tiktok spark ads examples

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How To Make a TikTok Spark Ad

in today's video i want to share with,you a step-by-step tutorial on how to,create a tick tock spark ad what type of,account you need to have a tick tock,spark ad going and what are the,advantages of creating tick tock spark,ads my name is justin and i'm the,founder of voiceo media an ecommerce,marketing agency specializing in,elevating thriving brands by simplifying,e-commerce growth before we get started,make sure to leave a like subscribe as,well as turn on post notification to be,one of the first to know about these,cutting edge ecommerce marketing tips,post on the channel every week,all right first things first what type,of tick tock account do you need to be,able to run spark ads so first and,foremost there is again a separation,between a tick tock ad account and a,tick tock you know profile account you,know what type of profile do you have,versus an ad account so in all cases if,you want to run ads on tick tock you,need to have a tick tock ad account,which that you can create at,ads.ticktalk.com,so once you have that set up once all of,that is created then this is where you,get two choices when it comes to,creating ads you can either do spark ads,or regular ads,for spark added to a cure for you to be,able to run a spark added this video,shall be taken only from a personal tick,tock profile it does not work with a,business account so business accounts,are pretty limited on tick tock in terms,of sounds because those sounds are,copyrighted and they may not be again,they may not be copyrighted for a,business license or they may not be,copyright free at least for business,license and it's the same thing,essentially if you want to run a spark,ad that the content in these videos they,may not be best suited for an ad or at,least this is what tick tock says so you,want to make sure you have a quote,unquote personal or creator account on,tick tock for your profile by the way,there is a way for you to switch your,profile over for one to the other if you,go into your settings you'll be able to,actually switch over to a personal or,business profile so if you're a business,that you may want to go back to personal,again for any brand e-commerce you know,e-commerce store or influencers that may,be coming across this video you want to,make sure that you have the right,profile because again you'll be pretty,limited in your capabilities when it,comes to advertising so the first things,first you're going to see on screen,right now the step one which is you're,gonna wanna head over to your settings,and head over to add authorization,settings and all you'll wanna make sure,is to turn on and toggle the switch for,ad authorization then the step two is,you'll want to head over to the actual,tick tock organic post that you've,created or that again an influencer has,created you want to click on that post,you have to be again the tick tock,account owner whenever you perform these,following steps doesn't work any video,out there and i'm saying that because,i've seen people trying to get an,authorization code from other videos out,there it has to be with your own videos,so again you head over to the video that,you want to get an ad authorization code,from so you click on that video you,click on the little three dots,essentially on your video and you click,on the toggle that has a megaphone as an,icon and that says you know add settings,what you're going to want to do from,there is accept the terms and conditions,and then turn on the toggles for sharing,your post as an ad and authorizing,brands to use your post as an ad and,then by default it'll get you an ad,authorization code that will be valid,for 30 days you can also change this,duration if you're planning on using,this for longer than 30 days you can,change it if you're planning on using it,for shorter than 30 days again you can,change that too so you change the,duration that the code is valid for and,then when that is done you can use that,code within the tick tock ads manager to,create an ad let me show you how this,works so you're gonna be seeing on,screen right now a screenshot of,basically tick talk ads manager and what,you're gonna do at the same time is,whenever you create an ad so when you,already have a campaign ad set and,you're now at the ad level you can,basically choose a bit like you would,with facebook where you can choose from,an existing post you can do the same,thing here but instead of picking a post,what you would do is enter that add,authorization code and then,automatically you would see the tick,tock organic post showcasing here as an,ad and this becomes super powerful,because again if you're an ecommerce,brand owner you can do business with,creators out there that's you know,potentially have already shot videos for,free on their own with your products you,may reach out to them and offer to pay,them essentially in exchange for that,code which that basically becomes,influencer white labeling because when,people are going to see that ad going,around you a

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok spark ads examples

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Hướng dẫn cách thiết lập một TikTok Spark Ads

Hướng dẫn cách thiết lập một TikTok Spark Ads

cho sự là đáng chứ Tik Tok và tự nhiên,thấy hổ quảng cáo đủ các ngành hàng là,có cả không luôn các bạn mà chưa dừng,lại đó thì phải cái mẫu video dạng quảng,cáo này xuất hiện với tần suất rất là,dạy đọc và nhiều luôn để đó là mất cái,trải nghiệm giải trí của chúng ta đóng,góp những lòng muốn sức yếu lại tắt và,cái hoài nhanh chứ như vậy thì chú,Sparta đã được ra mắt alo một người Mình,là dân kiệm và mình đến từ diện của cô,với Chelsea chỉ vì uống thỏa mãn được,nhu cầu bạn phải sản phẩm của nhãn hàng,và không thành thật lòng những cái người,ta xem Tik Tok ở thị hiếu của khán giả,nên cứ tóc đã cho ra mắt một loại quảng,cáo mới hoặc đã sẽ là tuttosport và chi,tiết Chúng tôi sẽ hóa học là gì và cách,cài đặt quảng cáo của đó mặc thế nào sẽ,được mình sẽ cho video ngày hôm nay đầu,tiên thì mình sẽ nói về cách thúc các,bạn đây là một dạng của toq efficient,các bạn có thể chuyển hóa video ô tô cơ,thành video quảng cáo trực tiếp cho sản,phẩm của mình thì mình nghĩ rằng lắm đối,với là một cái lưu giải trí mà không,biết từ đầu của các thớ cơ họ là vất,Không nhằm mục đích pr quảng cáo thì cái,khả năng thái lên kêu và câu chúc mọi,người sắp lại nhiều hiệu quả luôn bằng,cách này các đảng hàng có thể xác định,được nội dung tự nhiên Nên tự như nào,được các thế cờ đã phải và phù hợp với,chiến dịch của mình Ví dụ như là một tô,cờ Nga có nhiều một sản phẩm thời trang,có chính là chiếc áo của nãy mặt đã quay,video thì lúc này các nhãn hàng chỉ cần,liên hệ với các bạn sẽ tạo nội dung này,chuyển theo các bạn này sang mục đích,quảng cáo cho sản phẩm của chính mình,Thế là sau và bây giờ thì mình sẽ hướng,dẫn cho các bạn các trại Tik Tok hóa,thạch cổ thể bắt đầu thôi à,thì,các bạn thân mến chế tạo được một chiến,dịch sport đầu tiên các bạn nhóm và,phòng tài sản tại đây nó sẽ hiện ra các,cây tựa đề và chọn mẫu quảng cáo ở,em về nó sẽ hiện ra trang tổng quan bao,gồm ảnh video và transport biểu mẫu thì,bạn chọn vào bài đăng Smart Chút mình,ở đây thì mình đã tạo một vài chiến dịch,mẫu rồi và bây giờ mình sẽ làm trực tiếp,các bạn xem bạn nhóm vào cưới đơn xin,cấp phép,ở phần link của điện thoại cái bàn đã,lấy được link ủy quyền thì các bạn nhóm,vào đây à,Ừ thì lên Thế Quyền Mình đã gửi trên,Zalo rồi Các bạn cũng phải làm cách này,để gửi qua Linh,các bạn lưu ý nếu như lưng kiểu quyền,của các bạn Chính xác thì nó sẽ hiện ra,video tôi đã bạn nhấn xác nhận,và nhấn đào tạo Quảng cáo,Tại đây thì các bạn bắt đầu xếp Úp lại,tất cả những chiếc vào thông số cũng như,là mục đích chuyển đổi của bạn ở đây,mình chọn chuyển đổi nha từ vào video,cũng như là mục đích của bạn muốn hướng,tới đối tượng người nào ạ,à à,có giống cá thì gặp mặt một tên đi gọi,là xét,anh chọn,trang web,đối với topic sao bạn nhấn tôi đây nó sẽ,hiện ra cái xe của mình bạn chọn gửi,biểu mổ,luyết tại phần vị trí bằng chọn chọn vị,trí và bản thích bỏ cho mình hai cái ứng,dụng phía dưới Tại vì ở Việt Nam chúng,ta chỉ sử dụng chủ yếu ứng dụng chức,thấp,để tránh mất tiền ngon thì bạn phải nhớ,là tích bỏ 2 phòng dưới này,sôi đó bạn bắt đầu chọn ngôn ngữ,ở,đây nhưng mà video các bạn ấy còn có một,tiếng Anh thì chả tính năng không có thì,vàng vọng để tiếng Việt bình thường,không giới hạn về giới tính thì tùy như,một cái sản phẩm của bạn và chọn Nam hộp,nữ hoặc là cả hai ở phần tuổi này thì,video của mình là nhận đích giải trí và,làm đèn giữ trọn 13 18 25,Tại anh sách thì mình sẽ đưa ra một con,số danh sách ví dụ trong các bạn hình,dung,á,Đối với phẳng lên lịch phát Thì tại anh,nhé Bây giờ mình nhận xét các bạn không,ngờ bạn có thể chọn các giờ cao điểm để,mà đăng lên,nhưng mà mình chọn cảnh này,Xóa thì các bạn chọn tiếp theo,à à,ừ ừ,thì,các bạn sẽ điền tên bạn cá vào,test,rồi Hiện tại chúng ta đang chạy chiến,dịch là sportsmart Chính vì thế tại,phòng tranh tính bạn tích vào,hả Sau khi tích vào thì nó sẽ có hai cái,trường học một là bạn chọn liên kết với,kem Tik Tok của nhà sáng tạo,đối với kênh tiếp xúc với nhà sáng tạo,thì bạn nhóm vào link cao tài khoản này,đối với trường hợp bạn được ủy quyền,bằng video thì bạn nhẫn Nhưng phía dưới,này đó,chọn vào link video à,ạ sau khi Nhấn vào dưới đây bạn có thể,chọn bài đăng trên Tik Tok,hả Thì bà đang này sẽ được xuất hiện,xóa bạn tích vào và chọn xác nhận,bạn thấy không Nó đã xuất hiện ra một,bên như thế này để chúng ta xem nè Để,thì đối thùng con bạn này thì các bạn,không thể nào sửa chữa được,nó có một cổ đại này chết theo là bạn,nhấn vào URL thì trang đích của bạn muốn,kêu gọi hành động là Trang nick nào thì,các bạn copy Trang đó các bạn best vào ở,đây thì mình chọn ra cô,xóa Nhấn vào,cái đó là nhấn send gửi à,I,tình hình chung cơ bản thì cách chạy,chip Core and nó sẽ tương tự như thế này,thì các bạn cứ làm theo từng bước tương,tự,như vậy là vừa rồi Mình đã hướng dẫn như,là chia sẻ cho các bạn access port trên,Tik Tok cũng như là chất thật là gì Và,bây giờ thì phía này sẽ kết thúc tại đây,Nếu như các bạn thấy hứng thú và bổ ích,Hãy đăng ký Kênh Xin chào Này lại các,bạn trong những video sau Tạm Biệt Em

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What Are TIKTOK SPARK Ads? And How To Set Them Up!

What Are TIKTOK SPARK Ads? And How To Set Them Up!

how's it going everybody today in this,video we're going to be talking about,everything tick tock spark ads,now this is a new format that tick tock,just announced as you see july 20th 2021,um and in this video we're going to be,talking about what spark ads are how to,set them up because i know there's a lot,of confusion when they first came out on,how to set these up,and then also i'm going to talk about,why i think everybody should be using,this ad format,right now in your digital marketing,campaigns so let's jump right in into,what exactly a tick tock spark add is,so tick tock defines a spark ad as a,spark ad enables brands to amplify,existing organic videos,that fit into their campaign objectives,okay that's great but what does that,mean,essentially it's taking an organic post,and kind of promoting it in a way that,makes it look even more organic,and not like an ad and here's an example,of what that looks like so i created,this on this demo account on the back,end,i basically took one of my tick tocks,and i made it into a tick tock,spark ad now what makes this different,from a normal tick tock ad,is you'll notice here in this right hand,column that it still is showing,organically from my profile it looks,like it comes from there it's not,showing the logo of the advertiser it's,showing my profile inside of there so,zoco marketing and there's still a,little plus follow button,so if somebody sees this ad they can,still follow me as an influencer even if,another brand is promoting the video,also another benefit is it just looks,completely organic right,um there's a small little ad logo right,here and then a learn more button,where the advertiser can kind of control,where they send the traffic to,but besides that this is a very native,experience and goes right in with the,saying of tick tock's kind of business,model of,don't create ads create tick tocks so,this is the this this is a huge benefit,for any advertiser and,influencer out there because it's a it's,a win-win situation right you can run an,ad that also gets the the influencer,more follows and comes from their,profile but at the same time is,promoting the advertiser's product,so now that we kind of have a lay of the,land of what a tick tock spark ad is,i want to go through how to set that up,now there's two type there's two steps,to setting up a tick tock spark ad,the first one is on the creator's end,they have to go through and authorize,the video,and then give the code over to the,advertiser and then on the advertiser's,end they need to go into the tick tock,business manager and apply that code so,i'm going to show you both those steps,right now here are the steps you take to,create that authorization code if you're,the influencer click the top,right there then you're going to go to,privacy you need to make sure that ad,authorization is turned on after that's,turned on you're going to head back,over to your actual videos select the,video that you want to give,ad authorization to and then you're,going to select the click the three,little dots,and you're going to scroll over till you,see the add settings button,once inside the add settings button,agree to the terms and then turn on add,authorization,this is going to tell you that you can't,delete the video after you've authorized,it as an ad hit ok,and then you want to generate your code,and you can give it a certain,authorization period,and then the last thing is to copy that,code and send it over to whatever,advertiser might be running the app,so now once you have that code whether,it's sent over to email or however you,get it from the influencer now it's the,job of the advertiser to take that code,go into tick tock business manager and,actually set up the ad and here's how,you go about doing that so the first,step is you are going to need a tick,tock business manager account,if you need to just google tick tock,business manager and create that account,there,and then from there you're going to,notice you're going to come to a,dashboard that looks something like,this what we're seeing right now as this,loads over just give me a second here,and inside of this dashboard you're,going to see this assets,tab you're going to come over there and,you're going to go to creative you're,going to assets and then creative,and then once you land on this tab right,here you're going to notice there's a,few different tabs up here and one with,this new little feature for tick tock,spark ads so we're going to click on,spark ads here,and then you'll notice this will show,you all of the authorization codes that,you currently have for your account so,say you're working with 10 different,influencers,and they all sent you over,authorizations code this is where you,would plug all those in,and you could run you could run tests,against which influencer is giving you,the more,most return on ads pen so from here,we're then going to click for you it,might look a little bit different if,it's your first time applying a code but,you

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How To Run Spark Ads On TikTok

How To Run Spark Ads On TikTok

what's up guys welcome to another tech,talk ad tip video so in today's video i,want to talk about the difference,between custom identity ads and spark,ads right so if you're just getting,started on tick off you may be confused,because it is different than facebook,right with facebook,you're linking a page a facebook page to,an ad account so technically every ad,you're running is linked to that page,right and you can use the existing post,ids to maximize social proof it's not,the case with tick tock out of the gate,with tick tock you can basically just,put whatever page title and page icon,that has matched the landing page but,you can whatever name you want that's,related to that in the title every ad is,basically created at the ad level right,meaning like all the the personalization,the branding element is at the ad level,whereas spark ads is more like a,traditional facebook existing id post,where you can actually link to it it's a,real post it's not a tick tock it gets,social proof people can click from that,ad and you know view everything to your,page so in this video i'm going to talk,about the difference between the two,we're going to dive into the ad account,over here,i'm going to show you kind of the,examples between the two things because,there are some pros and cons to both,listen before we get into that we use,both right so i don't think there's a,definitive best type of ad to run on,tick tock because they're contextual,depends on what your goals are and,what's most important to you right,you're looking to build their brand,looking to build a following in addition,to making money or you're just looking,direct response your affiliate marketer,or something like that depending on,those contexts you may find one of these,more valuable on the other so we're,going to do we're going to come over,here,and hit the the,share screen real quick,and we're going to take a look at here,so what you'll see when you're inside,your ad accounts,is right here where it says identity you,can it's automatically on custom,identity so custom identity gives you,the option to basically set up the,branding you know sort of the profile,everything right here um so you can,easily switch switch it on switch,between it you also reset out every time,um if you're brand new to tick tock you,might not see that yet in which case,you'll have to basically set the uh page,name the profile icon all of that here,before you can have the custom identity,created so again what's happening here,everything else is pretty much the same,on this ad unit you know some weird,things in our account because we're beta,testing search so some things you see in,here are not going to be in your account,but um they will be eventually,so with this type of ad if i go back,over here,the biggest difference between the two,between spark and custom identity,besides the fact that obviously how you,set it up is different,when somebody sees a custom identity ad,in their feed,anywhere they click it is going to take,them to whatever you put in this url bar,right here okay,so even if they click your profile icon,like oh click funnels when i click that,it's gonna take to the website if they,click click funnels here it's gonna take,your website right nothing here is gonna,take them to clickfunnels ticktock,profile okay what that means is you're,almost universally this has been the,case for pretty much every ad we've run,custom identity ads will have higher,click-through rates outbound clicker,rates than spark ads i have seen very,very very very very few exceptions to,that mainly because there's just more,outbound click points right with with,the spark add you basically have the,call to action button that's the only,outbound link with smart guides if they,click here or they click here,it is going to take them to click,funnels actual profile or your actual,tick tock profile where they can follow,you where they can view other videos,right,but again custom identity you have,multiple exit points to your website,spark ads you have one,now again we talk about pros and cons,you might get more clicks with custom,identity but again they might not be all,high quality clicks because you may,people clicking your icon or your name,because they want to learn more about,the business but they're taken to the,website so they might just bounce off,the website right um that's a that's a,negative for custom identity also,the comments the engagement on this post,are not translated to other,ads using the same creative right so if,you have 10 other ad groups running the,exact same creative there are 10 totally,unique ads they don't maximize social,proof i think it's consolidated whereas,spark ads,and breathing is centralized to an,existing post id so if i have 10 ad,groups running the same spark ad all the,comments across all ten of those ad,groups come back to one right so that's,great especially if you get a lot of,great comments a lot of engagement it's,obviously going to be beneficial to you,w

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How To Create A TikTok Spark AD Easily

How To Create A TikTok Spark AD Easily

hey guys Seb here from wolfier and in,today's video I'm showing you how to,create a tick tock spark ad easily,Now quickly before we jump into the,video I just want to mention that this,is going to be part of a short mini,series that we're going to be creating,on creating your Tick Tock spark ads and,in this series we're going to be seeing,how many views and followers we can,actually generate just by using Tick,Tock spark ads that's enough of that,let's jump right into the video so the,first thing I want to do is actually,head over to your ads.tiktok.com account,and then create your account so here we,can see we are on the tick tock ads,manager and you can see it's a brand new,tick tock ads account we can see that we,haven't got any campaigns in here so,what we're going to do is start off by,creating a campaign so from here we'll,have the option to do simplified mode or,custom mode because we're going to be,doing a tick tock spark ad and we know,what we want to be targeting we're going,to be selecting the custom mode from,here is going to give us a few,advertising objectives so here we've got,awareness consideration and conversion,so here ultimately what it's going to do,is give us the maximum amount of reach,possible so it's going to show it to the,maximum people here it's going to have a,bit more consideration to put into it so,here you've got your traffic you've got,your video views your lead gen and,Community interactions and then finally,we have our conversion so app promotion,and website conversion so there are two,different options I think we can do for,this little series and that is going to,be a video views event Community,interaction so what we can do is for,this video we can start off with just a,video views so what that's going to do,is get more views and engagement for,your video ads and then we can also do a,second video on community interaction,and that's going to focus more on,getting more page follows or more,profile visits so we can do a,side-by-side comparison and see which,one's more beneficial in order to get,more views more engagement more,followers and all of that good stuff so,essentially more traffic to your page so,be sure to subscribe and like this video,if you want to see that second part of,the community interactions but like I,said we're going to start off with the,video views right here from here we can,then give it a campaign name so we're,going to do spark,ads video views so we have a little bit,of insight on what this is going to be,and here it also allows us to set a,campaign budget but we don't really have,to do that we can set a daily or,lifetime budget so we didn't really need,that so let's go ahead and skip that and,press continue now it's going to ask us,to do our ad group name so let's go,ahead and change that I already know,what should we do I'm going to be using,for my Tick Tock Sparks so six tools to,start your business and then we can do,video views,and then spark just so we have a little,bit more information about what this is,going to be placement we have Tick Tock,we can do user comments allowed video,downloads aloud you can disable this if,you want but I don't really mind and,then here we have the targeting so it,really does depend on who you want to be,targeting but because our warfield.io,technical account is all about marketing,we want to focus more on our marketing,and business side of everything so here,what you can do is add your own custom,audiences so if you haven't created one,already you've just created your ad,account click on this button right here,it's going to take you to this page and,then what you can do is create your own,custom audiences or a look like audience,and for instance you can add your own,technical account onto here so business,account make sure it's linked and then,you can change all of these different,actions so people who follow you or,people who viewed your videos for six,seconds or 100 or engagement so for,example if you create a follow one and,then we can just do follows and then,confirm so here we have a new audience,so just created this one as well which,is video views at 100 and because I just,created them the data is unavailable but,hopefully,um this will rack up some numbers and,then we'll be able to use these in,future videos but for now what we can do,is just add our demographic what we can,do is we can just keep it as the United,Kingdom or if you want you can add,whichever countries you want to Target,gender keep it as male of an age we can,focus on 25 35 45 and 55 plus so between,25 to 55 we're going to exclude the 18,24 year olds and 13 to 7 year olds,languages again we can just select,English so it's a little bit more custom,household income we can have it as let's,see let's do top 10 to top five percent,so now we have the interests and,behavior so this is where it gets a,little bit more interesting we can,actually Target who we want to be,targeting more of so interest click on,here we have a little bit of a menu an

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Zero to $16K A Day In 6 Days (TikTok Spark Ads)

Zero to $16K A Day In 6 Days (TikTok Spark Ads)

the biggest problem that everyone,watching this video has is they launch,ads they get some results for one or two,days and then it just flops it just kind,of comes out so like how are you kind of,not in that boat i just did something,really crazy i met someone online that,went from 1k a day to 16k per day in,just six days using tick tock spark ads,i was pretty mind blown by this actually,i've never seen someone like this and so,i reached out asked him if you want to,do a podcast and he was down so for 20,minutes we spoke i asked some crazy,questions i got some answers to that i,didn't even know about so i'm sure you,didn't know about this so just sit back,and get ready for this absolutely value,video and hopefully after you can go on,your own to talks about cats let's go,all right,welcome back to ecom street guys welcome,back to the channel today i'm here with,kevin krieg um as i mentioned in the,intro this guy went from zero to i think,16k day using tick tock ads in only six,days and so for the next 20 minutes,we're just gonna sit here jam out and,kind of figure out exactly how he did,this so kevin what's up,yeah thanks for having me um everything,good glad to chat about tic toc so like,the main way i found you was through,this like viral twitter thread of yours,i was like,to talk ads how we scaled the store from,1k to 16k per day at a 3.6 roads check,this out and replicate everything we did,we only took six days,uh yeah so that obviously really hooked,me and so,um from wherever you want to start i,kind of take us through that process of,like,what like the niche you're in was and,the whole process behind setting this up,and like how you just found scale so,fast like i guess like the golden,nuggets there,yeah yeah no definitely so um it all,started with a client who brought in the,product uh was a very cool product and,um,it was in the in the women's niche it,was more like um,like beauty about like a little bit had,to do a little bit with weight loss but,mostly like beauty and it was slightly,on the edge about like policy and policy,wise um but it was still whitehead,everything was good and we had like a,couple rejections here there but nothing,like crazy um and yeah so it was,definitely like,um,very visual so that's always important,right if you if you can show not tell um,and also show in a way that um,that works with utc right so obviously,we only use ugc style content for it and,um if you can if you imagine like,facebook you can do animations you can,do like some sort of 3d stuff with,vibrating pain point or whatever you,can't do that really on tick tock so we,really stayed native with it and um yeah,that was pretty much that was pretty,much what the product was about but very,broad appeal also so,um yeah it was cool to take it on you,know we saw it and we're like okay,that's kind of,interesting to see how it goes yeah yeah,i kind of like do you think,is your preference kind of to go with,those mass market products versus,something super niche down,yeah um i mean in,definitely yes and because it's it's a,little harder to target on tick-tock,than it is on facebook i always make,this example you know if you have an,ankle pain product on facebook you can,target ankle pain and the audience,getting that pocket of audience actually,going to be like very relevant to that,um but on tick tock you can target like,body or hell something like that,so definitely not nearly as like,detailed um as on facebook right so yeah,the broader the better for us um we're,not shying away from like a little bit,of niche products but,yeah,definitely not uh,possible,for this product specifically that you,guys were like able to scale so much was,was there any kind of extreme aov or,like quantity bundle going on that kind,of made it easier to scale or was it,like a lower,yeah,it's a good question yeah it was around,40 50,price point but we sold,i think the main offer we had was on the,product page selecting like two,the second one i think 50 off um i think,that was our main or like 40,yeah i think that was our main offer um,and because there were two variants of,it and it was like a color thing uh so,most like it converted at like 40 or 50,percent yeah,obviously you know that obviously,yeah it helps a lot with aob and scaling,right because suddenly your margins like,yeah was there any specific app or like,to use like a specific app there or was,it just like a manual thing,so ah we used i can't really remember,what we used but i know it was,um it was a bundle below the ato card so,it's about that yeah one of those ones,there's a lot yeah one of those ones,it's like a second atom card where it,says like buy two for,x off yeah you click you can just select,the variance and that's it yeah we see a,lot of brands do that i feel like people,forget the importance i think that,people forget like the math behind if,you can get half your customers to buy,two instead of one like that margin that,you now have allows you to scale so much,further l

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TikTok Spark Ads, what are they and how to use them?

TikTok Spark Ads, what are they and how to use them?

don't make ads make tick-tocks this is,what tick-tock is suggesting brands and,advertisers to do to maximize their,success on the platform today i'm going,over what are spark ads and how to set,them up what's up everyone welcome back,to the ecom freedom youtube channel my,name is mckay rasmussen i am a mentor in,the shopify ecom freedom group and i've,done multiple six figures in sales,throughout my shopify journey in the,recent months tick tock has been a,sleeping giant and is now giving brands,the power to grow and rock it to the,moon what seems like overnight if you're,not already advertising on tick tock or,at least posting organically now is your,time and you need to change that brands,are popping off left and right just by,posting organic content or ugc footage,so what is a spark ad spark ads are,still relatively new and only released a,few months ago by definition tick tock,states is spark ad is a new ad format,that lets brands boost their organic,posts or the videos of creators as top,view or in-feed ads tick-tock also,states spark ads have a 30 higher,completion rate they enjoy higher,conversion rate in lower cpms which all,in all is what we're aiming to do when,advertising if you take anything from,this video start running spark ads so,we'll go into the tick tock ad manager,now,i'm just going to get to the ad settings,essentially there's two steps you'll,need to do to run spark ads,on the ads manager side is one and on,the other side whether you're working,with an influencer you'll need to have,them send you the authorization code or,if you want to boost one of your organic,posts i'll show you how to do that in a,second just going to create a new,campaign here,skip through some of these settings and,once you get to the ad level essentially,what it should look like by default is,this and what you want to do is check,this boxing account to deliver spark ads,and you want to click the second box,here which says use authorized account,or post,now it already has mine linked up but,what you can do is click this little,plus by authorized tick talk posts,and i'll show you how to get this post,now either from the influencer or doing,it yourself all right as you can see i'm,in tiktok now you can see this the fake,ad or big post i created for this video,if this is the first time you're running,spark ads you'll want to enable ad posts,so you'll go in the top right and click,creator tools now they've moved this,button a few times so this is where it's,at currently,but here at the bottom under add,settings you want to make sure this is,on by by default it'll be off so make,sure that's on and essentially what that,does is when you open the post and click,the three dots on the bottom you can,scroll all the way to the right and,click add settings here,and if the if you were working with an,influencer and hopefully they've done,this before and will already know how to,do it but if not you can walk them,through the steps but essentially you,want to agree to the terms of ad,authorization check that box and then,copy the code now this is the code we're,going to bring over into our ad account,and paste it into our authorized post so,once you get that post id you can paste,that in here and it should pop up with,the posts that you,authorized from the influencer reform,yourself then you'll need to scroll down,and click from tick tock post and you,can see this is the one we just,authorized so i'll click confirm and it,will pop up here for you now this is a,win-win for the influencer and for,yourself the influencer ideally should,gain followers since you're running,traffic and ads from their uh personal,page and you benefit from,getting an ad that is more tick-tock,native and less like a typical ad,essentially that's how you'd set it up,and then i also wanted to share one,quick tip as far as how i'm finding,influencers now depending on your niche,or product there's different ways you,can search but one website we've had,success with is using this website,called collabster now you can choose,your platform that you'd like so we,choose tick tock in this case and they,have a ton of different niches and,categories so for this example let's say,you have a pet product i typically leave,followers open-ended and then you can,click search now you can browse through,and find someone that aligns with your,brand and get them to post on their page,and then essentially you just follow the,steps and get the authorized post id so,you can use in your advertising that way,it's more organic and it's a win-win so,typically you can negotiate prices with,them just reach out to them make sure,you're checking engagement rates and who,they're following is this is a website,that i use to find influencers and,hopefully that helps out thanks for,staying till the end of the video,comment below if you learned anything or,if you're currently running spark ads,and how they're doing,remember to like and subscribe if you'd,like to see more videos like this we

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ShineOn Print on Demand Course (Part 5) - Creating TikTok Spark Ads & Paid Media Strategy 2022

ShineOn Print on Demand Course (Part 5) - Creating TikTok Spark Ads & Paid Media Strategy 2022

because that's what it really comes down,to people buy off of emotions and if you,can convey a certain emotion and the,person scrolling stops and resonates,with that and they believe that your,product is going to help them get that,emotion and share that emotion and,express that then you have a higher,chance of converting the sale what's,going on everyone Jacob here back with,another video and today we're continuing,our Shine On free master class we're,going to be talking about paid Tick Tock,ads how you can set those up examples of,shine on products that are selling,really well with paid Tick Tock ads,they're going to be talking about the,pros and cons because as you already,know there are ways to get sales,organically with with low investment or,no investment and then there are ways to,get sales with paid ads right away I'm,gonna jump into the cons it does require,an investment you know we were we were,just covering how to upload products to,Etsy to get sales on an organic platform,because you know not everyone has a lot,of cash to start out with whenever I,first started I was still in college and,I didn't have very much money at all and,so you know I got started with Organic,methods and then once I had a little bit,of money to transition over to paid,Facebook ads and that's where things,really took off for me and things really,started scaling and it's a side tangent,that's another story but essentially,whenever you get into paid advertising,you need to understand that you may end,up losing a few hundred dollars,especially if you have never done,anything with paid advertising before,and before you click off and think you,know like I should probably just,stick with organic stuff I probably,shouldn't do any of this notice that I,put way more stuff on the pro side,because if you're if you're serious,about this business and you start,getting some organic sales off of etsy,and you you have that dedication if you,decide you do want to pursue e-commerce,and print on demand full time you're,going to need to invest in paid,advertising now maybe that's only twenty,dollars a day maybe that's a very very,small minimal way to get started but,eventually you're going to want to take,advantage of these channels that,essentially as you'll find out in future,slides were paying for people's,attention the second con that I wrote,down is high ad fatigue with Tick Tock,what you'll see is the algorithm at the,moment prefers a lot of fresh content,even with ads that perform very well and,get lots of sales or or get lots of,Engagement you're still going to see,them die after a few days of advertising,so you're going to need to create,different versions different completely,different angles with your creatives and,there is a much higher ad fatigue on,Tick Tock ads compared to something like,Facebook ads reason we're not starting,with Facebook ads is because they are,not very beginner friendly and they,aren't very nice to new advertisers,anymore they used to be but these days,if you try and create a new page and try,and link up new websites and start,making new ads Facebook starts getting,really frustrated with you and will,probably just ban you for no reason not,always the case sometimes they're nice,to people but I've just seen way too,many cases of people starting new,Facebook ad accounts and getting the,band Hammer immediately from Mark,Zuckerberg for no reason so that's why I,recommend starting with Tick Tock ads,right now the next slide we'll talk,specifically about why Tick Tock ads are,advantageous at the moment and why you,want to be focused on Tech talk and not,Facebook or anywhere else of course,throughout this course we will be going,over the different channels for,advertising for Google for Facebook even,backend email marketing we can go over,topics like that Bing ads Pinterest ads,Etsy ads there are a lot of different,avenues that we should be exploring and,we should be taking advantage of but for,this video we're focused on Tick Tock,once you know what you're doing it's,much more efficient to pay for paid,advertising and get that speed and get,the scalability than it is to just list,more items on eBay or Amazon or Etsy it,just becomes so much it becomes,exponentially easier to increase your,Revenue whenever you're dealing with,paid advertising you can just reach so,many more people another huge Advantage,is by paying for tick tock ads if you,you have a tick tock account which I,recommend creating and you get to,essentially build social proof and build,your brand on that social page over time,so ideally you're profitable when you're,running your ads but a side benefit of,that is you're building your Social,account and giving it credibility and,even even it sounds silly but by having,a video with 10 000 views or with 50 000,views and you pin it at the very top of,your your page that might be hard to do,organically on Tick Tock but if you pay,for that reach and then you keep it on,your page it stays there forever that,l

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