tiktok musicaly ads

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What the f-,Move, Momo. I'm not in the mood.,I didn't want to have to make this video. Okay. I'm just minding my own business on YouTube...,What the freak is thi-,Let me watch a little Vsauce.,Michael here. It doesn't who I watch, what I watch or when I watch it.,Tik Tok will make itself known. With the sergeants...,Of these "so called" TIK TOK ads,,You know, I heard a little bit at first, you know.,"I got a Tik Tok ad, what the freak." Whoa, anybody getting a lot of Tic Tac ads recently?,I said TIC TAC ads. (laughs).,I thought it was just some isolated cases, you know.,But then I start getting hit with 'em.,I don't need a 14-year-old twerking when I'm trying to watch Vsauce!!,First, we had musical.ly,,and I've already proven I would have been the best musical.ly-er.,I dropped my phone.,I-I dropped my pho -,But this Tik Tok,,Its's going to the next level. And I thought, since Tik Tok want to make itself known in my life,,"I'mma just beat it to the punch.",We're gonna do a WHOLE video on Tik Tok.,Now before this video even starts,,Listen, if you're a Tik Tok user, I ain't calling you,,cringe. I mean, first of all, let's not act like I've never done anything cringe.,*Look at the top of his head!*,lady shows HUGE baldspot,laughing,why the music come all hard like, Somebody please. End my suffering.,Where are your parents?,Where...are your parents?,Parents, this is why kids don't need iPhones. I remember,,I was growing up. The first iPhone came out.,I wanted one so freaking bad like, "Mom, it plays music, too!" Remember how revolutionary that was?,You know what my mom got me?,I still got it.,Hold on a second., Look at this! You see this? You freaking see this?! A Boost Mobile.,This thing couldn't play music!,I couldn't play Tap Tap Revenge with this! But most importantly, I wasn't able to make,Musical.ly or Tik Tok videos with it.,Now, those things weren't out yet, but you get my point.,Plus, you know when I was on the phone with somebody and I got mad? (example) "'Tchu' you mean you ain't coming over, girl? I bought the popcorn!,Oh, okay." (slams phone shut),(another example) "Oh, so your mom said you can't come to the movies tonight?,Yeah, hold up--" Even though you said in the second period that we were gonna go see Saw tonight.",Nah (x3), don't even worry about--". You can't do that with iPhones.,Now, she goes by,"Twerk Queen". Tell me this girl ain't fourteen. "Twerk Queen"...,I respect ya hustle,,Get ya followers, girl!,All I'm saying is, let me catch my daughter doing something like this. She-- (starts laughing), She gon' be in her room.,She gon' be like, ,Twerk. Twerk. Twerk. (laughs),The door gon' open.(laughs),What the freak are--,Daddy... I was--,(slapping over music) ~I gotta hit that street, you gotta watch it...~,Freakin' get her in a headlock like this. "Oh, so you want to make videos, huh?",I mean if you're freaking 18 and older and you want to twerk on apps,,fine. This... Tik Tok, can we, like, not promote the 12 year olds?,Whoa! Whoa there, Nelly.,(wheezing laughter),Tik Tok, look what you're doing to our children.,My man at the bus stop, clearly,,uncomfortable making this video. Clearly!,But he feels pressured.,He knows that if he doesn't do the Tik Tok videos, he's gonna get ridiculed in class. So he's getting his daily Tik Tok--,Daily dose of Tik Tok-ing at the bus stop this morning, looking around making sure...,Put that tongue away, young fellow. Put it away.,Nah, this man got a full beard. This man got a whole,beard. Ain't no excuses for you.,I don't want to see no cringe from you, sir. I don't want to see it.,You know what, I'mma let that one slide.That was funny.,cory turns emo,You know,,For... there's some that I'm like, "You know, okay, whatever.",It's like if somebody want to get up there and, like, just voiceover some, that's cool. If we could just,,categorize the Tik Tok cringe. At the top,,it will be like... the twelve-year-old twerking, and then we got the ones where it's like, they,pretendin' to be ugly, they'd be like,,"Uugh my skin is so.. ugh acne.",Then they do a little reveal, you know, and they be like, (breathing),(*whispering seductively* ughhh, ohhh yeahh I'm so freakin' hot now.,that I wiped this lotion off my face.),Then we got the ones where, like, they're doing the memes, and,,those aren't bad.,And then I feel like the ones at the bottom where they're literally just singing and they're not doing nothin' extra.,Okay, maybe they just want to voiceover somethin'.,That's cool!,But why the only ads that I get personally, got me on the freakin FBI--,FBI: FBI OPEN UP!!!,*loud explosions, gunshots*,(while tapping) Yeah, I'm trans, I figured.,Yeah, you call me a girl, well I'm triggered,Takin' note, 'cause I'm a-glow...,I got a thousand fans and no you don't.,CORY: I actually have over three mil-,She don't even know the words!! Watch her mouth.,If you're gonna have a song playing, SING THE SONG!,SING IT! At least SING! Don't let the song play while you just-,No.....,This is

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TikTok Music Promotion | How To Get Your Music Viral In 24 Hours

TikTok Music Promotion | How To Get Your Music Viral In 24 Hours

get your music heard by millions using,tech och,with over 700 million monthly active,users,tik-tok has the power to make any track,a viral hit and within as little as 24,hours it's created hits such as Old Town,Road by littleness X and more recently,blinding lights by the weekend it can,take an unheard artist to number one or,it can take a well-known artist and,completely make the track go viral,overnight it works for absolutely anyone,and we've done it ourselves we've made,an artist reach a million streams within,a matter of weeks purely because of Tech,Talk,and she had a small audience beforehand,and we use the strategy Duncan explained,to you it's a simple strategy that any,artist can be doing and it can lead to,your track going viral a lot of you,probably think take to others a little,bit cringy it's for a younger audience,you have to do stupid dances to blow off,on this platform that's not the case at,all I'm actually going to give you two,separate strategies within this video,one is for people that are happy to,create content and the other one is for,people that aren't really into creating,content themselves both work just as,effectively we've done both of these,strategies and both work so strap,yourself in get ready to learn how to,get your music to go viral within as,little as 24 hours before doing anything,else you need to ensure that your musics,actually on tik-tok a lot of,distributors has offered this more,recently so you've got dislocated you've,got ditto there are plenty of,distributors to offer tik-tok,distribution as one of their services,however you need to make sure they,actually offer this so check with your,distributor email them have a quick call,make sure they're going to get track on,the platform because that's the first,step that is key you want people to be,able to use your audio and for it to,have your track title and your name all,over it because then they can stream the,track then they can go across and find,you afterwards now it's the interesting,stuff how do you get onto the for you,page how do you make sure people are,using your track how do you trend how do,you make sure that your track is going,viral but I'm gonna tell you all that,before anything else make sure to hit,that subscribe button make sure to like,if you're enjoying the video as well we,really appreciate all the support,understand at the beginning of this,video there's actually two strategies,I'm going to be talking about the first,strategy is going to be people that,don't mind making content and are happy,to be on tik-tok themselves and the,second one is for people that don't,really want to be on tik-tok they just,want their music to be and they want,their music,be heard make sure to listen to both,though because you want to be able to,compare them you want to pick the one,which is most fitting to you most fit,into your style most authentic as well,strategy number one this strategy is the,one that we used really recently just a,couple of months ago we used this,strategy for an artist and it led to her,track getting used by over 140,000,people on the platform she now has over,one hundred and twenty thousand,followers on tech talk and the track,itself that we worked on got over a,million streams on Spotify and over a,million views on YouTube so this,strategy straight up works and she was,an unheard-of artist before literally,close to no audience so totally doable,for any of you this strategy starts by,you actually creating a Tech Talk,account create the account and make sure,you're creating content if you haven't,got tick tock has an app download it,spend some time on the platform because,it's a very unique one I always compare,it to vine it's similar to that in the,humor that it has and the way it's,edited it's short form content and the,humor of it and the editing of it is,very different to anything so you need,to be on the platform to fully,understand it but you spend some time on,the platform make sure you know what,sort of content you want to create the,content needs to be fitting for you as,an artist needs to be fitting to your,target audience,so the artists we worked with her,audience and the track was fitting to an,LGBTQ community so what she did is she,created content fitting to that she,eventually got that audience,we need to populate your actual profile,on tik-tok with content which is fitting,to an ongoing theme and fitting to your,target audience once you've done that,and make sure you you're doing this for,a couple of weeks at least you'll start,to find that you actually are getting a,Porteous if you're sticking to that,theme you're using the correct hashtags,and the context high quality you will be,getting an audience now you've got that,small audience you can start to plug the,music a little bit more so this could,either be starting a trend or telling,the narrative behind the song starting a,trend could be something as simple as a,dance routine or it could be something a,little bit more creative so

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Cringe Musically & TikTok Ads

Cringe Musically & TikTok Ads

how's it hanging my one people and I'm,gonna go kill myself for even thinking,that I should do this is a video but,tick-tock has merged with musically,apparently and boy can we not escape,them they are ads everywhere like,everywhere as many times as you've seen,that Johnny Johnny meme there's like two,of these first vine closed and they all,move to YouTube but musically like,disappeared and they move to YouTube and,now we have tick tock which apparently,merged with musically and eventually,they'll move to YouTube - so before they,do,let's a bully them a bit we're here,what's the just some ads for musically,that you may see around YouTube and our,first one here is for yes for yes okay,hold up I just went through like a flood,of emotions and most of them were me,wanting to throw up alright just like,puts the bucket over okay great okay see,me vecina it getting together to Messina,Kayla Mucha Bousema,alaikum Beulah Clavell Wi-Fi Jim Allah,but here's the thing hold again hold,again one the video was laggy to the,lip-sync was off in three that's music,used in like every every like building,video ever,why would you take that and make it an,ad you could like knots and you would be,fine but you have to choose something,that's laggy that's out of sync and that,uses music that everyone's heard but,here's the thing you're just like either,cute or hot you get one knob oh but then,know where when God was mixing in his,little mixing pot he was like let me do,both and so he took hot and he took cute,and put them in the mixing okay why what,do people actually like that do people,actually watch this and enjoy it or is,it all just for tonight kids doing the,floss like serious question serious,question do any of any of you actually,like enjoy this it's 10 seconds of lip,synching yo check out this new song I'm,into that song so old my great-grandma,ma knows the lyrics checked it my,grandmother,the poor dog look at the dog the dog is,just they're like poor poor Poochie says,yes those songs are so played out this,this songs are like so might sounds like,Oh at least this one has like an ending,like a tag at the end it's not just boom,at over it actually shows it why I like,how he slaps the dude and the music,stops and they don't even say it,they don't even say anything it just,knows what song they want the dudes like,my great my my mind knows best check,this one out,does besito and it's like okay sure okay,make cool videos alright he is that's,pretty cool actually I like that and,that is actual that was actual Talent,okay that dude has actual Talent I'm,proud of that dude that wasn't just,sitting here ma'am ma'am ma'am ma'am,ma'am and Matt no he was like actually,doing things which i think is what their,original intention was but I'm proud of,that person this that was the best ad,and now we get some fine-looking,fine-looking gents,familiar faces one I dabbed on,ironically they dabbed on purpose,sometimes you live long enough to see,yourself become the villain just like,you sure you want to do this like I'm,not sure I want to do this that's what,that dude's thinking you can see it in,those eyes she's just like do these,people just never go through puberty is,that what's happening they're stuck is,like 12 year olds forever who are you I,am man Billy you're I'm man Billy,okay that one why is it playing this one,again that one was good it was original,it wasn't some weird lip-sync or dance,or whatever although there was a dance,in it but that was good,that was better it wasn't great but it,was better than most of these it was,original content and the dude wasn't,rippin something off I didn't think it,was funny but kudos we found two that,are good the dude throwing the things,and mentally I don't even know who that,is but he was at VidCon beats me is it,just me or does this dude kind of look,like backslash backslash did you quit,YouTube to do this on essay 12 or,sometimes I need come on now follow my,lead I may be crazy they don't even say,the standard you're like 12 why are you,why are you singing like that you're,you're 12,he's not even singing he's not even,singing,he wasn't even singing it he was just,moving with the towel on his head,they've gone so far that they can't even,lip-sync anymore they just danced great,did you wash your hands with soap did,you dry them that's supposed to be funny,I was just where's your hands right now,we got four night dances he was just,doing the floss,great he did the floss and sped up the,video whoop-dee-doo,I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm it's been a hard,it's been a hard time you know nothing,to watch these for almost 17 minutes now,it was putting on shirts and jackets too,music great he cut his clips of him,putting on a shirt to the beat of the,music,sit is this what all it is this what it,takes to get famous am I like in the,wrong business do I need to stop,pandering to 12 year olds and just put,on clothes to music interesting he's,just sitting there just picking at her,hand,we're not even synced,at le

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These TikTok ‘’Musicians’’ Need to STOP

These TikTok ‘’Musicians’’ Need to STOP

Hey, how's it going?,Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin.,Today we will be watching some very...,...sacrilegious TikTok content.,So sacrilegious that I can't believe it's even there,,- if that makes sense. - Brett: Yeah.,- It's just, why is that even there? Like... - Eddy: Yeah.,And I don't know, maybe it's 'cause like,,TikTok's all about like, you know, lip syncing.,- And maybe these people just thought, - Ohh.,"If we can lip sync, we can fake play!",I don't know what it is, it's kinda hard to explain.,- Let's just start watching it and you'll see what we mean. - You guys...,Yeah, you guys will get a feel for it.,So the first group is these fake piano tutorials, right?,They're like, faker than Simply Piano.,- Why is this even content?! - Yeah.,- This should not be content. - So many things— All right, first of all.,How dare you draw on your piano keys,- with a black marker, dude?! - The disrespect!,And then the second thing, right?,I wish you could play with just 3 notes.,88-key piano, you know, we have 12 pitches in the scale.,- But, you just need 1, 2, 3. - You just need 3.,I really want to count how many,different pitches come out of that 1.,- Just for my own curiosity. - Yeah. Okay, let's see.,So the 1 is actually meant to be a C.,- Oh my god! - And then finally, B.,- So there's 4 notes on that same C. - 4 notes!,Why did 380,000 people like this TikTok? They were going,,"Very nice.",- "Harry Potter in 1, 2, 3." - Yeah. Or they were like,,"That is so fake. Ha ha ha!" Like.,You're not supposed to support fake music, guys!!,Yeah, it's like one thing if you got a lot of views.,- Why are you liking it? Yeah. - Why is there so many likes?,I kinda can't help but think that,- actually people believe it. - Alright, maybe like 12-year-old kids,that never played an instrument.,Ohhh, that's even worse!,It's just they're all getting scammed!,Whoa.,No, you don't... Nah.,Bro.,First one, the candle's thicker than one key.,We have a piano right here, let's demonstrate.,That candle's about this thick, alright?,And he placed it on the right, alright?,- So it's not even the low bass. - Yes. And it sounded like low bass, guys. But look.,Eddy: But he puts it on the right, so it would've sounded like...,Eddy: But instead it sounded like...,This is how it's meant to be, alright?,Eddy: Can you see how like...,Eddy: This is pitch goes high, it goes this way.,- Eddy: I can't just stay in one... - Brett: Yeah, yeah, wrong notes.,While we're here, let me demonstrate Harry Potter.,Eddy: Notice how there was black keys used?,Anyway, if you're 12 and watching this,,and you're on YouTube, we're glad we can educate you.,Not everything you see is real on the Internet these days.,Whoa! This next one has 7.3 million likes, are you kidding me?,- Can I just say... - Yeah.,- What is it? - Their hand is like...,It doesn't feel like a piano, but it's way too stiff.,I don't think any respectable piano player,- would do this to themselves. - Actually, yeah.,If you're an actual pianist, you would never do it.,We can play his rendition too, right?,Oh yeah, let's play it! See...,- That's what it should sound like. - Yeah.,Thanks for the tutorial, man!,All right, so now we got the um...,It's like the weird cousin, you know?,Of this variety. Or like...,It just mutated, guys. This is what happened.,- Yeah. And so now there's the fake guitar tutorials. - Oh, dude!,An offpsring.,Okay.,- I'm no guitarist, but you can hear more than one note. - Yeah! Yeah yeah yeah...,I was gonna say.,That's a chord. There's at least like...,- I think I heard 3 notes. - Yeah.,- And where's the left hand? - Yeah!,Otherwise it's gonna be open strings.,E, D, A, G.,I forgot the open strings, but there's definitely no...,B flats and D flats.,I think what's really weird to me is like,,it's almost become like, a genre.,It's like, this niche genre,that gets hundreds of thousands of likes,of just people being like,,- "Yeah! I want to see... - "Yeah!",- ...1-2-3-2-3," like... - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.,Maybe they just can't count to 4 though.,Dude!,He's not even on time!,He's just...,- Random... - Eddy: Yeah.,And like...,It should go down, but he didn't even bother.,Maybe this is actually just some like,,absurdist comedy that we didn't understand.,Yeah, I think so.,Everyone has their own sense of humor, right? So...,Brett: I won't judge.,Can I...,I really appreciate his effort,,putting 123456 on the strings too.,Like, thanks.,I guess like, the target audience for this type of TikTok,- probably wouldn't be able to figure it out, right? - Yeah, that's true, that's true.,They need the help.,Yeah, that'd be really...,Even your neighbor could probably teach you guitar,- better than this, or figure it out. - Yeah.,Actually, that's a good point. Like...,I'm all for finding a good teacher.,But I'm pretty sure anyone could learn any instrument,- to a better expertise by themselves with the Internet. - Yeah.,- I'm sure if you grabbed a guitar, and just... - That's what I mean!,-

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Will TikTok be BANNED? Here is what to do.

Will TikTok be BANNED? Here is what to do.

for those of you who use tick tock for,your business or to make your content go,viral you might want to listen to this,and to be honest it's going to hurt Tick,Tock is banned in the U.S this is a,potential headline that you might be,hearing very soon Tick Tock is not,officially banned yet but I'm going to,be breaking down in this video exactly,what the US Congress has planned and,what they're trying to do in order to,ban Tick Tock fully and like I said,earlier you may want to watch this video,because the US Congress has already,pushed this into the floor and are,looking to get votes on this matter,right now so let's get into some of the,basics that you need to know when Tick,Tock first came onto the scene they came,on as an app called musically which was,an app where users could lip sync to,songs the musically was bought out by a,Chinese company called bike dance and,they merged it into their app called,Tick Tock now this is where things get a,little shaky in November of 2019 news,outlets started raising concerns around,tick tock with the National Security it,has with the US and putting in question,the Chinese company by dance who owns,Tick Tock and things have moved really,slowly over the last few years but,recently things have started to really,pick up and now all of this is starting,to come back just a few days ago,Congress introduced a new bill to,entirely ban the platform altogether in,the U.S and they've already started to,ban it on government-issued devices in,multiple States as they're voting right,now the Senate passing a bill to ban the,popular Tick Tock Washington,groups have introduced a bipartisan Bill,looking to ban Tick Tock maker saying,the platform is a major security risk,and if you'd follow my channel over the,last two years or followed my own Tick,Tock or Instagram then you know I'm a,big fan of The Tick Tock app especially,for business purposes to be able to,generate results for your business as,well as ways for creators and new users,to be able to discover Brands and find,you in many ways it's a great time to be,on Tick Tock it's one of the most,popular social media apps right now with,over a billion users on the platform and,the platforms developed into a community,where users see this as a news source a,search engine where people are literally,searching ways that they can find,workout routines or what recipes they,want to do they're using Tick Tock,instead of Google Now and tick tock's ad,business has been growing steadily and,producing incredible results for our,clients as well in Tick Tock forever,change the marketplace short form viral,content has taken over and it's,completely changed the way Brands,businesses influencers Market their,products and services in fact a lot of,ways my businesses are based around the,tick tock platform as well with us,offering ad Management Services for tick,tock ads and ways to actually be able to,you know scale via Tick Tock ads and,show you how to do it yourself as well,but it may not be a great time for much,longer especially if the app ends up,getting banned what does this mean for,you and me if Tick Tock is banned now,well first we have to understand what's,going on Tick Tock has put in a bill in,place to essentially ban the platform,altogether and the Senate's pass like,legislation to ban Tick Tock from US,Government devices the senates voted to,ban tick tock on U.S government-owned,devices and now they're putting aim,towards Banning the app altogether now,would the US really ban one of the most,popular social media apps Tick Tock well,first we need to understand what the,motivation is behind why they would do,this and the easiest way to understand,this is quite literally looking at the,exact build that they put in place it's,to protect Americans from the threat,posed by certain foreign adversaries,using current or potential future social,media companies that those foreign,adversaries control to surveil Americans,learn sensitive data about Americans for,spread influence campaigns propaganda or,censorship,so that's really the main focus that,they're putting it on entirely to ban,the platform and if they do ban Tick,Tock what would this look like for,creators consumers and small businesses,and marketers well the likely scenarios,that would take place would be consumers,would have one less place to consume,their favorite content and find other,platforms to focus their attention on a,lot of people think this is totally fine,it would make sense but all of his,attention would end up going somewhere,those hours would be added back into,people's days and they would definitely,be looking at other social media,platforms to get on millions of creators,and Brands would no longer be as,discoverable as they are today,especially with Tick Tock being such a,platform for users to be able to find,brands that they've never heard of,discover small businesses be able to,find creators that you know they,normally wouldn't have discovered in the,past Tick Tock has bee

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How To Get 1 Million Streams On Spotify in 2023 (Detailed Guide)

How To Get 1 Million Streams On Spotify in 2023 (Detailed Guide)

in this video I'm going to give you a,step-by-step action plan that you can,use to get your first 1 million streams,in 2023 and I'm not just basing this off,of absolute BS I'm basing this off of,the fact that my brand new band every,week moment starting from about February,20 something 2022 all the way up to,January 2nd 2023 we got almost 300 000,streams of Spotify alone when you add up,like YouTube and everything else ends up,being over 350 000 streams we only,release six songs and we didn't do a lot,of stuff so basically with this data and,everything in this video I think it's,totally possible for you to get to a,million streams in your first year of,your new project all right so the first,thing we have to talk about is the,release plan which encompasses the,actual music releases the video releases,and the social media content releases,and for all of this I'm assuming that,you're already making awesome music that,has a good story behind it so meaning,that your songs are like well written,they've got a solid story behind the,meaning of the song There's well mixed,well mastered well-produced well,performed All That Jazz it should be,great music if you're not making great,music it's going to be very hard to,actually hit a million streams in here,probably impossible once you're spending,a ton of money and we want to save money,where we can so when it comes to release,schedule I recommend that you release,new music every four to six weeks this,is kind of The Sweet Spot for most,people you want to release music as,frequently as you can so that you're,staying top of mind to everyone who's,liked your previous music that you've,released the more music you release the,more content you can make and the more,you can keep bringing people back into,your world however there is a,diminishing return to this and also,there's a few negative side effects of,releasing music faster than every four,weeks for example you can only have one,song per person on their release radar,so if you're releasing faster than every,four weeks you're going to start,stealing slots on release radar from,yourself now this doesn't matter that,much if you don't have many followers,but if you have no followers then you,can release a little faster however you,can only pitch one song to editorial at,a time and they recommend four to six,week lead time pitching your song,editorial so if you releasing faster,than every four weeks you can't really,give enough time for editorial pitching,I don't want to completely write off the,idea of releasing faster than every four,weeks because I think if you're,completely new and you can sustain,releasing every two weeks then it it's,worth doing it as long as the music,quality is staying high and you're still,putting 100 effort into promoting every,single song Because if you're releasing,faster than every four weeks then the if,you have no followers it doesn't really,matter an editorial is such a pipe dream,for most people anyways that it doesn't,really matter because maybe one out of,20 songs are gonna get picked editorial,it'd be better for you to release a ton,of music than hope that one of those,songs actually gets selected for,editorial and every single song that you,release I want you to make at least 10,unique pieces of social media content,and specifically video content and even,more specific vertical formatted social,media content designed for Instagram,reels Tick Tock and or YouTube shorts,because if you make those 10 unique,posts you're going to cross post them at,least Instagram reels and Tick Tock and,maybe some of them onto YouTube shorts,or effectively you're getting between 20,and 30 pieces of social media content,out of those 10. now I'm not going to,lie and say that everyone necessarily,has to be doing Instagram reels and Tick,Tock because it might be the case that,for you it's not the best platform but,for the vast majority of you watching,Instagram meals Tick Tock YouTube shorts,are going to be the places you get the,most organic reach,and where you just fit in,the best and if you think that you might,not fit in,think of some of your favorite artists,that you're that's most similar to,musically and see what they're doing on,social media because if they're active,in some platform and they're getting a,lot of organic content there it's,probably going to work similar for you,as well but,most people tick tock Instagram reels,YouTube shorts gonna get the most bang,for your buck and when it comes to the,actual type of social media content that,you should be creating it's going to,vary for everyone it's not going to be,exactly the same but for most people if,you're a Performing Artist and you're,the vocalist as the artist then you can,make a whole bunch of lip sync content,and then you're just changing where you,are lip syncing the content and putting,different stories associated with it so,if your song is about mental health or,something you just have a video where,you're sitting in front of a beach lip,

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Marwa Loud - Bad Boy (Clip Officiel)

Marwa Loud - Bad Boy (Clip Officiel)

maple laquelle elle était capable en,harmonie c'est pas ton équipe et on a,collé tout tes copines ouais on est,collé à force de jouer oui on les arrose,je perds le fil est à peine on sait pas,dit il,l'étape 1 kg vais pas le dire je prends,pas au sérieux,pourtant chacune,mais comme elle s'ennuie son avoisine,bonjour les monnaies,depuis on attend,j'essaie de faire revivre souvent,sourire de faire le tri,en aller et ce depuis autant d'années,faire,ian gbagbo,pascoe,tout est le bilan de votre coeur,ap,les basques,la patronne,m,bye bye à la vie de mes roues étaient,abonnés tu peux pas changer de forfait,et ont abandonné,donc tu mettais quand tu mets ton bonnet,et tu pourrais tu pour continue tourner,mon tu sors du sort le dépôt des bennes,accompagné ouais donc c'est bon c'est,bon elle a lu tout en veillant à partir,douala ouais tu te casses il est temps,de se mettre à jour les mots analyse,depuis tant d'années j'essaie de faire,comme les deux sourires de faire le tri,et ce depuis autant d'années,mais moi de faire la primate bad boy,valois passants et des bobines sens de,votre coeur,papa,benzema,m,là,bad girl,on n'a pas de quoi,1,bein sont des backpackers

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Justin Bieber - Beauty And A Beat ft. Nicki Minaj

Justin Bieber - Beauty And A Beat ft. Nicki Minaj

- How do you turn it on?,(piano playing),You have no game.,(camera dropping),(people cheering),Lemme talk to Nicki.,(music playing),Would you rather?,- I'm hungry,(burger slapping face),(camera moving),(music begins playing),- Yeah!,Young money,Nicki Minaj,Justin!,♪ Show you off ♪,♪ Tonight I wanna to show you off ♪,♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪,♪ What you got ♪,♪ A billion could've never bought ♪,♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪,♪ We gonna to party like 3012 tonight ♪,♪ I wanna to you all the finer things in life ♪,♪ So just forget about the world, we young tonight ♪,♪ I'm coming for ya, I'm coming for ya ♪,♪ 'Cause all ♪,♪ I need is a beauty and a beat ♪,♪ Who can make my life complete ♪,♪ It's all ♪,♪ 'Bout you, when the music makes you move ♪,♪ Baby do it like you do ♪,♪ 'Cause ♪,(electronic music continues),♪ Body rock ♪,♪ Girl, I can feel your body rock ♪,♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪,♪ Take your bow ♪,♪ You're on the hottest ticket now ♪,♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪,♪ We gonna party like it's 3012 tonight ♪,♪ I want to show you all the finer things in life ♪,♪ So just forget about the world ♪,♪ We're young tonight ♪,♪ I'm coming for ya ♪,♪ I'm coming for ya ♪,♪ 'Cause all ♪,♪ I need is a beauty and a beat ♪,♪ Who can make my life complete ♪,♪ It's all ♪,♪ 'Bout you, when the music makes you move ♪,♪ Baby do it like you do ♪,- Uh!,♪ Baby in time, ink lines ♪,♪ Bitches couldn't get on my incline ♪,♪ World tours, it's mine ♪,♪ Ten little letters on a big sign ♪,♪ Justin Bieber ♪,♪ You know I'ma hit'em with the ether ♪,♪ Buns out, wiener ♪,♪ But I got to keep an eye out for Selena ♪,♪ Beauty, beauty and the beast ♪,♪ Beauty from the East ♪,♪ Beautiful confessions of the priest ♪,♪ Beast, beauty from the streets, beat will get deceased ♪,♪ Every time beauty on the beat eats ♪,♪ Body rock ♪,♪ Oh, I wanna feel your body rock ♪,♪ Let's go, let's go ♪,♪ 'Cause all ♪,♪ I need is a beauty and a beat ♪,♪ Who can make my life complete ♪,♪ It's all ♪,♪ 'Bout you, when the music make you move ♪,♪ Baby do it like you do ♪,♪ 'Cause ♪,(film rewinding),(camera beeping),(film fast forwarding),- Sup! One more time sorry.,(camera beeping),- That was good,I don't think we need another one,(electronic music playing),(electronic music continues),(Justin screaming),(water splashing),(crowd cheering),(camera beeping)

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