tiktok ads tracking

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How To Add UTM Parameters To TikTok Ads - Effective Tracking Solution

one of the most popular videos on the,channel so far has been my how to find,your real ad results post ios 14 that i,posted 10 months ago but that was,talking about facebook ads now in this,video i want to talk about using utm,parameters with tick-tock ads because,they don't make it as easy to find as,you would usually have a designated,space,for that on facebook so in today's video,i'll be showing you exactly how to add,utm parameters to your tick tock ads as,well as how what are the different types,of parameters that you can add on tick,tock my name is justin and i'm the,founder of warsaw media an e-commerce,marketing agency specializing in,elevating thriving brands by simplifying,e-commerce growth before we get started,make sure to leave a like subscribe as,well as turn on post notifications to be,one of the first to know about these,cutting edge ecommerce marketing tips,post on the channel every week,so you're gonna see it's gonna be a,pretty quick video because it's honestly,going to be pretty straight forward so,the utm parameters just like on facebook,are on the ad level so i'm just for the,sake of this video just going to click,next on everything but obviously you,would want to pick the right campaign,type as well as the right ad group type,so i'm just basically clicking next on,everything right here let me just pick,you know a budget for the sake of the,video 20 bucks a day and let's get to,the ad level so,what you would usually be seeing on,facebook is if you scrolled all the way,down you would have something for you to,add your utm parameters and you might,think well you know that that's it right,here right tracking impression tracking,url click tracking url but that's not it,actually this is something completely,different if you had some external as it,says right here a third-party tracking,software that allows you to have uh,those tracking urls then you can use,that section but to have utms you,actually have to manually add them,yourself,in the url builder right here so as,opposed to facebook where you can,actually build a utm parameter based on,their parameters you don't really have,that on tick tock so you have to know,what are the parameters that you can use,and put at the end of your url so let me,first share with you what are the,parameters that you can use with tick,tock so this is an internal uh full tick,tock ads course that we have here at the,agency for any new media buyers or any,new employees or any current employees,that just want to refer back to a,specific section so we basically have a,full-blown training on the platform it's,basically a 14-page training just on,tick-tock ads but one of those is utms,and right here you can see what are the,different types of parameters that you,can use within your again utm types on,the platform so first and foremost,there's just like facebook campaign name,which it's very straightforward what is,the name of the campaign that you can,actually use so that kind of tells you,you know let's say you have a simple,naming convention with your campaigns,right uh cold or top of funnel so that,you would see every top of funnel,campaign you know appearing right there,and you would be easily able to filter,through these on tracking softwares like,google analytics or shopify as an,example then your campaign id you can,have the name of the ad group the ad,group id and same thing the name of the,add-o creative creative id and then the,placement type so basically there are,these sort of general utm parameters,that are pretty much universal across,all platforms right which is the source,the medium campaign which you can also,use again on tick tock so it's an,example i just made that one up so i,could paste that on tick tock and kind,of show you how that would look like but,feel free to build again your own utm,parameters based on these custom,parameters shown on the video those are,all available through tick tock,specifically so as an example with our,url so let's say i want to drive traffic,to our agency page then i can just head,back on tick tock enter the url right,here and add a question mark at the end,come out here and i could just build my,custom parameters right there right so i,could just start building what our,parameters are but in that case i'm,simply going to be using this one that i,pre-built right there so then i could,come back right here at this at the end,and that would be it tick tock is going,to check the url and make sure that it's,valid and basically what that's going to,do is it's going to drive traffic to,that url right if i pick all of that,let's say let me just copy and paste,that and paste that in the,in,and paste that in the browser right,there so you can see it still leads to,this right here right it's still going,to lead people to the wizzle media,website but you have all of these utms,shown afterwards and basically if,somebody clicked on that url and used,that,to go to our websites then i would be,able to see on google analytics,af

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads tracking

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How to Setup TikTok Pixel | Tiktok Conversion Tracking Guide

How to Setup TikTok Pixel | Tiktok Conversion Tracking Guide

what's going on guys in this video we're,going to be going over how to install,your Tick Tock pixel and set up,conversion tracking for tick tock ads,now what I recommend is that you watch,this video in its entirety the first,time around and then when you are,actually going in and installing your,pixel that you come back and reference,different areas as you see fit the,reason for this is because right now the,way Tick Tock set up you can actually,delete a pixel or set up new events,after the fact that the pixel is,installed it's a little Annoying and,this is why I want to make sure that you,guys understand everything before you go,in and install the pixel with that being,said let's jump onto my computer and,I'll show you guys exactly how to,install the pixel all right so here we,are inside the tick tock ads dashboard,in order to set up your pixel you're,going to need to go into assets and then,events under assets and that's going to,bring up your events manager and for,today we're just going to be focusing on,web events that's because that's what 90,of people that are setting up the pixel,for tick tock ads are going to be,wanting to do if you you have a mobile,app or you are promoting something on,somebody else's mobile app then,obviously app events are going to make a,little bit more sense but I'm assuming,that if you're watching this video we're,going to be dealing with web events so,all you're going to do is Click manage,and then set up web events and we're,just doing The Tick Tock pixel here and,we can name this something like setup,testing now if you are hosting your,website on a partner platform I highly,recommend that you go through the,automatic setup because it's going to,make sure that your pixel is installed,properly and all of the conversions are,coming in so if you have a Shopify store,a woocommerce store definitely use this,option so I'm going to be teaching you,the manual way to install a pixel,because it basically works on almost,every single website hosting platform,whether it's Wix Squarespace click,funnels go high level or in our case,unbounce this method will basically work,for everything and make sure you're set,up in all platforms so we're just going,to be selecting standard mode,and we're going to be creating the pixel,and then next you're going to be taken,to this page where you have to copy this,pixel code don't worry I'm going to be,showing a couple of examples of exactly,where you need to paste this code in,order to make the pixel work for you so,if you are using go higher level you're,going to have to go into your funnels,figure out your settings and then paste,the code in the head tracking code,section simple as that if you're using,click funnels you're again going to go,into your funnel settings and then find,the head tracking code area over here so,in our case we're going to be using,unbounce and let's say we are setting up,a lead magnet funnel so here is my,sample lead magnet page it's a basic,form page where somebody comes in they,put in their information and their email,and then they get some sort of lead,magnet right so I'm going to go navigate,to my JavaScript and go figure out my,head tag and then paste my Tick Tock,tracking code now this code needs to go,on your entire website if you are,tracking all the conversions on your,website or if you only want to track,specific Pages well then this tag needs,to go on all of the pages that you wish,to track so in our case I only want to,be tracking this page and then the thank,you page for when somebody submits this,form so somebody submits their email,info and then they get taken to this,page which is like hey thank you for,checking um for submitting your email,check your email so I will also insert,this inside the head of my thank you,page and then I just want to save,and republish so both my pages have that,pixel code installed now I'm going to go,down and enable automatic Advanced,matching this basically allows Tick Tock,to match more customers with their data,set and then click next now here's where,things get interesting what I highly,recommend that 99 of people do is set up,tracking based on URL keywords instead,of Click events because it's a lot,simpler and it's a lot more,straightforward the tracking and,conversions are going to be based on,what URLs your customer reaches so,basically you're just going to want to,come in here and click enter keyword,URLs and then you're going to be able to,select between the different event types,so for us our funnel is essentially a,landing page and then just a thank you,page so for my first conversion I'm,going to be tracking view content so,this is going to track everybody that,visited the landing page and it doesn't,necessarily track if they submitted it,or submitted the form or not so in our,case I'm just going to take the URL,which is peak for our case and then I'm,going to make the event type view,content and it's simple as that I can go,into the advanced setting and enter an,alias

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How to Run TikTok Conversions Ads 2022/ TikTok ads or Advertising Tutorial Bangla

How to Run TikTok Conversions Ads 2022/ TikTok ads or Advertising Tutorial Bangla

hello guys,hello,episode,videos,foreign,foreign,campaign,foreign,foreign,foreign,Dot,tick tock,foreign,only Club,tongue,is,foreign,foreign,cost,CPA hello,foreign,okay guys,foreign,foreign,foreign,request,foreign,foreign,box,and,fryer,fryer,conversion,Tempe,now,see freeze box and fryer conversion,no problem,no category category housing employment,category is,split test get more insight into your,ads by slit testing your status,campaign budget optimization number,budget optimize State campaign,foreign,foreign,view content add to cart initial,checkout,or conversion turquoise naito,is,very high button,s,foreign,thank you,air pressure placement automatic,placement,Bangla,.com,create multiple combination of creative,assets including video and ethics a,delivery will be automated to show your,audience the combination that will,maximize your result,foreign,automatic optimize targeting best on,Advertising objective at content and,past campaign,United States,foreign,language selected English okay,okay,audience,foreign,foreign,fishing,Slot World,racing tiles,automatically I'm regularly,so to originally combination,select wall,delete,foreign,foreign,foreign,kitchen,koi,kitchen accessories kitchen game,home and kitchen kitchen and dining,kitchen accessories kitchen storage,kitchen cleaner cabinet needs KitchenAid,kitchen react,s,foreign,kitchen,equipment it's an application,my kitchen for kitchen in the kitchen,the kitchen kitchen,needs kitchen cabinet kitchen cleaner,storage space cleaning,kitchen accessories,and kitchen kitchen engagement,kitchen and hacks kitchen and,accessories kitchen neighborhood DC,it will generators,foreign,kitchen accessories,foreign,accessories kitchen game kitchen gadget,home and kitchen,accessories,cleaning exercise storage cleaner,cabinet kitchen needs the kitchen in the,kitchen,my four kitchen my kitchen,essential is an appliance,kitchen equipment,kitchen set tools kitchen tools kitchen,bathroom kitchen organizer bath bathroom,kitchen wire,foreign tools,settles those darker names,okay,Behavior video interaction,um,including seven days seven days ago,foreign,um Family relationship natural lifestyle,I received the food drink food display,food display another organic cooking,tablet,um cooking,food display,ing,move Banks testing travel in daily life,daily blog Campus Life work job life,hacks Home and Garden Home and Garden,uh it's absolute style entertainment,entertainment,cosplay game Enemy game,audio vehicle is put outdoor at airports,view profile,there are other Define how to interact,with creators creators,give a hashtag interaction,foreign,storage box now,a refrigerator dryer,this is,airfryer Asana if our,y air fryer these are the emulator,nothing,is,foreign,kitchen goes kitchen Style,floor,it's an idea kitchen gadget kitchen,design,um,Supply,cleaning kissing designer,equipment,kitchen Furniture,foreign,stories box,ers,storage idea,stress holder storage solution you can,already freeze the Frid the phrase,free store freezer freeze stock,no problem,there twenty,twenty dollars,impression,foreign,kitchen and identify your stick talk,foreign,foreign,foreign,foreign,ER okay,um,foreign,foreign,okay,foreign,kihai,now they're going to take a second,problem hello,thumbnail,and another video created,for new videos,foreign,blank,ETS,at three,five six,so I said it has the holy time,foreign,complete,so um,congratulations,foreign,guys,foreign,foreign

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Tiktok Ads Conversion Tracking: Pixel VS Custom Tracking

Tiktok Ads Conversion Tracking: Pixel VS Custom Tracking

Tick Tock pixel versus custom tracking,solution what is the best way to track,conversions on your Tick Tock ads when,we hear the word pixel most advertisers,in the know understand that iOS 14.5,changes everything right the entire,online advertising landscape has been,changed so we know that pixel data is,not accurate right as you know these,iPhone devices it make up for about 30,percent of online traffic probably a lot,more now but it will be impacting the,way that you're looking at your data and,the way that you're remarketing to these,users right so what is the best way to,track conversions on Tick Tock in 2022,obviously as any other platform it will,not be your pixel data okay but I'm,going to go into details to what is the,best way to track your data your your,conversions you know and for your,attribution because right now as we look,at it these days despite what others say,tick tock pixel and any other type of,pixel from you know whether that's a,Facebook pixel or Google should still be,implemented right but there's another,thing called server to server tracking,or server-side tracking which will go,into detail in a second so a couple of,benefits from using your Tick Tock pixel,first of all your conversion tracking,The Tick Tock allows you to track sales,leads page View events any event that,you're basically optimizing for on your,funnel you can still track despite again,the iOS 14.5 you will lose some accuracy,in the data and you will not be able to,maybe remark it to those iPhone users,that opted out from that privacy setting,optimization the pixel does allow you to,feed the the algorithm right on Tick,Tock uh basically helping you make,optimization decisions helping the,system have more data on users that are,more likely to purchase more likely to,take actions on your website so that,part is still important for you to,implement so that way you have that,information to make other decisions,right hey guys before we continue with,the video I quickly do want to take a,second to talk about today's video,sponsor which is me more specifically,The Tick Tock ads masterclass that I put,together now a lot of you already know,this but Tick Tock ads are the hottest,thing in advertising right now and,rightfully so I would kind of compare,them to say Facebook ads in 2015 2016,they're that good so I put together this,master class which is designed to bring,anyone up to speed and set them up for,success with Tick Tock ads and right now,you can take advantage of our special,introductory launch pricing and get the,master class at a massive discount if,you are interested check the link in the,description below and with that let's,jump back into the video another thing,is access to custom audiences so when,you have a pixel installed on your,funnel your website landing page you,will be able to create remarketing,audiences from this particular pixel,being added right so again those,audience is will be a bit incomplete,because of what we just been talking,about but nevertheless you will have a,chance to create you know remarketing,activities you know based off the events,based on people that visit a specific,page and they dropped off from the,funnel and you can remarket them later,on with a specific ad and things like,that so it's definitely ideal in that,aspect and I think most of you guys,watching this already knew that but it's,important to understand that just doing,server-side tracking and no pixel is not,ideal okay and this these are just some,of the reasons why not to do that okay,and the setup process is fairly easy as,you know Facebook if you've set up,Facebook pixel before or set up you know,conversion actions on on Facebook or,events it will be no different for you,and we do have other videos that talk,about you know how to set up your your,tracking with Tick Tock very simple this,video is just explaining you know the,differences between the pixel tracking,and and a custom tracking solution which,we're going to get to right now so an,alternative to tracking your conversions,on Tick Tock you have the server side,tracking right so server-side tracking,is just basically another way to track,conversions and actions on a website,that does not depend third-party cookies,right so remember we're living in a,cookie list era of advertising now so,there are other ways right with more,advanced technical setups such as,server-side conversion tracking that,will help basically let's say bypass,that particular privacy setting now it,is a compliant way don't get me wrong,this is not going against the Privacy uh,you know settings that are have been,laid out by Apple or have been basically,you know just imposed upon the,advertising industry this is a way that,post iOS 14 device traffic if you are,getting a lot of that you can still,track them you know it's privacy,compliant tracking method it is crucial,again we're talking about right now in,the way that we are advertising so if,you have a budget for server-side,tracking there are

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0 - $100K With TikTok Ads & Shopify FULL TRAINING

0 - $100K With TikTok Ads & Shopify FULL TRAINING

what is going on guys noah brewer here,back again with another video finally,it's been so long over the last 30 days,i have not uploaded any videos and this,video is about to be a banger we're,going to be hanging out for a little bit,here and we're going to be going over,exactly how you can use the same,strategy that i use to take stores from,zero to 100k a month or more so,obviously i didn't just stop uploading,on youtube and disappear off the face of,the earth i've actually been working on,many different things mostly ecommerce,related in terms of bettering my,strategies and further positioning,myself to have a better future,essentially because drop shipping as you,know it in the way that i've been doing,it over the past four to five years is,just not it and what i mean when i say,that is basically just putting up a,store whipping up a product page,testing it scaling it making 100k,whatever and then saying goodbye and,doing it over again i mean yes it works,and yes i do love that strategy very,much and it's actually how i made pretty,much 90 of my money what they don't tell,you about that strategy is after you,make your money and you want to go,bigger it's very difficult to either,position yourself as a brand to,potentially make an exit or build an,actual long-term sustainable business,and it's also a pain in the ass when you,start off like a drop shipping,store and you want to make the,transition into being a brand anyways so,over the last couple months i've been,working on new strategies one of them,which is actually going to allow us to,introduce the pioneer method to tick,tock ads yes as you know up until this,point i've only been doing copycat,method with tiktok basically finding,products that are already doing good on,the platform and bringing them there and,if you've been following me for a while,then you know that i love pioneer method,and that's actually how i made the,majority of my money is following the,pioneer method with facebook ads and if,you want to know more about the pioneer,of course we're going to cover a little,bit in this video feel free to go back,to my channel and check it out but you,know what let me start sharing my screen,and i'll kind of show you what we'll be,going over today so this is really going,to be a full training going over product,research and you can see that we're,going to go in depth on a couple,different subjects,store creation ad creation,how to create your test campaigns how to,analyze your test campaigns and i'm also,going to be giving you enough scaling,strategies to actually get you to that,3k a day point which is why this,training is called 0 to 100k a month,because i'm not just going to be showing,you how to find a winning product like,many of my previous trainings i'm also,going to be showing you how to actually,scale them and get them to that 100k a,month point so without further ado let's,jump right into it all right so let's,talk about product research i know this,is your guys favorite topic um so let's,get right into it we're gonna cover,criteria uh copycat method and i'm also,going to show you how i do the pioneer,method so not much to go over here um,and if you've seen my previous trainings,then you already know most of this stuff,but let's talk about what we are looking,for when we're doing product research or,what you should be looking for so a,really number one thing with tick tock,ads specifically is finding a product,that solves a problem for a broad,audience now it's common knowledge that,you want your products to solve a,problem,or you know create some sort of desire,but what most people don't talk about is,the broad audience aspect so essentially,what i mean by this is instead of,looking for,products that solve problems for a very,specific kind of person which is what we,did with facebook with tick tock we're,looking for products that solve a,problem for pretty much everybody best,example i can think of is you know you,have the dog water bottle that solves,the problem of having poop bags for the,dog poop and then having the water at,the end of it so you can basically take,your dogs on walks and you also have you,know the bags and the way to give them,water that's a great product however i,wouldn't prefer to do it with tick tock,because not everybody owns a dog a good,example of a good product would be,something like this you know something,that somebody can use in the shower like,the phone shower thing that held your,phone up in the shower or a kitchen,product and even though kitchen and,shower niche they are niches technically,it's a specific niche it's a specific,category and there's many products,inside of those categories,most people we can say safely like 90 of,the people in the united states and,canada at least have access to a shower,and usually shower and most people also,have access to a kitchen so that's what,i mean when i say that we want a product,that solves a problem for a broad,audience we're not looking for something,that has

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TikTok Ads Pixel and Conversion Tracking

TikTok Ads Pixel and Conversion Tracking

conversion tracking is an important part,out of any paid media campaign and that,functionality is available in the tick,tock ads manager and we're going to,cover three main things about conversion,and event tracking within tick tock the,first and most important thing is,getting the tic tac pixel on your,website you can't do any sort of,tracking unless you have the pixel setup,i'm only going to cover the tag manager,way to do this but we will show you a,few other options you have to get it on,your website as well as a few other,partners you can use depending on what,cms you're using,then we'll cover the main parts about,conversion and event tracking the first,will be url based conversions think,about it as a thank you page a,confirmation page or maybe just a higher,level like an add to cart page it's,pretty simple and then last we'll go,over the event tracking this is going to,be like click based button tracking,other certain elements on your website,to see where users are engaging after,they click on your ad and then you'll be,able to see how you can view all these,actions and conversions within the,ticktock ads manager dashboard,i'm on the main campaign screen in,tiktok ads manager so in order to start,setting up anything with events or your,pixel we need to head up to assets and,there we see events i haven't done,anything with apps on tick tock yet so,for this video we're solely going to be,working with web events so i'm going to,click manage for this option,and i created a new account just so we,can walk through these steps because it,says clear right in front of our faces,right now in order to create any,conversions or any click events we need,to install the pixel first so let's go,and create the pixel and i'm going to,choose the tick tock pixel option not,going to cover api here so chose that,going to hit next if you want to you can,copy and paste the code into your,website your landing page your cms,whatever you prefer i'm going to choose,this option here because right under my,mouse you can see that we can use google,tag manager it's going to be the easiest,way but first i'm going to have to name,the pixel otherwise it won't let me move,forward all right just paste it in a,name i'm going to select the partner,platforms and there we see a few options,common brands like shopify and square,choose the one that's best for you in my,case i'm going to use google tag manager,and then i'm going to hit next and there,it's going to ask if i want to connect,with google tag manager understand that,this connect process might be different,depending on which partner you chose but,pretty much in any one of our previous,videos on event tracking we do use,google tag manager i'm just going to hit,connect what i couldn't show you because,i had to blur out a lot of stuff is that,i selected the appropriate google,account and then i selected the correct,tag manager account and container so now,that that is connected go down a little,bit i'm going to choose standard mode,because i don't know how to use custom,website code so i'm going to leave it,pretty simple,i'm going to turn on automatic advanced,matching and then i'm going to enter the,website url to see if our pixel was,installed properly pasted the url in,there and now we can verify,and there we see the code was verified,so now we can go to the next step and,now we see there are a few different,ways we can create events to track,specific actions one of the easiest ways,to track it is with url events this is,if you have dedicated confirmation pages,thank you pages add to cart pages that,you would want to track specific steps,so tic tac is going to call it url,keywords but think of it as more as your,url contains these words let me show you,first i'm going to go up and select the,type of event you'd want to track you,can see there are a few options here so,place an order search submit form,subscribe view content if it's just,looking at a specific page there's the,add to cart so we do see a few different,options i'm just going to go down and,select the submit form option,and i want to put in certain keywords,that are part of the url of the page a,user is going to land on after they,submit a form on our website,so this is just one thank you page we,have on the website added that to the,url contains field if you want to so i,can add in a different url if i want to,combine multiple form submits into one,event type you see i cannot change it to,an and may not be able to hear it but,i'm trying to click on this so it's not,going to have me add mandatory layers so,you cannot have a destination url event,where a user must visit one url but they,also must visit a second url it's not,how it works it's going to have or,functionality only but i don't need that,so i'm going to trash the second option,if we look at our advanced settings,you can see you can add an event alias,and potentially add a value to this,specific event if you want to and then,we see the stat type do i want to cou

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This Secret TikTok Ads Testing Strategy Is Changing Lives

This Secret TikTok Ads Testing Strategy Is Changing Lives

hey buddy,yeah you what are you a damn headlights,come over here real quick don't be shy i,hear you're looking for that ecom gushy,gushy that underground black hat ad,strategy that will leave your bank,account impregnated maybe even,afterwards after your mrs sees it she'll,want to get impregnated too oh hey yosh,keep your voice done keep your voice,down geez always because this stuff,doesn't come cheap my friend a lot of,media buyers on my team on my team were,sacrificed to get these strategies,so it's gonna cost you,let's say,a million dollars,you know what my friend actually for you,if you like this video down below,i'll give these to you right now i,really don't wear hoodies that much,because i live in florida and it makes,me look like a giant penis but let's,actually talk about tik-tok product,testing strategies and how do people,even come up with these strategies in,the first place because you're gonna see,these videos all the time from a bunch,of different gurus and a lot of times i,feel like they're just blowing smoke out,of their rear end but for me because i,run a ad agency where we're literally,testing hundreds of products every,single month and we're testing on,thousands of different accounts this is,actually the way that we come up with,strategies that work for us we have a,sheet that looks like this and you can,easily come up with a spreadsheet where,you have a base control testing strategy,like this one right here where you have,five ad groups three of them with,interest two no targeting and how you,can develop your strategy over time,especially when you're doing a lot of,tests is you can introduce a little bit,of chaos with having an independent,variable so for us when we're doing,split testing we always will do one,variable changing from our original,control group so in this instance with,this top column we did us with australia,for the targeting instead of us and,canada and then what we would do is,measure the results these are all fake,numbers by the way we would do this over,and over and over again over the course,of multiple months and this is how i,actually came up with this exact,strategy this isn't just me oh well i,think this is what's gonna work no this,is proven how you can actually develop a,strategy that works over time and you,can also do other split tests like doing,a combination of number one number five,so that would be us with australia while,also doing a cbo on to mark all of the,data because at the end of the day,you're gonna be biased and if you don't,have the numbers guiding your decisions,you're not gonna make good decisions,when it comes to media buying because,it's all based on numbers and not your,emotions so this has helped us scale,brands like this one right here from,zero to 1.7 k a day like this brand,right here to zero to 1.8 k a day so,again this is proven to work and if you,do want to work with my team before we,start this video i do have an automation,agency where we have a team of experts,who will find products for you build,custom coded one product stores and even,film custom ads so if you're interested,in finding your first or next winning,product and help you scale to one grand,a day or more in the fastest amount of,time you can click the link down below,and book a call with my team so without,further ado let's get on to tick tock,ads and i'll show you how we test,products so the first thing you're going,to do obviously you're going to click on,conversions because we're not trying to,get no dang video views i can't deposit,that to my bank account so for me this,is how i name all my campaigns so i'm,going to be testing this product the,frost ball how i name all my campaigns,is the name of the product whether it's,a testing or scaling campaign and then,the break-even point because when you're,testing on multiple ad accounts it is,good to know first off what's the,product and what's my bep because when i,first analyze ad accounts and this will,be talked about a little later on i look,at cpa more than i actually look at,roads and i'll explain a little later on,because i know everyone's obsessed with,roes but for us and this is after i've,talked to senior media buyers who have,scaled accounts to the millions they,don't really look at roads as much as,you would think it is somewhat of an,important metric but i would say cpa is,more important your cost per purchase,but let's get into the actual ad group,settings now i do five ad groups,whenever i'm testing a new product one,campaign,five ad groups and all the ad groups are,identical i don't change anything about,either of them we're not split testing,anything and i get some people saying,ethan if you're not split testing then,what's the point of just creating five,that are identical well the thing is and,if you are someone who does media buying,you'll notice that even if you create,two ad groups that are exactly alike,they're never gonna perform the same way,the cpms will be different the cpcs will,be different

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Tik-Tok Ads Tracking: So startest Du!

Tik-Tok Ads Tracking: So startest Du!

hallo und herzlich willkommen zum video,channel der voll gmbh heute soll es mal,eine vollkommen neue werbeplattform,gehen nämlich um tik tok der ein oder,andere kennt vielleicht tik tok schon,was ich einmal zeigen will ist wie kann,man dort eigentlich werbung schalten das,ganze strecken wie ist es aufgebaut der,ex manager ist eigentlich alles recht,neue tools ich habe mich da mal ein,bisschen ausprobiert erste trackings,hinterlegt erst die events geprägt und,ein paar stolpersteine schon entdeckt,und dann nehme ich dich mal mit dir das,zu zeigen dass du es vielleicht für dich,ausprobieren kannst genau als,allererstes müssen wir uns mal bei eds,dort tik tok anmelden registrieren mit,dem firmendaten und so weiter und so,fort,dann habe ich hier so kleines dashboard,und wir erstellen doch einfach mal mit,testkampagnen dann zeige ich mal wie das,tracking aufgebaut ist dazu klickt hier,einfach mal auf kampagne gibt es ein,bisschen die mauer im internet und dann,erstellen wir einfach mal eine kampagne,und haben jetzt hier verschiedene ziele,je nachdem was ich da machen will kann,ich verschiedene ziele auswählen,für das video heute und für das was man,eigentlich messen wollen ist die,conversion das beste ziel weil dann kann,man nämlich auf der website dinge,treffen und die als conversion artig zu,übermitteln,jetzt habe ich mich vertan ich bin mal,kurz zurück und haben entsprechend das,richtige ausgewählt jetzt fragt sind sie,natürlich eine ganze reihe von daten ab,nämlich den sektor pixel die ereignisse,die wir optimieren wollen die müssen wir,erst noch herstellen und dann können wir,natürlich die platzierung und,werbemittel typen und zielgruppen und,alles noch einstellen dass gucken uns,gleich an,fangen wir doch mal mit dem ticket pixel,wenn ich jetzt ein aus wähler habe ich,nämlich noch kein es hilft mir und sagt,dies oder stellen genau ganz einfach,erstelle ich ja in pixel den nenne ich,jetzt vorgehen bh pixel und den ganzen,wollen wir jetzt mit einem ford party,tool installieren das sagen eine,möglichkeit das ist wirklich cool dass,ich mir schon lange ich noch nirgendwo,so gesehen das ganze über den google,topmanager,jetzt verbindet es mit dem google tag,manager ich muss an der stelle des video,kurz unterbrechen weil man da unsere,ganzen kunden dann sieht dann sehen wir,uns gleich wieder genau jetzt habe ich,ja einfach den brettern an der marketing,consulting zu hieß die vorgeben ja,früher dem jetzt einfach meint,brettschneider punkt kommt seite und,verknüpft die beiden miteinander als ich,habe das wirklich einmalig bei google,angemeldet erkennt es automatisch den,richtigen container aus und dann hat er,das entsprechend hinterlegt und das ist,ja wirklich ein tag manager drin und,aktiv und kann getrackt werden jetzt,müssen wir bei dem ganzen noch ein paar,events unterlegen so ich habe das nie,gemacht,ich lade das hier mal neu aber er kennt,den pixel leider noch nicht leid ich,einfach nochmal 3 nun bin ich mal auf,meiner eigenen seite gegangen und,mussten natürlich noch prüfen ob das,auch funktioniert hat mit dem pixel hat,mir da so ein kleines tool installiert,finden hier tickt uhr pixel helfer und,der sagt er hat einen pixel gefunden,der angeblich ein bisschen lang geht das,liegt jetzt sagen ich hab das caching,nicht erneuert das geht auch weg nur der,zeit und er hat noch keine events die,müssen wir jetzt noch hinterlegen,ich bin jetzt wieder in den tecdax ex,manager gegangen und da habe ich jetzt,das event ab ausgeführt und da kann ich,jetzt wählen ob ich,wie kommen wir sogar casting events die,nehme ich jetzt gibt er mir schon,relativ viele sachen vor die ich hier,nutzen kann,ich nehme da einfach die phorms,abmischen sage anfrage möchte jede,trekken des events setup ist jetzt hier,ein bisschen anders als wird das,eigentlich kennen ich kann sagen ich,möchte clique elemente eine url oder ein,pop up event das ist nicht ganz einfach,ein tag manager kann ich elemente wie,ein format mit zum beispiel in dem fall,würde ich jetzt die destination vl,nehmen und einfach die danke für ihre,anfrage seite nehmen genau und die,können wir in unserem belegen was muss,die seite enthalten darunter läge ich,jetzt so ich habe jetzt ja einen seite,mal rausgesucht die in der weg ich sagen,soll dass enthalten dann genommen ist,das ganze noch speicher das präsent,nämlich öfter und können das ganze hier,auf komplizen damit habe ich ein,die wände eingelegt genau jetzt sehe ich,auch gleich noch mal die übersicht mit,den events und könnte jetzt noch ein,weiteres hinterlegen das macht auch sinn,dann noch mehrere zu hinterlegen das,zeige ich meine mich der page für den,sollte ich auch mal messen so dass das,ist schon kompliziert welches event,machen will muss ich auch gerade mal,nachgucken also ich geh oben auf edit,und dann hier auf das plus jetzt können,wir sagen,welche sie wendig noch haben will,hackentricks zum beispiel da kann ich,das hinterlegen,ich will aber eigentlich gerne die,protect die tales page zu nehmen,dann sag einfach seiten

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