tiktok ads threshold

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How to Create a Tik Tok Ads Account (+ FREE $300 AD CREDIT)

hey what's going on guys team eff here,back with another video and in today's,video,we're going to be going over how you can,create your very first tick tock ads,account or,tick tock ads business manager on this,channel we like to talk about e-commerce,tick-tock ads facebook ads shopify drop,shipping everything of that nature guys,and if you want to learn more you can,join our free facebook group called the,ecom huddle,we have a pretty you know large growing,community,on that channel you guys can join that,completely for free and we talk about,everything,digital marketing so guys join that but,let's get straight into this video,so we have our tick tock ads you know,business page up here this is the very,first page,uh when you want to make your account,we're going to go ahead in the top right,and click,get started all right so we're going to,click get started,and then this page should load and pop,up where it has the tick tock ads,login right so this is the login you're,going to click the sign up below,and it's gonna bring you to a page like,this i already filled some of this out,for you guys so you have to wait,just put your email address in password,for your account and then just go ahead,send the code to your email,and the code should pop up here for me,okay here's the code let's see boom boom,i'm just gonna go ahead and copy this,code,and then we're gonna paste it in here,guys right paste in the verification,code so it's pretty quick pretty easy,and then we'll click sign up and it's,going to load up for us,and now it's going to you know you put,your country and region and this is,super important guys because once you,put your country and,region in you can't change it and that's,the same with the time zone i know it,kind of sucks,but that's just the way it is i'm from,the united states so i'm gonna click u.s,and if you're from the us put that as,well new york obviously kind of like,calculates where you're from i'm from,pennsylvania so it kind of you know,already filled in what i had,put your phone number in there and then,your account name whatever you want to,name it,um you know just,literally call this test tick tock,doesn't really matter this is a test,test account for you guys um i would,recommend,like you guys can put say yes i work at,an agency,and i think from what i know the,approval process is much quicker because,they do favor agencies,you could just put that it's not really,a big deal it's up to you guys uh,confirm that there,and i'm gonna put a phone number in,that's just the random phone number,let's see what goes advertiser name,already exists okay,so you have to put whatever you want,let's see what comes up okay boom so,that's registered up let's see what it,goes to,now and it should open the tick tock wow,guys boom so right we have the tick tock,ads manager said we're all signed up,i know a ton of people were saying like,how hard it was but guys i literally,walked you step by step through it's,super easy and super simple,and then you can launch your very first,campaign right but like i said before,you do any of this,set up your pixel watch my initial,launch strategy it will be linked above,so how so you guys know how you can,launch your tick tock ads effectively,without blowing through your budget and,guys now let's go to the profile right,let's go to our um our account info here,and i'm going to show you guys how you,can,uh get your free credit right so tick,tock gives you up to,300 in free ad credit if you verify your,business i just bought a giant room full,of gold coins and i'm gonna dive into it,like scrooge mcduck,ah it's not a liquid,it's a great many pieces of solid matter,that form a hard floor-like surface,and then on top of that they will match,up to two thousand dollars,um in ad credit i don't i don't know if,they're still running that offer but,they were running it,oh yeah see they are still running it,verify your business now and get up to,three hundred dollars in u.s,in uh you know ad credit and like i got,like i said guys,fill out your business name here your,your company website,you know your industry your street,street address all that good stuff,all this right and then verify your,business uh this this should be pretty,simple and,you know straight forward if you're from,the us especially just put your you know,business name verification and then,you know your ein with the documents and,that should take around 24 to 48 hours,guys,and then once you have that in,everything should be you know completely,good to go,they'll give you the 300 in free ad,credit and you'll be able to start,running your tick tock ads pretty you,know quickly,but guys like i've gone through so many,videos like this on the opportunity of,tick tock ads obviously it's it's still,a very new platform,and the algorithm is still trying to,learn it's not as good as facebook yet,guys but it's getting there,in terms of like consistency and you,know the way you're able to run,ads but guys like i have a like i s

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How to Get 300$ TikTok Ads Credit For FREE! (2021)

How to Get 300$ TikTok Ads Credit For FREE! (2021)

hey welcome back to my channel today,we're going to be talking about tiktok,for business,if you are new to the channel then,consider subscribing,this channel is for all entrepreneurs,who like to do it themselves,now let's jump straight into this video,today i will go over how to get 300,ad credit on tick tock for absolutely,free,when it comes to social media marketing,trends nothing is hotter than tick tock,with over 800 million monthly active,users,businesses can't ignore tick tock,advertising,especially if you're looking to reach,users under the age of 30.,so let me show you guys how to get this,three hundred dollars free ad credit on,tick tock,so first thing first you either want to,create our account,or if you have one already just log in i,have one already,so i'm just going to log in alright so,once you log in,you're going to see this dashboard so,what you're going to do is go to account,account info,and then you are going to scroll down,you're going to have to put in your,business information here,and if you scroll down some more you're,going to see a business verification,so i already filled this out you're not,going to see it because it's my personal,information,but you have to have an ein or business,verification id number in order to get,the 300,credit so once you put in your legal,name,your business your phone number ein and,your name of the legal representative,if you don't have one i just put myself,as and i was good to go,so once you submit that information,they're going to email you right away,saying that your business verification,was approved,but once your business verification has,been approved,you will then go back to your dashboard,and then you will click on this heart,thing right here and then it would have,these check marks,so once you put in your account,information and put in your business,verification information and then you're,going to add a payment verification as,well,so once you do those three things you'll,be able to see your three hundred,dollars,i additionally had already added 25 in,there so that's why i might say 325,but yeah so super quick and easy let me,know if you guys want to do another,video where we can be talking about how,to create a tick tock campaign on here,and how to install the tick tock pixel,on your website,that is important too but thank you guys,for watching this very short video,let me know down below what you want to,see next make sure you like,comment and subscribe,so,you

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This Tiktok Ad Hack Made Me $515,548 In 30 Days!

This Tiktok Ad Hack Made Me $515,548 In 30 Days!

hey guys it's youtube jamaal and today,i'm going to share something very very,important about tick-tock ads and i'm,going to show you the last 30 days we've,been able to generate this client over,um you know,over 518 000 but however,before he came to us so let me show you,like the results before he came to us in,august like 31 he was running uh the ads,severely from facebook and after his,facebook ads content he literally came,to us and you know the results here,we're gonna you know see is ninety,percent from tick tock and 10 from,facebook so it's because we have you,know basic foundations and advanced,formulas to actually drive those,consistent results but i'm going to show,you guys and provide you value to,actually how you can get those certain,results now the reason why we've been,able to generate awesome results for our,clients it's because um we have a,specific formula that we go in inside of,gmail talk and it's um as i also share,you know,you know every video this basic formula,has generated over a million dollars for,all of our clients well over you know,seven figures for our clients and this,is just half of the equation that we're,going inside of your mouth or to talk at,um coaching agency where we literally,coach you how to you know hold your hand,and spill past six or seven figures and,actually show you what's,working on tick tock and how you can go,viral tick-tock and so i want to show,you how you know guys um you know how,you can produce those results so,essentially how we generate those,results is actually make content that,resonates with the audience and so if,you're in the parent niche i'm going to,show you some ad examples and um you,have to make queries that really,resonate with the audience and don't,make them look like ads because if they,did look like an ads what would happen,to your cdcs um sorry cpm's a cost per,click and your everything's going to be,you know high priced because you're not,reaching the right audience forget about,ios 14 because is14 does not correlate,with tick tock because tic tac has a,different algorithm but if you shoot,content that does not look like an ad,i'm going to show you some examples this,is the results you can see inside of the,ads manager once you start applying the,formula i'm going to show you,essentially video um so you know with,this client we've,uh for example they will spend a 1.7 k,in broadband 7.6 k with a 4.48 broad i'm,going to show you the cpcs cpc the value,0.097 cpm about 1.54 um impression cost,you know ctr 1.7 we're always aiming for,uh you know above 1.5 ctr which is very,good and once you start applying you,know the formula i'm going to show you,guys,um you know in this video um we're going,to see some awesome little awesome,results and actually and increasing row,as in your um because the roast is you,know held by a different metrics and you,know one of the biggest metrics are the,cpms and the cost per click and class,and,you're going to see once you you know,apply the trick i'm going to tell you,today that those you know metrics will,actually decrease in price which will,eventually make a row as higher so i'm,going to show you examples and i'm going,to show you the difference between,examples so we're going to go to the top,creative center and the way you can,access this is at tiktok.com i'm going,to show you three i'm going to show you,three examples from the same niche and,i'm going to tell you which one will,convert 100 times better,by experience so,i'm going to go and choose a pearl for,example i'm going to select all,so essentially in this video it's it,doesn't fit what we teach in jamal talk,and i'm gonna suspect from this video,and ultimately from you know the the,likes and the comments and everything,this is it is not a high converting ad,because it's high in fashion and,essentially it doesn't you know share,what we teach inside of your mouth um,tick tock adds creative folder where,literally actually we take you through,how to create viral tic tac ad and scale,loop past six to seven figures and it,really doesn't um you know follow the,you know exact foundation in this one l,and also and what we teach also inside,of jamal talk the basic foundation how,to scale with ads that really resonate,with the audience and essentially i'm,going to show you another example which,is kind of a more high converting and,you're going to notice a difference so,in this example and i'm going to show,you just a similar snippet from the,perfectly the ad that we would actually,go in kind of all in and this is,and so this video started with the hook,okay so he they hooked the audience in,the first three seconds i'm throwing the,soda on the t-shirt and you know the,audience can stay for longer and if you,can you know go to that video um and not,we're not gonna watch it all but you're,gonna see the engagement is very much,hard the number of shares is much higher,and you're gonna see that the ctr has,been increased by the end for um this,means that the au

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ENDLESS Free Tiktok Ad Credit Equals MASSIVE Black Friday Sales WITHOUT Risking Money!

ENDLESS Free Tiktok Ad Credit Equals MASSIVE Black Friday Sales WITHOUT Risking Money!

foreign,never pay for your own Tick Tock ads,again what are you doing you can get,unlimited free Tick Tock and coupons,promo codes ad credits all of that and,I'm going to show you exactly how in,this video no fluff let's get straight,to it I'm gonna share my screen so tell,me in the comments right now how much,you guys currently uh spending on Tick,Tock ads if you are spending any money,on Tick Tock ads so as you can see we,are on this site right here and it says,get free Tick Tock ads credit Tick Tock,ads coupon so working and latest Tick,Tock ads coupon to get up to two,thousand dollars in credit for ad,coupons okay so check this out,there's a lot of people that use these,coupons and some of those sites are fake,some of them are real the best way to,get,Tick Tock ad coupons and promo codes is,to start a brand new tick tock account,all right and it gives you the,instructions for doing it now I'm not,going to tell you to do this yourself,what you're supposed to do is you're,supposed to make it work once and then,you're supposed to multiply what works,so how do you multiply a tick tock ad,coupon or ad credit you recruit,Affiliates so what I'm talking what am I,talking about remember when I said you,don't want to ever have to pay for your,own ads again never again how much money,would you make and save if you never had,to pay for your own ads so look at this,what makes an affiliate program,successful here are a few things to keep,in mind an affiliate program will work,if you want others to promote your,business on their own channels and drive,traffic directly to your website that's,what's so powerful about it it,eliminates all risks you don't have to,worry about CPM you don't have to worry,about cost per click cost per,acquisition you'll have to buy aware,about Tick Tock accounts being banned,you don't have to worry about getting,kicked off platforms is this regulated,is it not and all of that extra stuff,because other Affiliates professionals,that you recruit to your affiliate,Network,they are going to be spending their own,money or using these free Tick Tock ad,coupons how I show you uh to do it,themselves to send you sales and they,are only going to get a little tiny,pinch a pinch of the commission or,whatever okay so it says Affiliates,won't resell your products for you,instead they'll recommend and link to uh,your products that you sell within your,own store so this is also going to build,your brand massively and rapidly because,you're going to have a lot of these,little Affiliates a lot of these people,out here uh linking to your products and,services in their uh descriptions of,their videos and the BIOS on Instagram,and on Tick Tock of course and running,Tick Tock ads of course okay so like,they were how do I know this works how,do I know you do this well we have the,anti-job uh affiliate Army right here,you can sign up this is high ticket,program only we only do have ticket in,here which is why our Affiliates make,good money when they come up in here,okay so now the first link in the,description is going to bring you to,post affiliate Pro just for 90 bucks 90,bucks don't be cheap they will build,your affiliate Network okay they will,build you affiliate Network for you okay,and then what's gonna happen is you're,gonna have links to your products and,services that you can pass out to the,recruits to the new Affiliates that come,into your program so you're like well,David how do I get those people into my,affiliate Network how do I recruit,people and get them excited about,promoting my products instead of,promoting their own products okay well,that's why we come over here to my,agency The Profit positioning agency,right here,so this is where we do marketing and,advertising for local businesses and,blah blah blah anyway pay attention to,this part right here is the,do-it-yourself affiliate Army course you,say oh damn that's three thousand,dollars remember you're never gonna have,to pay for ads again once you have your,own affiliate Network up and running so,check this out down here if you think,that was expensive this is if we do it,for you fifteen thousand dollars which,is still a deal if you're never going to,have to pay for your own advertising,again I need you to get that through,your head with everybody's talking about,Roi and all of that stuff Roi is it,relevant uh it's not prevalent it,doesn't exist because you're not,investing anything once you have your,recruits on your affiliate Network so it,says we build your affiliate Army never,pay for ads again or marketing we build,your army uh and that use their own,money their own networks their own,skills and time to grow your sales so,this is how you get unlimited Tick Tock,ad coupons promo codes and credits,because once you have your affiliate,Army built these people that know how to,do advertising I'm gonna show you on the,inside how to recruit people that,already know how to advertise on tick,tock and they're going to send sales to,you so you you can

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[EASY] LOW BUDGET Shopify & TikTok Ads Strategy

[EASY] LOW BUDGET Shopify & TikTok Ads Strategy

the best way to have massive success on,Tick Tock with a low budget is to test,really good products and invest the time,and effort required to truly understand,what you're doing before you actually,start but there's another thing that you,can do that nobody knows about everybody,knows that if you get into Drop Shipping,with paid ads that you should have a,budget of at least two to three thousand,dollars so that you can test products,and scale once you find a winner but,what if you didn't or what if you had,the budget and you simply don't want to,waste it you want to make sure that,you're spending it in the best way,possible this strategy is going to give,you everything that you need to see,success with a smaller budget but not,only that it's also going to give you,everything that you need to see success,faster than somebody with a normal,budget number one do an insane amount of,product research the best way to see,success with a low budget is to invest a,ton of time into making sure that the,products you're testing are actually,good there are lots of typical Drop,Shipping products in the space where if,you test them you're just gonna be like,a thousand other people that are also,testing them like you and the only way,to know about these products is just to,see them over and over and over and once,you do see them over and over and over,you're going to be able to identify them,and know that they're not good products,to test this lowers your chances,drastically of testing trash products,and wasting money on products that you,shouldn't be testing one of the reasons,that I'm so good at selecting products,is because I have five to ten students,that send me their product lists every,single week for me to review so I see,tons of products and throughout my five,year career in Drop Shipping I probably,reviewed tens of thousands of products,in different product lists from students,clients va's that I've hired you know,all these different things so I've seen,a ridiculous amount of products and this,drastically helps because when I see,something new I can quickly identify it,as something new but I can also compare,it to all the other winning products,that I've seen which we'll talk a little,bit about later and determine if that,product is good or not seeing a,ridiculous amount of products and,ridiculous amount of tick tocks helps,also with your confidence quite a bit,it'll help you be able to identify,certain things that have worked in the,past and certain things that don't work,and when you do stumble upon something,new you can make your own judgment,coming from your own experience on,whether that product is something that,could potentially work does it have,similar quality traits does it have a,similar price point is the ad similar,enough is the problem it's solving,strong enough these are all things that,you're gonna start noticing the more,product research that you do number two,follow a proven method one of the,biggest killers of most of people's,budgets is simply just not knowing what,they're doing what I would recommend is,choose one source of information and use,that source of information for,everything and commit yourself to,following that person's method if you,want to follow my method by the way,they're pretty good they've made,hundreds of people successful if you,want to learn more links in the,description on how you can get more,information on what we do but a,beautiful thing happens when you,actually pick a method and choose to,stick with it you stop second guessing,yourself you stop second guess testing,if what you're doing is correct or if,you are doing something wrong I cannot,tell you the amount of people that DM me,like hey I tested this product and made,no sales what did I do wrong was it my,store was it my ads was it this and that,and in my eyes I'm just like shut up,like if you were following my strategy,you wouldn't be wondering if it was your,store or your ads because I have,detailed breakdowns of what you should,look for on your store and what you,should look for in your ads and how you,should be doing your product research so,if you're doing all these things and,you're still not seeing success you do,not need to second guess it chances are,the product that you tested just isn't a,winner and you can move on following a,proven method will also help you with,the next tip which is number three how,you can lower your testing costs by up,to 50 percent when testing products when,I'm actually testing products the two,biggest things that I spend money on is,the domain name and the ad spend I spend,around a hundred dollars per product,that I test so if you had a budget of,say a thousand dollars that would allow,you to test around 10 products if you,follow my strategies domains are about,fifteen dollars each if you're doing a,one product branded store which is,something that I recommend doing most of,the time and the ad strategy that I,follow is five ad groups by 25 per day I,just made a video on this you

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

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طرق الدفع المختلفة لإعلانات التيك توك | كورس اعلانات التيك توك المحاضرة 3

طرق الدفع المختلفة لإعلانات التيك توك | كورس اعلانات التيك توك المحاضرة 3

Payment methods on Tiktok Ads

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SKAdNetwork: Getting Started With The Basics

SKAdNetwork: Getting Started With The Basics

Apple’s release of iOS 14,has raised a lot of questions across the marketing industry,Don’t worry, we’re going to break it down for you and answer everything:,It would probably be good to first understand exactly what SKAdNetwork is,(and maybe how to pronounce it).,StoreKit Ad Network, or SKAdNetwork,,is a privacy-centric API that is operated completely by Apple.,It provides ad networks and advertisers,with ad activity measurement via direct install attribution.,Apple’s goal in doing this is to provide accurate attribution for iOS campaigns,,without disclosing any device or user data.,Let’s start small and break it down piece by piece.,We’ll begin with the 4 main players involved:,The publishing app,the app that is displaying the ad,The ad network,The target app,the app that is being advertised,and the Mobile Measurement Partner,Each of these players has specific roles and responsibilities,to make sure that everything runs smoothly.,There are two types of engagements that SKAdNetwork registers:,These are a bit different from classic mobile ads,,so this gets a bit confusing.,But bear with me, we’ll get through it together:,whether an ad was viewed,whether or not a StoreKit rendering was generated,When an ad is displayed to the user, a 3 second timer starts.,If the ad is shown for 3 seconds (at least),,this is indicated as a successful view.,If the user interacts with the ad,,the publisher will launch the StoreKit-rendering,,where a miniature version,of the advertised app page from the App Store,pops up directly in the publisher app.,The publishing app decides what triggers the StoreKit pop-up;,it can be immediately when the ad appears,,after a video ends,,when the user clicks on the ad,,and more.,SInce a StoreKit renders after some type of interaction,,it indicates a higher level of engagement and interest from the user.,Okay,,now we are going to put all the pieces together,by taking a look at the SKAdNetwork flow,and how it works.,An SKAdNetwork ad is displayed in the publishing app.,As soon as the ad is displayed,,the publishing app starts the 3-second timer,and notifies SKAdNetwork that it has started.,If the ad is displayed for at least 3 seconds,,the publishing app will then notify SKAdNetwork,that the 3-second timer is up,and this activity will be recorded as a successful view.,If the user engages in some predetermined way with the ad,,the publisher renders the advertised app StoreKit.,Once it is displayed,,SKAdNetwork registers that the StoreKit was rendered successfully.,The next step would hopefully be for the user to download the advertised app,(since that is ultimately the whole goal of all of this).,If the StoreKit was rendered,,the user can download the app right then and there.,If the user installs the app,and launches it,within the SKAdNetwork attribution window,,the install is attributed to the ad network,and the device sends the install postback to - the ad network.,For SKAdNetwork, the attribution window,can be up to 30 days between click and install,depending on the ad type.,Unlike standard postbacks,,SKAdNetwork postbacks are not immediately sent to the ad network when the app is first launched.,The SKAdNetwork postbacks are built on a timer mechanism,that only sends the postbacks when the timer runs out.,The timer delays the postback by a minimum of 24 hours.,Since the timer mechanism itself is quite complex,,we’re going to give it a video of its own.,Once the timer runs out,,the ad network receives the postback.,Here is an example of a postback that contains all possible parameters.,What’s interesting to note is that the postback doesn’t contain,any device or user data,,and together with the timer delay,,ensures that the user’s data is kept private.,If the advertiser is working with an MMP,,like AppsFlyer,,the postbacks will be reported to the MMP and the advertiser,via dedicated dashboards and APIs.,Working with an MMP helps advertisers centralize all of their data,from the networks they are working with in one place,,and get visual insights into campaign performance.,It can also provide them protection from SKAdNetwork fraud,,as well as tools for determining and optimizing,their conversion values.,As you can see, SKAdNetwork is complex.,This video only covered the tip of the iceberg.,To learn more about SKAdNetwork,,conversion values, timers and more,,go to appsflyer.com/ios-14

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