tiktok brand ads

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Best TikTok Ad/Brand Campaigns You Should Know

hey everyone welcome back to filmora mvp,youtube channel today we will introduce,you to top 10 tick tock ads tick tock,brand campaigns examples worth looking,at,then let's get started,netflix wins with user generated content,netflix is the second most followed,brand on tick tock it has a massive pool,of original content such as interviews,with actors humorous skits and video,clips from the latest shows,averagely three posts per day gain over,1 million followers monthly their user,generated content has worked very well,the hashtag what's your power ar branded,effect got used by over 112 000 people,it is likely the most significant amount,of ugc for any brand on tick tock so far,elf cosmetics sets trends with tick tock,live,cosmetic brand elf is a front runner in,the best beauty brands on successful,tick tock campaign examples it is one of,the first beauty brands to market,through tiktok the beauty brand recently,created an nft collection that promotes,cryptocurrency and the group launched,its twitch channel,amazon track sales through tick tock,ambassadors,amazon is the third most hashtag,challenge brand on tick tock they,recognize influencers potential which is,why they partnered with over 40 micro,and mega influencers in a single amazon,fashion campaign as one of the best,tiktok campaign ideas to carry their,hashtag pajamajam challenge to the next,level,gymshark sets the bar for fitness on,tiktok as an early adopter,the brand posts high quality videos,consistently and has a good,understanding of its audience's desire,it shares workout videos motivational,content and a solid mix of memes which,have helped them earn over 3.3 million,fans on tick tock,marc jacobs perfects tick-tock duets,marc jacobs mastered the art of,tick-tock duets and tick-tock brand,campaigns and propelled it to be one of,the most followed brands on tick-tock,the company launched branded hashtag,challenges in the form of tick-tock,adverts and each time the tock duet,feature is utilized their hashtag,perfect as i am campaign which,constituted duets with ricky thompson,and other three influencers in summer,2020 end it with 10.4 billion views the,challenge aimed at encouraging self-love,celebrating pride and individuality,three massive tick-tock influencers jojo,siwa bretman rock and ricky thompson,were featured,over 13.7 billion views and more than 2,000 ugc accumulated from their campaigns,duncan warms up to gen z with charlie,dimigio,duncan is undoubtedly one of the best,food brands on tiktok it has more than,21 million likes and over 3 million,followers its popularity with gen z on,tick tock comes from their endorsement,with tick tock star charlie demilio in a,smart move a long-term sponsorship with,charlie solidified their influence since,she was already a proud duncan patron,duncan beverages appeared in over 120 of,her tick tocks mostly unsponsored,products,flighthouse is a content powerhouse,the most followed brand account on tick,tock is flighthouse running one of the,successful tick tock campaigns it has,over 30 million followers and it,specializes in producing viral social,media content especially on tick tock,videos from this brand have more likes,than any other branded account ranking,it fourth amongst the most linked,accounts on tick tock for comparison,flighthouse has over 1 billion more,likes than michael lee a tick tock star,with 50 million followers so far,flighthouse has produced 4 300 tick,tocks a greater content volume than any,other brand on the app,readable bolsters brand awareness with,suspenseful footage,red bull is one of the largest branded,content producers with over 2,60 videos which is much higher than,charlie dimiglio and addison ray its,consistent unique and humorous content,helped the brand receive around 1.2,million likes on tick tock every month,they share a hilarious flop for every,terrifying trick,the trick has far been effective at,ensuring their audiences still has,attention for them,blue diamond almonds shows brand it's,not too late to try tiktok blue diamond,almonds brand hasn't been presented on,tiktok till june 2021 this time they,launched an enticing food challenge that,highlighted their new line of spicy,almonds after partnering with three food,influencers the hashtag 28 extremes,challenge got promoted the sponsored,video with food creator at colin creates,received 322 likes and over 10.1 million,views thus becoming his most viewed,video ever so far it has received over,11.6 billion views,dick's sporting goods makes a game time,decision with tick-tock ad features,dick's sporting goods does not have the,most considerable tick-tock presence as,it only has around 42 100 followers,until they launched their first branded,hashtag challenge hashtag new fit felin,involved six influencers and inspired,1136 pieces of ugc it came to pass,without using any branded effects they,utilized tic tock's branded effect,option during their second campaign,welcome back the campaign had,accumulated 7020 ugc despite being

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok brand ads

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I bought things from *TIKTOK ADS*... LET'S TEST THEM

I bought things from *TIKTOK ADS*... LET'S TEST THEM

teeny tiny little they look like pills,oh boy oh boy oh boy oh my God,this on their boobs it's just not gonna,work,well this makeup is a little bit,dramatic this is a lot for me if you're,new to my channel I don't wear my makeup,like this all the time I just filmed a,real slash Tick Tock of me recreating,Megan the stallions Grammy's makeup look,which I absolutely was in love with and,I just did this on there and then I,thought you know what while I've got,this makeup on I'm gonna sit down and,film a video I mean it does look pretty,cool if I do say so myself but I would,not leave the house with this one anyway,in today's video I'm going to be testing,some things that I bought because of,tick tock these things that I've,purchased came up as an ad on my Tick,Tock feed you know every so often when,you're scrolling you keep going you keep,going and then an ad will pop up for a,random thing it seems to be the most,random things for me sometimes it's,beauty stuff and other stuff is like,cookie dough or a mattress or something,and these are some of the things that I,was genuinely curious in and so I,ordered them I think I've done something,like this before where I bought stuff,that was on Tick Tock lives I can't,remember if I've done an ads one but,here it is today let's just get into it,by the way if you want the details about,if you want the details this makeup it's,on my Instagram I listed all of the,products that I used okay so this first,Tick Tock ad that came up I actually had,a few different brands or accounts,posting the same product and basically,what I have generally found is that a,lot of the products that come up on Tick,Tock ads are sort of like Drop Shipping,type things so the company will purchase,a load of a particular product that's,just like a wholesale type product that,buy loads of them and then like Mark up,the price loads and sell them on their,website and I mean loads of stuff is,done by Drop Shipping anyway but just a,little hack here if you click on a,product on Tick Tock it comes up say,it's like 20 quid look at the sort of,brand name that's actually written on,that product in this example it is a lip,Plumping product and type that in on,Amazon or Ebay and it will probably come,up with loads of Cheaper things because,it's all the same brand and it's just,like bulk bought and then marked up for,higher prices on people's Tick Tock,shops but the brand in particular I,ended up seeing is called at syrup,cosmetics and in this ad it looks very,extreme there is a woman testing this,and this is no more lip fillers watch,till they end she's put this on half her,lips and the side that she's put it on I,mean to be fair it looks like she's had,an allergic reaction it's definitely,very plump on the side that she put it,on but it does look a little bit,dangerous so I clicked through to their,website it was a us-based website I,believe and it said it was the syrup day,and night lip plumper reduced from 50.95,to 28.95 lies it was never 50.95 in the,first place I can guarantee you sorry I,really feel like I'm going in on this,particular company like so many other,companies do this but they'll put like,was 50 now 28 dollars to sort of entice,you and be like oh it's a good deal it's,on sale when in reality I went on Amazon,typed in the roll lip plumper because,that's what's actually written on it and,I got the exact same thing for nine,pounds this one seems to be the daytime,one this one seems to be the nighttime,one but I don't know what the difference,is I think honestly I'm just gonna put,both of them on and hope for the best I,might actually try it on one half of my,lips they're very small teeny tiny,little they look like pills in the,information it just says daytime use,ginger Essence lips plump use at night,mint Night Repair moist lips double,effect unification collocation is used,for plump lips,I'm confused let's try the daytime one,so these are my lips before,well I mean I guess you'll see if it,does anything because I'm just gonna put,it on half,oh Christ,guys it's already starting to tingle,okay it's mildly tingling right now,should I put some more on,oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh God okay,it's starting to burn it's really,starting to burn it's starting to burn,ow oh you know what I've done my,lips are uneven anyway and I've just put,it on the bigger side does anyone else,have ever slightly uneven lips oh crap I,got it on my tongue I got it on my,tongue I got on my tongue why does this,happen every time I've got to say this,does not feel Pleasant it feels not nice,like it's really tingling it feels like,it's burning a bit it feels like I've,like rubbed hot chilies on my lips it's,getting worse like it actually it really,is uncomfortable okay it's been a few,minutes I just had to go and answer the,door oh my God I felt like,you I feel like I've got loads of saliva,in my mouth oh wow you know what guys it,is actually working my lips are becoming,more red on that side and I can,definitely see it's Pl

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How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

hello everyone welcome to technic four's,learning in the previous videos i've,talked about the tick tock ads the,basics and benefits of advertising on,tiktok and i've showed you how to,advertise on tick tock step by step now,let's take a look of the different ways,to advertise on tick tock let's get,started,let's get into what tick-tock ads,actually look like tick-tock offers a,variety of different creative ad formats,for brands and businesses to explore,you've likely seen most of the different,types of your daily tick tock scroll up,here are five types of tick-tock ads we,have in feed ads brand takeover top view,branded hashtag challenge and branded,effects,with a variety of different options to,choose from it's hard to know which ad,format is best for your brand which is,why we dive into different types of,tick-tock ads and how they can work for,your business first in-field ads are the,video ads that appear in between user,videos as you scroll through your for,you page if you are unfamiliar with,tick-tock and the for you page in feed,ads are very similar to the ads you'd,see while tapping through instagram,stories you can get super creative with,inpeed ads you can include multiple call,to actions and make your video anywhere,between 9 to 15 seconds,having the opportunity to include a call,to action is a huge advantage for,example you can encourage users to shop,now download your app or visit your,website right from tick tock one thing,to keep in mind is that like any other,video on for you page in feed ads can be,scrolled past or skip pretty quickly you,only have about two to three seconds to,catch your audience's eye before they,keep scrolling in feed ads should be,full screen and should be enticing,enough to stop users from scrolling past,your content another positive to infeed,ads tiktok users can like comment share,and interact with your video just like,any other video on the for you page,here's a quick tip work with influencers,for your in feed ads,next we have brand takeover,have you ever opened tick tock and,receive an ad right away if so those are,brand takeover ads,brand takeover ads appear upon opening,the app presenting a full screen video,to your targeted audience they're one of,tick talk ads best option for delivering,mass awareness and driving direct sales,since you can place your messaging right,in front of your target audience not,only do this ad show up as soon as users,open tick tock but they can also appear,on the forum page as still images gifs,or videos including a clickable link,driving users to a landing page or a,hashtag challenge within tiktok brand,take over ads are exclusive to their,category which means that tick-tocks,make sure users don't see more than one,brand take over per day with brand,takeover ads you can expect a lot of,eyes on your content with a little,competition if you're just starting out,with tick-tock ads brand takeovers may,not be your first choice because while,super effective brand takeovers do come,at a high cost if you're a bigger brand,with a large marketing budget they are a,great option for fast growth and,reaching a large group of tick-tock,users next we have top view,top view ads are new advertising options,that builds on brand takeovers what,makes top view ads different is that,unlike branded takeover ads tick-tock,users aren't bombarded with an ad as,soon as they open the app tab view ads,are the first in-feed post after three,seconds it shows up at the top of your,forum page tick tock's most premium real,essay with up to 60 seconds of full,screen video with autoplay and sound,then we have branded hashtag challenge,branded hashtag challenges are,one-of-a-kind advertising opportunity,exclusively to tick-tock you've probably,seen branded hashtag challenges,displayed on tick-tock's discovery page,similar to regular hashtag trends and,challenges on tick-tock branded hashtag,challenges offer both organic and,sponsored opportunities for brands,they're a great way to encourage user,generated content and build brand,awareness the best part about brand,hashtag challenges you can have a ton of,fun with them they are an awesome way,for brands to collaborate and seamlessly,integrate themselves into the tik tok,culture and community,and lastly,branded effects tick tock now offers,branded shareable stickers ar filters,and lenses in their advertising mix,similar to snapchat's branded lenses,tick tock's branded defects allow brands,to design their own custom filter on the,app branded effects can be live up to 10,days at a time and are an awesome way to,encourage users to directly interact,with your brand in a fun way,and there you have it different ways to,advertise on tick tock have you tried,tik tok what are your thoughts so far,leave it on the comments down below and,before this video ends did you know that,you can run live on-demand scheduled,webinar replays with hands-free,automation and the breakthrough sales,getting features with no hosting,required,and has d

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How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (Step-by-Step)

How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (Step-by-Step)

let's face it whether you're a drop,shipper brand owner agency owner or,freelancer if you're not taking,advantage of advertising on tick tock,you are missing out on some serious,games most people who start advertising,on tick tock whether that's organically,or using the paid tick tock ads manager,seem to think that there is some sort of,winning media buying strategy that's,just going to have them getting insanely,low cpms or single-digit cpas as you can,see brand right now is at 25 000 in,sales for this month and the month has,just begun,but after scaling a brand new brand to,multiple six figures per month using,tick tock ads and spending hundreds of,thousands of dollars on the platform i,can confidently tell you that the only,thing that you need to do insanely well,is the creatives,the platform is so fast-paced people on,it have the attention spans of a,goldfish telling you right now the only,way to succeed,is to create content consistently that,sets you apart from the rest,so today you're going to learn for free,exactly how i create high converting,viral tick tock ads to promote my,e-commerce products and services that,work for both posting organically and on,the paid ads managing platform as well,but first i don't want to just shovel,this information down your throat,without showing you any real-life,examples so i actually found a wow,factor product to sell this summer,ordered into my house and then went out,and shot viral organic tick-tock ads,with it and just before we get started i,do want to announce the weekly giveaway,to win a custom-built shopify,dropshipping store built by my team here,at outright,three simple steps to win all you have,to do is smash a big like on this video,comment something insightful down below,and go ahead and subscribe to the,channel those three things you're,automatically entered for your chance to,win and the winner will be announced in,my next week's video and while you're,down in the section below the first link,in the description is actually a link to,book a discovery call if you are,interested in seeing how my team here at,econ can help you with your e-commerce,goals this year all right so recently i,attempted a zero dollar dropshipping,challenge with a wow factor product that,i could promote purely organically using,the power of tik tok so that i can show,you firsthand exactly what i do to,promote my businesses now before i start,revealing all the secrets to creating,viral high converting tech talks to,promote your brand i just want to show,you a few of the ads from this challenge,that performed very well so you can get,an idea of what it is that we're going,to be talking about now i won't go,through every single one we actually,made 10 different ads on the one shoot,but i'll show you a couple of them and,perform quite well on the challenge,which by the way if you do want to see,the full challenge video i'll leave a,link to that video somewhere up here my,bro got new shorts so we went to the,beach for a photo shoot,then he showed me the reason he bought,them,gonna go buy myself a pair for the,summer now,so the product i was selling was as you,guys could tell the color changing swim,shorts was a pretty popular drop,shipping product over the years on,facebook but i figured it needed some,love on tick-tock it had all the right,elements and that wow factor that'll,catch people's attention in the first,couple seconds so that's exactly what i,did and all i did was i went out and,grabbed my friend to use as the model,you can do that if you have a friend or,family member who would fit with what,you're selling just simply ask them you,know maybe pay them a small amount of,money and go up and do a little shoot,with them so now that you have an idea,about what i'm talking about don't worry,you don't have to shoot all the content,yourself i'm going to talk about that as,well let me start showing you how i did,this and how you can get other types of,content created for your brand as well,and the keys to what i do for promoting,all my brands and finding success on,tick tock both organically and paid,right now all right so first things,first before you even think about,creating an advertisement on tick tock,you must understand these two things,first one is that you really need to,understand your customer and the,audience okay so who's your target,market who are you appealing to what,types of content do they want to see on,the platform etc etc next thing is you,want to make sure that you're planning,your pieces of content out to be,somewhere between 8 to 15 seconds long,remember when i said people have the,attention spans of a goldfish on,tick-tock that's entirely true so i,found if you go over this time limit,your watch time is likely going to,suffer which is going to lead to,decreased performance in your ads now,starting off with what not to do here's,a couple examples of ads that just,wouldn't work okay and big brands make,these mistakes all the time not only on,tick tock but just

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TikTok Ads For Fashion Brands

TikTok Ads For Fashion Brands

hey this is archie and today we're going,to talk about how to run ads on tiktok,for fashion brands yes it's going to be,specifically for fashion brands so if,you have a fashion brand where if you're,running ads for a fashion business then,this is a video specifically designed,for you now it's going to be a pretty,comprehensive video probably quite a,long one because i'm going to cover,every single important point to run a,profitable ticket ad campaign starting,from your business account and finishing,to your ad creatives how to create them,how they should look like and many more,things that will be following so take a,piece of paper pay attention stay,focused and let's get started now,because i want to simplify this process,i'm gonna show you step by step how to,do this so the first step is to head,over to the techclock.com,business now there are two options here,one you ever already created an account,and in that case you just need to select,it or you have to create a new business,account so you'll go to this page you'll,click on the create new button,highlighted with this kind of branded,color from tick tock you'll be sent to,like another page and here you'll have,to create like your article page i,already have a business account that's,why they are gonna ask me just to choose,it but you'll just need to you know,create for your email your name your,business information and you'll get your,business account ready for running ads,it is a pretty self-explanatory process,so i'm gonna click on my you know,business account right here,i'll be sent to the ads manager because,i already have the ad account but i'm,going to explain real quickly about the,business center because this is a pretty,important aspect of like the tick tock,ecosystem so if i click right here on,this small icon that looks like a bag,which says business center i'm gonna be,sent to like this page where first of,all i need to select my business account,because i'm working with clients all,over the world,but you're pretty much if you're running,ads for yourself you'll have only one,account which is enough so here you'll,see a pretty similar kind of dashboard,as you would see on facebook ads if you,are running it or if you run it on that,platform so here on you can,see like your members you can add people,if you have a team where if you have,other people that are running ads for,your business then you could click here,on members and then invite someone by,adding their email giving them access to,your tick tock ad account your ticket,page and you know all the other aspects,that they will pretty much need in order,to run ads for your business,now once i covered a little bit about,the ad account this is something that i,want to talk next so the second step so,the first step we said that we need to,create a business account the second,step is to create the ad account so as,we would you know have a physical system,on facebook where we have our business,page then under the business page we,create our ad account it is kind of the,same thing with tick tock so we want to,create our ad account to do that under,the assets we want to click on the,advertiser accounts so here i already,have an account but in your case if it's,a completely new ad account you'll have,to create a new one so you'll click on,this add advertiser account like it's a,button highlighted with again with your,brand color you will click on create new,next you'll add the name the time zone,the currency you know the place of,registration i'm talking about your,business the company name the website,the industry you'll click next and,finish it is a very easy process the,other things to mention here is tiktok,accounts when you're creating your,business account you can link your like,you know business page with your,personal page so that's something that i,would recommend because afterwards it's,quite easy to run ads from your tick,tock page using your post so you could,like grow your you know your followers,like have that social proof other things,then that if you're giving access to,someone make sure you give them access,also to your ticktock account so that,you they could also run ads from your,particular page otherwise they will need,to create an identity now i'm gonna talk,a little bit later on about the identity,it's something different from facebook,ads it's something pretty cool generally,speaking you could run ads even without,with a tick tock page which is really,great so now let's go to the ads manager,i'm gonna click right here on the,advertiser accounts and then i will,click here at the ads manager now the,next step that we want to do is pretty,much going straight forward into,creating our first campaign and now once,i am here in the ads manager the next,step that we have to implement is,creating our first campaign or maybe the,second campaign or third campaign,depending on you know your history,depending on how long you've been in the,tick-tock ad space so just to clarify a,few thi

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5 TikTok Video Ideas For Your BUSINESS

5 TikTok Video Ideas For Your BUSINESS

Smartphone, $1,500. Laptop, $2,500.,Latest haircut, $300. Being an early adopter on TikTok:,priceless. So,,you want to be one of the first mover and shakers on TikTok,,but you have no idea what videos to actually post,,especially as a business owner so that you actually grow your business. Well,,you're in luck because in today's video I'm sharing with you five TikTok videos,that you can create for your business to actually grow it.,And stay tuned until the end where I'm going to share an embarrassing dance,video of myself.,So the first type of TikTok video you can create for your business is what I,call Yup, Nope. Let me show you an example.,Nope, Yup, Nope, Yup,,Nope, Yup, Nope, Yup.,So the idea here is you go ahead and film yourself doing the yup, nope thing.,And then on screen you pop up text where you're saying yes or no to certain,things about your world.,Now of course you're not going to make it all about business.,Make some of it personal too.,But this video is a great way for people just to get to know you a little bit,more. I've made my very own Yup, Nope video, so check it out.,No, Yup, no, yup, no, yup, no, yup.,The second type of TikTok you can make for your business is what I'm calling the,before and after story. So it's pretty straight forward.,You're just going to film yourself alongside a song that you really like.,And then using the text on screen,,you're going to illustrate what your life was like before your business and what,it's like after. So I found an example, and this is what it looks like.,So the idea with this one is for your followers to get to know you in 15 to 30,seconds, like we're talking really succinct. That's the whole point of TikToks.,So you really need to distill your story down quickly.,So one to two sentences of where you were at before and then the transformation,that you've experienced because of your business, your product, your service,,whatever it is that you're offering. I gave this one a shot.,So here's my example.,The third type of TikTok is called get to know me. However,,this one's a little bit more like answering a common misconception that people,have about you or your business.,So if there's a question you get all the time or there's a common belief that,people have about you that's wrong.,This type of TikTok is perfect for you to set the record straight.,Here is an example of the get to know me TikTok.,And of course I've made my own version of this TikTok.,So go ahead and watch this and get to know me.,The fourth type of TikTok for your business is jumping on what's already,trending. You might not know this,,but there is a discover page on TikTok similar to the explore page on Instagram.,So I recommend pulling up your TikTok,,hitting the discover tab and check out what hashtags are trending.,So right away I see something called maple syrup day could be really relevant,for me as a Canadian.,There's also a hashtag called morph and that's a trending challenge.,So it looks like people are blending their pictures together to show their,transformation. There's another one called holiday covers, never zero.,Not sure what that is, but let's look into any one of them.,Let's check out morph,,and I can see that this hashtag has 42 million views.,So let's check out this Ariana morph and just to get an idea,,So it's pretty straight forward.,There's obviously a feature built into TikTok called morph that allows you to,mesh your photos together. So this may not really be an explicit,,you know, invitation to your business,,but it just might show your evolution as a human.,Maybe you can throw a few business-y pictures in there,,but really the point of this one is just to jump on the trending hashtags so,that maybe your TikTok goes viral. I, of course,,jumped on one of these trending hashtags, and this is the TikTok I made.,The fifth TikTok you can make for your business is just a fun dance video,because let's be honest,,TikTok is heavily about the entertainment and if you're really going to be a,TikTok user, you should be creating TikToks that are just for fun.,They can't all be about business.,So if you're ever looking for dance inspo just head to the home on your TikTok,app and you're going to see so many trending dance videos and hopefully one of,them inspires you.,I've seen so many from a solo dance performance to a partner dance performance.,Some of mine are called ride it and coincidance and I'm going to show you an,example of that one right now.,And of course I can't finish this video about TikTok without creating my own,funny dance video on TikTok. So go ahead and check out my coincidance.,If you liked this video,,go ahead and check out my other TikTok videos here on YouTube.,This one right here is called TikTok for Business,,and this one is How to Make Money on TikTok. And of course, if you're new here,,thanks for joining me on my channel.,Be sure to hit the Subscribe button and the bell so that you don't miss any,future videos just like this one. To ease and re

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Brand awareness ads on TikTok | Make effective ads with Canva’s video editor

Brand awareness ads on TikTok | Make effective ads with Canva’s video editor

- هل أنت جاهز للبدء أو الارتقاء إلى المستوى الأعلى على TikTok؟,أنا Cherie من TikTok ،,وفي هذا الفيديو ،,سأشارك بالضبط كيفية إنشاء إعلانات لا يمكن تخطيها,لـ TikTok باستخدام Canva.,(موسيقى مبهجة),عندما يتعلق الأمر بالإعلان على TikTok ،,فإن الأمر كله يتعلق بإحضار نفسك الأكثر إبداعًا,إلى المنصة,وإيجاد عملية قابلة للتطوير تناسب علامتك التجارية.,TikTok هي عبارة عن منصة تسويق كاملة التحويل,تمكّن علامتك التجارية من الوصول إلى أهدافك في الوعي,والمشاركة والاستحواذ.,في هذه السلسلة المكونة من ثلاثة أجزاء ،,سوف نوضح لك كيفية إنشاء إعلان TikTok المثالي,لكل مرحلة من مراحل مسار التسويق.,في الفيديو الأول ، سنستكشف بناء الوعي بالعلامة التجارية,وإنشاء إعلانات في Canva وقياس النجاح ،,وسنغطي جميع نصائح فيديو TikTok المفيدة.,(موسيقى مبهجة),فقط لتعيين المستوى ، دعنا نحدد الوعي بالعلامة التجارية.,بعبارات بسيطة ،,يؤدي الوعي بالعلامة التجارية إلى خلق معرفة بالعلامة التجارية,لدى جمهور معين.,إذا كانت علامتك التجارية جديدة,أو أقل شهرة من منافسيك ،,فهذه هي استراتيجية التسويق المثالية,لمساعدة الأشخاص على اكتشاف علامتك التجارية.,أو إذا كانت علامتك التجارية راسخة ،,فهذه أيضًا طريقة رائعة للاستفادة من جماهير جديدة.,(موسيقى مبهجة),من المهم الانتباه إلى المقاييس الصحيحة,حتى تتمكن من تتبع أداء إعلانك.,هناك ثلاث إحصاءات أساسية يجب أن تقيسها.,الأول هو الوصول.,هذا هو إجمالي عدد الأشخاص الذين تم عرض الإعلان.,التالي هو عدد مرات الظهور ،,والتي تقيس عدد المرات التي شوهد فيها إعلانك,دون أن يضطر المشاهد إلى التفاعل معه.,وآخرها هو التكلفة لكل ألف ظهور ،,وهو ما يعني التكلفة لكل ألف ظهور,يتلقاها إعلانك.,ما يميز TikTok هو أنه يمكنك الحصول على جميع الأفكار من,خلال أداة Ads Manager الخاصة بنا في لوحة المعلومات الخاصة بك.,من هنا ، انقر فوق علامة التبويب "الحملة",حيث يمكنك الاطلاع على إحصائيات الحملة.,إذا لم تكن متأكدًا مما تعنيه المقاييس المختلفة ،,فيمكنك تحريك مؤشر الماوس فوق اسم المقاييس ،,كما هو موضح على الشاشة ،,وسوف يعطيك وصفًا.,إذا كنت غير قادر على رؤية المقاييس ،,يمكنك النقر فوق علامة التبويب "الأعمدة الافتراضية," وتحديد المقياس الذي ترغب في عرضه ، مثل مدى الوصول.,حسنًا ، الآن بعد أن عرفنا ما هو التسويق التوعوي,وكيفية قياسه ،,دعنا نتعمق في أفضل الممارسات,لعمل إعلان تيك توك للتوعية الناجحة.,فيما يلي ثلاث نصائح يجب أن تضعها في اعتبارك,عند إنشاء إعلان TikTok للتوعية بالعلامة التجارية.,النصيحة الأولى ، قم بالبناء على الصوت.,اجذب انتباه المستخدم,بصوت عصري سلس.,TikTok عبارة عن منصة صوتية تعمل دائمًا ،,مما يعني أن الصوت يلعب دورًا حيويًا,في إشراك جمهورنا.,في TikTok ، وجدنا أن إضافة أي نوع من الصوت,ينتج عنه زيادة بنسبة 16٪ في مرات الظهور,مقارنة بمقاطع الفيديو التي لا تحتوي على صوت.,لذلك لا تنسَ دمج هذا العنصر في إعلاناتك,لتتوافق مع علامتك التجارية,لأنها تساعد في إنشاء هوية صوتية.,النصيحة الثانية ، استخدم واتبع الاتجاهات.,عندما يتعلق الأمر بالاتجاهات ،,لا توجد منصة أفضل لاستخدامها,للإلهام بخلاف TikTok ،,خاصة عندما تحاول تنفيذ بعض أهداف التوعية.,يمكنك البقاء على اطلاع على الاتجاهات الحالية,من خلال استخدام صفحة "إلهام المركز الإبداعي" الخاصة بنا,لمعرفة الاتجاهات الشائعة,وما هي بعض إعلاناتنا ذات الأداء الأفضل للإلهام.,النصيحة الثالثة ، البقعة الحلوة من 21 إلى 34 ثانية.,مدة البقعة المثالية للفيديو ما بين 21 إلى 34 ثانية.,يتعلق الأمر بكيفية إشراك جمهورك,في المكان المناسب.,يُظهر بحثنا أن مقاطع الفيديو بهذه المدة,أدت إلى زيادة بنسبة 2٪ في مرات الظهور.,لذا اجعل إعلانك قصيرًا واجذب الانتباه لجذب انتباه,جمهورك.,لتلخيص هذه النصائح مرة أخرى ،,استخدم الصوت واتبع الاتجاهات,واحتفظ بها بين 21 إلى 34 ثانية.,سأقوم الآن بتسليمها إلى Jordi من Canva لأوضح,لك كيفية الاستفادة من هذه الأفكار,واستخدام Canva لإنشاء,إعلان آسر للتوعية بالعلامة التجارية بسرعة وسهولة.,(موسيقى مبهجة),- مرحبًا ، أنا جوردي ، أنا مصمم حركة هنا في Canva.,في البرنامج التعليمي اليوم ، يمكنك تنزيل القالب,إما عن طريق مسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة هذا هنا,أو يمكنك العثور على رابط في الوصف أدناه.,حسنًا ، لنبدأ.,أولاً ، سأبحث عن إعلان TikTok ضمن الخلاصة.,(موسيقى مبهجة),حسنًا ، هذا يبدو جيدًا.,إنه بسيط ونظيف وبهيكل رائع ،,لذا سيكون من السهل تطبيق علامتنا التجارية عليه.,هذا القالب له جمالية صفراء جميلة.,إنه يحتوي على موسيقى وفي الأسفل هنا في لوحة الفيديو الصغيرة ،,يمكنني أن أرى أنه لا توجد انتقالات مضافة بعد.,حسنًا ، العلامة التجارية التي سأستخدمها اليوم,تسمى Active Apparel.,إنها ماركة ملابس رياضية مستدامة.,لقد تقدمت بالفعل وحصلت,على شعاري وألواني وخطوطي ،,وألقتهم جميعًا في Canva Brand Kit ،,حتى أتمكن من,تبديل كل شيء بسرعة وسهولة بلمسة زر واحدة.,لذلك عندما يتعلق الأمر بتصميم إعلان للتوعية ،,فأنت بحاجة إلى التأكد من أن علامتك التجارية وشعارك يشبهان,حقًا المقدمة والوسط.,هذا يعني أن يكون لديك شعارك,في الثواني الثلاث الأولى من أي قطعة تقوم بإنشائها ،,وبهذه الطريقة يمكن لجمهورك حقًا,الحصول عليه في أسرع وقت ممكن.,الشيء الآخر ، نصيحة احترافية صغيرة لك إذا أردت ،,هي أن الأمر يتطلب ما يصل إلى ثماني مشاهدات لأي إعلان لتتذكره.,لذلك تحتاج حقًا إلى التأكد ،,ليس فقط من اتساق علامتك التجارية ،,ولكنك حقًا تجلب الأشياء في,أسرع وقت ممكن,حتى تكون أول شيء تراه,وتتذكره.,الخطوة الأولى هي حذف هذا المقطع الموسيقي.,الخطوة الثانية هي إضافة شعاري من علامة تبويب الشعارات هنا.,(موسيقى مبهجة),الخطوة الثالثة هي تحديث النص,إلى ألوان وخطوط علامتنا التجارية.,(موسيقى مبهجة),من المهم أن تبدو إعلاناتك أصلية في النظام الأساسي ،,لذلك يعني هذا أنها محمولة باليد,ول

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TikTok Ads For Clothing Stores BEGINNER STRATEGY

TikTok Ads For Clothing Stores BEGINNER STRATEGY

How do you all in here?,I hope you're doing well.,Ever wondered, have you ever wondered,if Tick-Tock ads would work for your business?,In this episode, I'm going to be sharing with you,a proven tick tock ad strategy you can implement to.,As always,,make sure that you grab something to take notes,with and stick around into the newsroom,to share with you one type of ad,you must be using for your clothing store.,For those who are new, I wanted to tell you,that I like to break down what we are going to be,talking about into lists because it's much easier,for you to understand and follow along.,So in this vein, I'm going to be giving,you four steps to successfully start running,tick tock ad campaigns for your clothing store.,All right.,So number one is what is tick tock and how is it different?,Tick tag is a vertical video social media,platform that focuses on highly engaging content.,What makes Tick Tock so different is their ability,to keep people on the platform addicted with an algorithm,that is extremely accurate by comparison.,If you engage with content on Instagram,,you may or may not see something similar for a while.,But on TikTok,,they do such a great job of helping,you find the content you're likely to engage with.,Again, the platform,you used to be focused on,short form content only, but as they continue to grow,videos are getting longer and longer.,Tick Tock is a main competitor for someone like Instagram.,But even more notably now, YouTube,content creators are using tick,tock content to tell quicker more engaging content,than what they used to do on something like YouTube.,We're seeing more and more people,go search for solutions on Tick Tock,than what they did for YouTube. As well. Right.,So I don't know how many times,,for example, we've searched,for things on YouTube, like, where's an answer? Right?,You're coming here for an answer,,but now people are going to tick tock.,Now keep going back to this YouTube video.,But what was in question, our planning for our Q2,20, 22 retreat and we were in Colorado and Christian,had snowboarding for a while.,So he was going to,you wouldn't you want to go to YouTube.,But he went to ticktock and looked up,really quick form videos or short form videos,on how to get better at snowboarding,before he actually went out there,and previously he would have went to YouTube to do that.,Right.,Why not watch a 15, 20 minute video on YouTube?,Now that being said, he did go to YouTube,and watched that long form content,,but the first place he went to,without even thinking about it was the Tic TAC.,So interesting.,So what does that mean for you and why should you care?,Right?,Like what do you care about Christian,going to look first on Tic TAC?,What do you care about Tic TAC being a vertical platform?,Because more eyeballs equals more attention.,And the best part, there are not that many people,creating ads on Tic TAC, which also means the cost,for you to get in front of somebody is very, very low.,I'm not going to,guess a number or,tell you a,number, but let's just say, for example,,if it was $20 on Facebook to see like a thousand,people are for you to get a thousand,impressions on Facebook,and maybe like five on TikTok, so it's very, very low,and it's going to be sharing with you,how you can leverage Tick-Tock,to drive sheep traffic and increase sales.,Here's some rapid fire things,you need to know about Tic TAC,that I just want you to make sure that you share in,because you were smart,and went to grab something to take notes with.,You're going to write these down.,So number one is that most of these ads are 23,to 34 seconds.,Try to stay within that ratio,16 by nine aspect ratio meaning that it's vertical,right shot like this that's where you want,spark ads running ads from other accounts,as well as your own.,More about that later,and then lastly make tick talks not ads,that's literally their slogan is like,stop trying to create ads just make Tic-Tacs,,just create really good Tic-Tacs.,And then then they'll be used as ads the ads not spending.,Right?,So if you've ever sent up,a tick tock account or you've ever tried,to run an ad on Tick Tock and it doesn't spend,likely comes down to two things.,Number one, budget, which is what everyone believes,that could be, but really comes down to your creative,so let's think about that as we're going through this.,And then lastly,,since it's done by 16 by nine, let's not have any of,the black bars up at the top.,Right?,I don't want you to repurpose that content.,It's not going to be a good experience.,All right.,Before we cover number two, I just wanted to say howdy.,My name is Aaron.,I'm one of the co-founders,here about branding, and we're an e-commerce,growth agency that specializes in helping clothing stores,grow and scale profitably online.,Now, make sure that you hit,that subscribe button in turn on notifications,so you don't miss out on any of the latest strategies,for clothing stores like you,,because we drop new content every s

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