tiktok ads webinar

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Feature.fm Webinar: TikTok Ads and Retargeting

so,uh for tick tock sorry just one second,so for tick tock um you have to it's,very similar to,facebook business manager if you're,familiar with that most i assume most,people are if they're attending this,um and with tick-tock you have to create,an account,um i'm gonna just start with like a very,basic,level of the ads that they run um just,to sort of give,background on their platform it's it's,fairly new,um you can just go to like,ads.ticktalk.com,and sign up for an account um we have an,account here,that i just created to sort of show,everybody what it looks like,it's a very simple dashboard a lot of,this is very similar to,facebook and any of the other ads,platforms that you've used,with a few different things obviously,the platform's different,uh the way that the pixels are set up is,a little bit easier in my opinion,especially the integration with google,tag manager and then also,the different types of campaigns that,you can run,which on tech talk is limited to i think,i want to say five or six,so for this platform in particular,most most folks that are probably using,this are,probably trying to run um,either video views or traffic,to like a spotify link or an apple music,link um,you know a lot of the tick tock all the,tic tac ads are spread across these,different three things,so you've got reach which is just as it,says to sort of,maximize the amount of reach that a,piece of content has on the platform,or the ad then you've also got,consideration which,is similar to uh facebook's version of,this but,uh traffic which is like generating uh,or sorry sending people to uh spotify or,apple music links,um and video views where you can direct,people,like more people to view your videos um,on tiktok and then,also app installs for anybody that has,an app,welcome and then you're also able to do,conversions a lot of times for,conversions i've used that for,tickets mainly so if anybody is doing,live shows again,or as they're starting to ramp up tick,tock will probably be a part of the ad,planning,for a lot of those uh shows so that's,one that's uh that's great to have,um and yeah so for most of these it's,really like i said sort of the same,setup,um the ui is very simple and easy to use,um you're able to sort of do like one,type of buy,and then group everything like you do uh,multiple platforms,but for today's example um i think the,the use case that we're going to do,today is is just,to send more people to a destination so,we're going to do traffic,um and for the traffic we're gonna say,i always like to start these is like an,example so,uh for us we're going to just do a very,like short,uh walkthrough of like how to set it up,on feature fm,and then how to market using tick tock,um so for us we're going to,talk um about we're going to market a,single,so for the single we'll say that it's,coming out in like,30 days so we'll go from pre-save to,post release and i'll show you how to,set all that stuff up,um so for the first part we're gonna say,that our artist,is share because there's no reason for,her not to be,on tiktok and our single is coming out,in 30 days and then,um i have uh links that we can use here,we're just gonna point to uh,we're just gonna point to the um,spotify playlist for her as our release,leading up to it,we'll say that we're going to do a tick,tock i would say let's do a budget of,500,in my experience on tick tock you can do,a lot with a little bit,but we'll just say this for now okay so,knowing this is sort of like our,parameters um what i would do first,is i would go to the feature fm platform,and i would create a short link for this,um the difference between a shore link,and the,reason i want to go with a short link,rather than a pre-save,is because right now the goal is i'm,releasing a single in 30 days,but i want to try to generate awareness,for this playlist so that we can get,people to add it,and convert from her massive imaginary,tick tock audience,so the idea would be put all of her,songs in a spotify playlist pin it to,her,artist page and then take that spotify,playlist and run ads for it,on tik tok targeting anybody that's,using,her songs um so that they can then,go directly from tik-tok to the spotify,playlist,at it and be delighted,um so for this we're just going to go in,here and we're going to create this,uh for this i'm just going to use a,short link because it's like the easiest,thing to use in the world and we'll make,sure that,while we're doing this that we've got,that we've also got our,facebook pixel and google pixel in the,reason why i would do that,is because anytime anybody's clicking on,those links you're also,getting information to those two,platforms as well so you're building up,your audience pool,yay for you,anytime that you're doing any type of,paid advertising always use a short link,it goes directly to where you want it to,go to uh,there's a not a drop-off rate between,posting up a landing page,and having the user go from the ad to,the landing page have to select

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads webinar

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[TikTok Ads Webinar] Tối ưu các chỉ số TikTok Ads

[TikTok Ads Webinar] Tối ưu các chỉ số TikTok Ads

anh Dũng mấy mà còn,có,Ok cũng thấy là cũng có anh em và rồi,lấy thì rủ nghĩ rằng là thôi chắc là,mình cứ nói nha rồi anh em nào mà mình,gọi là mình mình mình mình lấy sớm tự,nhiên lòng sẽ được còn sớm ha Ok mọi,người chờ giống Bật xa cho mọi người,mình thích thôi nhé,như vậy để lên giới thiệu qua một chút,thì ở trong qua hai tuần rồi nay chúng,mình nhờ pin và Tik Tok không cũng tổ,chức thêm 1 cái mũ web đi năm nữa vì cái,title đó nó tối ưu các chỉ số thích góc,S với những cái cây xa đi mà từ những,cái người mà đã chạy và đang chạy thực,tế cùng với bơ phim vùng với cắt tóc,trên những nền tảng purple lẫn cả sai,ngoài nữa Hi vọng rằng là những cây xa,đi mà chia sẻ trong buổi ngày hôm nay là,có máy tính thiết thực nhất mà anh em là,anh em có thể sử dụng kích tóc như một,cái kênh quảng cáo để bán cái mặt hàng,của mình khi đi của mình hay là do oxy,của mình thì ở Xã Đàn đi mở dụng anh đã,chia sẻ cùng anh em vì sao đi mới này,nhá rồi ok thank you thank you lên đó là,nhiều hoa thì cũng cảm ơn anh em đã dành,thời gian để tham gia buổi,chia sẻ ngày hôm nay thì hôm nay giống,như lên cơn Anh ấy ở trên bộ di sản hiện,nay thì rất là vui vì tin kích tóc lại,tôi sẽ đi nữa mà đã đồng ý là chịu và,chia sẻ cùng với các team cộng đồng thì,chương trình bắt đầu quá thì mình cũng,nói là hôm nay cái Bụi Cát Bụi sao em,của mình là ngoài có mình là dũng ra thì,còn có chị mua xe rồi chị Chanh sẽ hỗ,trợ mình tao có chuyện mà mình xem với,mọi người thì không phải là Mau ngày hôm,nay tương tự nguyện cái buổi khác à là,những cái buổi xe riêng của mình có,những buổi sáng thực tế thì nó bảo này,có bất cứ câu hỏi nào mà làm cho mình,lang thang cho cái chuyện mà mình chạy,cái không đèn sắp tới thì thằng bạn rồi,Noel học là không một số Anh đã chuẩn bị,cho Valentine rồi thì mọi người có thể,mà gọi là đặt câu hỏi trong những cái,nội dung là này luôn rồi thì hôm nay,chúng ta sẽ đi qua những ta bốn cái nội,dung sau đó chính là Siri và cây đi hạt,diễn viên Ngọc Đà Lạt bên cạnh cũng muốn,làm sâu trong mọi người thấy được rằng,là hiện tại bây giờ là ở trên thị trường,thì các bạn hiện tại là nếu như mà vẫn,chạy ra thì con cái cây sẽ đi thành công,nào rồi và đồng thời thứ hai đó chính là,những cái gameland kem lên nó đây là đúc,kết dựa trên kinh nghiệm của tiêm kích,bắt cua đồng thôi là giữ cho em cái tình,hình của các bạn với từ đó trên Tik Tok,xả stress ra những cái Plan và kế hoạch,Giúp lên và kế hoạch để giúp cho các bạn,có thể khi mà mình chạy tắt quá tôi tắt,máy tắt mà có những cái sau khi cho nó,phù hợp và sau đó là viết tắt của wanna,one là gì thì khách wanna One nó sẽ chứa,mẹ cái công thức mà làm men những cái,cây sơ ri và lát sử dụng chiếc xe và,cuối cùng là sao khi bà nay ha là hỏi,đáp tế giữa Dũng đánh bạc và các bạn đó,Ok thì bây giờ mình sẽ đến cái phòng gọi,là xe lên cái chai sẽ đi của mình thì đó,là vui vì hiện tại là đối với là cái,lĩnh vực mà Bill đi với lại rất ít mặt,nạ thì mà có cái Ừ nhưng mà mình núi,định mà chẳng cái xe hai cái Sony hay,cho xe đi với hai cái ông bị khác nhau,thì mày cũng biết đó chính là cái cây,Sony dù sao đi nữa là nó nằm ở lĩnh vực,gọi là Biotin và hậu như là cái cây xoài,là các bạn bán ở thị trường là thị,trường us và Phi châu Mỹ và cái mục tiêu,của họ của sinopec tiếp là sẽ nằm ở cái,phần gọi là chiếc cao mới là mục tiêu,của họ là muốn con trai gì cho được đơn,hàng và tiêu cho ra cho luôn thì hầu như,là các bạn này đều là những tiếng người,mới mà cho nên tiết đẹp thôi chứ không,phải là những người mà đã lâu năm rồi và,sau đó thành cây Sony nhé Rồi nghĩa cây,sầu tiên mà dụng đúng sai cho mọi người,đó có chính là cái cây mà có cái A,voidle là cái đơn này trung bình thành,công á cái đơn này cho mình thành công,đó là 35 đô,nó lại đơn hàng là các fcu cái giá trị,ecu họ là 35 đô cho một fcu thì đây,chính là anh phải chạy quảng cáo của bạn,thì thật sự ở rất mong mọi người thông,cảm thì tự do là một số ủy ban cho con,xinh Dũng chế độ phép xe tới các dưỡng,chất giao hợp là người ta đến cái trang,gần như là mua hàng thôi chứ cũng không,được phép xe tới không biết bị mình hay,là ra bao nhiêu rồi như mọi người thấy,đây là đối với cái cây đầu tiên này với,cái giá trị đơn hàng là 35 đô thì các,cạnh bên bằng sắt Đạt độ cứng CPC là rất,là rẻ hơn so với thị trường là thị,trường này là dùng lấy là market.net là,ở thị trường Thủ luôn nha mọi người và,trong 3 tháng gần đây và Dũng So sánh,trực tiếp với lại cái tham lai của thằng,Ben bạn đang chạy luôn thì mới mất CPC,là không trắng 34 là rẻ hơn 60 phần trăm,so với thị trường,apart của bạn là bạn chỉ có 12 đô cho,một tháng người ấy nhốt sẽ có hồn và,giảm và thấp hơn 12 phần trăm so với thị,trường so với thị trường rồi các tổ chức,cao là 15 đô là rẻ hơn 55 phần trăm so,với thị trường,anh cũng thấy là cái tỷ lệ Chết cao ra,kia thích sao đây là cái tỷ lệ và từ,apart cho tới lúc chết là tám mươi chín,phần trăm thì chắc cái con số này mà,người cũng có thể tự nhận định được là,độ chất lượng của user và Đồng Xoài làm,cancel của Tik Tok đối với các men kỳ,này thì đây chính là cái câ

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The TikTok Micro Webinar Strategy

The TikTok Micro Webinar Strategy

what is going on my friends this is dave,sharp welcome to wake up,legendary we're here as we are every,monday through friday with a wonderful,guest,and i feel blessed and excited this,morning,to learn this tik tok micro webinar,strategy,come on now i mean what is that,okay i'm excited about this so listen if,you guys are new here,then obviously go through our challenge,or we go through our challenge and if,you can get into our business blueprints,i was actually,just kicking off a new set of students,inside of our business blueprints on our,decade and a day training,which we do for everybody as they come,in to get them,um to get them on the path to earning as,their learning,right which is the goal of that process,and that experience in the way in which,we lay out our blueprint,we actually have a blueprint for people,to,execute and get off the ground in the,first 90 days,versus just using some of these words as,sort of hypey terms that get thrown,around and get people excited right,so um so do that and get,you know you've earned your seat in this,community you've earned your seat so,pull a chair up to the table get ready,to learn,get ready to to just to you know push,through,challenges you don't have to be addicted,to struggle anymore you can just expect,challenges to come your way and know,that you can overcome,anything and everything especially with,the support of a great family and,community,which we're here to be that for you even,if you don't have that in your,quote-unquote normal life and tune in,to this show every day where we bring on,phenomenal,guest like my guest today paul,who's going to be talking about this,micro tick tock webinar strategy,like what is even that i'm so excited to,learn so with that being said,paul welcome to the show hey dave how's,it going man thanks for having me on,it's good dude um so you're in,uh living in tulsa oklahoma from grand,rapids michigan what's life like in,oklahoma right now,uh actually we got like obviously you've,seen stuff happen with dallas in the,weather,we're three hours from dallas and in,texas so we got hit with the same type,of ice storms and things like that but,i'm warm the heat is on and everything,so everything's good but,good brother good man i'm glad to hear,that and and yeah,my thoughts are with those folks uh we,have some people in our community and,our company,even that are in texas uh we're trying,to make sure that they're taken care of,um so um tell us,give us before we jump into this this,very,enticing webinar strategy,tell us uh what you know um,what sort of led you to online marketing,how long you've been doing it what led,you to legendary,um it's funny i've kind of been dabbling,in the space and not taking it seriously,knowing that,uh people can find success going through,courses and programs and education,but i kind of didn't take it seriously,until i found legendary i think that the,the foundation of the education i've,learned with you guys was,so much all in one there,that it allowed me to uh find my success,that i recently had,of course combined with the micro,webinar strategy or whatnot but,i've dabbled in e-commerce i've dabbled,in,you know i'm in the click funnels,community and i,you know funnels and all this other,stuff but i've never really,um i don't know i put the nail with the,head or i've never had any,major success to where i would be worth,telling someone,i've never had enough sex to really take,away step away from my job,and say that this is what i'm doing full,time for sure,and uh i think the education with,legendary has allowed me to do that,and i am super stoked about the,opportunity,so nice bro nice well congrats on that,and i mean,you know uh it really it really uh,it really is important for you and us,me to take uh a moment to celebrate,the all all that led up to this moment,of me finally seizing the moment,because sometimes we can be our own,worst credit and not,uh really celebrate and appreciate the,work that we've put in to be able to,uh achieve those things so i my hope for,you is that you can take that in brother,because,you did that and i'm glad we were a part,of your journey but,uh you did that man so congratulations,thank you,i really appreciate it you're welcome so,um so okay let's get into this,micro webinar strategy where should we,start um,tick tock i got on tick tock after going,through,uh some education that you guys provided,i,actually went on to tick tock before i,even started promoting anything before i,started having any,links in the bio and i just started,talking about the things that i've,learned,over the years like if you look at some,of my first videos i was teaching people,how they can do retail arbitrage,and kind of sell things on ebay and,different things like that,and uh i started getting some traction i,started getting some traction and then i,wanted to further my education i went,out to legendary and i went through,the program and what i found is um,it was all in house you know you got a,lot

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TikTok Ads 101 with Mason Interactive | Webinar | What you need to know about advertising on TikTok

TikTok Ads 101 with Mason Interactive | Webinar | What you need to know about advertising on TikTok

so,let's get going everybody thank you so,much for taking time out of your busy,day to join us,to talk about the power of tick tock,this is the newest release of our mason,interactive webinar series,where we talk about a range of topics,everything between new partner,releases marketing industry trends,goal setting and best practices for how,to approach a media strategy,and more today we're going to be talking,about tick tock,specifically because we know that there,is a duopoly happening,across the market where the bulk of,everyone's investment within digital,media,especially when we have a direct,response type of focus is emphasized,within a paid social,as well as a google paid social being,facebook and instagram,and google marketplace and it's for good,reason they have,the mass majority of the inventory they,have incredible reach,and they also drive incredible results,due to their beautiful automation and,machine learning,those are two of the largest players in,the space we also have,in the round robin of media strategies,and capabilities your pinterest,your twitters your ott video,distribution programmatic partners,digital out of home and many many more,if the list goes on and on,mason interactive here we have uh,actually chris can you back up a slide,yes mason interactive we run strategies,across all those partners but,specifically today we want to talk about,tick tock,and we talk talk about tick tock across,the agenda that you're seeing here we're,going to focus on just the advertising,platform as a whole,strategies ad formats content best,practices,how you can get started personally and,then wrap this up with a q and a at the,end,before we get into some more than me to,this uh i do just want to,reference the fact that there is likely,an elephant in the room with regard to,tick-tock,data privacy whether the app will remain,on phones whether it will be removed,we personally at mace interactive do not,know what that future holds but what we,do know,is that today it is one of the fastest,if not the fastest growing,user bases within a social media space,they have also recently introduced,more of an easy access advertising,platform,they have strong capabilities of,targeting and reach to a very high value,market we're talking about gen,z here and those are the points that,really matter most to us,as digital marketing professionals so,we look forward to answering questions,at the end and again,we're mason interactive who are we we're,a boutique agency founded in 2009,we have specializations across multiple,verticals but an emphasis,on edu cpg and the e-commerce space,specifically,with an emphasis towards the fashion,lifestyle,beauty brands we have our headquarters,located in new york city,and we have just recently opened up an,office in north carolina specifically,the charlotte area which is super,exciting for our growth,especially given the times that we're in,today we are listed as a google premier,partner and facebook business partner,which gives us access to extensive data,and market trends that are not usually,privy to your average advertiser,and we handle business both domestically,and globally,across a range of services which include,paid social of course you can click to,the next one,seo email,really even digital out of home the list,goes on and on that's the beauty of,working with a boutique,white glove agency is that we have,nimbleness quickness and extensive,experience across a multiple,variety of targeting strategies and data,sets,that's not we're here to talk about,though today we're here to talk about,tick tock,and what's next with video capabilities,across tick tock chris kelly is joining,me here chris you want to wave to,everyone on the,video chat today thanks for joining us,our performance marketing managers,specifically stacked to our,team hawk pod team hawk has a,specialization across,edu and e-commerce as well as our cpg,chris is one of our performance,marketing managers that has a,specialization in paid search,when he joined us in mass interactive he,wanted to start stretching his legs into,paid social and over the past couple,years he has,really spearheaded and grown into his,paid social uh,capabilities and is our internal tick,tock,expert uh personally responsible for,getting a few brands live within a very,quick amount of time so chris,without further ado please do take it,away and uh get going thanks so much,adrian and thanks for joining us,everyone,so excited to talk about tick tock and,what's next in social video,tik tok represents a really big,opportunity,there are 84 million monthly active,users in the united states,that's a quarter of the population 77,of those users are generation zero,millennials so that's a huge set,from all the way from 13 up to 34 and,that next generation is not on other,platforms,forty percent of tick tock users are,actually not on instagram,this is a great way to really expand,beyond the duopoly strategy,that adrian mentioned earlier that gen z,is super imp

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Muy buenos días a todos y aquí estamos,31 de agosto vuelta de las vacaciones a,tope que haya tenido vacaciones que,espero que haya desconectado yo,desconocido un poquillo unos diez días y,bueno otra vez a la carga y bueno lo mío,que son vacaciones sin vacaciones porque,vas con tus cuentas y demás en modo,itinerante bueno empezamos,con un webinar de una plataforma que,bueno quien no ha sentido un poco,Curiosidad no tú vas a tus cosas Google,gracias y demás y escuchas los,trastectos,parece que esto está cambiando ostras,cuánto tráfico hay en tiktok ostras he,escuchado de alguien que ha hecho,campañas en sentir todo y dice que no le,ha ido mal Bueno pues cuando el ruido,suena agua lleva no bien hoy os traigo a,Javier Díaz y vamos a estar hablando con,él sobre tiktok bueno Javier tiene una,hoja de ruta,súper interesante,Ahí estamos,Bueno pues si veis empezó trabajando,bueno,consultor de publicidad digital etcétera,estuvo en Google un año en la época en,que bueno una época yo recuerdo cuando,cuando hubo que,iba,gente de Google por todas las agencias,ayudándonos a,crecer a ver cómo implementábamos,distintas estrategias después ha estado,en las murai tres años una agencia súper,potente en España y le estaba diciendo,antes que está un poco culo inquieto ha,pasado a Leroy Merlin,estuvo un año y pico y ahora en Amazon y,bueno me dice que que no es culpa suya,no que que el linkedin tiene un poco es,el culpable no de ello y fijaros que,nosotros en la parte de desarrollo,profesional que de todos los alumnos que,tenemos en nuestros máster siempre,hablamos de que,linkedin que lo tengan actualizado,etcétera etcétera porque es una,herramienta súper potente una vez que,vas,haciéndote un hueco en este mundo porque,Bueno pues las empresas,recurren ahí Es una herramienta súper,súper potente,y Bueno aquí estamos con Javier qué tal,Javier muy buenas Enrique Qué tal Cómo,estás muy bien tú muy bien todos para,volver de las vacaciones Bueno pues aquí,hay que hacerse la idea de que hay que,volver a darle caña a todo esto que si,no nos quedamos atrás nos quedamos,directos la mía fueron en julio Así que,a mí ya se me ha olvidado las vacaciones,pero bueno aquí estamos Qué tal tu,último,puesto de trabajo no en Amazon Muy bien,pues ya te digo,aterrizando como quien dice porque llevo,menos de cuatro meses pero pero muy bien,pues aprendiendo una plataforma nueva,trabajando con clientes y bueno Pues al,final,ya digo nuevos retos nuevos aprendizajes,que por Suerte este mundillo del,marketing digital es lo que te permite,también no es un mundo muy cambiante y,hay que estar siempre un poco,actualizado con todo,fantástico y sobre todo no cerrarse las,puertas nunca siempre Estará abierto al,cambio porque el cambio es lo que te,hace que puedas ir mejorando totalmente,al final me ha permitido tocar muchas,cosas estuve especializado en Google,luego en socia en la parte de social en,Leroy Merlin tuve un poco una visión más,global ahora estoy con Amazon entonces,pues bueno si es un poco la estrategia,que yo he seguido Pero pero bueno,también hoy estar en una misma empresa y,evolucionar también es una es una buena,estrategia eh o sea que cada uno que,siga la suya Sí sí todo está bien está,en una empresa solo pero pero el cambio,Es bueno porque te ayuda a tener un,conocimiento más amplio no de todo si te,quedas centrado en una única cosa,también no tienes A lo mejor estabilidad,Pero qué estabilidad hay hoy en día no,totalmente lo bueno es,saber que has tocado muchas cosas que,bueno que has tenido muchos contactos y,que estás preparado para para cualquier,proyecto no yo creo que eso,es lo mejor no más que pienso vamos,que estoy de acuerdo contigo como ves,ahí en la trayectoria O sea que,hoy sigues al pie de la letra muy bien,Exactamente Bueno pues vamos a pasar a,hablar de tiktok vale,Y bueno lo primero que me gustaría un,poco,para poner las bases es que me hablaras,De qué tipo de público es el que podemos,encontrar en tiktok porque yo creo que,parece no que ha habido un cambio de que,empezó la plataforma hasta hasta la,actualidad,Sí desde luego en la plataforma nació,como digamos un Nicho casi para,adolescentes,gente menor de 18 años muy joven Ya,sabes en redes sociales la tendencia que,hay de intentar huir de las plataformas,en las que están los padres o la gente,mayor Por así decirlo,sucedió con Instagram ha sucedido ya en,muchas ocasiones Snapchat parecería que,iba a explotar al final se quedó ahí un,poco a medias y contento pues ha,sucedido un poco lo mismo empezó como,una plataforma muy para gente muy joven,para un público adolescente,como bueno como casi todos habéis visto,Esto es algo que ha cambiado Es verdad,que se vio muy beneficiada por la,pandemia la plataforma,si recuerda estamos todos en casa no,sabíamos que hacer para muchos tiktok,Fue una fue una opción interesante pues,para ver contenido nuevo y para hacer,retos y demás Y bueno pues la plataforma,ya prácticamente tiene un perfil de,público muy variado,Es verdad que la mayoría por ejempl

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TikTok Hosted A LIVE Webinar For Businesses. Here Are My Thoughts...

TikTok Hosted A LIVE Webinar For Businesses. Here Are My Thoughts...

hey you it's kyla lou and,it would seem that my upstairs neighbors,have brought home a pet elephant and,have decided to let it run around you,know get out its energy on this early,monday morning that i've decided to film,so i hope they keep doing that i'm going,to try my best,to ignore it and let's hop into the,topic of this video so last thursday i,attended a live webinar hosted by tick,tock with the topic being tick tock for,business do i have a business account or,run ads on tick tock,no i do not was i curious absolutely and,it was free to register so you bet i was,gonna rsvp so get this the webinar was,supposed to start at 2pm but they ended,up starting at like 207 which is totally,fine you know give people enough time to,get in and settle before it actually,starts and it was over at 2 34 p.m,the entire webinar was 27 minutes long i,guess i can't really complain because if,it was longer this video was going to,take me a lot longer to record so thank,you tick tock i can see you are really,looking out for me there honestly what,it looked like to me was tick tock just,randomly selected a few of their,employees told them to show up on zoom,read a script and then they could go,home and that's exactly what they did,you have these two main girls who are,delivering the presentation and they're,very clearly reading off of a script and,what was actually pretty funny was the,camera kept jumping back and forth,between them even though only one of,them would be talking but honestly no,hate to them they spoke clearly and,they're probably not being paid enough,to warrant any actual effort on this,webinar also don't you love that the,recommendation for understanding tic toc,better is to,get it please download the app the,webinar started out talking about why,creative matters but honestly i didn't,really catch most of it because i was,super distracted by this video whoever,was in charge of putting these slides,together was like,rob give me the most distracting video,that you can find on tick tock,it's perfect fun fact did you know that,those things are called a tube man i,went on like a 10-minute google,searching spree and learned everything,about them so,that was fun then they had some really,generic reasons for why it's great to,use tick tock to grow your business,great,thanks and then we have this screen when,brands show up on tick tock it's not,advertising delivered like an ad,loved like content it looks feels and,sounds like a tick tock video in an ad,format this is going to be important for,later and then we have some stats and,even more really generic points my,biggest issue with this webinar was not,actually the things they were talking,about because i do believe they were,beneficial but it was the fact that,nothing was ever explained like search,for hashtags relevant to your business,even though we're not going to show you,how to actually search for hashtags or,look at all the variety of creative,tools available for businesses even,though we're not going to show you how,to use any of them it's there but we're,not going to show you how to use any of,it and they also mentioned that they,have a tick tock creator marketplace the,official platform for brand and creator,collaborations but again they don't show,you how to use any of it like use our,smart filters to find creators in,relevant categories how do i do that,what does it look like how do i contact,creators directly,i want details oh and we're back to the,really distracting video and then we,have this screen nine things tik tok,personally recommends doing but they,don't go into any details leverage the,power of sound are you talking about,music or voice overs get your key,message out early what do you what do,you mean by that let tick-tock creators,take the lead let them take the leap,like don't get up like don't give them,any structure or ride on the latest,trends how do i find those trends keep,your story real and entertaining what if,i don't believe my story is entertaining,shoot natively for tick tock meaning,don't film on another device and upload,it to tick-tock and just shoot directly,from tick tock break the fourth wall aka,address users directly,like deadpool,oh hello overlay concise and informative,text okay that one that one's pretty,simple i got that one and include a,strong call to action or offer so what's,a good call to action something that you,might find interesting is tick-tock gave,a very specific video length that they,recommend and that is between 21 and 34,seconds so do with that what you will,then tick-tock brings up their in-feed,ad suite achieve business objectives,with advanced campaign targeting,efficient measurement tools and unique,solutions built for small business,success again a lot of really generic,information and no specific details so,they talk about tick tock ads manager,spark ads and creative tools so as the,webinar goes along they bring up the,tick tock ads manager easy to use tools,to create and manage ads on tick tock,

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Webinar: TikTok Ads for education companies

Webinar: TikTok Ads for education companies

um welcome everyone um everyone who made,it to the call uh the webinar um,yeah wanted to give it a few more,minutes but i think uh five past half is,is fine,um,i think we can get started,we are really super excited to have you,here um and learn a little bit more,about,advertising,and how special education companies can,can harness the power of that platform,um,tick tock is i guess new to most of us,and you know even to us as an agency um,we have only actively worked with the,platform for probably a year,um,and there is and there there wasn't,there still is so much to learn and tick,truck is very much still evolving and,growing so we're really looking forward,to including it into,this platform into a lot of our clients,campaign makes for 2022 and yeah just,learn a little bit more about the flat,platform as it evolves,right to quickly introduce myself i'm,zhenya founder of pink orange most of,you in here know me um we are,specializing in advertising strategies,for education companies,um yeah i'm really quite proud to be,able to say that at this point we work,with a bunch of very disruptive and,innovative schools um,and education providers out there and,i'm really excited to take on more of,this next year,um i am here with the lovely joella who,is working with us on tiptoe campaign,strategies for our clients um as i said,before like we are getting more and more,requests from the companies we work with,as well as the ones um we will start,working with in q1 2022 so we want to,make sure we have an expert on the team,who has the all-round knowledge when it,comes to tick-tock advertising um and,the kind of like brand building strategy,um on there i will leave it to you to,quickly introduce yourself jealous,sure,yes so,my name is joella and i'm a speaker and,marketing strategist and i specialize on,in tick-tock and,helping companies advertise and market,themselves on the platform,and i'm,i'm swedish and also just started,working with senia,with tiktok advertising so i'm very,happy to tell you more about this,subject today,amazing just started checking out,there's another one that just wanted to,join,great,amazing let's um yeah get started then,quick note uh feel free to drop your,questions in the chat and i hope the,chat is working and i've,um allowed everyone to probably,questions we will aim to answer those or,a handful of those at least um,towards the end of the webinar,exactly just feel free to add in your,questions and we'll take it at the end,or during the webinar so,feel free whatever pops up,perfect,okay,so jala as you know someone who,worked with tick trucks for a while now,um i guess would be really interesting,for us to understand or for whoever's on,here to understand is what are your,thoughts on the platform when it comes,to advertising and advertising education,in particular i think often um clients,or like education companies um are,worried that the platform is a lot about,singing and dancing and fun and trends,and jason derulo songs um but not so,much a place for people to research,educational courses um i think if you,can talk us through a few more like,general stats and explain the reasons,you think um why brands should be on,there that would be amazing,right yeah i think it's a very common,misconception to think that tick tock is,a platform where just kids hang out and,when there's a lot of dancing videos but,actually it's so much more than that,um so for those of you who are not,familiar because maybe you've never,actually,downloaded the app maybe you haven't,seen what's on the platform,tick tock is a social media platform,that is purely video based so the only,content that's posted on tick tock are,short video clips,and the videos can be,up to three minutes long but most of the,time there are short quick clips,that are 15 seconds long,and,the type of content that people post on,tiktok is quite different from other,social media platforms so maybe you're,used to kind of perfect looking type of,content on,instagram for example and they're pretty,pictures and high quality production,while on tick tock the content is more,looking more like homemade and most,people on the platform just film their,content with their phone,and edit it directly within the platform,and i would say tick tock is the most,creative social media platform out there,there's a lot of young people on the,platform,and it's pretty easy to film an edit,within the app,and there's a lot of like these young,people are really creative and sharing a,concept that's,very creatively created creatively,produced but not,necessarily,perfectly produced with perfect video,quality or perfect sound or something,like that so tick tock is really the,platform for super creative authentic,content and not necessarily this perfect,or perfect life or,high quality production type of,content and,something that's also very unique,about tick tock compared to other,platforms is that the platform,really prioritizes showing,content that you will like and not ju

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TikTok Ads Strategy, Best Practices, & Scaling in 2022

TikTok Ads Strategy, Best Practices, & Scaling in 2022

how's it going guys welcome to the,youtube channel my name is america hoot,and in this video we're going to be,doing a tick tock ad strategy and best,practices video we're going to cover,creative finding creative inspiration,tic toc ads best practices and scaling,strategy if you're a member in our free,telegram group chat you know all about,this giveaway we're giving away one,thousand dollars to one of the people,who commented on this video over here,and i just listed all the names who met,the requirements which was commenting a,video idea on this wheel of names right,over here ignore these ads how can i,close this ad,there we go but basically i listed all,the names on this wheel of names,and i'm going to spin it at the very end,of the video and we're going to list the,winner how's it going guys let's jump,right into it um i made this document,just quick run through of you know the,tick tock ad strategies and best,practices okay all right starting off,with the creative um tick tock is a very,creative rich platform where creative is,extremely important so there's a few,things that you're going to want to do,to make sure your creative is on point,the first note that i want you to take,is that,you should not make ads on tick tock you,should make tick tocks,that are engaging and really tick-tock,native does that make sense so basically,instead of you know the typical ad using,urgency,countdown timers very salesy type of,content,you're going to want to see what,tick-tock trends are going on and or,what kind of on-platform videos you can,recreate which shows your product in use,how to use your product,et cetera you know what i'm saying and i,included a couple of video ideas here,that you guys could use uh you can make,a how-to with your product you can make,a video of you packaging your orders you,could be replying to some karen's emails,i've seen a few people do that and their,business starts going viral because of,it because you know you can you can even,create a story,and,you know,make all of it up like pretend you know,email your business by yourself and be,like hey where's my order and you know,basically make up a fake store i've seen,some people do that saying like oh this,customer tried to scam me and it gets,loads of views gets lots of eyeballs on,their business all right and this is,with organic content by the way you,could you don't necessarily need to,spend money on tick tock to get sales i,have a couple of,friends of mine who are running,just organic posts on tiktok they post,like three to four times a day and just,their organic content is getting them,sales on autopilot okay,another video you can make is like get,to know each other so like introduce,yourself to your customers and whatnot,and ask or maybe do a q a with your,customers you can do tutorials of how to,use your products,you can uh follow some trends and,utilize these trends to show what,products and or services you offer and,why they need it okay um you could even,do some behind the scenes of like the,business you know it's kind of similar,to packaging orders but you could also,do like you know advertising photo,shoots etc um guilt trip marketing i've,seen a lot of people do this um and,you'll be surprised,these people they'll actually make a,video and they said they'll like record,their stock all their inventory and then,they'll make a video saying,guys i have to close down my business,because i ordered all this inventory and,nobody's buying it and they made it,guilt trips people it goes viral and,then they sell out it it's,it's,it's not the most you know,nice way of marketing but it works all,right,um you could do product and use,you could also reply to comments i'm,currently doing this this one tends to,work really well because you get to,connect with your audience and also,people when they see or reply to a,comment they're more encouraged to,comment because oh maybe they'll reply,to my comment you know so you can be,witty with it you can kind of be a troll,um just you know build your brand,persona your brand personality while,engaging with your audience okay,another thing that you could do is when,you're packaging an order you can shout,them out,and you don't have to tag them or find,their username by the way you can legit,be like oh the pack um today i'm,packaging bob's order or come package,bob's order with me there's so many,things on making the videos that you can,do to make your tiktok creatives really,good like utilizing all the effects and,or like voice overs the text on screen,the transitions there's so many things,you can use to make your creatives,really good and there's loads of videos,on youtube which will walk you through,like how to make really good tick tock,creatives and how to you know make or,how to edit your tick tock videos very,easy to learn i'm not going to dive into,that in this video because i primarily,want to focus about on things that you,know that you can't really find,everywhere else does that make sense um

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