tiktok ads metrics

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How To Analyze & Scale Your TikTok Ads Like A Pro

oh man that really hits us,oh geez louise guys none of the middle,of my wii sessions uh i mean how badly,do you guys really want to learn how to,analyze your tick tock ads i mean,understand the data the the kpis the,metrics you really want to understand,how to react to your data so you can,scale your ecommerce brands that badly,well if that's the case then kudos to,you i tip my fedora and let's get right,into it so first off how do you even,test products with tech talk now for me,personally i always do one campaign five,ad groups 25 a day not 20 not 30 because,for me when we did 20 budgets the bare,minimum tick tock tends to not spend,that often so 25 dollars seems to be,that golden mark and then once you set,that up go down to your ad groups i have,my five ad groups identical from always,being united states always doing all,broad for the ages and the demographics,unless it's specifically for a gender,and then when we scroll on down i never,do interest i have not done interest in,months for me personally going broad,just works better for my cpms and my,results overall and then i always will,depart from 7 to 11 pm so that's pretty,much what i like to do very simple,lowest cost also i don't really do cost,caps anything else until i get some,purchase data and then when it comes to,the creatives i usually like to have,three creatives in each ad group and,it's the exact same creatives i like to,give my creators five chances of being,successful compared to only having one,ad in each ad group and sure yes that ad,gets 20 of ad spend but if that audience,sucks and the cpm maybe is inflated then,that ad could be a winner but it was the,audience's fault so i like to give each,creative five chances all right it's,time to get serious so after you've set,up your campaign you really need to know,one important metric what is your,breakeven cpa that is the most important,thing that you will be using to analyze,all of your ads and if you're not using,it to analyze your ads right now,frankly i think you're an absolute idiot,so when we go down to this specific,brand we can see that buying one is 34,for this product and let's say,hypothetically it costs four dollars to,fulfill so that means our breakeven cpa,is 30 so if an ad group is under 30 25,20 that means you are profitable and,that is the main thing i'm always,looking at and when evaluating a,campaign so when we go down here and we,look at our columns we can see right,here i got cost cpc one of the ads were,scheduled all these other things are,extraneous they are not the most,important things so i would get straight,into the meat and potatoes whenever,analyzing a campaign after a day and i,would say all right which one of my ad,groups are profitable which ones are not,and as we see right here this ad group,is absolutely going off three complete,payments eight dollars we are looking,good and this is the most important,thing you should be focusing your,attention right in this space but when,we look at the other ad groups we can,see another one is profitable perfect,then when we go to the other three i,would say would i turn off something,that's not profitable after the first,day,sometimes yes and that's typically if it,has very little add to carts so from,this first one i would see okay this one,has one add to cart i'm gonna kill it,but this one at the bottom that has,seven add to carts it just didn't get a,purchase because hey sometimes it can be,unlucky i would definitely leave it on,and see after one more day if it can get,a purchase now if it doesn't get a,purchase after another day yes we're,gonna turn it off it's probably just bad,traffic and with this one that has three,add to carts i would say in general,usually three after cards will lead to,one purchase and that would have made,this somewhat profitable so i actually,would have left this on as well and,getting into day two of the data we can,see that if we left the bottom one on,that had some add to carts it actually,was our best performing ad group on the,second day so for me yes if it shows,some signs of life i do let ad groups,spend for two days now let's say if this,campaign after one day had no purchases,whatsoever but a ton of adds to carts,i'm still gonna let it run for another,day i know with tick tock it sometimes,takes an extra day to optimize it's not,as fast as facebook some people need a,little bit of time and with tick tock,it's a brand new platform it's still,figuring out a lot of things and that's,why we like to keep it very broad so,that tick tock has a large audience that,he can eventually narrow down on and we,can also see on day two that our best,performing ad group is still performing,very well this one right here is still,getting one conversion still a ton of,ads cards but how would i break down,this data and try to scale next now when,it comes to scaling with take tock ads,it's really easy to over complicate and,focus on bid caps and surf scaling and,all this crap but for me the most,consist

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads metrics

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This Secret TikTok Ads Testing Strategy Is Changing Lives

This Secret TikTok Ads Testing Strategy Is Changing Lives

hey buddy,yeah you what are you a damn headlights,come over here real quick don't be shy i,hear you're looking for that ecom gushy,gushy that underground black hat ad,strategy that will leave your bank,account impregnated maybe even,afterwards after your mrs sees it she'll,want to get impregnated too oh hey yosh,keep your voice done keep your voice,down geez always because this stuff,doesn't come cheap my friend a lot of,media buyers on my team on my team were,sacrificed to get these strategies,so it's gonna cost you,let's say,a million dollars,you know what my friend actually for you,if you like this video down below,i'll give these to you right now i,really don't wear hoodies that much,because i live in florida and it makes,me look like a giant penis but let's,actually talk about tik-tok product,testing strategies and how do people,even come up with these strategies in,the first place because you're gonna see,these videos all the time from a bunch,of different gurus and a lot of times i,feel like they're just blowing smoke out,of their rear end but for me because i,run a ad agency where we're literally,testing hundreds of products every,single month and we're testing on,thousands of different accounts this is,actually the way that we come up with,strategies that work for us we have a,sheet that looks like this and you can,easily come up with a spreadsheet where,you have a base control testing strategy,like this one right here where you have,five ad groups three of them with,interest two no targeting and how you,can develop your strategy over time,especially when you're doing a lot of,tests is you can introduce a little bit,of chaos with having an independent,variable so for us when we're doing,split testing we always will do one,variable changing from our original,control group so in this instance with,this top column we did us with australia,for the targeting instead of us and,canada and then what we would do is,measure the results these are all fake,numbers by the way we would do this over,and over and over again over the course,of multiple months and this is how i,actually came up with this exact,strategy this isn't just me oh well i,think this is what's gonna work no this,is proven how you can actually develop a,strategy that works over time and you,can also do other split tests like doing,a combination of number one number five,so that would be us with australia while,also doing a cbo on to mark all of the,data because at the end of the day,you're gonna be biased and if you don't,have the numbers guiding your decisions,you're not gonna make good decisions,when it comes to media buying because,it's all based on numbers and not your,emotions so this has helped us scale,brands like this one right here from,zero to 1.7 k a day like this brand,right here to zero to 1.8 k a day so,again this is proven to work and if you,do want to work with my team before we,start this video i do have an automation,agency where we have a team of experts,who will find products for you build,custom coded one product stores and even,film custom ads so if you're interested,in finding your first or next winning,product and help you scale to one grand,a day or more in the fastest amount of,time you can click the link down below,and book a call with my team so without,further ado let's get on to tick tock,ads and i'll show you how we test,products so the first thing you're going,to do obviously you're going to click on,conversions because we're not trying to,get no dang video views i can't deposit,that to my bank account so for me this,is how i name all my campaigns so i'm,going to be testing this product the,frost ball how i name all my campaigns,is the name of the product whether it's,a testing or scaling campaign and then,the break-even point because when you're,testing on multiple ad accounts it is,good to know first off what's the,product and what's my bep because when i,first analyze ad accounts and this will,be talked about a little later on i look,at cpa more than i actually look at,roads and i'll explain a little later on,because i know everyone's obsessed with,roes but for us and this is after i've,talked to senior media buyers who have,scaled accounts to the millions they,don't really look at roads as much as,you would think it is somewhat of an,important metric but i would say cpa is,more important your cost per purchase,but let's get into the actual ad group,settings now i do five ad groups,whenever i'm testing a new product one,campaign,five ad groups and all the ad groups are,identical i don't change anything about,either of them we're not split testing,anything and i get some people saying,ethan if you're not split testing then,what's the point of just creating five,that are identical well the thing is and,if you are someone who does media buying,you'll notice that even if you create,two ad groups that are exactly alike,they're never gonna perform the same way,the cpms will be different the cpcs will,be different

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INSANE 5+ ROAS TikTok Ads Product Testing Strategy

INSANE 5+ ROAS TikTok Ads Product Testing Strategy

what is going on guys norbury here back,again with another quarter four spark,Series this will be number five in the,entire series we're halfway through and,this one is going to be about this,insane testing strategy that I've been,using to find winning products nearly,every single week for the last like,three to four months testing products,with Tick Tock ads is very very simple,but I want to make sure that you do it,in the right way so in this video I'm,gonna be actually making a campaign live,inside of the tick tock ads manager so,that you can just follow along and see,everything that we do every single,question that you may have about making,a test campaign or whatever what,settings should you do the age ranges,targeting what whatever questions you,have are going to be answered in here so,let's hop right into it alright guys so,we are now in The Tick Tock ads manager,at least a dummy ads manager so that I,can make a test campaign and show you,guys how to do this when we make it to,this point you already found a product,we just covered that in the last four,videos of the series you already built,your store you already found the ads,that you're going to run now you're,ready to create your actual test,Campaign which is what we're going to go,ahead and do here after you set up your,ad account and set up your pixel and,stuff this is what you're going to be,looking at so very very simple all,you're going to want to do is go ahead,and click create I'm going to click,Start over and the first thing that you,want to do is click on website,conversions this is basically telling,Tick Tock that we want sales which is of,course what we want and then usually,what I'll do is I will name the campaign,the name of the product so for the sake,of this example I'm just going to put,product name and we'll go ahead and,click continue this will bring us to the,ad group because the campaign is already,created and don't worry about any of the,settings on the campaign level when,we're just testing products we're not,going to be messing with any of those,things so I usually just call my ad,groups open or you could say no,targeting or whatever and then when it,comes to selecting your pixel just click,the pixel that you want to do and then,we're going to optimize for complete,payment out the gate now a lot of people,have brought up like what if I don't,have any purchases on my pixel am I,going to run into spend issues whatever,you might but you can deal with those,down the road I don't think optimizing,for view content or add to car is going,to help with spending issues at all I,actually don't really think that that's,a strategy that works anymore for fixing,spending issues so what I would probably,recommend that you do is optimize for,complete payment from the get-go and,just let it run until it does spend so,if it doesn't spend for a day or two,don't worry about it just let it go let,it spend at its own pace because we,always want to optimize for what our,goal is at the end of the day and our,goal is complete payments now when it,comes to placements I have split tested,automatic placements versus you know,Tick Tock only and in my experience this,platform right here pangle it does spend,money on this platform I'm not 100,certain what it is but I do know that,the majority of the spend will probably,go towards this platform and for that,reason also I haven't seen that many,good results I usually just do select,placement and just select Tick Tock only,for the placements in terms of user,comments and video downloads does,doesn't matter you can do whatever you,want there if you want to manage,comments if you don't want to manage,comments just make your mind up I don't,think it affects performance that well,but what I will say is,um you know Tick Tock has voiced that if,you do leave comments on that you could,get more Impressions and more,conversions so usually I'll just leave,them on automated creative optimization,so we are 100 gonna do this especially,when testing and this basically allows,us to put multiple video ads under this,single ad group or under a single ad,really so we're not going to need,multiple ads even though we have three,videos we're going to use in this,example we can just put them all into,one ad now I'm always going to do custom,targeting I don't necessarily recommend,doing automatic targeting and I'll tell,you why inside of the countries you're,just going to want to put in the,countries that you want to Target so,we're just going to do United States and,Canada languages you could do English,you don't have to though genders we're,always always going to leave this on all,unless you have like a very specific,product where only females would buy it,and don't look at me and say that you,know because you're selling makeup that,only females will buy makeup because,boys will buy makeup for their,girlfriends right or for their sisters,or mothers or whatever so don't be so,quick to make assumptions,um and you know that's the re

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How To Scale Your Ecommerce TikTok Ads To $10k/Day

How To Scale Your Ecommerce TikTok Ads To $10k/Day

if you want to put a dollar into your,ecommerce business and predictably have,hundreds of dollars fly out at your face,so that you can buy 40 wish replicas of,your favorite watch then you need to,master one important skill,media buying if you want a team of,experts to help you find winning,products build your website create your,ads and manage your ads until we scale,to one grand a day or more then book a,call in the link in description with my,agency blue ocean digital just in the,past week one of our media buyers took a,brand new store from zero to 15 grand a,day so if anyone tells you that,dropshipping aren't tank talk ads is,dead they're probably a hater or your,parents so click the link in the,description if you're interested,oof that is an absolute stunner and i,know that lowers my credibility but as,you can see by my stripe your boy does,make a little bit of money on fourteen,thousand dollars yesterday i know gotta,flex my giga chad bank account real,quick because people just don't believe,people that are broke so now that we're,getting into media buying it doesn't,matter what platform you're using if,it's facebook tick tock ads i personally,like tick tock ads but when you're,trying to scale an e-commerce brand you,need to understand one platform and,really master it because they're all so,different and they're so niche in the,ways that you can scale on one platform,bid caps might work better or on one,platform certain creatives might only,work on that platform especially with,tick-tock so you really need to,understand and focus down on one main,platform to master because if you can,master it you will make millions of,dollars so pick a platform it can be,facebook it can be tick-tock they all,definitely work with e-commerce you just,need to figure out the different nuances,now after testing hundreds of products,and in the last month alone on tick tock,one of the main things i realized is,that creatives are so incredibly vital,especially in the beginning i would,recommend never testing a product unless,you have three to five creatives minimum,so when you have three creatives which,is our bare minimum here this is how i,would set up the first campaign so we're,gonna select conversions and when we go,down here to naming our campaign i,always do the product name breakeven,point so let's say i'm selling a,necklace so we just do the name of the,necklace bep and bep basically stands,for breakeven point so if i'm selling a,product for 25 and it cost me 10 then my,breakeven point is 15. that's where i,don't lose any money but i don't make,any money so that's a good metric i like,to keep track of there's other things i,like to keep track of like whether this,is a testing campaign or a scaling,campaign but just to keep it basic we'll,just have this framework now for cbo's i,do not do cbo's when testing i know that,works better on facebook and again this,is where you have to learn the nuances,but for tick tock after doing a ton of,testing i feel like cbo is better for,scaling so once you connect the pixel to,your shopify store make sure you're,selecting that and also that you have,the optimization event as complete,purchase this is a brand new ad account,so nothing's on it now for placement,we're going to do tick tock and for the,advanced settings i do recommend having,the comments on we have done a ton of,split tests and you can manage your,comments by going to assets then,comments and you can see all the,comments so if you do want to delete,comments because typically 90 of,comments will be positive but around 10,will say oh you can get this product on,amazon for five dollars then you can go,to assets and comments to easily shut,them down because we don't need anyone,going rogue and taking food from our,plates so you can easily monitor that,but i would recommend it because we,noticed more people were sharing our ads,and more people were clicking and it was,just noticing that our purchases went up,when we had that feature on now for aco,this is something we've also split,tested a lot this is great for scaling,too when you have a ton of creatives i,would not recommend it in the beginning,you typically want to have a good amount,of spend for each one of your creatives,so you can see which one is the best and,when you're doing aco a lot of your,creatives are going to get neglected,they're only going to get maybe 5 cents,10 cents spent on them and you can't,properly evaluate if they are a winner,so i'd recommend turning that off and,then for targeting locations this is up,to you i would recommend getting an,agency account if you're international,so that you can have us targeting us is,still the best country on tick tock by,far however the cpms can get pretty,competitive so if you are in europe it,actually is very favorable to do uk,targeting to australia targeting to do,france targeting there are specific,countries that work very well because,they don't get a whole lot of ads shown,to them so the cpms are so freaking

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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe

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TikTok Ads Product Testing Strategy (How to Analyze TikTok Ads)

TikTok Ads Product Testing Strategy (How to Analyze TikTok Ads)

- Yeah, we're a little under 20K on the month all right.,And it's only the 23rd of the month right now so.,(gentle music),Yo, what is going on, everybody?,It's your man Mohamed Camara,and welcome back to the channel.,You already know what time it is, man.,In this video, I've got a very interesting one.,We're gonna go over how to test,and strategically pick your products.,You know how to analyze data when it comes to TikTok ads.,If you haven't seen my last video,,I talked about basically the main differences,between TikTok ads and Facebook ads,in 2021 going into 2022.,But in this one, like I said,,we're gonna go over how to test your product strategically,,what metrics to look for,,how to analyze the data in your TikTok ads dashboard.,And the truth is if you're doing this with Facebook already,,or you have in the past,,then it's gonna be something similar, okay.,Because these two platforms,,they kind of speak the same language.,We're gonna be looking for the same metrics.,You know, your click through rate,,your conversion rate,,your return on ad spend.,So we're gonna dive right in,and I'm not gonna waste no time.,Let's just get right into it.,Okay this is a quick look at my TikTok ads dashboard.,I've got a couple ad groups running right here.,We're gonna dive into these numbers.,But the first thing we need to know about our store,is what is our ROA, okay?,For those of you who do not know what ROA is,,ROA basically means return on ad spend.,And I have a calculator right here to figure out,what's your desired ROA,,because this is gonna depend on your product.,It takes in consideration your product price,,it takes in consideration how much you're selling it for,,and that's gonna give you a required ROA that you need.,Go ahead and use this calculator,,I'll link it down in the description,,it's gonna be absolutely free,,just make a copy of it.,Okay so come here, file,,make a copy,and then you'll be able to insert the numbers yourself.,There's only two numbers you need to know here,,and that's gonna be your revenue per product.,So your average order value,and your average cost to fulfill.,But in this case, I'm just gonna keep it simple.,I'm gonna keep my product,,which is it cost $5 to fulfill this product,and I'm selling it for $30, okay.,And what that does is it generates numbers on the side,And let's say I desire a 30% profit margin,on my store, right?,That's what I'm looking for here.,So I'm gonna come down here to this line,and 1.87 is gonna be my required ROA.,So when we go into the dashboard,,that's gonna be the threshold.,Anything that falls below 1.87,is gonna be less than 30% profitable.,That doesn't mean it's not profitable, right.,Because we can still break even,if the campaign is doing a 1.27 ROA.,Now let's dive into the dashboard,and see this in real time, right?,So I have a few campaigns here, okay.,I'm gonna sort this by complete payment ROAs.,This is the metric in TikTok ads,that is indicating ROA.,Okay so if you don't have this,showing in your dashboard right now,,what you probably need to do is,,you need to go to your custom columns right here.,So I made custom columns.,What you could do is go to custom columns,and you can pick which metrics you want it to show.,So what you could do is you can copy mine.,What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna,,you can pause the screen, whatever you want to do,,but what you need to have,is all of these columns right here,,and you can select them in the custom columns area.,So have your ads scheduling,,the cost, total payment value.,Okay so how much money are you spending?,How much is coming in?,And you're gonna have your ROA,,you wanna put that right next to it.,Your cost per click right here.,CPM impressions clicks.,CTR conversions,,cost per action,,which is same as cost per purchase.,You're gonna have your conversion rate.,Total add to carts,,total ad payments and total complete payments,,total purchases.,These are the basic things that we need to have,in order to read our data correctly, okay.,So I'm sorry to bore you,,but you haven't seen my previous video,on how to launch TikTok ads,that's actually gonna convert and get customers,,then go check that out,,I'll link it up top right here.,You're gonna need to run your first campaign,and launch that first, okay.,This is after three days of letting that sit and marinate,and letting the pixels optimize.,So after three days of actually launching your ad,and letting it sit,,letting your pixels optimize, right,,you want to come back,and you want to look at some of the data here.,There's two main things that I like to look for,when it comes to analyzing a winner versus a loser.,Is the ROA, which we just calculated.,And second is the click-through rate.,I go for ROA first,,that's our primary metric,because that's gonna give us a direct indication,,are we profitable or not?,Are we actually gonna make some money on this or not?,Okay.,And as you guys may know,,for me to have a 30% profit margin on the products,we had to have at l

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How To Analyze Your TikTok Ads | Shopify & TikTok Ads

How To Analyze Your TikTok Ads | Shopify & TikTok Ads

what is going on guys noah brewer here,back again with another video and today,i'm going to be showing you some,different ways that you can analyze tick,tock ads,and i'm also going to be showing you,some interesting breakdowns that tick,tock has introduced to the game things,that facebook doesn't have and i,honestly probably never will have but,hopefully they do,introduce us at some point but i'm also,going to be going through,some basic things like how do you know,if a product is a winner how do you you,know progress it into a scale once you,do know that it's a winner,so we'll be covering everything in terms,of like analyzing tick-tock ads at least,on a basic level and then we'll get into,some more intricate stuff,towards the end of the video so i have a,few observations that i want you to keep,in mind,while i'm talking about these different,subjects so number one,is from our observations take talk ads,are insanely consistent,now with facebook you see a lot of up,and down you see a lot of,one ad set would do good on one campaign,but you know if you duplicate it into a,new campaign it won't do good,you know there's just a lot of,inconsistencies but we are aware of it,and we do,things to kind of like counteract that,um so we're still able to scale,consistently and push you know bigger,numbers and even throughout the ups and,downs we're able to keep consistent,but with tick tock ads what i'm seeing,is a lot more consistency throughout,you know in terms of ad sets not really,or campaigns not really being up and,down,but being super consistent day in and,day out and i'm also noticing that,there's no discrepancy between campaigns,right like if an ad group works in one,campaign,we're also seeing that ad group working,in other campaigns as well,so obviously this is going to depend on,budgets and a lot of different factors,but,ideally if it's the same thing usually,it's been performing pretty much the,same,which makes it pretty easy to scale and,easy to defer winners from losers you,know what's a good campaign or ad set,that's like one of the things about tick,tock ads that we've observed that's made,it pretty easy to like scale and figure,out what to do next or the next best,move as we talk about here,another thing is if your budgets are,below a hundred dollars per day,usually it'll spend your entire budget,between 12 a.m,and 9 a.m it differs per store i've had,different products that will literally,spend 100 percent of every single dollar,in the budget of the ad account in the,first like three four hours of the day,um and it'll be super profitable i've,also had accounts that you know by the,time i wake up at like 10 11 a.m they're,just finishing up their their last few,dollars in spend,but for the most part if you're doing,smaller budget campaigns or ad groups,most of your ads are going to spend by,the time you wake up or,between 12 a.m and 9 a.m so that's just,something that you want to keep in mind,when you're analyzing your ads and,obviously this makes testing creatives,products offers,campaigns ad sets it makes testing like,very easy because you can literally make,it the night before,and then by the time you wake up you,have your results and you can spend all,day figuring out what the next best move,is,another thing that i want you to keep in,mind is almost every single week we get,like some sort of new development new,feature,new opportunity new type of ad set you,know a new type of campaign whatever it,is,so in my eyes tick tock ads are just,starting out right now like we're kind,of getting it on the ground floor,and this is just the beginning like the,real tick tock ads i could say,hasn't even started yet like the full,potential of tick tock ads and i think,the perfect example of that is the,interest targeting options that they,currently have,they're super broad and they don't,really have as good interest targeting,that facebook provides,but i think sometime here in the near,future,they will be implementing better,interest more targeted,options which will just allow us to like,target better for like the different,products that we're trying to sell,so like for example right now most of,our products that are working are like,generic you know things that anybody can,buy they're kind of,solving problems that everybody has,whereas like more niche products aren't,doing as good,and i think part of the reason for that,is because of the lack of targeting,options on tick tock,but as i said like every single week,it's like something new like clockwork,so i'm super excited i think they are,going to introduce more targeted,interest options here shortly,hopefully sometime like in the next two,to three months that's just like one,example of something that they could do,that would drastically change the,performance of tick tock ads in general,is introducing more targeting options so,let's talk about signals of a losing,product in a winning product so,what i look for when i test a product is,i want that thing to pop off an

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[TOO EASY] My TikTok Ads *TESTING* Strategy! - Shopify Dropshipping

[TOO EASY] My TikTok Ads *TESTING* Strategy! - Shopify Dropshipping

listen,in the first two days if after i've used,my product testing strategy to validate,the product and simply scaling up the,budget that is what we're left with 32,000.48 hours using this exact strategy,that's current time but here's the,kicker on a brand new store for this,video i basically am going to be showing,you guys my bulletproof product testing,strategy that i've been using for a year,now at any time you see you know me,doing big numbers i mean today you know,we did 17 000 and i wanted to show you,guys this example just to prove to you,that it's still working in current time,and it's a great foundation for people,starting out to spend,the most minimum budget possible and,know how and when to scale if you're,looking for everything everything,completely unleashed there will there is,a pdf as well as all of my other,strategies for tick tock ads and scaling,between 25 and 50 000 per day,consistently you guys can get that all,my black hat discord group down below,it's the best investment you'll ever,make and i can guarantee you there's,nothing like it in the space i've,literally made millions of dollars using,this foundation so um yeah you're,welcome all right guys so it's just past,midnight and as you guys can see in the,last two days on this store with the,store is brand new here you see,congratulations on your thousandth order,store is brand new in the last two days,um you know we've done about thirty two,thousand dollars in sales and all but,yeah so as that being said you can see,here the month today um you know this is,fully brand new store this is literally,putting myself into your shoes i did it,for the video um and just showing you,guys how easy it is because there's so,many complications people are asking how,do i breathe what do i drink what do i,eat um and,you know i'm pretty much gonna give you,guys all of that my average day what's,going on inside of my head uh you know,when i'm running ads drop shipping,stores etc i know a lot of you guys are,really asking all about that so anything,i can do to help i'm here but yeah so,pretty much but yeah so pretty much this,all goes into tick tock ads and now tick,tock ads has been killing it lately um,this is something i recommend to use for,your drop shipping store it's what i use,um and this is ultimately where i'm,gonna be holding down the ad strategy,mainly because i believe it's the best,opportunity it's what's making me crazy,money uh and why not share with you guys,but yeah so tick tock ads as we know and,i only use agency accounts right now,agency accounts have problems sometimes,but lately they've been rocking you know,this is april 22nd they are rocking i,love the agency accounts these are what,the more blue chip advertisers such as,you know amazon doordash um this is the,the accounts that they use they're more,favored and you basically buy into that,relationship but they don't agency,accounts don't cost anything linked down,below but other than that guys um you're,gonna need to understand the basic,fundamentals because i'm guessing a lot,of the guys and gals here watching this,video,you know they're testing they don't know,much about actually running it and then,some people are very advanced and some,intermediate so i'm trying to hit,everything here guys bear with me but,yeah so we're going to go ahead and,create campaign um and then our,advertising objective obviously is going,to be conversions we're going for,conversions here um you know tick tock,has its own list of people who buy,and then we're going to go to cbo i,always turn it on and this is my test,strat so with this i'm going to set the,budget here to 50,uh we're just going to start with 50,bucks again guys i'm going to be showing,you for the most minimal amount that you,can spend and we're not even going to,need to spend the full 50 bucks to where,you know,you can hike that price up and scale it,and this is pretty much how you can take,it from 50 bucks to,whatever you'd like is what i'd say i,say a nice range to play with is 5 to,10k if you're new um you know there's a,lot more processing complications that,come into it when you go a bit higher,and yes if you are wondering about all,that stuff uh you know subscription,based business everything like that,where you make the wealth in ecom hop in,my black hat discord i have everything,that you need to know with processing,chargebacks uh this this one's always a,big debate um,for pixel,again i recommend personally what i do,is i create a pixel,um that's not actually attached to store,how do i do it i simply hit create,set up web events,um tick tock pixel next i just give it,any name automatically set up shopify oh,dope,dope dude okay shopify um and then click,next,super excited to be bringing you guys,this this is like going to change lives,this is one of those ones that changes,the lives the product testing strat uh,this is what i do again,next next,complete setup,and yeah so now we can simply go back to,our campaign hit the refresh

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