township and tiktok ads keep popping up

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that's right guys all you have to do to,stop tic toc ads from playing forever is,don't you go and surfing on the Internet,hello my fellow Internet Explorer's my,name is Mason and welcome back to the,world wide web today on our online,adventures today I can't even finish my,intro correctly because I am so,irrationally excited for what we're,gonna talk about today I cannot wait to,fill in this video so as most of you,probably know already there's been one,particular app that's been taking over,the world recently and that app is,called tick tock now if you've never,heard of tick tock that would be a,little surprising but just in case you,haven't it's an app where users can,share short little videos of themselves,set to music or other soundtracks that,they can post for the whole world to see,despite tic TOCs massive popularity,though it's gotten a lot of backlash,recently for something I'm sure most of,you are familiar with which is they're,very aggressive ad campaign which has,left a lot of people wondering why on,earth is every single YouTube ad I see,an ad for tick tock and I myself was,very confused by this as an avid YouTube,viewer I was curious as to why I was,getting the same ads over and over and,over again and curious as to where this,app tick tock even came from so I did a,little bit of research and found out a,ton of information on why tick tock is,marketing their apps so heavily right,now and what their long-term goals might,be to grow the application and that,information is what I'm about to share,with you right now,so tick tock was launched in September,of 2016 under the Chinese name Julian,and it was later introduced to overseas,markets under the name,tick tock it was launched by a company,called bite dance which was founded in,2012 and is responsible for three other,major social media application although,largely unknown to Western markets by,dance is one of the largest startups in,the world right now although it's,private it was recently valued at over,75 billion dollars and to give you a bit,of a reference for that uber is valued,at 75 billion dollars right now so this,startup is about the same size as uber,which means it's about 1/10 the size of,Apple and Amazon although it was not,originally backed by me,investors buy dances success can largely,be attributed to its cutting edge,artificial intelligence technology which,it uses in all of its apps to help,customize the apps to the users and help,them grow internationally,so after tik-tok was founded its,popularity quickly skyrocketed in China,and across the world,tik-tok is getting massive global,traction in the first half of this year,it was the number one download in the,App Store worldwide beating out other,behemoths like YouTube whatsapp,Instagram and Facebook the fight dance,wanted to grow Tik Tok even further and,looking around it found that musically,it was a very compatible app to the,long-term goals of bike dance and so in,September of 2017 bite dance actually,purchased musically for 1 billion,dollars to merge it eventually with Tik,Tok to create a super app so bite is,kept its purchase separate from Tik Tok,for a while but in August of 2018 the,two merged together under the name Tik,Tok,which means musically is no longer,existing under its previous name and,that's essentially where we stand today,with tik toks popularity still going off,the charts and musically nowhere to be,found,but alongside its own popularity as a,social media mogul Tik Tok also became,very popular for the wrong reasons when,its advertising campaign started to get,really out of hand and I mean people are,complaining that every single ad they,watched on YouTube Facebook and other,sites were just being dominated by Tik,Tok over and over again these freaking,like they boom Balaji throughout the,whole of Facebook it's getting to the,point where every time I frickin get,done with you snapchat at least have,seen the 10 tik-tok ads and that's what,I want to talk about today but first I,think it's really important to give kind,of a general overview of how advertising,on social media works so you can better,understand the strategies that tik-tok,individually is employing to make sure,that it's app continues to grow so,basically what companies do to advertise,on social media platforms is along with,creating an ad campaign of course to,post on the site they also set a budget,of how much they're willing to spend on,advertisements on that site the social,media platform in the company then set a,rate on how much the company should be,spending every time one of their ads is,run so for example every time someone,on a YouTube video how much does that,company have to pay the social media,platform for their ad to be run on that,video once that rate is determined then,that is factored into the budget to,determine just how much that company is,going to be spending for all their ads,to be run the ad campaigns are then,delivered to the social media platform,and they're disseminated acro

The above is a brief introduction to township and tiktok ads keep popping up

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I gave my wife my credit card so she,could buy every ad she saw on Tick Tock,for the past 24 hours and we mean,business you are so lucky that she,bought me this stain resistant Tick Tock,ad shirt oh what is this is it a Roomba,look at the front what does it say let,moose loose but it's a soccer ball I'm,so confused turn it on oh well put on,the ground put on the ground wait a,second what dude this thing slides so,good I've been watching a lot of soccer,anime not enough one of us is taking,this goal oh I love it how much was it,21.99 I'll take another final shot if I,just oh,my gosh,Chase I'm not gonna throw a flag but by,the end of this video we are going to,name one of these ads from Tick Tock the,king and so far moose is deserving on,that what the oh,is it it's a hunk,oh no oh,this is real wait can we launch,something out of him oh like a slingshot,can we get masiel to launch an apple all,right now I'm gonna just stand clear and,let him run oh it works I don't think,that's how you're supposed to use them I,want to break them though how we're,gonna see if Stretch Armstrong is truly,indestructible I feel like I'm Sid from,Toy Story now we're gonna stretch his,arm over the hose put it in there that's,what she said I now zip tie it I brought,this for my car Carter and now we're,gonna leave the water on and check back,in on him oh okay oh,okay do me a favor Chase close your eyes,hands over them I want you to describe,to me your ideal girlfriend oh don't,okay what kind of hair color I like a,blonde what about eye color I got a,sucker for blue eyes what about booty,shorts depends on the day all right,Chase can I look and three two one,okay,finally yeah oh she's amazing what do,you mean by that well Chase,unfortunately I'm at the borrow your,girlfriend we've got a great idea of how,we can use this as a prank oh I like,pranks but if you want to see the,results of the prank you gotta like the,video I'll be right back wait can I like,it now wait seriously I just want to let,you know I want to know what happens we,have live footage of the girlfriend,being in Brie's office,I feel really uncomfortable what she's,beautiful do I touch it don't say that,about chases can I touch that she's,gonna touch your girlfriend hey,so does that beat the thing that was on,there already I mean no I don't get any,value out of the girlfriend I mean I,will but the soccer ball soccer Puck,thing is good for both we like the Moose,butterfly teeth this is something Brie,drinks all the time but it changes the,color of your water when you steep it,okay so chase you have steep dits ahead,of time watch the color of this you,ready for this,whoa oh my gosh dude it looks like you,put a bunch of blue food coloring inside,of it but there's a secret to this tea,apparently when you put lemon juice,inside of it it changes colors yet again,whoa whoa what's changing that is,beautiful look at the bottom it's like a,purple blue this is the differences,nice I actually think this is cool I'm,gonna actually replace this you gotta,let loose loose next item seven dollar,face mask what oh it's thick milky piggy,carbonated bubble clay mask whoa I'll do,you if you do me you want me to do you,or are you the way that you are this is,it's actually really nice whoa Chase,it's kind of changing to like a lighter,gray oh wait honestly you're like pretty,much fully covered Chase all right sit,down let me let me get let me get oh,dude oh it's cold you didn't tell me,this is cold oh you're right but the,light gray oh just like the Subscribe,button when you subscribe you never know,what's gonna happen uh kind of,uncomfortable you know he's probably not,in Comfort the stretchy guy this looks,like me after Thanksgiving,right,I hate it I love it I'm not putting this,one on the pedestal like my face is,flushed and I feel stuffy and apparently,I look like a gay kid Pals just because,your butt's as soft as a gelatin piece,of pillow doesn't mean I like this I'm,washing it off Chase I think it's as,good as the tea bag,s all right I had these as a kid whoever,gets,keeps the girlfriend oh okay primer,No Monkeys were damaged in the making of,this yes one more one more one more,minute and 17 seconds that's just,bananas step up to your plates the plate,has been stepped three two one,monkey,wait I'm gonna go one arm,yeah wait that's way better this is for,Curious George,oh what the is this account yes,eight seven six five four three,one minute and 15 seconds did you beat,me by two seconds you did knock all the,Bananas off that's banana you already,made that joke finger monkeys I think,they're better okay let them fly make,sound,better now that it makes sound oh he's,uh flexible he's Sofie dossi instant,Kane my mom said I couldn't use these,what would we even use them for,has this ever happened to you yeah,and you just don't have a weapon to,impress the robber thus making him give,you your money back don't worry,excuse me what is that whoa whoa whoa,whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa,give me that back

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The Only Shopify Dropshipping Course You Will Ever Need (FREE FOR EVERYONE)

The Only Shopify Dropshipping Course You Will Ever Need (FREE FOR EVERYONE)

Kamil Sattar: Hey, guys. It's Kamil  Sattar as The Ecom King. In today's video,  ,me and my team have prepared a brand new  free course for 2023 on how to start your  ,Shopify dropshipping business successfully in  the new year. Now, what you guys are going to  ,be learning in this brand new free course is  how to build and advertise a successful Shopify  ,dropshipping store in 2023 from the very start. Now, we make a brand new free course every year,  ,so if you've watched the previous 2022 free  course, you are going to want to watch this  ,free course because all of the information  has been completely updated. If you want the  ,latest information, then you need to watch this  brand new free course to help you see success.  ,This brand new free course for 2023 is going to  be step-by-step, no BS, you're going to learn  ,everything that you need to know. We're not going  to believe in anything out, and it is going to  ,be us holding your hand throughout this journey. Now, I want to make this very clear for you guys,  ,this is the only video you need in 2023 period if  you want to see success for Shopify dropshipping.  ,My best recommendation is you watch this free  course in full with a pen and paper or with  ,your laptop and follow along, and you watch this  free course a few times over if you want to get  ,the maximum beneficial from this education. I would also highly recommend that you don't  ,cross-contaminate the information and methods with  other methods and just stick to the methods that  ,we're going to teach you in this free course if  you want to see the best results possible. Now,  ,I can confidently say that this free course  in this video is going to be better than  ,any course by any guru that are charging  between $1,000 and $5,000 for their course.  ,This free course is going to have information that  you're not going to hear in even paid courses,  ,and the information that we're teaching you in  this free course is what's given us the success  ,to our eight-figure Shopify stores. Now, if you  appreciate all the free value, then all I ask in  ,return is for you to smash the like button, leave  a comment, and support the video by literally  ,just subscribing, liking, and sharing. If you know anyone that wants to start  ,an online business or dropshipping business,  please share the video around so they don't  ,pay for a paid course. Now, what you guys  can expect to learn from this free course  ,in 2023 is how to find winning products,  how to build a premium website for free,  ,how to set up all the apps needed, how to make  video ads, how to run Google Ads, TikTok ads,  ,Facebook ads, YouTube influencers, Snapchat ads,  Pinterest ads. You are going to learn everything  ,you need to know to see success in your business. Now, why is this the only video you need in 2023,  ,and why am I not recommending you  go anywhere else? The first thing  ,is you're going to get taught by five different  battle-tested experts that have been in the  ,industry now for more than three years.  Myself is now come up to my fifth year.  ,These people that are teaching you are experts  in their fields and you're going to get the best  ,knowledge from the best people. Another thing  is we've generated seven to eight figures in our  ,stores, and this is all battle-tested information  that we've used in our experiences over the last  ,three to five years. Most importantly, the  information in this free course is going  ,to be future-proof, and because we make a free  course every year, this free course information  ,should last you from this year till 2024. Now, I want to make this very clear for you  ,guys that are watching this. This is a long-term  business. This is not a get-rich-quick business,  ,and this business has changed thousands and  thousands of lives long-term so please make  ,sure that when you watch this free course, you  don't think this is just a get-rich ticket. You  ,do need to make sure that you put the work in  day in, day out, and you are looking to build  ,a long-term business over one to three  years and not a short-term business.  ,As long as you come in with that mindset, then  you will see success if you are persistent and  ,consistent with the information. For those that  don't understand how the dropshipping business  ,model and fulfillment model works, it's as simple  as this. Step number one, the customer purchase  ,from your store, online, so this would be through  your Shopify store. Then the order is forwarded  ,to your supplier and you pay for it, and then  they ship it directly to your customer on your  ,behalf so you don't need to hold the inventory.  You don't need to risk inventory, you only pay  ,when you get a customer, so this is why it's  so helpful for beginners to use this business  ,model because you don't need loads of money and  it's going to reduce as much risk as possible.  ,How much money and how much cash flow do you  need to start a dropshipping business in 202

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Sam Smith, Kim Petras - Unholy (Official Music Video)

Sam Smith, Kim Petras - Unholy (Official Music Video)

“抱歉,我们太急了,亲爱的”,“天真冷”,“穿上我的夹克”,“好”,“对不起,我不能和你一起去”,跟大家打个招呼,好吗?”,“好吧,别等我了”,“好”,妈妈被蒙在鼓里,而爸爸悄悄,光临美体小铺,一夜荒唐,真幸运,女孩太走运,能嫁给你这样的男孩,可你跟我说的那些鬼话,要是传到她耳朵里,你肯定会 被扫地出门,真龌龊,男孩动机不纯,事发现场 人人议论纷纷,他们低声谈论 你都去过哪儿,还说你不懂 怎么行事不落人把柄,妈妈被蒙在鼓里,而爸爸悄悄,光临美体小铺,一夜荒唐,缠绵颠倒,多么喧嚣,她缓缓收场,哦,哦,哦,哦,孩子被他留在家 便能如愿外出宣泄,妈妈被蒙在鼓里,而爸爸悄悄,光临美体小铺,一夜荒唐,我的好爸爸,要是 你渴求,就留下地址吧,不仅赠我爱怜 还给我买芬迪和巴黎世家,你得做好保护措施 毕竟此刻我移步换位,风驰电掣,今夜赏得后座风情 明早我就走,他为我买普拉达做衬 我像蕾哈娜那般闪耀迷人,他还总爱给我打电话 怪我没你那么戏精上身,若你渴求,宝贝 大被同眠解你迫切,若你渴求,宝贝 不妨钻进被窝,妈妈被蒙在鼓里,而爸爸悄悄,光临美体小铺,一夜荒唐,缠绵颠倒,多么喧嚣,她缓缓收场,哦,哦,哦,哦,孩子被他留在家 便能如愿外出宣泄,妈妈被蒙在鼓里,而爸爸悄悄,光临美体小铺,一夜荒唐

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Ed Sheeran - Afterglow [Official Performance Video]

Ed Sheeran - Afterglow [Official Performance Video]

Stop the clocks it’s amazing,You should see the way the light dances off your hair,A million colours of hazel, golden and red,Saturday morning is fading,The sun’s reflected by the coffee in your hand,My eyes are caught in your gaze all over again,We were love drunk waiting on a miracle,Trying to find ourselves in the winter snow,So alone in love like the world had disappeared,Oh I won’t be silent and I won’t let go,I will hold on tighter ‘til the afterglow,And we’ll burn so bright ‘til the darkness softly clears,Oh I will hold on to the afterglow,Oh I will hold on to the afterglow,The weather outside’s changing,The leaves are buried under six inches of white,The radio is playing, Iron & Wine,This is a new dimension ,This is a level where we’re losing track of time,I’m holding nothing against it, except you and I ,We were love drunk waiting on a miracle,Trying to find ourselves in the winter snow,So alone in love like the world had disappeared,Oh I won’t be silent and I won’t let go,I will hold on tighter ‘til the afterglow,And we’ll burn so bright ‘til the darkness softly clears,Oh I will hold on to the afterglow,Oh I will hold on to the afterglow,Oh I will hold on to the afterglow

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RAYE, 070 Shake - Escapism. (Official Music Video)

RAYE, 070 Shake - Escapism. (Official Music Video)

♪ Sleazin' and teasin', I'm sittin' on him ♪,♪ All of my diamonds are drippin' on him ♪,♪ I met him at the bar ♪,♪ It was twelve or somethin' ♪,♪ I ordered two more wines ♪,♪ 'Cause tonight I want him ♪,♪ A little context if you care to listen ♪,♪ I find myself in this shit position ♪,♪ The man that I love sat me down last night ♪,♪ And he told me that it's over, dumb decision ♪,♪ And I don't wanna feel how my heart is rippin' ♪,♪ Fact, I don't wanna feel, so I stick to sippin' ♪,♪ And I'm out on the town with a simple mission ♪,♪ In my little black dress ♪,♪ And this shit is sittin' ♪,♪ Just a heart broke bitch ♪,♪ High heels, six inch ♪,♪ In the back of the nightclub, sipping champagne ♪,♪ I don't trust any of these bitches I'm with ♪,♪ In the back of the taxi, sniffing cocaine ♪,♪ Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex ♪,♪ I was looking for a man who's on the same page ♪,♪ Now it's back to the intro, back to the bar ♪,♪ To the Bentley, to the hotel, to my old ways ♪,♪ 'Cause I don't wanna feel how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel how I did last night ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, anything, please ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me ♪,♪ Take this pain away ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ Toke this joint how I'm blowing this steam ♪,♪ Back to my ways like 2019 ♪,♪ Not 24 hours since my ex did dead it ♪,♪ Got a new man on me, it's about to get sweaty ♪,♪ Last night really was the cherry on the cake ♪,♪ Been some dark days lately ♪,♪ And I'm fidin' it cripplin' ♪,♪ Excuse my state ♪,♪ I'm as high as your hopes ♪,♪ That you'll make it to my bed ♪,♪ Get me hot and sizzlin' ♪,♪ If I take a step back to see the glass half full ♪,♪ At least it's the Prade two-piece ♪,♪ That I'm trippin' in ♪,♪ And I'm already actin' like a dick ♪,♪ Know what I mean? ♪,♪ So you might as well stick it in ♪,♪ Just a heart broke bitch ♪,♪ High heels, six inch ♪,♪ In the back of the nightclub, sipping champagne ♪,♪ I don't trust any of these bitches I'm with ♪,♪ In the back of the taxi, sniffing cocaine ♪,♪ Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex ♪,♪ I was looking for a man who's on the same page ♪,♪ Now it's back to the intro, back to the bar ♪,♪ To the Bentley, to the hotel, to my old ways ♪,♪ 'Cause I don't wanna feel how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel how I did last night ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, anything, please ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me ♪,♪ Take this pain away ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ What? ♪,♪ 'Cause I don't wanna feel like I felt last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel like I felt last night ♪,♪ Be at peace with the things you can't change ♪,♪ Last night ♪,♪ I'll be naked when I leave ♪,♪ And I was naked when I came, yeah ♪,♪ Out of reach, out of touch ♪,♪ Too numb, I don't feel no way ♪,♪ Toast up, so what ♪,♪ Street small but it go both ways ♪,♪ So, you'll run, but you'll never escape ♪,♪ Sunset in the maze ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ I don't feel how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel how I did last night, oh ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, anything, please ♪,♪ Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me ♪,♪ You're asking me my symptoms, doctor ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel how I did last night ♪,♪ I don't wanna feel ♪,♪ How I did last night ♪,♪ I don't, I don't, how I did last night ♪,♪ Mm, lipstick smudged like modern art ♪,♪ I don't where the fuck I am ♪,♪ Or who's driving the fucking car ♪,♪ Speeding down the highway sippin' ♪,♪ Mixing pills with the liquor ♪,♪ 'Cause fuck these feelings ♪,♪ I left everyone I love on read ♪,♪ Spilling secrets to the stranger in my bed ♪,♪ I remember nothing so there's nothing to regret ♪,♪ Other than this 4/4 kick drum poundin' in my head ♪

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Alan Ritchson's Intense First Scene as Jack Reacher

Alan Ritchson's Intense First Scene as Jack Reacher

i messed up okay how am i supposed to,get ahead when you're wasting my goddamn,money,get your ass in the van,what the hell you want,i'm talking to you stupid,won't happen again,coffee black,and peach pie,best you're gonna find in,their enhanced georgia enforcement,eastern,seaboard yeah,please,nice and slow,do it now,hands behind your head hands behind your,head,interlock your fingers,interlock your fingers turn around,face the window,desserts gonna have to wait,you're under arrest,for murder,come on,you can move faster than that,sir,if you step over here i can process you,i'm not asking sir i'm telling but don't,worry i won't kick your ass unless you,make me,thank you,all right i'll be doing your intake so,first things first what is your name,sasquatch don't talk,had a passport on you though,jack reacher,no middle name zip ties cuffs didn't fit,him,no stamps,newer january first,plan on leaving the country,everything else he was carrying what's,that about 200 212. this looks like some,kind of foreign deal,world war ii medal french no one moves,around holding just this,where are you keeping the rest of your,you got a friend in town,girl,what the hell are you doing in my town,you want to talk,maybe we put you in a holding cell get,you to change your mind and how exactly,would you do that,explain to him his constitutional rights,under the 5th and 14th amendments then,hope he waves them of his own free will,yep,no need i've got it from here take him,to the conference room i'll be in in the,moment,you

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Walker Hayes - AA (Official Video)

Walker Hayes - AA (Official Video)

("AA" by Walker Hayes),♪ Coffee cup cold and black ♪,♪ Wish it had a little shot of Jack ♪,♪ Besides that can't complain ♪,♪ Just tryin' to do the dang thing ♪,♪ Might change the oil in my truck ♪,♪ I ain't paying no thirty-five bucks ♪,♪ Kids need shoes momma needs Levi's ♪,♪ And I'm just tryna keep my daughters off the pole ♪,♪ And my sons out of jail ♪,♪ Tryna get to church so I don't go to hell ♪,♪ I'm just tryna keep my wife from figuring out ♪,♪ That I married up and she married way way down ♪,♪ In Alabama where they love Nick Saban ♪,♪ Tryna write a song the local country station will play ♪,♪ Hey I'm just tryna stay out of AA ♪,♪ Well I gave up skoal and cigarettes ♪,♪ Now I'm just hooked on Nicorette ♪,♪ Trying not to be like my old man ♪,♪ But the older I get the more I am ♪,♪ Tryna get paid and a little love made y'all ♪,♪ Hey y'all at the end of the day y'all ♪,♪ I'm just another John Deere guy ♪,♪ Up on a tractor ♪,♪ Tryna steer my daughters off the pole ♪,♪ And my sons out of jail ♪,♪ Tryna get to church so I don't go to hell ♪,♪ I'm just tryna keep my wife from figuring out ♪,♪ That I married up and she married way way down ♪,♪ In Alabama where they love Nick Saban ♪,♪ Tryna write a song the local country station will play ♪,♪ Hey I'm just tryna stay out of AA ♪,♪ Ooo tryna stay out of AA everyday ♪,♪ One step at a time ♪,♪ Life's hard family's weird ♪,♪ Sometimes you just need a beer ♪,♪ Can I get an Amen ♪,♪ Man I'm just tryna keep my daughters off the pole ♪,♪ And my sons out of jail ♪,♪ Tryna get to church so I don't go to hell ♪,♪ I'm just tryna keep my wife from figuring out ♪,♪ That I married up and she married way way down ♪,♪ In Alabama where they love Nick Saban ♪,♪ Tryna write a song the local country station will play ♪,♪ Hey I'm just tryna stay out of AA ♪,♪ Hey hey hey I'm just tryna stay out of AA ♪,♪ I'm just tryna stay out of AA ♪,♪ Yes I am ♪

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