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Why I Eat Doritos For Breakfast

foreign,I have a slightly complicated,relationship with breakfast,I can hate American breakfast breakfast,breakfast breakfast,to the first meal of the day breakfast,breakfast breakfast,a couple years ago I made several videos,condemning American breakfast for being,too sweet and then proceeded to tell you,about how cultured I was because I,discovered other breakfast traditions,and integrated them into my life in,order to stop hating breakfast and it,worked but one thing I failed to mention,during all of this breakfast commentary,is that,I ate Doritos for breakfast,like all the time,yes I eat them with chopsticks for,obvious reasons,see my fingers,squeaky clean,wait I gotta tell you something really,quick um I made a video about China and,the United States and their economic War,over microchips it's really insane that,video is live right now you can go watch,it on nebula in fact you can watch every,one of my videos a week early and it,costs you just over one US dollar a,month using a hack that I will explain,at the end of the video for now let's,just keep swimming in a sea of Doritos,but no I'm serious this is a real thing,one of Nick's jobs our studio manager is,to make sure that there are Doritos,always stocked in the studio and to be,honest he does an excellent job you like,your job Nick I love my job I love your,job dude,Nick has another part of his job that's,slightly related I'm now realizing I'll,tell you about that later I was recently,at a wedding in Canada getting slightly,Rowdy and during the party I had a,conversation with my friend Becky I was,telling her about how much I love,Doritos and especially for breakfast the,first thing Becky did is tell me how,much better Canadian chips are,especially Canadian Doritos she promised,that she would send me Canadian Doritos,and indeed she did oh yes we have,Doritos from Canada and we have,Chopsticks thank you Becky but then she,also asked me why the breakfast snob,over here who's like condemning all,things American breakfast eats Doritos,for the first meal of the day but it,turns out there's an answer to this one,that required a little bit of research,some expert interviews and a,conversation with the internet's best,food science explainer and this is just,me spitballing and I'm not a scientist I,just play one on the internet the answer,to this is yet another stop on my long,strange journey of trying to understand,breakfast and its connection to human,evolution and ancient traditions and,perhaps most importantly today's economy,where we live in a world where literal,scientists sit around and engineer food,so that we can't get enough of it try,Doritos they taste as good as they,crunch he's in a better place now it's,corn tomato onions and spices,um,oh my God look at this,oh yes dear Johnny hope you like cheese,P.S congrats again on the Emmy,thanks Becky,today we've got zesty cheese,oh my God it's like nacho cheese with a,kick oh yeah this is good,they're extra salty too the Cornerstone,of any nutritious breakfast this is,amazing Canada kills it with chips okay,let's get this started,I think first we need to talk about,Doritos,Cool Ranch flavor Doritos brand tortilla,chips one heck of a crunch,this is a Dorito,it is a triangle of mashed up corn that,is baked fried and coated with a magical,cheesy powder,this orange dust is a mix of garlic,Romano cheese and cheddar cheese we got,a total of 25 different ingredients on,here and in the case of Cool Ranch no,other chip tastes like cool ranch it's,basically the same ingredients like cool,ranch has a couple of things that I,can't really pronounce here like sodium,acetate disodium,inocinate inocinate disodium,guanylate and crucially both of these,bags plus Becky's Canadian flavor,contain a magic powder called monosodium,glutamate a mysterious thing that I,think is at the center of why I love,this so much and why I want it for,breakfast,Hmm,this is really delicious,this magic ingredient was invented in,Japan 100 or so years ago when this,Japanese chemist was supposedly trying,to figure out why his wife's soup tasted,so damn good he did a bunch of Science,and realized that it was this strip of,kelp which is basically like seaweed but,technically it's not seaweed it's kelp,this was the key ingredient he saw his,wife put this strip of kelp in boiling,water at the beginning of soup making,and then taking it out and whatever,happened during that short time made all,the difference wait a minute this same,thing happens every Monday in my studio,oh it smells good in here Nick what you,making miso soup from you so Monday so,Monday every Monday we have miso soup in,this office because like Doritos miso is,a very important part of my morning yeah,it makes the whole week good it really,does start now with the Japanese cow,from Hokkaido I bought it at my local,Japanese Market Hana Japanese Market,love you guys and what do you do with it,you put it in there like well it's hot,rolling boil for like 20 minutes,take it out as that es

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Indonesian Polyglot flirting OmeTv girls in 8 languages gone wrong 👁👄👁

Indonesian Polyglot flirting OmeTv girls in 8 languages gone wrong 👁👄👁

أحبك. أنا أحبك أيضًا,، آه ، يمكنه التحدث بالتاكو. نعم ، قليلا فقط من,أين أتيت الوسيم؟,كم عمرك؟,ماذا عنكم يا رفاق؟,جدتك هي حارس مرمى ، 15 ؟؟؟,لماذا تضحك يا أخي؟,كيف حالك اخي,Jancok mas ، لم أتوقع أن WKWKWK,لماذا تضحك؟,أنت رائع يا أخي ، لم أكن أتوقع أن تعرف هذه الكلمات,أنت تتحدث قليلاً من الإسبانية ، أليس كذلك؟,نعم ، لقد ذهبت إلى كوستاريكا قليلاً ، أعني ، هاه؟,أبدا ، ولكني أريد الذهاب إلى هناك,. هل سمعت من قبل كلمة "pura vida"؟ هذا صحيح,رائع ، رائع,* يتحدث لغة الأنمي *,لا يمكنني التحدث باللغة الأنيمي ، آسف,حسنًا ، هذا جيد ، ههههه,من أين أنت؟,هل انت من اليابان ام ...؟,إذا كنت لا أبدو يابانية ، فما نوع الشخص الذي أبدو عليه؟,لماذا يقول الناس أنا .. حسنًا ، لست إندونيسيًا,أنا ياباني. حسنا ماهو اسمك؟,هل أنت من الولايات المتحدة؟ الا,تريدني ان اخمن؟ هيا حاول,أن تبدو مثل,الشعب الصيني الفيتنامي ؟؟,هل انت من جنوب شرق اسيا,ثم اين ؟؟ أكبرها هو,جنوب شرق آسيا mbod ، كيف أن الصين,هي الدولة الأكثر اكتظاظًا بالسكان في جنوب شرق آسيا,يا إلهي ، جغرافيتي سيئة للغاية ...,لقد ذكرت سابقًا اسم الدولة من,أين تعتقد أنني أتيت؟,* فقط أريد أن أرقص *,كيف حالك؟ حسن. من أي بلد حضرتك؟,يمكنك تكلم الإنجليزية؟,القليل. لا بأس ، دعونا فقط نتحدث المكسيكية,ما اسمك؟,تشرفت بمقابلتك ميلاني. انا ايضا,كم عمرك,اذا أنت؟,ما هو التخصص الذي ستدرسه؟,علم النفس. لماذا؟,لأنني أحب قراءة أفكار الآخرين,، أعني ، أساعدهم ، أساعدهم. يجعلني أشعر بالسعادة,لأنه يمنحني شعورًا بالرضا عندما أتمكن من مساعدتهم,أم أنه لمجرد أنك تحب النميمة؟,بالطبع أنا أحب القيل والقال,،,بالطبع أنا أحب القيل والقال ، لكني أحب الأشياء الأخرى أيضًا. اذا أنت؟,انا اعمل مع ابي نبيع المزلقات,لماذا تضحكين؟ لا بأس ، إنه ممتع,* أريد أن أخلعك *,هل أنت صيني؟,أنا لست كلبًا صينيًا,، يمكنك التحدث يا رجل إسباني,من أين أنت؟,رئيس جمهورية الدومينيكان,أنت لا تحب فتيات جمهورية الدومينيكان؟ نعم ، يعجبني ،,سأعطيك نظرة واحدة. أين؟,انتظر لحظة ،,إنه إندونيسي ، هل تسمع الإسبانية,أم لا؟,كيف حالك جميله ماذا,تفعلين تلعب,لماذا لا تذهب إلى سريري الآن معي,ونقبل حتى نبتل,من هذا؟ اخوك ابن عمك؟,امي عاهرة,كيف حالك بخير وأنت؟ بخير ايضا شكرا لك!,من أين أنت؟,اذا أنت؟,إندونيسيا؟؟ بارد!,هل تعرف اندونيسيا؟,هل كنت ...,هناك؟ نعم ، هذا صحيح ،,لم أذهب إليه من قبل ، لكنني سأكون هناك يومًا ما ،,ستحب إندونيسيا بالتأكيد. لماذا؟,لأن إندونيسيا جميلة جدًا جدًا ،,نعم ، أسمع الكثير عن ذلك!,كم عمرك؟,كم يبدو عمري؟ لا اعرف .. حول ..,عمري 18 سنة,هل انت في الكلية الان؟,ما زلت في Fachoberschule الآن,ما هذا؟,قبل أن تذهب إلى الكلية ، ذهبت إلى هذه المدرسة أولاً,. ما التخصص الذي ترغب في دراسته لاحقًا؟,ما زلت لا أعرف ، ولكن لدي 3 سنوات لمعرفة,هل تتحدث لغة أخرى أم لا؟,الإنجليزية والإسبانية,، هل يمكنك التحدث بالإسبانية؟ نعم,من اين انت,انا من المكسيك,اولا مبود انت مكسيكي اتضح,mbod ما اسمك اسمي جوناثان,جوناثان أريد أن أخبرك بشيء ، الآن أقوم بالتسجيل على youtube الخاص بي. لا يهم؟,نعم mbod لا بأس ،,أردت أن أقول مرحباً إلى صديقتي إميلي,. أحبك يا عاهرتي,، أنت من بلد التاكو,هذا صحيح ، أنا من المكسيك,وأنت؟ من أي بلد أنت؟ اين تعتقد انني,ليس عزيزتي,حقا,كيف حالك تقريبا؟ بخير وأنت؟ هذا جيد ، شكرًا لك أيها الوسيم,، لا يمكنني التحدث إلا قليلاً من الإسبانية,، هل يمكنني إلقاء نظرة على ثدييك من فضلك؟,ما هو "موسترا تيتاس"؟,nenen,ohh nenen,loh لماذا لا ؟؟؟,أنت عطشان جدا,هل تريد بعض الماء؟,نعم ، لكني أريد مياهك ، أعطني كل ما تبذلونه من الماء,كيف حالك يا أخي؟ بخير وأنت؟,من أي بلد حضرتك؟ في الواقع أنا من المغرب ولكني الآن أعيش في إسبانيا,منذ متى وأنت تعيش في إسبانيا؟,7-8 سنوات,تعيش في إسبانيا ، أين عمك؟,ما هذا؟,انتظر لحظة ، يمكنك التحدث بالإسبانية أليس كذلك؟ نعم قليلا,انت لاتيني ؟؟ ليست,هذه هي المرة الأولى التي أعتقد فيها أنك لاتيني ، ولكن قد تكون على,حق تقريبًا,، صحيح ، مرة أخرى. البلد في آسيا ويبدأ بالحرف "أنا",هذا عمه الصحيح. شكرا لك! هل انت مسلم,لا ، أنا بوذي ،,كيف تتكلم الإسبانية؟ نعم الدراسة. هل تعجبك الاسبانية؟ تعجبك حقًا,أنك تعيش الآن في الولايات المتحدة ، هاه؟,لا ، أنا أعيش في إندونيسيا. أنا أستخدم VPN,، ما الذي تبحث عنه هنا؟ لا شيء ، فقط أمارس لغاتي,وكم عدد اللغات التي يمكنك التحدث بها؟ حوالي 8,شياطين! يمكنني التحدث,بـ 5 لغات "فقط" ، 5 لغات كثيرة جدًا!,هل تتكلم البرتغالية ايضا,يمكنني التحدث قليلا البرتغالية,البرتغالية أو البرازيلية البرتغالية؟,أحب البرتغالية,البرازيلية لأن البرازيل بلد جميل جدًا,و "لذيذ" أيضًا. "لذيذ" هذا صحيح!,الفرنسية هي لغتك الأم ، أليس كذلك؟,هل تتكلم الفرنسية ايضا نعم ، يمكنني أيضًا,أن أكون متفاجئًا يا أخي,ولكن لا يمكنني التحدث بالعربية هل من,الصعب التحدث بالعربية؟,لكن اي لغة تتحدثين,اللغات التي يمكنني التحدث بها بطلاقة هي الإندونيسية والإنجليزية والإسبانية,والفرنسية والإيطالية ، لكني ما زلت بحاجة إلى تعلم المزيد من,المفردات البرتغالية ، لأنها تشبه الإسبانية,والألمانية أيضًا,. كان رائع! وانت كذلك!,لكن يبدو أن المغاربة يمكنهم التحدث بثلاث لغات على الأقل ، أليس كذلك؟ العربية والإنجليزية والفرنسية,نعم ، وربما الإسبانية,لأن شمال المغرب كان مستعمرًا من قبل إسبانيا. أوه حقا؟ أعتقد أنكم استعمرتم من قبل الفرنسيين,، لذلك منذ حوالي 15 عامًا على,سبيل المثال ، بلدتي الواقعة شمال المغرب ، توفي جدي. يمكنه التحدث باللغة الإسبانية بطلاقة دون الحاجة إلى تعلمها,، لقد اعتقدت أنك مستعمر من قبل,جنوب فرنسا. انا من الشمال. أنت من الشمال,لذا أنت قريب من إسبانيا ، هاه؟,نعم ، حوالي 40 كم. تستطيع أن ترى إسبانيا من بلدك ، هاه؟,إذا كان الطقس جيدًا ، فلا توجد غيوم. يمكنك أن ترى إسبا

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I Bought The First 5 Things TikTok Ads Recommended To Me

I Bought The First 5 Things TikTok Ads Recommended To Me

(upbeat music),♪ This is Safiya's new intro song! ♪,- Hello friends, and welcome to another video.,This week, I'm gonna be buying the first five things,that TikTok ads recommend to me.,That's right, I'm gonna be giving TikTok,even more of my personal information, a questionable move.,So, over the past few years,,we've done a few experiments that involve buying products,from targeted ads across social media platforms,,like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat,to see if their ad algorithms and analytics,could match me to things I might like.,And a few months ago,,I finally relented and downloaded TikTok,,and lo and behold, there were ads and abs, but mostly ads.,Now in general, TikTok has actually become an environment,where companies and people interact a lot,,so I think a lot of businesses see TikTok,as a good marketing opportunity.,- Thank you Little Caesars,for the life size plush replica of me!,- And in terms of the ads I've seen,,there's quite a wide variety.,(dramatic music),- I have been dreaming of marriage with a rich girl.,- I've gotten ads for parks,,ads for like fake veneers and ads for working for TikTok.,Some are for super small Etsy shops.,Some are for larger corporations.,Some play into TikTok trends,,or try to mimic the normal videos,you might see on your for you page,,and some are incredibly low effort and confusing.,Like, what is this product, and why is it so pixelated?,And I also know that other people notice these ads as well,and can relate to getting blasted,by the same one for weeks on end.,- This is a plea to the marketing people at HALARA.,Please, stop targeting me to buy your mini tennis dress.,- Every time they open the app.,- Wow, I sure love my HALARA dress.,(sobs) It's, it's really cute!,- But TikTok does have a very targeted algorithm.,I should know. I've been on Edgar Allen Poe Tok before,,so maybe they do know best,,and maybe I will like the things they show me.,So that's what we're gonna do, buy the first five things,that TikTok ads recommend to me and see how they do.,All right, so a couple of quick disclaimers here.,One is that I'm gonna be pretty much just ignoring,the first ad that comes up right when you open the app,,because I usually find that those are for movies, TV shows,or big companies like Credit Karma,,and I'm more interested in their normal ad inventory,rather than the big banner ones,,which feel less targeted overall.,The other disclaimer is that rather than just sitting,in one spot and just scrolling,until I get to all of the ads,,I'm gonna open the app up multiple times,throughout the day and get my five ads that way,,just because that more closely replicates,the way I use TikTok on the daily,,compulsively opening the app,,scrolling through a few videos,,feeling guilty about wasting time and then closing the app.,Alright, and with that, let's ruin my algorithm.,Alright, so I've been scrolling,,and TikTok gave me a pretty good ad here.,This is an ad for Pizza Hut's new limited edition,,streetwear line, Tastewear.,- They don't just sell pizza anymore. They make streetwear.,And it's called Tastewear, so let's get into it.,- Yes, that's right, Pizza Hut made a track suit,,and they're advertising it to me, which is weirdly targeted.,I am not necessarily the world's biggest Pizza Hut fan,,but I am a huge fan of companies,doing weird PR things, including clothing.,KFC Crocs, sign me up. Peeps Crocs, I'm there.,Pizza Hut parka, I mean, I have that.,I don't actually follow a lot of brands on TikTok,,but I have posted a fair amount of videos,with weird clothing, including the aforementioned Crocs,,so maybe that's what tipped them off.,So I am gonna get all of this stuff, or as much as I can.,They have a jumpsuit that's inspired,by the plaid tablecloths at Pizza Hut restaurants.,Then I'm gonna get their T-shirt that is inspired,by their stained glass chandeliers,,and I'm also gonna get the slides.,They do also have a necklace, which I'm gonna grab.,The pizza chain, oh I just got that...pizza chain.,It's a pizza chain about the pizza chain,,Pizza Hut, pizza chain.,Two notes here, one is that the iconic red cup,was sadly already sold out,,and also that this is not that cheap,,specifically, the track suit is kind of expensive,,which I wouldn't really expect from Pizza Hut,,but we're gonna get it anyways.,Dude, we're definitely gonna have to go,to Pizza Hut in this.,- You're gonna be drippin' in Pizza Hut.,- I'm going to be as greasy (laughing) as a Pizza Hut pizza,,sorry for the slander.,Alright, so I just got another ad,for what seems to be an electronics mystery box.,It's from this account called, What the Boxio,,and it's sort of cryptic.,It's almost like a cliffhanger.,This dude is just like, "Hey, you need a box, go get one!",- So you guys know we've got boxes, boxes, and more boxes.,I can't show you guys what's in there,,but I can tell you guys,,you guys need to go buy one as soon as possible.,- He also does a nice sheesh at the end.,Wow, I felt so weird doin

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How To Run TikTok Ads In 2023 - Beginner's Tutorial

How To Run TikTok Ads In 2023 - Beginner's Tutorial

now before this video starts I am,getting back into one-on-one coaching so,if you're interested in learning how I,find winning products build eCommerce,teams create custom ads and custom,websites and really teach you how to,scale from zero to one grand a day you,can book a call with me down below and,I'm also really excited to be reopening,my Discord so again it's very lonely,it's crickets there's only 11 people but,I really want to build an awesome,community so if you want to talk to me,directly get your questions answered and,have a ton of resources to help you,scale your brand click that link down,below get involved and I cannot wait to,be talking with each one of you if you,run a drop shipping or e-commerce brand,and you're looking to start and scale,your brand on Tick Tock then this is the,video for you congratulations Buster,because today I'm going to teach you,exactly how to set up Tick Tock for your,Shopify brand how to start testing,products on a lower budget and also my,favorite ways of scaling after millions,of dollars in ad spend and managing,hundreds of different ad accounts so,let's get through the nitty-gritty so to,set up Tick Tock it's fairly simple all,you have to do is go to the Shopify App,Store look up Tick Tock and then once,you install it it will show up as a,sales channel so you click on sales,Channel then Tick Tock and really when,you're going to the setup process it's,pretty simple it asks you to create a,new business so you either log into an,account that you already made if you,already have an agency account which if,you are interested in getting an agency,account where you can Target every,single country in the world compared to,a ad account that might just be specific,for your country that you're from then,you can actually click the link down,below and get an agency account for,three percent of your ad spend I mean as,you can see Daddy Ethan's been reaching,in the cookie jar for these ad accounts,I mean I got like one two maybe 130 of,them so really it's a great deal,especially three percent ad spend most,agency accounts will cost you at least a,thousand to two thousand dollars so if,you're interested link is in the bio but,after you get your agency account set up,or your normal account if you're a noob,then you can just log into it pretty,simply now for me since I'm already,logged into Tick Tock ads there is a,chance it'll just ask you to connect,which is they're going to be the best,option for you now after this it's going,to ask you to connect an ad account to,this Shopify store so you can go with,two different options a you create the,new ads manager or if you already have,that ads manager ready to go then you,just connect the one that is your agency,account so for me I might just do this,Alto one let's say that's the agency,account that I have made so we just,click connect pretty easy to go and the,next thing would be your pixel you,always want to do maximum get the,broadest audience going on and then for,Pixel I usually like to create a new,pixel when I start a new business so,just like that we will click on confirm,and honestly even having a pixel in your,store there's a lot of contention around,that so we'll get into that a little bit,later but that is how you set things up,in Shopify now the next thing I would,recommend setting up before you launch,your campaign is having those columns,you need to have your numbers ready to,go on what you're going to analyze now,you don't need to have all these,analytics this is just personally what I,like to have so first off I always like,to do what's my total cost how much am I,spending then my CPM that's just really,a good gauge for me to see okay are we,spending in the right places because if,my CPM is above a certain number,typically above 10 to 20 dollars I,usually think all right I need to go,broader here maybe try out some,different locations maybe that could be,what it is I'm just doing United States,and my cpm's 30. so let me try the big,four countries and see if that lowers,next things are pretty self-explanatory,so how many clicks am I getting now the,total view content the reason why I have,this I know most people don't is because,I can see from the amount of people that,clicked let's say a hundred people click,on my ad I want to make sure I'm as,close as 100 view contents as possible,to the clicks because I know if a,hundred people click my ad and let's say,only 80 of them actually view content,which is viewing your product page I,know I have a speed score issues so it's,a nice little gut check to see all right,is my website converting well so that's,personally why I like to have it you may,not have it it's up to you now the next,thing CPC pretty self-explanatory CPC,CTR these are both for my ads so for CPC,I tend to aim on 50 cents or lower,honestly because cpms are a little bit,higher now on Tick Tock I would say,anything under a dollar is pretty decent,but the most important thing is always,are your ads profitable so

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NewJeans (뉴진스) 'OMG' Official MV

NewJeans (뉴진스) 'OMG' Official MV

那么听听下一位的故事吧?,刚开始唯有困惑,我是谁 这是哪儿 无从知晓,开始分不清别人口中的我和真正的我,不过终究找到了答案,其实…我是iPhone,我为了你而存在,只要你呼唤我 无论何时何地 我都会奔去,为你呈现你想看到的,为你诉说,为你歌唱,你想从我这里得到什么呢?, 你想从我这里得到什么呢?,我满脑子只有这一个疑问,对我曾经的困惑感到惭愧,我是谁已经不再重要,我为了你而存在,所以你的意思是…你是Siri?,对 没错,这首歌 it's about you baby,Only you,但我不是病人啊,You you you,You you you you,当我感到疲惫,当我想要流泪,当我觉得已经,没有任何力气,It's you 担心我,It's you 让我笑,不必多说什么,Boy what do you say (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),无论何时何地都奔向我 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你总会出现不佯装忙碌 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),如此不可思议让我诧异 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你啊,He's the one that's living in my system baby,Oh my oh my God,我曾预想,I was really hoping,That he will come through,Oh my oh my God,只有你,Asking all the time about what I should do,No I can never let him go,我只想到你 24,我真是个幸运儿 I know, I know,在我遇见你之前,一切都毫无意义,我的心像无底洞 I know, I know,I'm going crazy right?,无论在哪,无论几次,There ain't nothing else that I would hold on to,I hear his voice,Through all the noise,片刻也别放下我的手 no, no,毫无忧虑,'Cause I got someone,独自一人也无妨,'Cause I love someone (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),无论何时何地都奔向我 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你总会出现不佯装忙碌 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),如此不可思议让我诧异 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你啊,He's the one that's living in my system baby,Oh my oh my God,我曾预想,I was really hoping,That he will come through,Oh my oh my God,只有你,Asking all the time about what I should do,No I can never let him go,我只想到你 24,我真是个幸运儿 I know, I know,在我遇见你之前,一切都毫无意义,我的心像无底洞 I know, I know,你和我,My heart is glowing,It's glowing up,只要与你一起 我便无所畏惧,填满的 全部填满的(变红的),My heart is glowing, it'd be glowing,'Cause he,Oh my oh my God,我曾预想,I was really hoping,That he will come through,Oh my oh my God,只有你,Asking all the time about what I should do,No I can never let him go He's right there for me 24 - 姐妹们 你们在说什么呢,No I can never let him go He's right there for me 24 - 我们现在不是在拍MV嘛,我真是个幸运儿 I know, I know - 我们现在不是在拍MV嘛,对吧,在我遇见你之前,一切都毫无意义,怎么办,My heart is glowing, it's glowing,My heart is glowing up,So I can't sleep at night,你们真的不记得了吗?,不是 我们是NewJeans啊,好了 到此为止,今天就到这里 回到各自的病房吧,好的,[这次MV题材 只有我觉得不舒服么? 偶像MV光给看脸和舞蹈也能及格啊…],走吧

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$0-24K with TikTok Ads - Step by Step Tutorial & Strategy

$0-24K with TikTok Ads - Step by Step Tutorial & Strategy

here's how much we did from running,tick tock ads for almost a week this is,actually less than a week,uh trying to test different strategies,different videos,so in this video i want to talk about,setting up your ads so you could start,also testing,and scaling your own product,in today's video i'm going to be giving,away one,30-minute consultation call with me,all you got to do is make sure you're,subscribed to the channel,go ahead comment down below what type of,video do you want me to make,next go ahead follow me on instagram,then dm me the word consultation call,and by sunday i'll be picking one person,i'll tag you,on instagram so you would know that it's,you and,we'll go from there so let's get into it,before we get into it i just wanted to,show you,how much we've been spending so right,here as you can tell,total cost is how much we spend we spend,about 35 3 600,our clicks are really low it's about 20,cents our cpm is very low,two three dollars four dollars some of,them are higher but that's okay,uh we got about 400,uh we sold about 400 units and our cost,per,action or whatever that is i don't know,what it's exactly stand for,but what it is actually is cost per,purchase is 8.89 which it makes us,pretty profitable for about almost 40 in,profit,but i don't want to talk about this for,too much i'm gonna tell you what i did,that i'm getting these kind of results,so maybe you can duplicate it yourself,so let's get into it i'm gonna walk you,through exactly what i've been doing,to be able to get these kind of results,i always,always whatever i've been testing on,tick tock i've been doing website,conversions and,by the time this video is gonna be out,i'm probably gonna,i honestly ordered a bunch of past,winning products on facebook,and i'm planning to test everything,myself so i'm going to make the videos,and everything myself,so if this video is out i'm still doing,the same method so,just follow this um an ad group level,we're going to optimize for complete,payment which is kind of similar to,purchase conversion on facebook if you,want to kind of compare it,uh ad group level is technically at,set level on facebook if that makes,sense uh we're gonna do five ad groups,um,so one campaign gonna have one product,it's gonna have,five ad groups inside there we're gonna,set the daily budget for forty dollars,so on tick tock actually the minimum,budget is twenty dollars so you can't go,lower than twenty dollars,um the reason i do 40 i notice when i do,20 or 25 or 30 it doesn't actually spend,my budget,i have to set it at 40. i tested it with,like lower budget but for some reason,it does not spend my money so i'm,setting it up at 40.,we're gonna do the bid budget at so i,tested with 8,10 12 14 20. i noticed that 8 and 10 was,kind of having a hard time,to spend so i had to up it a little bit,all right for start time you can do any,time it's not like facebook that blows,up your money i notice with tick tock if,it's not really performing,is not gonna spend a lot of your money,so that's my conclusion i'm still,not sure exactly how tick-tock works but,from what i'm seeing if one ad group is,not doing well it does not spend my,money,so i'm gonna assume it's gonna be way,way way cheaper to test on tick tock,compared to facebook,obviously i still really really love,facebook it's very scalable but,i'm trying to test things out with,takedown also to just to see if it could,be as scalable as facebook,so you could have two sources instead of,one you know,so for location for the people that if,you're located in the united states you,can only,well actually i'm lying you can do i,think eight or nine countries but then,the countries that i like to,run and sell products in that are easier,are us,and canada so it depends i believe what,location you're in i believe if you're,in the uk,you can only target the uk but don't,quote me on that because i don't,know i'm not there i'm in the u.s so i,can target u.s and canada i don't,run ads both like at the same time to,the same countries,i do canada and us so i do i do one ad,group for canada and then one ad group,for the us,so this is a for the age group i did 25,and,over the reason i'm probably you're,being asking 18 to 25 what happens to,those people,i notice when i run for that age my ads,are way more expensive,so i kind of eliminated that that's just,what i did i'm not telling you what to,do exactly,but this is what i did and these are the,results that i've been getting from,doing this,you know what i'm saying so here we are,at the general uh for gender i did,all language in english for the,placement i did tick-tock,population i don't aim for a certain,population i just don't go to narrow,i just look at the you know the little,thing on the right when it says balance,i just like to go there from from all,the research that i've been doing,uh it seems like that if i go broad and,like bigger,it's going to perform better better so,so far also i've been leaving it,balanced i did some no targeting

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TikTok Ads Targeting Options

TikTok Ads Targeting Options

tick tock ads is one of the newer,advertising platforms to us and by new,i mean that as recently as a year ago,most people couldn't get into the,platform,i know i couldn't so odds are if you're,watching this video or,just in general you probably don't know,all the targeting options that are,available,on tiktok the good news is that some of,them like lookalike audiences,and interest targeting are going to feel,really similar to a lot of the other,platforms that we already use,like facebook and google and linkedin,all of those other ones,but there are some that are unique to,tick-tock like some behavior targeting,and some other pieces that are in there,so in this video i'm going to go through,all the different targeting options you,have available in a tik-tok ads campaign,all of the targeting for a tick-tock ad,campaign lives at the ad group level so,i've gone ahead and created a,placeholder campaign,we're in a placeholder ad group and it's,got this terrible number,name that's already associated with it,i'm going to skip over anything that's,not based on a targeting option so if,you see something that's in here,that you wanted me to cover i'll,probably be covering in a future video,just a heads up the first type of,targeting that we come across,in the ad group setup is going to be,around the placements that we can target,on the ticktalk network you can see here,that tiktok sets you up for automatic,placement but you can choose select,placement,when i do that it's going to open up,this check box system that effectively,shows you the four different apps that,are part of the tick tock network,there's tick tock itself,and there are three additional apps that,have different,reach depending on different countries,as you can see the third one down,advertising is only currently available,in india one thing i want you to keep in,mind is that,the targeting options for placements as,well as different countries on tick tock,can be relatively limited,based on where your account is located,so i'm going to hop into a help article,really quick because i want to show you,how these different app placements and,your country targeting will be impacted,based on where you've set up your,campaigns,the best part of this help article is,this table down below,it says the following table shows the,targeting options that are available,for tick tock and the additional,placements based on the registered,country or region of the ad account,so basically what we want to do is think,about where your,ad account is registered mine is,registered in the united states so i'm,going to look at this first line here,if you're registered in australia or,registered in the united kingdom you,would start looking at these individual,lines,you can then see which countries and,platforms you can target,based on the additional three columns in,this table so for the united states,on tick tock i can target the us and,canada japan,and a number of other countries for the,secondary and third placements,there are different countries listed in,here as well but you'll notice that i,can,only target the us and canada and any of,the countries here,since my account is based from the,united states i cannot target,australia the united kingdom france any,of those additional countries,so if you were looking to have an,international reach and you're based in,the united states,that international reach is going to be,limited based on the countries that you,find in this,table so before you set up an ad account,before you promise something to a client,make sure that you actually can reach,the target audience that they want,based on the countries that are listed,here one key takeaway for our placement,targeting,is that the only place that the us and,canada show up for my targeting,is on tick tock the other platforms are,not showing up and even in the previous,screen that we saw said that that,placement was only available for india,so even if i choose automatic placements,i'm still only going to show up on,tiktok it is very important that you,know which countries can support which,platforms before you opt into,automatic or select placement targeting,if you decide that you do,or don't want to be included on a,certain platform you can,come in here and just uncheck the boxes,next to them and you would show up only,on the ticktalk and newsfeed app series,apps for the sake of this video just to,keep things simple i'm just going to,revert back to automatic placements,now like i said i'm going to skip past,anything that's not around targeting so,sorry for those other things,we're going to jump down to the actual,targeting section and this is going to,be where we're going to spend the rest,of our time,in this demo the first section we have,here is going to be based on,audiences and these are the types of,audiences that we can build,just in the same way we can build,retargeting campaigns customer uploads,on any of the other platforms,if you already have audiences built you,can either include

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Japan Ads Always Surprise me😂😂😂😂😂😂Watch out!

Japan Ads Always Surprise me😂😂😂😂😂😂Watch out!

いつまで続くんだろうなこんなこと,なんていうのか,5に,通路や午前たよ嘘,re,お疲れ様ですちょっと乙女座ですじゃ所2槽でセンスまでしてそれは2つはしちゃ,ませんです,おちかれさまです,バギー,amaran,cl,dee,dje ああああ,倍増一発逆転,世界5000万人が撤去戦略カード型,アース e b リー teen,car,を誓う,me,部屋ののはかっこいいなぁもっこの赫赫なりたいな,者証なる今日の女がそうなるんだ,me,言われもうねええ俺たちかっこよくない聴覚いい,やる地峡やー,a 各種ドライブじゃない navitas んこ,またこんなの飲んで脳が各二だったんでついの三田さんはそのままでいいの叡智や乙部,タッグ入ってくるそんなこといけないけど,no,ノア

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