse features,to continue gaining traction over time,in a very reliable way this type of,content is effectively the holy grail,for us creators because it can result in,hundreds of thousands or millions of,views over the span of years some of my,red dead redemption 2 guides way back in,the day achieved this level of indexing,and are now crossing the multi-million,view threshold with reliable results for,the past 36 months at least making,content that achieves this level of,tenacity is not exactly easy or,predictable and for me personally it's,only happened a handful of times one of,those times was september 22nd 2020. the,video i posted the video titled why i,hate tick tock pushed beyond my average,view count on the channel and continues,even now to climb well beyond most of,the other content that i've ever posted,normally i wouldn't even notice but over,the past few weeks a variety of,different factors have aligned which,made me realize why that occurred and,spurred me to once again discuss the,topic this time defining why i believe,that tick tock is effectively a viral,form of societal poison and it is well,on its way to destroying an entire,generation it all starts with the advent,of internet dominance early stage,internet usage and functionality was,largely relegated to scientific research,military-industrial projects and,fail-safe protections during the cold,war but in the early 1980s something,changed at the start of 1983 a new,protocol was established tcpip which,allowed different kinds of computers on,different networks to communicate with,each other this is widely regarded as,the unofficial birth of the modern,internet age and this fundamental,building block is what allowed nearly,everything else we know today to become,possible the internet became a staple of,modern life commerce accounting security,entertainment all of it but in tandem to,these utility driven industries there,was a social aspect early examples like,six degrees or friendster paved the way,for superior projects like facebook to,arise in 2004. as of 2021 there were an,estimated 4.6 billion internet users on,planet earth and 4.1 billion of those,users use social media further stats can,be found that describe user habits such,as the staggering revelation that users,who participate on social media,platforms utilize on average over six,different options in their daily lives,average daily usage time is over two,hours and if someone began their social,media journey at age 16 for example,using the platforms until age 70 or,thereabouts they would spend nearly six,years of their life on these websites,all of this is to establish one crucial,idea social media has become an,integrated part of our lives and when,the average user one of over four,billion people is spending more time on,social media than they do eating or,drinking combined on a daily basis it,signifies that this activity has become,something larger than a simple hobby,social media on average again has become,a primary piece of our very existence,why does this matter simply put it,matters because of the detrimental,effects from 2013 to 2017 scientists in,denmark observed that collective hashtag,longevity was steadily decreasing in a,study titled accelerating dynamics of,collective attention it was discovered,that the average duration of a hashtag's,trending dominance in the top 50 for,example had decreased from 17.5 hours to,11.9 this alone does not constitute,definitive proof that our attention,spans are shrinking but in a further,study titled abundance of information,narrows our collective attention span,that connection was well establ

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Tik Tok Ads Do Nothing But LIE

Tik Tok Ads Do Nothing But LIE

hey,remember when i regrettably watched tick,tock ads and realized there's just,way more scams than there should be what,do you think our odds are on a second,run i think we're hitting the over the,under today we will find out over the,past couple months i've been gathering,tick tock ads that are odd trashy or,just a lie so let's not waste any more,time and let's go watch some terrible,ads together,after a really good ad first whoa,another white whale sponsor in the books,boys i'm happy to say that hellofresh is,today's sponsor i've used hellofresh,while not being paid by them this is the,preferred way but i can tell you that,i've always liked this model i can't,cook but i love to cook it's honestly,like therapy to me i like when i can,turn all of this off i know that sounds,straight out of a script but i'm just,that corny i put out some music or,youtube videos on the tv and then i just,follow the easy directions provided with,all the pre-portioned ingredients and,after my therapy session i enjoy a,delicious meal that i made and the meals,are really good there was this spicy,spaghetti i made like two years ago i,don't even know if it's still in their,rotation i still think about it to this,day i can't stand grocery shopping it,feels so gluttonous filling up my cart,knowing half of that is gonna be,moldy in like five hours with the,package hello fresh sent me i made some,delicious costada supremas and even more,delicious meatballs with bulgogi sauce,did i say that right so don't throw in a,pizza for the fourth time this week,treat yourself and treat yourself right,go to hellofresh.com and use code mr,gg16 for up to 16 free meals and three,surprise gifts that's hellofresh.com use,code mr gg16 for up to 16 free meals and,three surprise gifts thank you all fresh,for sponsoring this video,if you're bored making new friends has,never been easier download soul and take,a quick personality quiz and let the,soul algorithm work its magic it'll,match you with like-minded people all,across the world in your own,personalized metaverse i've met so many,cool people from my metaverse that are,now friends so what are you waiting for,download today what the did he just,say what were these questions you think,of yourself as a determined person,soft-hearted person those aren't even,opposites can't you be both your friends,always say that you stupid little, text box in the bottom is,blocking it do you like people who tell,the truth i'm guessing that's just yes,no who the would say no to that,what no no i like dirty stinky liars at,work you are a blank and enthusiastic,person blank and soft-hearted what's,with the soft-hearted thing why is that,why is that the trigger word for you is,everyone you meet just gonna be like oh,you're soft-hearted too dude this is a,soft-hearted metaverse,everybody you need to hear about this so,if the last two years have been rough,for you and stem checks aren't covering,it you got to hear about this look at my,bank account from this morning february,23rd 810 check it out here the 24th 50,000,my best friend told me about this 2022,personal loan program a few things this,is gross and very suckish of whatever,k95 solutions the the caption is use,your 50k however you want you're just,gonna have to pay back 75.,but the 50k gonna be balling out,baby get yourself a tesla go to costa,rica first class come back first class,and then be in crippling debt lose your,house and be on the streets personal,loan program where they give up the,fifty thousand 000 on a personal loan,dog if you're struggling like this why,would you ever take out a 50 000 loan i,am not a financial advisor this is,important nowadays,don't do that don't take out a 50 000,loan to do whatever the you want,with it if any of you have whatever went,to uh what's that thing called,yeah college,even though you're 35 you're still,paying back your student loans this is,what he wants you to do again 2.0 the,reckoning this is my husband,he threw away all of his old tees as,soon as he got these and he keeps buying,more,okay i i haven't bought the teas but,true classic teas just destroy my tick,tock ads like none other if you've never,heard of them that's good that means it,hasn't found you in the demographic,because the demographic is for guys with,dad bods it's supposed to be tight,around the chest area and around the,arms so you look buff but then,it's loose around the stomach so it,doesn't show your fat beer belly girl,i've never worked out a day in my life,it's tight around your chest and arms so,you look built and then it's like never,worked out a day in my life this ,piece of that's not even a flex i,can tell he's not flexing my guy,casually lifted up his and it's,bulging through the shirt that's not the,shirt my god never worked out a day of,my life you know as he sniffs,creatine off his knuckle in between sets,what a douchebag the things i hate the,most when the sleeves roll up as you can,see they're sitting nice no more pulling,sleeves down wh

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