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TikTok Gambling Ads Are Terrible

i invoked the spirit of the late pope,francis to bless this video as a banger,i'm still alive you dumbass my bad,father gambling it's fun it's flirty,it's what insanely rich people do just,to feel something and it's what we're,going to be talking about today,specifically i want to cover gambling,apps specifically gambling apps ads,specifically gambling apps ads on tick,tock because these apps are so strange,in their advertising and i just need to,share with somebody and,all of my friends are busy so let's just,jump in with the first ad that made me,say,what the and we'll just go from,there,hey let her go inmate do the right thing,i'll talk to the warden and i'll get,your sentence reduced car's over there,you can use it to escape i need to,answer this phone call first this is not,a slot our system has detected that you,have just hit a grand jackpot of 1,billion in our game we have sent 1,billion coins to your account please,confirm if you have received it what a,billion but i didn't top up a single,penny don't worry there's no need to,spend a single penny,what the you see what i'm saying,she's in a hostage situation and just,had to answer this phone call from lots,of slots how did she hit the jackpot she,wasn't even on her phone does lots of,slots have a call center to reach,everyone that wins a jackpot on their,app what does 1 billion coins even mean,is that a lot for the app is that a,little i don't know i had so many,questions and so little answers so i,kept watching and if you're lucky you,can hit a jackpot with just 10 spins,with jackpots going up in the millions,where do i download this game i want to,play two,lots of slots tons of fun the escape,convict was so blown away by the app,that he lets his hostage go and gets,caught if you consider jumping on a man,as getting caught so i guess the purpose,of the ad was to show how crazy high the,payouts were that you'll just be so,rattled in a state of shock you have to,drop whatever it is you're doing because,a billion coins uh yeah take me back to,jail i need to play this game,immediately okay good job jimmy now just,make that final incision and if you mess,this up she will die oh geez okay uh,where do i make the cut hold that,thought i gotta take this call what sir,we're in the middle of surgery it's lots,of slots oh sorry my bad how much did,you win one billion dollars what's that,one billion coins oh my god that's,amazing oh she's flatlining believe,it or not that wasn't another lots of,slots ad you just watched that was me,doing a skit,though i get how they could look like,one in the same but this wasn't the only,weird strange bizarre ad that i've,collected over the last month because,apparently this is just a standard with,these gambling mobile apps with so many,different ones fighting for your,attention and where else but tiktok to,get these adhd stricken teenagers to,download your over-the-top dopamine,inducing slots app promising you,millions upon billions of coins those,are some big numbers but before we get,into making fun of those cringy ads i,have my own hopefully not cringy ad,that's right we have our first sponsor,this video is brought to you by atlas,vpn as a millennial scared of,embarrassing myself with technology i've,always put off buying a vpn because i,thought they were too difficult to set,up luckily with atlas vpn i was up and,running in a few minutes with a clean,display letting me know that my internet,traffic is both protected and encrypted,look at the little superhero guy,defending my devices from internet bad,guys don't you just want to pinch his,cheeks and say thank you sorry no you're,busy keep doing your thing right now,atlas vpn is running a huge discount it,means you can get a three-year,subscription for just,1.99 a month with a 30-day money-back,guarantee using my link in the,description with atlas vpn i get to,watch shows on streaming platforms that,were previously locked out of my region,in the us as you can see when i place,myself in the filth of new jersey i,can't watch some of my favorite shows,like parks and rec and arrested,development but suddenly i like maple,syrup and playing ice hockey because as,far as netflix knows i've just become an,honorary canadian and now i can binge,watch parks and rec and arrested,development at blazing fast speeds from,my virtual private log cabin,go oilers with a single atlas vpn,subscription you can protect unlimited,devices stop ads and malware and find,the best deals when shopping online,thanks a little superhero guy no you're,still busy sorry once again you can get,the best vpn deal on the market right,now with a three year subscription to,atlas vpn for only a dollar and 99 a,month with a 30 day money back guarantee,time is running out so get your deal by,clicking the link in my description,below thank you atlasvpn for sponsoring,this video now the next type of gambling,ads i saw were what i would categorize,as the boss ad and these typically start,off very intense,no no stop us no,

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok casino ads

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How to Create Gambling Ads for Tik Tok in 2022 | GBC Time

How to Create Gambling Ads for Tik Tok in 2022 | GBC Time

hi everyone you are watching gbc time,today we will talk about ads for tik tok,we all know that advertising should be,different from facebook but what should,it look like that's what we're going to,talk about today in this video we will,learn what should be good ads for tick,tock and how to avoid mistakes in,creating advertising have a comfortable,seat and let's get started tik tok has,manual moderation that's why we can't,use aggressive approaches because we,will get banded from them we have to,hide the casino subtext in our ad,somehow,scratch cards,this type of advertising goes well,through moderation and yields a high,conversion rate because it keeps the,balance between white topics and,gambling but it can give poor quality,traffic and the meager conversion rate,so we use it in a split test with other,ads,what to avoid when creating such,advertising don't indicate the bank any,indication of currencies music that use,curse words use the following text in,your ads,earned,double money,lifestyle ads here it is necessary to,demonstrate a good life expensive card,the bonds of your credit card beautiful,mentions and other what to avoid when,creating such advertising demonstration,of money keep a balance between the,aggressiveness of your ads and abroad,from the tick tock moderator think about,the text of the ads and check out what,comes next,friends besides youtube we have a,website where the published news blog,posts articles and interview about,gambling marketing and business,follow the link in the description to be,the first to know the latest trends,we also have instagram and facebook,subscribe and follow us there as well,emotions and now we are going to talk,about the most popular approach that,marketers have been using for a long,time when generating traffic for the,gaming niche the advertising that is,dominated by emotion to make a cool,conversion advertising for tick tock you,need to show people's emotions for,winning,what to avoid when creating such,advertising don't indicate currencies,don't use music with curse words don't,mention the name of the bank at the push,notification,news approaches very cool approach the,main difficulty is the voicing of the,news itself each of the approaches above,can provide you with both good traffic,and not so good many factors play a role,here and it's difficult to say which of,the elements will affect the quality of,the traffic positively or negatively the,important thing to remember is that the,user must be interested in playing and,make deposit again and again and spin,the reels of their favorite slots,advertising for tick tock must have a,balance between white topics and,gambling to understand what's working,for you and what's not you need to run,some tests and look at basic metrics,such as cpm cpi cpl and cpa and draw,concreteness about your bundles you can,find the best approach and them scale,the given bundle you have watched gbc,time if you found this video useful,subscribe to our channel and don't,forget to give your likes,don't miss the new video bye everyone,you

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MoistCr1tikal Reacts To TikTok Gambling Ads Are Terrible

MoistCr1tikal Reacts To TikTok Gambling Ads Are Terrible

and yeah we can look at that in a minute,mac i wanna watch this first i invoke,the spirit of the late pope francis to,bless this video as a banger i'm still,alive you dumbass my bad father gambling,it's fun it's flirty it's what insanely,rich people do just to feel something,and it's what we're going to be talking,about today specifically yeah gambling,is free money,gambling apps ads specifically gambling,apps ads on tick tock because these apps,are so strange in their advertising,they need to share with somebody and uh,all of my friends are busy so let's just,jump in with the first ad that made me,say,what the and we'll just go from,there,hey let her go inmate do the right thing,i'll talk to the warden and i'll get,your sentence this looks amazing,you can use it to escape i need to,answer this phone call first this is,lots of slots our system has detected,that you have just hit a grand jackpot,of 1 billion in our game we have sent 1,billion coins to your account please,confirm if you have received it what a,billion but i didn't top up a single,page god i'm about to start gambling,holy ,this sounds lit,what the you see what i'm saying,she's in a hostage situation and just,had to answer this phone call from lots,of slots how did she hit the jackpot she,wasn't even on her phone does lots of,slots have a call center to reach,everyone that wins a jackpot on their,app what does 1 billion coins even mean,is that a lot for the app is that a,little i don't know i had so many,questions and so little answers so i,kept watching and if you're lucky you,can hit a jackpot in just 10 spins with,jackpots going up in the morning,i want to play too,lots of slots tons of fun the escape,convict was so blown away,he lets his hostage go and gets caught,if you consider jumping on a man that's,getting caught so i guess the purpose of,the ad was to show how crazy high the,payouts were that you'll just be so,rattled in a state of shock you have to,drop whatever it is you're doing because,a billion,times uh yeah take me back to jail i,need to play this game immediately okay,good job jimmy now just make that final,incision and if you mess this up she,will die oh geez okay uh where do i make,the cut hold that thought i gotta take,this call oh what sir we're in the,middle of surgery it's lots of slots oh,sorry my bad how much did you win one,billion dollars what's that,one billion coins oh my god that's,amazing oh she's flatlining believe,it or not i want to know how many one,billion coins,that was me what does that translate to,though i get how they could look like,one in the same but this wasn't the only,weird strange bizarre ad that i've,collected over the last one,apparently this is just a standard with,these gambling mobile apps with so many,different ones fighting for your,attention and where else but tick tock,to get these adhd stricken teenagers to,download your over-the-top dopamine,inducing slots app promising you,millions upon billions of coins those,are some big numbers but before we get,into making fun of those cringy ads i,have my own hopefully not cringy ad,that's right we have our first sponsor,this video is brought to you by oh let's,go gunner millennials scared of him i,think that is his first like his first,sponsor right buying a vpn that's huge,go gunner luckily with atlas vpn i was,up and running in a few minutes with a,cleaned is it actually ten dollars a,billion coins is ten dollars in that,connected and encrypted look at the,little superhero guy defending my,devices from internet bad guys don't you,just wanna pinch his cheeks and say,thank you sorry no you're busy keep,doing your thing right now atlas vpn is,running a huge discount it means you can,only buy coins no without 1.99 a month,with a 30-day money-back guarantee using,my link in the description with atlas,vpn i get to watch shows on streaming,platforms that were previously locked,out of my region in the us as you can,see when i place myself in the filth of,new jersey i can't watch some of my,favorite shows like parks and rec and,arrested development but suddenly i like,maple syrup and playing ice hockey,because as far as netflix knows i've,just become an honorary so it's not like,actual gambling parks and rec can,arrested development at blazing fast,speeds from my virtual private log cabin,what go oilers with a single action i,play slots if you can't make anything,off limited devices stop ads and malware,and find the best deals when shopping,online thanks a little superhero guy no,you're still busy sorry once again wait,no way,on the market right now is that right so,it's like fortnite it's like it's fake,money like fortnite v bucks that you,gamble but you can buy them too so you,literally pay to spin the slots but you,can't actually make money from the slots,you don't even get dopamine from that,you are literally paying the spin slots,with no chance of making money,holy that's crazy that what that's,wild,that makes it legal true i guess like,maybe getti

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Tik Tok gambling ads are RUINING this generation

Tik Tok gambling ads are RUINING this generation

so you've probably been on tik tok,that's that's the end of that statement,you've just probably been on tick tock,but there's a ton of game ads on there,that you've probably seen actually i,guess that wasn't the end of the,statement whatever um and a lot of them,are game ads for gambling games i guess,stardom young,like aiden ross or something,i don't know and they suck but they're,amazing so let's take a look at them,hey sir is your wife asleep yeah come,here big boy,i know we just met but could you lend me,500. i ran out of coins and i need to,top up in my slots again he's like yeah,i feel i feel yeah i feel the pain bro,that's a big theme in these is cheating,and stuff and i think that's a big theme,in a lot of the game ads just in general,but let's keep going,to win,these days,can you tell me no literally let's go,back can you tell me why i think they,make the same game ad for like 15,different like games in the same genre,and look at this his mouth like it's a,voiceover i mean you can hear it but you,can also like see it clearly doesn't,matter what he's saying,like what the ,i'll play it back for you one more time,just in normal speed so you can hear it,for yourself and that's in a lot of,these ads you'll just be able to,why also why do they have to go over two,million i feel like that's not even like,like it's one thing for the game like i,still don't think that makes that much,sense but like just make like just film,the same ad five times or whatever but,like look like why do you have to go two,million are they is this like,like a crazy deal and then in a week,they're gonna go down to like 50 grand,or something like oh yeah,okay that actually i didn't think he,said really,he has a he's pointing at three,oh that's how numbers work,i love i love 32 million,2 million 3 million,i'm lost,free coins just downloading and up to 10,million more coins every 15 minutes,they've been playing again freeze then,you have to top up to hit the jackpot,right no need to spend a single penny,this is also this is also like a very,popular song they play in like a lot of,these ads,that's kind of groovy though i'm not,even gonna lie,you can hit the jackpot within just 10,spins don't hit the jackpot just call up,and foul complete wait hitting the,jackpot is that wait call up and file,the complaint i'm not gonna look into,this cause like i,honestly don't know what what to look up,i mean i'm sure i can figure it out but,like there's no way these casino games,like each individual app has a phone,service line,i mean maybe bro i don't know i'm not in,the culture like that but,just saying,then what about the payout the payout is,super high okay that's another thing i'm,kind of confused with these apps about,is like i feel like almost at some point,when the payout is so high like what's,the point of playing the game if you're,just gonna get a ton of money i did end,up playing one of these games so you can,wait till the end to see how,that,went it was interesting but um,yeah let's go to the next ad this was,lots of slots and i think the next one,is too yup we have another video lots of,slots bad mobile game ads let's get into,i want to make a it sir what seems to be,the problem also i guess they do have a,phones in this line in this ad universe,i don't i don't think in the in the real,universe but maybe in the ad universe,i don't know,did you guys claim that all new users,get two million points,see it's again but they're using the,same like number so i would almost,presume that it's two million every time,but why,what the ,as soon as they download the game how,come i didn't get a single coin did you,download the game for the link at the,bottom of this video,that's another thing like i don't think,there's that many games called lots of,slots you know what i mean like maybe,there is i'm once again not to look at,it even though my phone is right next to,me so i could but i don't care enough,like why,i almost feel like i mean maybe it's one,of those links where it's like if you,download the from the link in the,description you get free coins but i,don't think that would affect like your,probability chances,maybe i'm tripping i don't know,did you download the game,at the bottom of this video,no no no i didn't then i think you might,have made a mistake this video,way to download the game we promise to,give them okay well i don't think that's,true because they have different ads but,whatever and the same music again i,think this is a little more dramello and,i'm surprised how fast they got to the,point in this one only 24 seconds into,the ad only has an average engagement,rate though so honestly it must be a, game two million,they did it for her too like come on bro,just look at her mouth moving,free points for every new player a,million,you'll watch later as i already,mentioned but i spent two minutes,playing the game and i was bored out of,my mind so i don't know who's,spending 20 minutes on the game or 15,minutes or,even three minutes bu

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Арбитраж трафика. Gambling iOS TikTok . Больше депов чем на андроиде ?

Арбитраж трафика. Gambling iOS TikTok . Больше депов чем на андроиде ?

всем привет в этом ролике я буду,рассказывать как заливать гимпл ios обои,тег токи и так для начала нам нужно,будет сгенерировать нашу ссылочку потока,я уже это сделала она у меня здесь,записано,потом нам нужно продать подобрать в этот,пэйдж,white пейдж это то что мы будем,показывать ну то есть это наша клоака,это то что мы будем показывать,модератором с tick tock а,так давайте перейдем в applestore так,как мы будем лить на ios нам нужно,приложения с apple сторону,так,так как у меня white точнее кремом с,курочками,поэтому мне нужно подобрать,white тоже с курочками,потому что если что-то другое выберу то,есть шанс что мне выведет ошибку,несоответствие,афера с крем поэтому лучше подбирать под,наш креатив и так видим что у нас здесь,14 отзывов этого мало,здесь у нас нет вертикальных фоток,смотрите самое важное чтобы закончить,ссылку,это,учесть то что должны быть виртуальные а,не виртуальные а вертикальных фотки и,отзывы с той страны на которую мы будем,лить в моём случае это италия,поэтому мне нужны отзывы считали этот,нам не подходит,этот тоже нам не подойдет из-за чего из,за того что,там у нас,14 отзывов вот вот этот нам подходит,здесь есть виртуальные,блин не виртуальное вертикальное фото и,из 20 тысяч и тысяч отзывов у нас точно,есть отзывы сын италии,нажимаем,поделиться и,копируем так нашел,скопированную ссылку,с телефона вставляем в браузер,попадаем на наше приложение и здесь нам,нужно скопировать,название и айди,затем нам нужно перейти в dota для lucky,вот он у нас,здесь мы нажимаем начальное меню,затем нажимаем,загрузить white пэйдж,сгенерировать white пэйдж,здесь мы,выбираем,страна у нас италия вставляем,скопированный приложение делаем пробел,выделяем наши geo,storm,так видим что,бог принял наше приложение,вот если он не принимает значит скорее,всего на,вашем приложении нет отзывов с той,страны на которую вы собираетесь лить,или уже нет,вертикальных фото,которые нужны для того чтобы хорошо,встал,black так,вот он вот он наш пакет приложение 86,потом мы нажимаем,начальное меню,закончить два приложения стоп это у нас,ios,здесь мы нажимаем,начальное меню и,не пво приложение а закончить ссылку,здесь нажимаем заплачен град тип-топ и,выбираем нашу страну и,талия,домен давайте будем тестировать выберем,фан,86 это наш,white который мы с вами сделали,выбираем теперь нужно отправить ссылочку,потока ссылочку потока делаем в нашей,п.п. у меня она уже заранее,подготовленную я просто копирую и,вставляю,начался процесс резервирования,доме на платили получили,заплаченную ссылку и,так смотрите,здесь у нас вот идет код и пилы а,это у нас нужно заменить,копируем,открываем текстовый документ или заметки,как я здесь я подпишу чтобы мне было,удобно,3,штук и ставим наши white итак смотрите,нам нужно вот сюда он,прописать наш этот,наше приложение в моем случае это,ios juicy,насколько я помню,так вот он у нас,мы знаем и,вставляем наше приложение,так буква и не скопировалось,ios велся на все верно и вот сюда нам,нужно вставить наш пиксель,я тоже уже возьму заранее подготовленный,пиксель и,ставлю теперь копируем,компанию,переходим в,тик ток кстати,сама риге на самолетах сейчас проблемы с,платеж коми с агентствами проблем это то,что их постоянно банят и практически не,осталось against которые,выдают кабинет и ссылочку на свое,агентство я оставлю в описании если вас,заинтересует если вам нужно будет,напишите разберетесь,здесь мы значит нажимаем создать рекламу,выбираем конверсия,нажимаем продолжить,если вам что то непонятно и вас,интересует обучение то можете обратиться,ко мне в личные сообщения в telegram,ссылочку и тоже оставлю в описании,так же подписывайтесь на наш чат и не,подписывайтесь и вступайте в наш чат у,нас там 270 человек,вот здесь мы значит делаем пиксель,могли пиксель уже готов,событиях субскрайб,места размещения,оставляем только те кто,дальше местоположению у нас,италия,тот моим делом многим это в первую,очередь это ли потом франция испания и,бразилия и индия,здесь выбираем не вскоре,возраст до 55 и плюс,мы будем достраивать таргет по интересам,поэтому здесь делаем максимально широк,широкие настройки,нажимаем добавить интересы и здесь,выбираем карибам,как видим доступная аудитория у нас,широкая 6 миллионов,прописываем казино и,выбираем азартные игры азартные игры,казино и другие казино ними и,вот наша аудитория составляет 47,59 тысяч человек узкой,выбираем устройство ios и наша аудитория,еще меньше,хорошо,приставить дальше здесь выбираем 50,долларов оптимальнее всего и,оставляем самую низкую стоимость,здесь,настроили все,правильно,нажимаем далее,а вы креативов если вы не знаете где,искать исходники то у меня есть бот,спай болт,заходим сюда нажимаем найти креатив,я по-быстрому сейчас ему создам запрос,здесь вечно допустим нам нужно на казино,пишем,научную фраза тип медиа-контента,выбираем видео и,начинаем поиск,мы видим вот нашел на,креатива на гиблинг,вот они,если этого мало нажимаем загрузить еще и,вот находит нам еще креативы,вот ссылочку на этого бота не оставлю в,описании подписка на него платная,если он вам н

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Tutorial | Reasons Why Your TikTok Ads Are Rejected - TikTok Ads Manager 101

Tutorial | Reasons Why Your TikTok Ads Are Rejected - TikTok Ads Manager 101

are your tic toc ads getting rejected,are you not sure if your content is,being accepted,today we are going to take a look at the,top reasons the tick tock ads,are rejected,hi everybody welcome to the tick tock,ads manager 101 series,i'm peter and i'm here to help you,through your tick tock advertising,journey,our mission is to help you successfully,launch your very first campaign on tick,tock,so let's get started,for this episode we will talk about the,ad creatives and common reasons why ads,are rejected,now on tick tock we ensure a safe and,authentic user experience by holding,advertisers to a high standard for the,content they promote on our platforms,which is why we review each ad to make,sure it complies with our ad creative,policies,and local regulations now i have,personally come across many ad creatives,that have been,rejected due to various reasons and i'm,here to help you understand some of them,so that when you start your campaign,you're already aware of what not to do,so let's take a look at our first reason,that many ads get rejected,the ads that make exaggerated overstated,or misleading claims about product,performance is clearly,not compliant with our policies like an,ad that says they are going to give,twenty thousand dollars once you sign up,without any proof,or if this particular product says,you're going to lose 15 pounds in one,month,basically any weight loss claims i have,another one too,this product will give you 100,satisfaction in life,these absolute claims are not encouraged,on our platform and our review team,will reject any such ads if you look at,the caption in the first one it says 100,natural herbal cream number one of the,whole world,absolute terms and the second one says,use this service and get married,in three days well that's not okay,now let's talk about the second reason,that ads get rejected,which is if ads show products or,services from a prohibited industry,i have seen a lot of ads get rejected,for this particular reason,it's really important for you to know,the list of prohibited,items from your own market tick tock has,always maintained,very strong policies for an authentic,and safe user experience,which is why we don't allow items like,illegal drugs or,adult content you can have a look at the,whole list,if you visit the help center link in,your ads platform,the first part contains the products or,services which are currently prohibited,in all countries and regions like,cigarettes weapons gambling political,ads and more,and the second part contains the list,from various different markets,now we come to the third reason and this,is important guys,if the products and prices in the ads,are not consistent or relevant to the,products and prices on the promoted,website,the ad will be rejected for example,if the product shown in the ad creative,is different,than from the landing page or the price,shown in the creative is,inconsistent with the price on the,website then our review team,rejects the ad in the first creative the,ad,introduces a facial essence for oily,skin in the video but,shows a car on the website the second ad,states a discount of,up to 30 percent off but on the website,you can see,up to 50 percent off and then in the,third one the website is too vague to,determine,if there is any relevancy at all,moving on to the next one the promoted,website does not function properly or,does not contain information required by,local regulations,this is another common reason for,rejection,for example websites that don't open,properly,websites that are not mobile friendly,websites that don't contain the contact,information of the seller,or websites without a clearly stated,refund or return policy,we at tick tock ensure that it's not,just the ad creative that is important,but also the website that you are,promoting and that should comply with,the local rules so as to safeguard our,users,moving on the next reason has to do with,issues of the ads,texts or captions for example ads with,spelling errors,excessive or distracting capitalization,of certain words,or using symbols in place of letters,there could also be issues like,incomplete texts and videos,grammar mistakes or text logos that have,been covered by stickers,check this out first we have the,incorrect spelling of the word sale,and also notice certain letters are,capitalized and certain letters are not,second we have the use of the at sign in,the question mark,there's also the spelling mistake of,sale not to mention,the capitalization again third,there is a very cute cat sticker,covering the main logo,for example if the ad creative has low,resolution that is blurry,a part of the creative is covered up,with black bars,or if it looks pixelated it gets,rejected,i have also seen some uploaded ads,without any sound or,audio this can be a bad experience for,our users,after their streak of user generated,content and hence,these are rejected you also need to,ensure that the audio quality is decent,if your audio quality sounds li

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Is Golden Nugget Las Vegas The Greatest Place To Play Slots In The World?! (I THINK SO 🙌🏼)

Is Golden Nugget Las Vegas The Greatest Place To Play Slots In The World?! (I THINK SO 🙌🏼)

what's up everyone and we're uh playing,some slots today obviously you know what,the title was you see the background and,uh we're playing this Egypt one looks,pretty cool,yeah zoom in we have 200.,the throw,anything to add Greta uh no we're at,Golden nuggets on Fremont I mean golden,nugget nugget just one it's just one,nugget,laughs,is it all in yeah volume all the way up,oh my yeah I like that,lately I've been uh,not the greatest streak ever,here we go,oh we got it let's go,we got the bonus let's go,get the bonus real quick today,oh fun,oh that's gotta be real big baby,61 already,then,oh yeah,ridiculous ridiculous,doesn't look too happy sorry about that,ridiculous,look at that we're up 75 everyone,look at that,let's give it back now,where can we get a better bonus that's,the real question,the photos right away,oh fun what's that 28 nice,not bad at all not bad,nice,foreign,well that's a lot of cats that is a ton,of cats it's got to be good 46. let's go,46 of those let's go,up a hundred,years,you see this,project yeah we got like overseas over,so we got these these uh progressives,gotcha,we need 10 of them yeah that's what we,want,yeah yeah,foreign,can't believe how quickly we got the,bonus on this one,five dollars nice,nope,you got four of those gems,oh here we go can we get it,get it no,it's nice,oh we had five of the gems dang,foreign,yeah seriously,again five I've gotten five a few times,it's four,no,foreign,we're still up,sixty dollars,five gems again,nice,not nice,not nice,it's impossible,give it a spin Greta ready yeah I'm,ready,here we go,that's it that's enough,five,um,this is a progressive bet,Progressive man right there,okay what's this what's the difference,oh what am I doing this one's better,375 Progressive fit Crystal cluster,progressives with more crit though,there's more crystals than this one,let's try this one,this might be bad,this might be where we lose our butts,but,we're here to play 10 bucks nice,so 375 is the true max bet on this,machine,oh what's that 21 baby,foreign,oh we're down,can we get that bonus again please,dang it,foreign,I get feel another bonus,it's in there somewhere,nice,there it is,no why I hate when this it has two tries,to get any fails,huh,foreign,I should go back to my old strategy,where I do like a couple spins,I hit I leave if I don't have to leave,sometimes,13. all right a couple more spins let's,try to get that bonus one more time,more spins here,certainly in tank mode,that's pretty good,oh bro why,ah,that was just rude,unnecessarily rude,all right last minute I promise,you're just getting that one,oh my God what's going on there,oh 26 let's go,machine's starting to feel bad for me,thank you,what do you think Russia should we leave,wow you just can't go down,oh that's gonna be good,that's 25er let's go,this one just keeps me on,it it's like,all right very last spin one two three,on me spinning,that's it that's it I've had enough one,more spin actually one more,that's it I've had enough I've had,enough,bathroom,dang it all right that's it,for a really long time,start with 200 leave me with 126 what's,that 74 lost not bad all right,at least one bye

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Do This To Make HUGE Profits CPA Marketing 2023

Do This To Make HUGE Profits CPA Marketing 2023

as you can see this top one is running a,massive 17 000 profit i'm gonna show you,a secret sauce that absolutely exploded,my cpa affiliate marketing profits you,do not want to miss this hi guys if,you're new here my name's liam james k,and i'm a super affiliate i've been,affiliate marketing probably about five,years now and i've made millions of,dollars in commissions i'm clickbank,platinum two years in a row but in this,video i'm gonna share with you a secret,sauce that is absolutely gonna blow your,mind it's almost like a hack that means,you're never gonna have to worry about,the cost of your clicks ever again and,you can make some insane profits which,i'm gonna show you proof of in just a,moment but before we do that i'm gonna,be giving away two copies of my five,thousand dollar native ads training,program in this video so make sure you,keep an eye out to find out how you can,win a copy of that let's get started,first up if you don't know what cpa,marketing is it's just another form of,affiliate marketing it stands for cost,per action the way that it works,companies will usually pay you out a,small commission for usually generating,them leads so for example you would sign,up to a cpa network that's got lots of,offers on there you can grab a unique,referral link or affiliate link to one,of those offers when you share that if,someone clicked on that link and then,they signed up entered an email address,on a website or something like that that,company might pay you out one dollar or,two dollar for generating them a lead,but there's lots of different variations,to cpa marketing it's not just people,entering email addresses sometimes,companies might want you to get,customers to enter credit card details,or sign up for free trials or sometimes,even purchase products or make deposits,and the commissions you can earn from,them vary greatly depending on the type,of offer so now i just want to jump on,the computer to show you some results,from an offer that i've been promoting,so this is a cpa network that i've been,running some campaigns on and as you can,see this top campaign the amount i've,generated so far is 53,9344 in commissions i'm just going to,refresh this here so you can see it's,all legit,it's not a screenshot when it loads 53,000 there and i'm actually going to show,you profit margins in just a moment but,i really want to focus on this this is,the epc and if you don't know epc stands,for earnings per click and earnings per,click is is kind of an average amount of,money that i earn,for every click that i send to the offer,so the way they work that out is by,getting the amount of commissions that,i've received divided by how many clicks,i've sent to that offer and it gives us,an average earnings per click now this,is a really important metric if you're,doing any kind of paid traffic because,if your cost per click is lower than,your earnings per click then you're,always gonna be in profit and at five,dollars earnings per click is very very,good and that's very high especially for,a cpa offer if anyone's tried doing cpa,marketing they will know that that it's,very difficult to get earnings per click,of over five dollars and i'm gonna share,some secrets with you in a minute but,what that means for me is that no,traffic source is really too expensive i,can run tier one the best native ad,campaigns on the best websites i can be,out bidding the most of my competition,and i'm still gonna be in profit because,my earnings per click is so high and,that means i can even pay up to like,four dollars per click and i will be in,profit so that's very very important,metric and i'm going to share some,secrets with you how to increase this,earnings per click but i just want to,show you the profit margins for this and,then we'll delve into it a little bit,more so just quickly this is my tracking,software,where i track all of my conversions and,sales for cpa and affiliate marketing,and as you can see this top campaign,here is responsible for 46 000 of that,revenue and as you can see a profit of,over 17 000,and an roi of 61 roi and if we look down,here you can see the epc here um for,this specific campaign is 4.28 some of,them have even got like a nine dollar,epc as well down here but really,importantly if we look at the end column,estimated cost per click is,2.64 it's costing me 2.64 to get a click,to this offer and that is quite,expensive but my earnings per click is,so high that means i'm still earning a,massive profit of 61,roi so the question is how do you get a,really high epc when you're doing cpa,marketing well it's actually quite,simple when you think about it the epc,relates to one of two things it's either,the conversion rate of the offer and how,well it's converting,or it's related to the payout of the,offer how much you actually earn in,commissions from that offer they both,have a massive impact on the earnings,per click that you can earn from an,offer now i just want to show you,something on a cpa network now t

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