tiktok ads to metabase

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Metabase tutorial: everything you need to know to get started in under 20 min

hello and welcome to metabase this short,video is based on a webinar that we gave,in june 2021 and it will run you through,the features that most people find most,helpful when they first start using,metabase,if you have any questions when it's over,please get in touch and please keep your,eye out for other webinars where we'll,discuss more advanced features,when you first log in you'll see a,screen like this,that shows you some of the data and,questions that you've got available,to explore the data a little more let's,go to the upper right,and click on browse data this shows us,that we have one data set the sample,data set that ships with metabase,if we click on that we see it has four,tables,the orders that have been placed,customer information,the products that we sell and the,reviews that people have left,each of these has several options if we,click for example,on the grid beside people we see a table,view,of what's in the database back up,the other options on the right are some,brief information about the table,x-rays that will give us some,visualizations of what it contains we'll,see those in a second,and a book icon that lets us learn more,about the table,let's click on that we can now see a,description of the table,and on the left if we click on fields,some more information about the columns,that the table contains,now each column has two pieces of,information with it over here,one is the raw data type that's saved in,the database like,integer or text but beside that is the,field type,metabase stores extra information about,what the field means,so that it can help us build more useful,questions more quickly,for example this field is text but it's,actually to be interpreted,as an email address similarly,this field is a number but it's the,longitude,of the customer's address and so forth,now,we can take a look at what questions,people have already asked about this,table,but before we do let's go and take a,look at those x-rays i mentioned a,moment ago,click here and metabase automatically,constructs,some useful questions to give us an,overview,of what's in this table there are 2500,people,no new people have signed up in the last,30 days which isn't surprising the data,goes from,april of 2016 to april of 2019.,if we scroll down a little bit we can,see how they're distributed by city or,where they came from,and we can even see a map of where the,customers are located,all of these visualizations are,interactive for example if i come to,this map,by state and click i can,zoom in to see who's in texas and i get,this map that shows me how they're,distributed i can click further,on san antonio and zoom in again,or view the actual records and see all,of the people whose addresses are in san,antonio,metabase can build these questions for,us automatically,because of that extra information about,what the fields mean,now most users won't set up that extra,information whoever is administering the,metabase instance will,but adding that and other metadata,helps you get the answers you need much,more quickly,let's come up here and say that we want,to ask a question of our own,metabase gives us three choices,we can ask a simple question where we,can filter and summarize data,we can use the notebook editor to build,a more complicated query,graphically or we can actually write,sql that will go to the database let's,start,with a simple question we'll go to the,sample data set,and we'll go to the orders table,we can filter the data and then,summarize it,to get more insight let's start by,filtering and we'll take a look at,orders where the total value,was greater than or equal to one hundred,dollars,when we add that filter metabase,immediately redisplays things,we can see here that all of these values,are in fact greater than or equal to 100,but it also shows us here in the top,left what filters we've applied,so we can keep track of what subset,we're looking at,come here and summarize let's count,by the state that people are in,now we've got a map showing us how many,orders,worth a hundred dollars or more came,from each state,let's ask another question this time,we'll open the notebook editor by,clicking on custom question,we'll go back to the sample data set,we'll stick with the orders table for,now,this graphical editor gives us a way to,build sql queries without having to type,in the sql,we can choose the data set apply filters,summarize things,but we can add multiple filters multiple,summarization steps,and do many other things for example if,we click on this icon here,we can add a custom column we can,calculate new values,on the fly click on that,and let's say we want to figure out the,tax rate,well that will be the amount of tax that,was charged,divided by the pre-tax subtotal,and we will give this a sensible name so,that we,know what we're looking at when we come,back to this question later,click on done and if we click the arrow,here,we can get a preview of the output,sure enough there's our column all right,let's c

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Metabase tutorial: Everything you need to know in under 40min

Metabase tutorial: Everything you need to know in under 40min

hi everyone,welcome to this tutorial on how to get,started with metabase my name is,jonathan,and uh let's get going uh so in case you,don't know uh let's first spend,a few seconds on what metabase is so,metabase,is a business intelligence tool,um so this is a tool where you'll,connect your database or data,warehouse to it and you'll be able to,get insights on your data you know,answer,key business questions which will let,you understand your business better,and be able to improve it improve your,revenue your customer service,and so on metabase is particularly,popular,among startups uh for a few reasons,uh one it's uh most of it is no code so,most people are able to learn it um you,know through a drag-and-drop,interface that uh we'll check out,together um,it's also open source so you can uh if,you want to go through that you can,actually,install metabase on your own servers and,you will not have to pay anything apart,from obviously the time that you'll,spend doing that,and even you know they have a hosted,option which starts at,79 per month uh you know which is pretty,reasonable compared to other solutions,uh like you know tableau or locker and,the likes,um and lastly one,key feature that uh customers of,metabase really like is that you can,share dashboards over slack or email at,regular interval,to all your team all right so who is,this video for,um two type of people so first if you,are you know yourself a startup founder,or exec manager at a startup,and you know you need a tool to um,make more with your data and you're kind,of shopping around,uh comparing various solutions and,metabolize metabase is one of them,then this will show you you know in,under 40 minutes,most of what you need to know about,metabase how it works and you know you,can assess whether it's going to be a,good fit for you or not,um also if you are already working in a,company,that is using metabase then uh,and maybe you're not you've never really,used it or you know too comfortable with,it,um this video will show you most of what,you need to know uh to make the most of,it,and you know uh if you follow along and,understand everything we go through,uh you'll be able to get back to work,and feel you have superpowers and,impress all your co-workers,all right so what we'll go through is,we'll start by,um i'll show you very quickly how to,connect your database,or data warehouse to metabase it's very,simple,then we'll see how meta base is,organized so you'll see maybe you've,seen that already,they talk about questions and dashboards,and collections,so we'll it can be a bit confusing at,first so we'll see what's what that is,we'll see how to build stuff how to,build charts uh data tables how to,export data,um and build build dashboards um,i'll share with you a few tips that i've,learned after spending a lot of time on,metabase so,um you know hopefully that will help you,you know knowing this,at the beginning and lastly we'll see,that a key feature we mentioned before,about sharing on psych and over email,um all right and so as we go through,all these things uh you know we'll uh,we'll,target to uh build a dashboard like this,one,that i have here uh so this is the kind,of thing you can build with metabase and,share with your team,and as you can see i have you know a few,charts my revenue per month my net,revenue per month,uh i can also we'll see how to do that,we have a filter here so if i want to,see you know,those bias charts only for the category,the product category gadget and i can,just select it,and then all my tables and charts will,will refresh accordingly and so,we'll we'll basically build this over,the next,20 to 30 minutes i will try to keep it,under 30 or 40 minutes at most,um and so let's get going so the first,thing you'll need to do,and by the way we'll use the database,that metabase,connects by default to every new user,account so you'll be able to follow,along with me as i go through,things you will have the same database,so i would recommend you to do that,create an account on metabase,you'll get 14 days free trial you will,have to enter your credit card though,you can just go on the website click on,get started and create your account,all right so first thing first,if you want to actually connect your own,database or on data warehouse how do you,do that so,they will actually prompt you to do this,during the sign up process,and what you'll need is so for me as i,already have an account i need to go to,admin at the database,and so you'll need to have those various,information if you have no idea what,that is,then um you know ask your engineering,team to,to give you those credentials and one,thing that's actually um,that took me time to get to is um,so for metabase to access your your,database,um they're gonna do that from a specific,ip address,and if your company um,prevents random ip addresses to to,access,uh your database and then you'll have to,basically whitelist,the ip address from metabase and they,actually don't tell you t

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Metabase tutorial: custom expressions

Metabase tutorial: custom expressions

Hello and welcome back to Metabase! This short  video will introduce you to custom expressions  ,which let you calculate new values on the fly  that you can use in filtering and summarizing  ,your data. To start, let's ask a new question  and we'll select the "Orders table" in Metabase's  ,sample database as our starting data. Let's  say we want to know the percentage discount  ,applied to each order. If we preview our data  here, we'll notice that we don't have a field  ,for discount percentage in our table but  we do have the discount and the subtotal.  ,So let's go ahead and close that preview  and we'll create a custom column.  ,The formula we want is discount divided by  subtotal. You'll notice that as we start  ,typing, Metabase gives us auto-complete  suggestions based on existing columns. ,Columns get enclosed in square brackets and we use  normal mathematical symbols for the operations.  ,We'll name our custom column  "Discount Percentage".,When we visualize our data we can  see our new column here on the right.  ,Let's drag it over to the  left to be closer to subtotal.  ,And if we click on the column heading and then  this gear icon we can change the style from  ,normal to percent to make the values in this  column easier to read as percent. And there  ,we have it! Now let's ask another question:  this time using our orders table once more.  ,Suppose we want to filter the data so that we're  only looking at large orders where a large order  ,is defined as having a total greater than one  hundred dollars or being more than four items.  ,We can add a filter to the total so that will be  shown orders greater than one hundred dollars.  ,Then we can add another filter on the quantity  field and set that to be greater than 4.,When we visualize this, we get a table but it's  not quite what we wanted. That's because these  ,two filters have both been applied. So we're  only seeing records that satisfy both conditions  ,also known as a "logical and". All of the records  shown here have a total greater than one hundred  ,dollars and have a quantity greater than 4.  What we wanted were records that satisfied  ,either or both conditions. Let's return to the  notebook editor and remove these two filters.  ,We'll create a new filter this time scrolling  down and selecting a custom expression.  ,And the formula we want here is a total  greater than 100 or a quantity greater than  ,4. Adding parentheses around each condition  like this can make things easier to read.  ,When we're done we can visualize our data  and sure enough we see some orders where the  ,total is less than one hundred dollars but  the quantity is greater than four and some  ,orders where there are only a few items but the  total is greater than one hundred dollars. This  ,is called a "logical or". One more example:  to show how we can use custom expressions  ,to summarize data let's ask another question  and this time we'll use the products table.  ,Under "Summarize", select pick the metric you  want to see and choose a custom expression.  ,If we start typing we can see the functions  that we can use to summarize our data.  ,Let's look at Share. If we start typing  Share, we'll see a pop-up giving us a  ,helpful definition of this function. And we're  looking for the share of records where the rating  ,was greater than 4. We have to give this a  name so we'll call it "High rating share".  ,Click "Done" and when we visualize our data we  see that 38% of our products had ratings over  ,4. That's useful in its own, but if we open  up the Summarize sidebar, group by category,  ,and then visualize this data as a bar chart  - we can clearly see that gizmos have the  ,highest ratings followed by doohickeys  followed by gadgets followed by widgets.  ,If you'd like to learn more about custom  expressions and how to use them - please read the  ,full tutorial or check out our documentation.  Both links below. Thanks for watching!

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Metabase 0.37: dashboard interactivity

Metabase 0.37: dashboard interactivity

version 0.37 of metabase gives you new,tools to make your dashboards,even more interactive now when you edit,your dashboards you'll see that,each chart has this new option called,click,behavior where you'll get to pick what,happens when you click,on that chart you can tell,your charts to either open up the,metabase actions menu,go to a custom destination like another,dashboard or some other url,or you can have the chart update a,dashboard filter or,cross filter the dashboard what's really,great is that these,click options also work for sql cards so,up until this version of metabase,sql questions or charts didn't have any,built-in drill through behavior but now,you can give them,some drill through behavior in this case,i've made this sql bar chart here,cross filter my dashboard so when i,click on one of the bars in it,it's going to update the filter value on,my dashboard,i've set up this map chart to do the,same thing so it's going to update my,state filter here so when i click on,california it's updated to,say california we've also added another,feature,to dashboard filters called linked,filters,so in this case i've got this state,filter and a city filter,and it would be really great if my city,filter,would only show the cities that are in,california,so that's exactly how i've set this up,so if i show you before,i select a state i can search here for,cities and it'll show me all the cities,in the united states but if i go back,here and,pick california manually or select it on,my map,then when i type in that same letter,it's only going to show me the cities,that are actually,in california,i can also tell my tables to go to,a different destination or to have,customized click behavior,so in this case i've got this table here,that lists a bunch of my different,products that we sell,and i have set it up so that when i,click on one of these products it's,actually going to go to a different,dashboard entirely,and give me some detailed information,about that particular product,you can imagine using this for lots of,things like maybe you want to have,you know a list of your users and go to,a detailed view of,a user dashboard or something like that,so in this case we can check out the,details for this intelligent iron shirt,and it's going to take me over to my,product,details or product metrics dashboard,here,and it's automatically passed over the,id,of that particular product to the filter,widget that's on this dashboard,and it also passed along the value of,the state filter,because i told the link,on that table to pass over that value as,well,so these are pretty powerful when used,in conjunction,and then lastly down here i've got an,example of how you can,tell a chart or a column at a table to,go to,an external destination entirely so in,this case i've,wired things up so that this id column,is going to,go to this other website that gives you,information about integers,so i'm kind of curious about the number,487 so why don't we learn about it,so it goes to this external website oh,neat it turns out that 487 is prime,so that's just a few of the things that,you can do with the dashboard,interactivity features that we've added,in,0.37 and we can't wait to see what you,do with them

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Metabase tutorial: asking questions

Metabase tutorial: asking questions

This video will walk through how to ask a  question using Metabase's graphical query builder.  ,Let's say we have a question like "How  many orders did our company receive in 2019  ,by product category?". We'll start up here  in the navigation bar by clicking "New"  ,and "Question". If we wanted to write our  question in SQL we'd click "SQL query".,This brings us to the notebook editor where  we'll first need to select our data source.  ,Our options are models which are  derived tables that you or someone  ,in your organization has created as a  good starting point for new questions,  ,raw data or saved questions. You  may not see all of these options.  ,We'll select raw data and choose the orders table  in the sample database that ships with Metabase.  ,Now that we've selected our data, we can preview  our table with this triangle button on the right.,Asking a question about your data  usually consists of doing two things:  ,filtering and summarizing. We want to filter  our results based on when orders were created.  ,If we click this add filter button we'll see  a drop-down showing us the columns that we can  ,filter on. These icons next to the filter options  give us some idea of what type of column each one  ,is and each type of column gives us different  filtering options. If we want to filter based  ,on how many orders were created in 2019,  we'll need to choose the Created at column.  ,The default option is to filter by the  previous 30 days but we want to reach  ,a bit further back than that. Let's click  this first drop down and select "Between".  ,Now we can enter the dates that we're interested  in which in our case are the beginning of January  ,through the end of December 2019. Let's add  that filter and we can preview our results at  ,this stage too. As you can see everything  in the created at column is from 2019.,Now we want to count how many orders there are  and then we'll break that number out by product  ,category. This is one example of summarizing  which typically means counting, adding,  ,or averaging and then optionally grouping that  result by time, location, or some other dimension.,The first option in this list of  metrics is "Count of rows" which,  ,as the name suggests, counts  the number of rows in the table.  ,This is the option we want for our question  of how many orders were placed in 2019.,Next, we need to pick the dimension that we  want to group by which is product category.  ,We'll scroll down to product and select category.  Let's visualize our results. Metabase immediately  ,calculates for us and chooses the most appropriate  default visualization which in this case is a bar  ,chart. If we wanted to switch to table view we  can do so by clicking this toggle at the bottom.,Now if we wanted to see a different date range  we can edit our filter just by clicking on it.  ,We can also remove our filter with this x or hide  the filter with this purple hide filters button.,We can also add and adjust filters using the  filter button in the upper right which brings  ,out a sidebar where we can do just that. Let's  open the summarize sidebar which as you'll see  ,is broken up into two parts. The top is where  we'll select how we want to summarize the data  ,and the bottom is where we'll choose what  kind of grouping we want. We can also add  ,additional metrics here: like if we wanted to  calculate the average subtotal or the sum of  ,the quantity column. But for now let's just keep  count selected. A neat thing about the sidebar is  ,that we can change our summarizations while still  viewing the data. Like if we wanted to switch over  ,and see how many orders were created by month,  we'd scroll down to create it at by month.  ,And Metabase generates a line chart for us showing  us the count of orders throughout 2019 broken  ,out by month. And if we wanted to see orders  created at by month and by product category,  ,we can scroll down to product category and click  this plus icon to add that grouping. This gives us  ,a color-coded line chart showing how each of our  product categories performed throughout 2019 by  ,month. Each of these lines represents one of our 4  product categories. If you ever want to return to  ,the notebook editor you can do so by clicking  the show editor button in the upper right.,If we aren't satisfied with a line chart  - we can click the visualization button  ,in the lower left to see our other options.,We can also adjust the settings like the  display colors or the scale of the axes.,If you're ever feeling a bit lost playing around  with filters and summarizations and you just want  ,to get back to your starting table - you can  do so by clicking the table name up at the top.,This shows you your starting table without  any of those filters or summarizations added.  ,A nice shortcut when viewing a table is to click  on any of these column headings to quickly filter  ,or summarize by that column. For example, we can  click the subtotal heading, filter

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Getting Started w/ Metabase | Open Source Data Visualization Tool

Getting Started w/ Metabase | Open Source Data Visualization Tool

metabase is a data visualization tool,but it's open source and it's something,that you can self-host through a simple,doc or container so in today's video i'm,going to show you what this tool is all,about show you how you can easily spin,it up on your local computer and see,what the visualizations are like that,you can make now like many other open,source products there is a cloud hosted,option but today i'm going to show you,how to do it open source and get,yourself up and running and start seeing,data visualization essentially for free,to get started with the open source,version of metabase of course we'll go,to metabase.com and click get started,and this is going to prompt you to sign,up for the cloud account and get a free,trial but we want to do the free open,source version so go down to this here,and get installation instructions and,what this is going to offer you is,instructions on how to get set up with,either a docker image or running a jar,file which would be for java in the java,8 or higher in this video we're going to,go through docker and if you don't,already have docker installed locally,all you'll need to do is go to,docker.com and download docker desktop,for either windows or mac whatever,you're on or linux and get that set up,it doesn't take very long but i already,have this on my machine so i have docker,ready to go and i'm just going to move,forward with that but again if you don't,have that just take a minute to get that,set up now going back to the,instructions we're going to click on,this more detailed information about,running on docker and it's going to give,us a nice quick start right here that we,can work on the first thing we need to,do is copy this pull command which is,going to look on docker hub for the,image of metabase which is essentially,the pre-packaged setup of metabase that,we can then run locally so open up a,command prompt or a terminal depending,on what you're on and i'll say this is,assuming you have docker already running,go ahead and paste that in here and,press enter and what it should do is,pull the latest image from docker hub so,it's going to grab this down and then,essentially all we'll need to do is run,our own version of this it's actually,very simple now this is done and the,next step is to start the metabase,container so we're going to create our,own instance of metabase and again this,is all open source free to use so paste,this in here and essentially this is,going to run a container called metabase,and we'll see what this looks like so,that's it it's done and how do we know,what just happened well go back to your,docker desktop and you can see under,images we have this metabase image and,we can see in here that we've created a,container as well that's ready to go and,all we need to do is open it up so over,here i'm going to say open with browser,and it's going to take us to localhost,this is where this is currently running,it's in a container hosted here and it's,as simple as that we're ready to get,started,we'll go through this wizard here what's,your preferred language uh what do we,want to call you i'll fill this out real,quick,add an email you'll fill this out for,yourself,next now here's where we're going to,connect it to our database you can add,this later but i already know i'm going,to be using snowflakes so we're going to,connect it to snowflake but you can see,here there's a lot of other options that,you could pick and this is wherever your,data is going to live so display name,i'll call this snowflake the account,name is everything right here copy this,username is this up here and then your,password for that username i don't have,a private key locally if you did you,could put that on here next we need to,give it a default warehouse and for me,i'm going to use the developer warehouse,this one that i call developer wh so the,database is case sensitive here and i,have one called analytics all the,schemas and i'll add a developer role,again this is based on your environment,and i'm just picking uh what i have and,that's it so connect to database and,that's it we're connected you can allow,metabase to collect usage data i'm going,to uncheck that and i'm not going to,sign up for the newsletter and select,take me to metabase and just like that,we are all set up and ready to start,using metabase next we'll just take a,quick review of what it is we're looking,at here,the main welcome screen is just giving,you a collection of options based on,your data so it's immediately,recognizing the two schemas that i have,in my snowflake data here if we're,comparing it directly here i have marks,and staging so it's picking this up,let's go back here so on the left we,have what's called collections and,collections are essentially folders and,ways to organize your data so we could,create a new collection and call it demo,collection and we'll,say create again it's over here as a new,collection you also have your personal,collection which is for you for testing,and

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Metabase 0.40: multiple questions in dashboards, improved data selection, SQL questions results.

Metabase 0.40: multiple questions in dashboards, improved data selection, SQL questions results.

Hello and welcome back to Metabase! We've just  released version 0.40 of both the Open Source  ,and Enterprise editions of the product and this  short video will give you a quick overview of  ,the most important new features. To start, let's  come up here and create a new dashboard. We'll  ,just call it demo. If we then come up to edit it  and click on plus to add questions there's a new  ,pop-up here on the right that shows us all of our  collections so that we can add multiple questions  ,with a single click. If we come back here to  rearrange things you'll notice that questions  ,now float out of each other's way so that we  can rearrange things a little more quickly.  ,Everything will align to the grid but it makes  it much easier to get the information you want  ,where you want it. Let's save this dashboard and  then come back up here and ask a new question.  ,One neat feature Metabase has always had is  the ability to use the results of one question  ,as the starting point for another one. But it  used to be a bit tricky to figure out how to do  ,that so we've added a button to SQL questions  to make it easy to start a new exploration.  ,Let's go for native query and create a  question like SELECT * from the orders table.  ,We'll run that and then we'll save that as  all orders. We won't bother adding it to the  ,dashboard right now but there's a new button up  here called "Explore results". If we click on that  ,it launches us into the editor using the output of  the previous question as the input to what we're  ,doing now so I can filter all of those orders by  TOTAL value being greater than a hundred dollars.,This gives you a quick way  to share and build on work  ,with just a couple of clicks. Now if  you want to ask questions of your own  ,we've made a few improvements there as  well. Let's go in and ask a simple question.  ,Over here on the left we could drill down  into the sample data set and pick a table  ,but we can also now look at the saved questions  and get a two-panel view of our collections so  ,that we can select what question we're going  to use as the starting point. For this one  ,and if we back up we can also now search  for questions and tables. If I type in the  ,word "people" I get the tables and the saved  questions that I can use as starting points.  ,One last feature we'd like to show you is  available only in the Enterprise edition.  ,Let's click on the admin panel and go to the  audit tab and take a look at all of the questions.  ,We're now presenting more information about  things like the average runtime of questions,  ,the total run time, and so forth. This will tell  you what you might need to optimize either in your  ,Metabase questions or in your database itself.  There are a lot of other small improvements in  ,this release as well. If you go to our blog you'll  see an article that has all of the details and if  ,you have any questions please give us a shout we'd  be happy to answer them. Thank you for your time!

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Build your open source data warehouse with Restack, Airbyte, Metabase & BigQuery

Build your open source data warehouse with Restack, Airbyte, Metabase & BigQuery

Data warehouse! Sounds expensive to you? Sounds  like something for the big ones? Like for the Fortune 500?,Those corporates? No! As a startup  today you should build your first data warehouse  ,nearly from day zero and in this video I show  you how you build such a setup with open source  ,tools like Airbyte and Metabase in addition  to a serverless data warehouse like BigQuery.,There are many use cases why you should build  your data warehouse now. The first use case  ,that comes up to my mind as a young startup is  actually to replicate my production databases  ,to a serverless data warehouse and you  should do that because you make then your  ,data from your core product accessible for  the rest of your organization, combining it  ,with your product analytics data to actually drive  insights to determine which features are working.,How your product is performing and what are the  next steps to take in the roadmap to product-market fit.,The second most important use case for startups and scale-ups is actually your  ,commercial data warehouse. You are starting to  grow because you found first product-market fit.,You want to scale and you want to attract more  customers you want to increase your revenue.  ,You want to generate a pipeline for your sales team.  So you are taking a lot of measures like marketing  ,spend on platforms like Facebook, Linkedin or  Google. You're doing sales with outreach tools  ,or you're calling people. You have a lot of data in  your CRM like Salesforce and Hubspot and you want  ,to combine this data with your product data or  your e-commerce data to understand which measures  ,are actually increasing your revenue, driving sales and attracting more customers to your platform.,Enough about the theory. I'm going to show  you now how you can set up your data warehouse  ,in no time with Restack. Yo you see our console and  I already started for you Airbyte, Metabase. Both on  ,kubernetes both on the restack platform and we are  taking care of everything behind the scenes so you  ,can just use those tools integrate them with your  serverless data warehouse like BigQuery and get  ,started. We can deploy it in our AWS cluster or in your  cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure). Let's start with Airbyte you see we already  ,spin up in this demo Airbyte instance  for you and we can deploy it on your own cloud  ,and you can access that on a certain dedicated  domain that we can customize to you and you can  ,use all the different connectors that Airbyte  has to offer and that are licensed with the MIT  ,license so you have destinations like BigQuery  but you also have all those different sources  ,where you want to extract data. Whether for the database replication use case  ,or for the commercial data use case for example.  So you see Facebook, Google ads, Salesforce as a CRM.  ,There are a lot of connectors and the number  is increasing month over month and this is  ,the huge advantage of Airbyte. There is nearly no connector in roughly six months  ,that is not already offered on there, which is used by most of the companies. And, that's  ,a really nice achievement. I want to show you how  you actually set up your connections. So we already  ,set up a few connections for you here and you can see them here in this overview.   ,You can add new sources easily. You can see if it works or not  and you have also the destinations. So for example  ,here we already added BigQuery with certain  settings like a service account where you can  ,access all of that. We won't go into details  here and you can add a service like Salesforce  ,and you can easily start syncing this to your data  warehouse and access the data here in BigQuery.  ,You get the raw data by Airbyte. Airbyte  is applying basic normalization as well  ,and then you can also transform data here  with the query function within BigQuery  ,or by using a tool like dbt cloud, which you can easily  plug in as well on BigQuery. So now your data is  ,in your data warehouse, you can schedule that  and now we want to analyze it with Metabase.  ,We already spun up a Metabase for you and we  can also deploy it on your cloud. It comes with  ,extensive user management already and whenever  there is a new upgrade we make it available to you  ,We already set up a first demo  account with Metabase and we connected BigQuery  ,already super easily. In the settings databases  you see here we already connected BigQuery on top.  ,You can do that easily with your own BigQuery  via service account. We can access the data,  ,we can see which data sets are already connected.  We can also ask questions like simple  ,questions, custom questions or if you're proficient  in SQL we can ask also questions in SQL and out  ,of these questions, we can create dashboards  that, in the end, will answer your questions:  ,Where is actually my revenue coming from? What are  actually marketing channels bringing in in value?  ,All of these questions you can now answer  ,with your Airbyte -

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