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How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

hello everyone welcome to technic four's,learning in the previous videos i've,talked about the tick tock ads the,basics and benefits of advertising on,tiktok and i've showed you how to,advertise on tick tock step by step now,let's take a look of the different ways,to advertise on tick tock let's get,started,let's get into what tick-tock ads,actually look like tick-tock offers a,variety of different creative ad formats,for brands and businesses to explore,you've likely seen most of the different,types of your daily tick tock scroll up,here are five types of tick-tock ads we,have in feed ads brand takeover top view,branded hashtag challenge and branded,effects,with a variety of different options to,choose from it's hard to know which ad,format is best for your brand which is,why we dive into different types of,tick-tock ads and how they can work for,your business first in-field ads are the,video ads that appear in between user,videos as you scroll through your for,you page if you are unfamiliar with,tick-tock and the for you page in feed,ads are very similar to the ads you'd,see while tapping through instagram,stories you can get super creative with,inpeed ads you can include multiple call,to actions and make your video anywhere,between 9 to 15 seconds,having the opportunity to include a call,to action is a huge advantage for,example you can encourage users to shop,now download your app or visit your,website right from tick tock one thing,to keep in mind is that like any other,video on for you page in feed ads can be,scrolled past or skip pretty quickly you,only have about two to three seconds to,catch your audience's eye before they,keep scrolling in feed ads should be,full screen and should be enticing,enough to stop users from scrolling past,your content another positive to infeed,ads tiktok users can like comment share,and interact with your video just like,any other video on the for you page,here's a quick tip work with influencers,for your in feed ads,next we have brand takeover,have you ever opened tick tock and,receive an ad right away if so those are,brand takeover ads,brand takeover ads appear upon opening,the app presenting a full screen video,to your targeted audience they're one of,tick talk ads best option for delivering,mass awareness and driving direct sales,since you can place your messaging right,in front of your target audience not,only do this ad show up as soon as users,open tick tock but they can also appear,on the forum page as still images gifs,or videos including a clickable link,driving users to a landing page or a,hashtag challenge within tiktok brand,take over ads are exclusive to their,category which means that tick-tocks,make sure users don't see more than one,brand take over per day with brand,takeover ads you can expect a lot of,eyes on your content with a little,competition if you're just starting out,with tick-tock ads brand takeovers may,not be your first choice because while,super effective brand takeovers do come,at a high cost if you're a bigger brand,with a large marketing budget they are a,great option for fast growth and,reaching a large group of tick-tock,users next we have top view,top view ads are new advertising options,that builds on brand takeovers what,makes top view ads different is that,unlike branded takeover ads tick-tock,users aren't bombarded with an ad as,soon as they open the app tab view ads,are the first in-feed post after three,seconds it shows up at the top of your,forum page tick tock's most premium real,essay with up to 60 seconds of full,screen video with autoplay and sound,then we have branded hashtag challenge,branded hashtag challenges are,one-of-a-kind advertising opportunity,exclusively to tick-tock you've probably,seen branded hashtag challenges,displayed on tick-tock's discovery page,similar to regular hashtag trends and,challenges on tick-tock branded hashtag,challenges offer both organic and,sponsored opportunities for brands,they're a great way to encourage user,generated content and build brand,awareness the best part about brand,hashtag challenges you can have a ton of,fun with them they are an awesome way,for brands to collaborate and seamlessly,integrate themselves into the tik tok,culture and community,and lastly,branded effects tick tock now offers,branded shareable stickers ar filters,and lenses in their advertising mix,similar to snapchat's branded lenses,tick tock's branded defects allow brands,to design their own custom filter on the,app branded effects can be live up to 10,days at a time and are an awesome way to,encourage users to directly interact,with your brand in a fun way,and there you have it different ways to,advertise on tick tock have you tried,tik tok what are your thoughts so far,leave it on the comments down below and,before this video ends did you know that,you can run live on-demand scheduled,webinar replays with hands-free,automation and the breakthrough sales,getting features with no hosting,required,and has d

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How To Design TikTok Video Ads [Canva Tutorial]

How To Design TikTok Video Ads [Canva Tutorial]

hello everyone welcome back to your,favorite marketing channel life,marketing and in today's design guide,we're going to be putting together a,video ad for tick tock on canva,tik tok is a video based networking,service so it goes without saying that,you can throw the idea of using,traditional still ads out the window if,you want to grab someone's attention on,this platform you need to make use of,great videos and music to go along with,those videos also another thing to take,note of is that your ad design for this,platform will have to be in portrait,mode that's 9x16 in dimension or,1080x920 pixels this gives us an extra,space compared to traditional square ads,with a 1 by 1 ratio and of course as we,have done so in previous design guides,here on live marketing we'll be using,canva so let's go ahead and jump right,into their website if you're familiar,with canva at this point you already,know the drill every design starts with,a click of this button and let's type in,tick-tock and select tick-tock in-feed,add and it should open up a new design,canvas in the right dimensions for us to,start with now let's take a look at some,preset templates of course alternatively,you can start from scrap but i find that,these preset templates canva offers are,a pretty good starting point and will,save us a bit of time since we're,starting with a base layout instead of a,blank canvas for this guide let's say,i'm making an ad for a sale on a,restaurant with a new and improved,burger soon to be launched this template,i think fits it well now let's go ahead,and edit the elements to fit our brand,better starting with removing elements i,won't be using let me just go ahead and,delete this and let's change the,background color to something more,fitting for food okay now i think i'm,going to go ahead and replace the,featured video here for this guide i'll,be using a stock video but as a rule of,thumb for any ad you make an actual,image or video of your product or,service will always be best so as to,truly showcase what you're offering okay,for this guide i'll use this video here,and drag it into the video container and,edit the length you don't want your ad,to run too long as your goal is to,capture your audience's attention with,the least amount of time possible let's,stick to 10 seconds for this first frame,once again tiktok is a video based,platform so really your priority for,this ad is maximizing movement so for,this design i think i want to try using,the same video we used here in the,center to also be in the background,but this time way more transparent so,let me drag this into the canvas like,this and then edit the transparency and,length of the video okay,now i want to add some animated elements,like strokes so in the search bar on the,elements tab let's type in strokes and,in the settings button here let's edit,it to only show animated elements now we,have a few animated stroke elements to,choose from let's apply a few to the,design i'm happy with the first slide,let's now duplicate it to create a,second slide that'll feature just the,background video of the burger with the,logo featured at the center like so for,this one let's just set it to two,seconds again we don't want this ad to,run too long with the first slide being,10 seconds this would bring us to a,total of 12 seconds also don't forget to,try out different audios and see which,music fits your video best here in,canvas audio tab once you're happy go,ahead and save your ad to an mp4 file,and there you have it a tech talk video,ad,hey we just helped a small business make,over 1.5 million dollars through,facebook advertising and after managing,millions of dollars in ad spend for,thousands of different small businesses,we have decided to give away everything,we learned to you in a special program,if you want to learn the blueprint to,success the best practices from some of,the fastest growing companies in the,world and all the different tools you,will need then sign up for our social,ads training program today,that is it for today's video friends if,you learned anything please give us a,quick thumbs up below and subscribe to,our channel for more essential digital,marketing guides this is jelly from life,marketing thanks so much for tuning in,and i'll catch you on the next one,you

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How to Resize Video for Any Social Media: TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook (Video Resizer)

How to Resize Video for Any Social Media: TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook (Video Resizer)

- In this video,,I'm going to show you how to resize video,for any social media platform,,then how to adjust the crop and layout,to your video's new aspect ratio,and then how to cut, trim, add text,,and add images to that video.,Now to get started,,head over to veed.io and click on Upload Your Video.,If you don't already have a video, you can click Record.,Otherwise click on Upload a file,,select the document and then click on Open.,After that your video will now be imported,into Veed's video editor.,And the first thing we're going to do,is name our video project.,Now we can see that our video is in the timeline.,And we can also see,that we have our video on the video canvas,,and it has the 9:16 aspect ratio.,Let's take a look, if I click play,as you can see a quick video of me skateboarding.,So to resize this video, it's very simple.,We just want to make sure,that we're in the settings tab in the left toolbar,,and under the size menu,,we can click on this drop down menu.,And here we have a bunch of different preset aspect ratios,for different social media platforms.,If I want to post this to Instagram as a square post,,I can choose the square 1:1 aspect ratio.,If I want to change this video and resize it for YouTube,so it has the 16:9 aspect ratio,,I select YouTube and change it to the 16:9 aspect ratio.,As you can see in the drop down menu,,we've got a bunch more different ones,for different social media platforms.,Now I want to post this to Instagram,,so I'm gonna make it a square video,and then change it to the 1:1 aspect ratio.,So I click square.,And as you can see, we now have a square video,,which is the 1:1 aspect ratio in the video canvas.,Now that you've resized it,,I'm gonna show you how you can adjust,the crop and layout of your video,,so it fits the square 1:1 aspect ratio.,It's very simple to do.,What I'm gonna do is click on my video,,and then these little handles will appear on the side,,and I'm just gonna click and drag to change it,,to fit the aspect ratio.,I can also resize it,by clicking on these dots in the corners,,make it be shape and size I want, and I can also rotate it.,So if I want it to be a little bit slanted just like so,,I can click and drag and do so.,To make things simple, if I click on the video,,I can also go under the transformation section,and just click Fill the canvas, or Fit the canvas.,Now, if I only want to rotate,a specific section of the video,,all I have to do is cut out the section,that I want to apply that rotation to.,To do this,,place the play head in the timeline,where we want to make a cut,,click on split.,And then again, place the play head in the second place,where we want to make the cut, and click on split.,Now we have this middle clip,,we select it and we can rotate this clip individually.,So now if you take a look and press play,,there is only a specific section of our video,that has been rotated.,On top of this, we can also do things such as add text.,To do so, we just click on the text tab in the left toolbar,and now we can select a preset layout of texts,or just click regular text to add some text,,type in the text we want.,We can change the font, the size, the color, and more.,And then we can also click and drag it,in the timeline to move it around,,and then click and drag the handles,on either extremity of the text,to change the timing and duration.,And then we can do the same thing again with images.,And to add images,,we just have to click Upload in the left toolbar,,select Upload image, and repeat the process.,Once I'm happy with my newly resized video,,all I have to do is click on export in the top right.,And because I'm posting this to Instagram,,I'm gonna adjust my export settings.,Here, we have some preset export settings.,If I click in the dropdown menu,,I'm gonna scroll down all the way to Instagram,,click on Instagram,,and this means that Veed will then use,Instagram's recommended settings to render our video.,So when I upload it to Instagram,,it will keep as much quality as possible.,Then I just click on export.,Veed hen begins to render my video,,with the best settings for Instagram.,And once it's finished rendering,,I can download it as an MP4 video,,download it as a GIF,,I can go through and edit the video again,,or I can copy the link,and share it with friends straight away.,And that is how to resize video.,If you enjoyed this video and you found it helpful,,please hit the like button.,And if you wanna see more video editing tutorials,,please hit the subscribe button,and don't forget to hit that notification bell.,Thanks for watching.

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How to Create TikTok Video Ads | Step by step (2022)

How to Create TikTok Video Ads | Step by step (2022)

the days of the eye-catching style drop,shipping and e-commerce video ads are,over in 2022 you need to be creating,custom content videos for your drop,shipping and e-commerce stores so in,today's video i'm going to be showing,you how you can create your very own,custom content videos that you can use,for video ads and also organic reach on,platforms like tick tock and instagram,reels just like this are you tired of,not being able to find the perfect,fitting suit at an affordable price i've,always struggled to find unique looking,suits that i didn't have to spend a,fortune on and fit well at the same time,then my friend recommended finley bryce,finney bryce make it super easy to,design your own custom made to measure,suit using their 3d designer and they'll,even pay you for alterations to make,sure your suit fits perfectly plus,they've got loads of fabrics and designs,to choose from i didn't have to waste,time getting measured at the tailors or,spend thousands of my hard-earned money,a perfect fitting suit for the fraction,of the cost head to finleybrice.com and,check out their amazing suits today so,the type of video content that you've,just seen are the types of video ads,that are working really well in 2022 not,only for ads but also for organic reach,on platforms like tick tock and,instagram reels and this type of content,is called user generated content and,this is where a customer is reviewing,your product or they're showing a,walkthrough of your product and the,reason that these types of videos work,really well is because they build trust,and they come across really authentic to,your audience so in order to actually,create these types of videos yourself,instead of outsourcing them and paying,every time for these types of videos if,you don't have a big budget you are of,course going to have to order the,product now it works better if your,product is branded so if you are drop,shipping your product try and brand your,drop shipping product and check out my,videos in the description below for,tutorials on how to brand your drop,shipping products so like i say the,first step in order to creating these,types of videos is to order your product,in once you have ordered and received,the product that you want to start,selling the next thing you're going to,want to do is set up a script for your,user generated content video and i have,set up a seven-step scripting system,which will allow you to create the,perfect script no matter what the,product is that you are selling so let's,start with step one of creating the,script for your video so the first step,of writing your script is to ask your,audience a question and it helps if you,know your audience really well so i've,given the example of are you tired of,wearing poorly fitting and horrible,shiny suits or if it's a skin product it,could be something like does your skin,like mine ever feel dry let's say for,this product here for example which is a,hair curler the question could be do you,always struggle to get those really nice,looking curls so you're going to want to,ask your audience a question and it's a,sort of rhetorical question outlining,the problem that they're facing for the,second scene of your script then you're,going to personally emphasize the pain,point so i've always struggled to find,nice fitting suits i could never find a,good skincare product to help me with my,dry skin i've always found it difficult,to get those really nice luscious,looking curls so whatever it is you're,personally emphasizing the point so it,makes it more personal and authentic for,the audience for the third scene of your,script you're simply going to say then,my friend recommended and you're going,to say the brand name of your product or,your store once again this just makes it,more authentic by saying that your,friend recommended the product to you,for the fourth scene of your video,you're going to outline the main,benefits of the product so for me i've,said finley bryce makes it super easy to,design your own custom made to measure,suit using their 3d designer then i've,also gone on to say that they will pay,for your alterations and they have loads,of different fabrics and designs to,choose from so those are the main,benefits around choosing my suit store,over another suit store however it could,be let's say once again for this hair,curling product we could say wavy me,makes it super easy to get beautiful,looking locks within minutes so,something like that you're saving people,a lot of time by using this product,instead of using a regular hair curling,product for the fifth scene in your,video you're just going to show a,montage showing off what the product,does or the product itself so i've just,said i've just received my suit and i'm,amazed at the quality it fits perfectly,it looks amazing and it's me wearing the,suit once again if we use the hair,curling product it could be somebody,curling their hair with the actual,product and they're showing a before and,after their stra

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TikTok Ads Tutorial For Beginners | How To Create Tiktok Video Ads Step By Step

TikTok Ads Tutorial For Beginners | How To Create Tiktok Video Ads Step By Step

all right what's going on guys this is,jake and in this video i'm going to be,walking you through how you can go ahead,and create tick-tock video ads so this,video is going to be,broken up into three separate parts so,the first part we're going to be,discussing how you can go ahead and get,ad ideas so you can get a little bit of,inspiration to create your ads,secondly we're going to go over a bit of,a template,that you can go ahead and use to,actually create your ads and then lastly,we're actually going to create the ad,and i'm going to show you how you can go,ahead and do that and give you an editor,and everything to go ahead and use so,let's go ahead and jump right into the,video by starting out with getting ad,ideas so in order to get some,inspiration for creating your tick tock,video ads what you're going to want to,go ahead and do is head over to google,and then search for tick tock creative,center,and this is going to show up right here,and we're just going to click over to,the creative center,and if you don't have an account you're,just going to want to create one really,quick it takes a couple of seconds you,just sign up with your email,and go ahead and get started and once,we're here what we're going to go ahead,and do is come up here to the top right,and we're going to go to campaign,inspiration and click on top ads,dashboard and what this is actually,going to allow us to do,is it's going to allow us to go ahead,and browse some of the top performing,ads on tick tock right now,so we can go ahead and see here by,scrolling over these we can see that,this ad for example is optimized for,traffic and then we can see that these,other ads here are optimized for app,installs this one's video views,this one down here is conversions,so we can go ahead and take a look at,all of these different ads to see what,ads are actually performing well on tick,tock right now and then we can try and,duplicate and take inspiration from,what's working right now to use in our,own ads and if we wanted to further,filter this down,we can go ahead and sort this by,different things we could sort it by,reach ctr,or how many people have viewed it for,these six seconds we can also sort this,by industry here so for in a specific,industry we go ahead and sort by that so,let's say we're an app we could go ahead,and take a look at just let's say we are,a productivity app we can go ahead and,search for ads that are just,going for app installs inside of,business and productivity so we can see,these would be the top performing ads,and another thing we can do here if we,go ahead and get rid of this we can also,just go ahead and sort by campaign,objective so we can see here we have app,installed conversions lead gen and reach,so if we're selling a product we're,typically going to be looking for,conversions here so we can go ahead and,see what the top ads for here are over,the last 30 days for conversions and we,could go ahead and just look through all,of these different ads and try and get,some inspiration from that so i'm not,going to go through,different ads in this video because,there's probably gonna be a bunch of,copyright stuff but i would recommend,spending a little bit of time on here,maybe 30 minutes or so just looking,through these different ads just to get,an idea of what's performing well so you,can go ahead and take that inspiration,and apply it to your own ad all right so,now what i want to go ahead and do is,just give you a couple of quick tips and,give you a bit of a template that you,can use and go ahead and apply when,you're actually creating your video ads,for tick tock,so the first thing is that you're,typically going to be wanting to use,user generated content,and or ugc because custom content is,going to perform a lot better nowadays,especially on platforms like tick tock,so what this means is that whatever,product you're selling if this isn't,something that you have in-house then,you you're going to want to go ahead and,order the product have it on hand and be,able to film some custom footage with it,and it doesn't really have to be,anything crazy the type of content you,film is going to vary based on your,actual template and structure for the ad,which we're going to go over in just a,second,and filming the content you don't have,to film anything super,uh crazy quality or anything like that,because you got to think that if it's,going to look native on tick tock most,people are filming tick toc straight,from their phone so you can just go,ahead and film the user generated,content straight from your phone as well,if you also have like customer,testimonials or customer created content,that they have where customers are using,your product or something like that and,you can go ahead and use that content,for the ads as well so any type of,custom content is going to perform a lot,better on tick tock so now i'm going to,go ahead and give you a quick template,that you can go ahead and try and use,when you're creating the actua

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Resize Your Video for Tiktok - FAST, FREE & EASY!

Resize Your Video for Tiktok - FAST, FREE & EASY!

if you're like me then you'll shoot the,majority of your content in a 16 to 9,aspect ratio perfect for youtube's,format now if you want to reuse any of,that footage so you can create content,for tick tock well you're gonna run into,some problems due to the vast sizing,difference it's highly likely that,you're going to cut out somebody's head,or you're left with an extremely up,close unflattering shot of your face so,to solve this issue i'm going to show,you how to resize any of your videos to,fit tiktok so to get started just click,the first link in the description,now we're indeed we're going to click,upload our file choose the video that we,want to resize and just give that a,second to upload now in the left hand,panel you'll see size we're going to,click that arrow down and here you've,got all these different aspect ratios to,fit every social media but of course,we're gonna choose one for tech talk now,if you want your video to fill the frame,just click on it and click fill the,canvas if you do have a super wide shot,this is probably all you'll need to do,so you can just go ahead skip forward to,the next chapter however if your shot is,a close-up like mine head to the,settings tab and beside it you'll see,adjust click that and scroll down and,increase the blur and the vignette to,around 50,now above your timeline click add media,and upload the same video again but this,time we're going to drag it above the,blurred video in the timeline head back,to settings and this time we're going to,click fit to canvas before we style our,tic toc we're going to need to trim it,so just go ahead and press play then at,the point that you want to make a cut,press pause,then click split click on the excess,that you want to get rid of right click,on it and then hit delete now remember,everything you do to the top layer you,also need to do to the bottom one and,lastly turn off the audio on the bottom,layer so there's no echo now we can,style our tic toc so we're going to add,a shape bar here and we're going to,layer that with some captions because,captions on tick tock have been proven,to increase impressions by 55,it's a no-brainer always add captions,okay so to do that we're going to head,to the left hand column we're going to,go to elements and under shapes we're,going to choose square we're going to,drag that to the bottom of the screen,and pull it over to make a rectangle now,we can change the color of that and we,can also increase the size of the,outline now we're going to head to the,timeline and drag that shape over across,the entire video next to add captions so,we're gonna head to the left hand column,click subtitles choose auto subtitle,choose your language and click create,subtitles now we're gonna give that a,minute here to generate our captions and,once that's done we're just going to,watch it through just to make sure it,hasn't misinterpreted misheard any of,the words that we've said and if that,has happened very simple fix just click,on the word that's wrong delete it,and type out the correct word you can,also change the duration of your,subtitles here by dragging them in and,out on the timeline or you can use the,stopwatches as you see here if you would,like to change the font the size or the,color of your captions go ahead and,click on the styles tab and here you can,have a play around with all the,different choices that you see find the,one that works best for you and once,you're happy with it we can render and,export our video so to export just go,ahead and click export in the top right,hand corner choose your render settings,and then click export once more now it's,going to take a moment or two here just,to render our video and once that's done,we're going to watch it through just,once just to make sure we're happy and,once we're happy with it we can click,download and download mp4 and there you,go that's how you resize any video to,fit tiktok i really hope you found this,video helpful guys if you did go and,give us a like subscribe for more,editing content and leave me any,comments or questions down below and i,will get back to you as soon as possible,thank you so much for watching and i,hope to see in the next one bye

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How To Download TikTok Ad Library Videos | Save TikTok Ads Video

How To Download TikTok Ad Library Videos | Save TikTok Ads Video

the video is full hd so let's just pause,it right now because we are finished,hello everyone and welcome to on how,channel my name is ennis and i'm working,for you so if you have any video,requests or any questions you can find,my instagram in the description box or,just drop me a comment below i do reply,to each comment and i do reply also to,each message on my instagram and first i,want to say sorry guys i wasn't posting,a lot lately because i was a little bit,sick and i didn't have the power to make,more videos and for that i didn't post,for almost three weeks now and that's,actually the first time since i have,created my channel and hopefully that,won't happen again so please if you are,watching this video hit that like button,that will motivate me a lot to make more,videos each day and share the knowledge,that i have with you guys and without,any more checking let's get to our video,today which is how you can download the,videos from tech talk ad library and yes,as you heard it's not actually facebook,ad library because i did make a video on,how to download videos from facebook ad,library and i did get a lot of good,feedback about the video and a lot of,comments on messaging my instagram,saying that that's actually a cool trick,and the reason why i'm making this video,for tech talk i library for two reasons,the first one the tech talk ad library,did have really some attraction in the,last couple of days people a lot,searching on it and discovering it and,the second reason is they did add some,new future to the platform and i know,that since the beginning because the,platform was fairly new so they will be,adding more future as the time goes and,the tricks that they did add right now,it's not something really big but they,are really helpful and i will show them,first and after that i will show you how,to download the video from tech talk,idea already so without any more talking,let's get to it so the first thing,you're going to do is scroll down,description box and access the tech talk,at the library website and after you,access it you will see this webpage,right here so just scroll down and you,will see this option top ads or,trend discovery or showcases and click,on top ads and after that scroll down,and click on find more button right here,and also make sure you guys disable the,ad block extension if you have it,because ad blocker will obviously block,all the videos and ads on this platform,because this is all advertisements and,also make sure to sign up for an account,here because it did not let me scroll to,the videos so i did have to make an,account on it so after you did access,the website as you can see this is all,advertisements right here,so the option that said they did add,which is right here below the each video,you see you see the the country for the,video when the video was targeted on and,also there is an option on the left of,it here it says reach and the second,video says conversion and the third,video says video views so that's really,obvious right now right this is actually,the targeting method for the ad set this,video is targeting for reach so they can,expand the reach for the video and the,second one conversion which is the,targeting people for conversion so they,are selling a product or something and,the third one which is video views so,they are basically just spreading the,word as they say they are just they are,just paying tech talk for the views so,they get more exposure to their brand or,something and that's the case for the,most ads that's targeting video views,and other than this there is no changes,here anyway so the first thing here is,the region australia or whatever country,and by the way there is not every,country here only the countries where,tech talk ads is available uh the second,one which is the end screen here as you,can see and the third one i just said,the,the conversion the campaign objective,sorry which is up on stars or,conversions lead generation reach,traffic video views and so on and the,last one which is the source for the,where the video was coming from if it,was uploaded directly here or the,creative toolkits or techno creative,exchange and others and also the,duration and the format for the video so,right now let's just get to the main,objective with this video which is how,we can download this video because for,example if we did click on this video,right here so after we did access here,let's just play it,as you can see this is the video right,here and there is no download button,anywhere here,and also the right click does not work i,do right clicks right now on the video,player but it will not work so as you,can see the video is really high quality,so if i want to download the video how,can i do that well it's pretty easy if,you did see the video on how to download,videos from facebook ad library well,it's the similar trick so just the first,thing you're going to do is close the,video page so to download this video the,first thing you're going to d

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How to Resize Video for Any Social Media: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube (Online Resizer)

How to Resize Video for Any Social Media: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube (Online Resizer)

hey everyone this is grace from kapwing and i'm  going to show you how to resize a video for any  ,social media platform this is a super efficient  way for you to reuse content without having to  ,create a video from scratch we're using a  tool that is completely online and allows  ,you to resize videos in just one click so let's  get started so to resize a video for any social  ,media platform you're going to just go to uh the  first link in the description below and it'll  ,take you to our video resizer here you can either  upload your video or just paste a link to it so  ,pasting the link is super convenient if you  already have a video posted somewhere on  ,the internet that you just want to reuse the  content and that makes it really efficient to  ,post multiple videos on different platforms  without having to re make the video so we  ,have a video on our channel that i want  to use on an instagram story to promote it  ,so i'm just going to copy the link to this video  go back here and then paste that link right in,and it should grab your video pretty quickly  um you can see that on the side here there's a  ,bunch of different output sizes i'm gonna put  on the screen the output sizes for the most  ,popular social media platforms most platforms  you can use multiple like twitter you can use  ,16x9 or one by one but some platforms are pretty  strict so like tiktok only really works with 9x16  ,you probably know the platform best and what  your brand what fits with your brand just make an  ,appropriate decision based on that so as you can  see this video it's originally a 16x9 format but  ,since the canvas is one by one it resizes it to  a square so when you post it when you export and  ,download the video post it on instagram it'll fit  within the restraints of the feed so you can also  ,choose a custom size by just specifying the width  and height in pixels and we also have some other  ,popular sizes listed in the bottom of the screen  so i'm just going to choose ig story right here  ,and that resizes it immediately to the ig story  format now you can see it cropped some of the  ,sides of the video so if you want it to retain  its dimensions just click the fill again and then  ,you can expand the video and then click lock  ratio and it will be its perfect dimensions again  ,so i'm going to keep that here now going forward  it's all up to you and customizing what your  ,content looks like one popular thing to do is  change the background color so you can see on this  ,bar here there's a palette of different colors  you could choose you can also type in a custom hex  ,code or we have a color picker move over colors in  the video and then select one and it'll change the  ,background to that color we have a custom kapwing  hex code that i like to use so i'm going to use  ,that one and then you can also add anything in  the top bar here so text images there's emojis  ,in this tat images tab as well audio and other  elements like a progress bar or an audio waveform  ,so i'm going to add this progress bar and then  i'm also going to add a little bit of text  ,just to show what this video is about you have  options to customize whatever element you're  ,clicking on in the in on the canvas on the  right side here so when you have a text box  ,for example you see things to change the font the  color outline you can also add a drop shadow in  ,the effects tab or even animate the text so yeah  feel free to make any customizations you want and  ,definitely explore all these different elements  and tabs in the top toolbar this is my completed  ,product for now i used text that with an animation  i use the progress bar and then the video is  ,obviously resized and has a new background color  so this is the first few seconds of the video  ,over the past few months we have received a ton  of comments requesting one particular feature  ,be added cool so once you are happy with how  your newly resized video looks and you've added  ,your customizations you can just click the red  export video button in the top corner and your  ,video will start processing so my videos done  processing and this is what it looks like it's  ,resized to the instagram story format and has  the text and progress bar on it so to save this  ,to save your creation to your computer you can  just click download here and you can always go  ,in and edit it or make a copy of it and if you  want to just share it directly onto social media  ,you can use these buttons as well thanks for  watching this video if it was helpful please  ,give it a like and subscribe to our channel for  more content creation tips and tricks let us know  ,in the comments what other videos you want to see  on our channel and we'll see you in the next one

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