tiktok ads identify

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How To Use TikTok Ad Library To Find Winning Products

hello everyone and welcome to on how,channel,my name is anas no more con for you so,if you have any tutorial requests let me,know in the comments i will be happy to,do a video for you,otherwise let's get to our tutorial,today which is a really special one,because i will show you how you can find,winning ad set or winning products on,tech talk at library,yes as you heard it's not facebook ad,library but tech talk ad library,i don't know if you know this or not but,tech talk lately they did introduce,their new platform,for ad library where you can see all the,currently running ads on tech talk,platform,and it's not like facebook ad library,it's much better because they do have,some really cool features to filter out,the ad set,not like facebook ad library because on,their platform,you will not be able to see the ads,that's currently running for a specific,page or,profile or anything like that unlike the,facebook ad library,on tech talk ad library you will be able,to see all the,ad set that's currently running for a,particular niche,not the profile or a page and you can,filter out this ad set,by the click through or the view rate,and also filter out the ad set,by the niche for example you will be,able to see all the ad set that's,currently,running for clothing or technology or,markov chain,or whatever your niche is and the next,best option,in this ad library for tech talk is you,will be able to see the ad set that's,currently running for a specific country,yes you will be able to see all the,advertisements that's running,in australia or canada or united states,or wherever your niche is and this is,really cool right and without any more,checking,let's get to it so just scroll down,description box and you will see for the,link for the ad library for tech talk,and after you did access it you should,see this page right here and by the way,make sure to log in to an account and i,wasn't able to login into,this platform through my tech talk,account i had to create a new account on,this particular platform,it seems like the tech talk account does,not work on this platform,and also make sure to disable adblock,extension if you do have it because the,platform will not work because the ad,blocker will block all the content,inside this,website and after you did access the,website you should see this option right,here which says popular trends,showcases and top ads and i guess you,know what you click on,right simply click on top ads and after,that you should see the ad,type auction ads and that's currently,the only,option available for tech talk platform,and below it as you can see it says,filter here,and region and if you click on it you,should see a bunch of options here just,like you see right now,and keep in mind that not all the,countries are available,in this platform i guess they only pick,the country where tech talk is famous in,so right now pick the country that's the,best for your niche,whether it's australia or canada or,wherever you're niche in,so for this demonstration to have more,options i'm going to keep it blank,and by the way if you do want to search,on all worldwide on all countries,just keep it like that do not select any,country,and on the right of the option you,should see industry here click on it,and you will see a bunch of options here,just like you see right now,as you can see the first one electric,appliances agriculture automotive,chemistry areas says closing here,accessories i'm going to click close,pick a clock chain accessories and by,the way you can pick multiple options,just like you see right now in my case,i'm going to go just for a,clutching and accessories and after that,you see this option right here it says,seven days time frame,what this option means basically is the,ads that's currently running,in the specific time frame if we did,pick seven days that means they will,show us,the ad set that was running or was,running,in the last seven days so as i said you,have more options for this demonstration,i'm going to go for 30 days frame and,after that the option on the right of it,it says search by and this is really,cool option,none of those platforms has it yet just,click on it and you will see,sit there impressions and six seconds,video,view rate so the first one means click,through,so for example if the ad has a click,through of 15,that means that 150 percent out of,1000 viewers they do click it on the ad,set,and that's really cool right if you do,have a click through of 15,that means that people are really,interested in that ad set and they do,click on it,and the option below it is impressions,and this option it basically will filter,out all the ad set,based on the impressions that each ad,set has,and i don't recommend to go for this,because if the advertisements have,more impressions or viewers it doesn't,mean that,it's actually successful and the last,one which is six seconds video view rate,which means if the viewer watches the ad,set more than six seconds because,this is really co

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads identify

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How To Spy On Your Competitors TikTok Ads (100% FREE)

How To Spy On Your Competitors TikTok Ads (100% FREE)

what if you could spy on your top,competitors tick-tock ads and see what,success they are having you can spy on,facebook instagram and other platforms,but most don't actually realize that you,can use tick-tock's tool to actually,identify successful ad campaigns and,what tick-tocks convert best and i'm,going to show you exactly how you can,spy on your top competitors tick-tock,ads and the exact way to do so and it's,been a game changer for all so let's go,ahead and get into the video,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,and our agency spends over 10 million a,year on facebook ads and tick tock ads,and i'm going to be showing you exactly,what you need to do to spy on your,competitors so you can also have success,so what we're going to do here is we're,going to go ahead and go to tick tock,creative center and you're going to,click on inspiration you're going to go,down you're going to click on top ads,and once you do so you're going to see a,page here where tik tok literally calls,out their high performing auction ads,and in fact we've literally placed in,the top 10 spot six different times for,our actual clients yes top ten,converting ads in the us six different,times so we know exactly how this,process works we know what the top ads,are we know what it takes to get there,and we know exactly how to dissect a,video to tell you whether or not it's,going to be a video that is actually,converting and worth going after and,modeling for your own success as well so,we're going to do a couple examples here,whether you're a brand business coach,influencer this strategy can work for,you to see exactly what types of content,you need to put together on the ad side,specifically that will allow you to,generate sales conversions leads or even,get an account growth overall,so let's say that you're an apparel,brand and you're looking to get an,increase in overall sales and you're,wanting to tap into the tick tock ad,market so that way you can get a lot of,individuals through your actual site and,get a lot of purchases what you do is,you first choose the region which you're,going to be running ads in so ours in,our case would be united states and then,for the industry you can choose apparel,and accessories this is going to limit,it to the actual top performing ads in,this space and then for the campaign,objective we want to be specific here,because if we're looking to get,purchases then we want to focus on,conversions that way we know it's a,convergence campaign we don't want to go,after traffic because that's just link,clicks we don't want to click on,awareness because that's just you know,getting more individuals to become aware,about your brand doesn't necessarily,mean you're going to be getting sales,from that we want to make sure that you,know these ads are actually converting,for these brands and actually getting an,roi on the back end whether they're,spending one dollar and getting six,dollars out or spending one dollar and,getting ten dollars out we want to know,this information so that way we can also,achieve success too,and so once we click on conversions we,can then start to see some of these,videos in the last seven days that have,already started to pop up here and,what we can do is click on one of these,videos,and we can get the exact analytics we,need from this actual ad and you can,actually see exactly how many likes the,total number of comments the shares the,caption the duration what campaign,objective is we know it's men's clothing,and we can actually see exactly when,people click through the video so that,way we know what call to action they're,using so let's go and watch this video,as an example because this is a perfect,way for you to spy on a brand let's say,that you're in the apparel,leisure space and fabletics is one of,your competitors you can very well see,their actual content here,all right so a lot is already going on,here and we can start to dissect this,video pretty quickly one they're using a,perspective from,a lady who is commenting on men's shorts,so that's one perspective that guys you,know might find interesting because,they're seeing a different perspective,from it then you're getting the other,perspective from the dude who actually,wears the shorts and he's going over the,reviews on the site so they're building,up credibility they're breaking down,what both you know sides are looking at,and then you can start to see that he's,going through the landing page showing,the actual landing page that this,individual is going to be going to so,very quickly you know you can start to,see exactly what your competitor's,strategy is you can see that they have,reviews they're breaking down the actual,site so that way the customer can feel,more comfortable with actually going,there and making a purchase he then,starts to jump into the benefits where,he's talking about it's comfy it's,moisture wicking he's breaking down any,objections the actual buyer potentially,has something cool hidden pockets,all righ

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How To Find Dropshipping Products From Tiktok Ads Manager | Tiktok Product Research For Shopify

How To Find Dropshipping Products From Tiktok Ads Manager | Tiktok Product Research For Shopify

starting an online business can be,difficult for you because it's too much,important to select the right product to,sell which is having a high demand and,low competition but especially when it,comes to Shopify Drop Shipping finding a,product can be more difficult because,Shopify dropshipping trend has been,changing every month because as you know,in past couple of years every year the,Shopify Drop Shipping is changing in,2019 and 20 the Facebook ads were very,good performing but in 2021 and 22 the,Facebook ads are not that much effective,for Shopify Drop Shipping because the,new platforms are coming in like,Pinterest ads Google ads and Tick Tock,ads so the trend is changing now so,obviously the matter of product research,will be change as well so in this video,I'm going to share with you the,step-by-step method of Shopify,dropshipping product research from which,we're going to be using Tick Tock and,Tick Tock as manager to research our,product because before starting selling,that particular product or investing,money in that we need to make sure that,this product must be selling for all,other dropshippers as well like if other,dropshippers are selling that product in,past week or first month on Tick Tock or,any other platform and their ads are,getting good engagements or CTR rate and,good conversions that means this product,is a proven product and if we start,sending that product now today so we can,also get some good conversion as well so,all the information step by step I'll,give you in this video so keep on,watching this video till the end without,skipping any part,but before getting started I'm uzair and,I sell my products on Amazon eBay,Shopify click funnel and Redbubble and,on this channel I share my knowledge,with you people so you can do the same,and build your online business so if,you're interested in learning about the,fastest and easiest way to make money,online which can give you profit in your,first seven days then make sure to sign,up for my free 30 minutes webinar from,the link below so you can also Achieve,Financial Freedom like me and leave your,nine-to-five job so without any further,delay let's start the video,all right so as you can see here I'm on,my laptop right now and from here on,Google you need to type Tick Tock,creative Center,so after typing that you can see this,first link adds The Tick tock.com,business creative Center so you need to,click on that link and then from the top,right corner you need to sign up or,login so if you're already having The,Tick Tock account so you can just log in,here otherwise you need to sign up from,your Google account or you can just sign,up from email as well so after signing,in you need to click on that menu on the,top right corner and then from the left,side you need to click on campus,inspiration and from there you can see,four tabs top Edge dashboard creative,insights creative strategies and,showcase so if you want you can just,explore all of these options one by one,but the most powerful option is top ads,dashboard so I'm just hoping that one so,from here you can just see all of your,top ads for all the category and all the,country which Tick Tock are running here,so for example if you are in USA and if,you are selling the products in kitchen,category and then if you want to see,like how many people are in USA and they,are selling kitchen product for past,seven days so imagine if you get the,data of all of The Tick Tock ads related,to your category running into your,country from past seven day and they are,performing very good so imagine what can,be the best thing than this because you,are actually seeing the ads of your,competitor and you can just find out,which other performing good and,Performing bad so you can just simply,skip all of the bad performing ad and,you can just select all of the products,that are having good performance ads so,this magical and free method will,prevent you to waste a lot of your money,into the product which are not Sunny so,from there you can see that the country,is selected as United States but you can,just click on drop down menu and select,any country you want so in this case,here I have just selected United States,and when I come down I can see multiple,filters here so from the first filter,industry I cannot select any industry,for example if I want home improving,product so I can just click on Home,Improvement and there in second filter,from the objective I need the ads which,are getting conversion like I want to,see all of the ads which are running in,United States for tick tock and which,are related to Home Improvement and,which are actually getting conversion,and which are actually running for past,seven day or if you want more data you,can just click on past 30 days and on,that filter duration you can just try,out the ads which are 20 seconds 30,seconds or more but I don't think that,this filter will be super helpful for,you so you only need to fill out four,filters like country category conversion,type

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How To Find Winning Products The Right Way | Shopify & TikTok Ads

How To Find Winning Products The Right Way | Shopify & TikTok Ads

in the last 30 days i found three,winning products with tick tock ads and,shopify and in this video i'm gonna be,showing you exactly how i did it what's,going on guys noah brewer here back,again with another banger of a video and,yes you heard it correctly i found three,winning products over the last month and,today i'm going to be going over my,entire process from product research,product preparation ads store building,those types of things how to create your,test campaign and also how to analyze,and make sure that you're taking,advantage of a winner when you have one,and you're not wasting too much time and,money on a loser,if the product doesn't end up working so,the process of testing products is,actually very very simple and a lot of,people complicate it and make it way,harder than it needs to be there are,four main aspects to finding a winning,product and actually being able to find,a winning product is literally just the,consistent action of doing these four,things over and over until you see,success and most importantly you have to,be following a good method or a proven,method with each of these steps to make,sure that you're doing things correctly,and you're not just wasting your time,doing random things crossing your,fingers hoping that it's going to work,so we're going to be going over each,step one by one first product research,next step is product preparation then,product testing and analyzing your test,campaign so let's get right into it,product research is probably going to be,your number one most important thing to,do when you're actually trying to find a,winning product and the reason is,obvious when you're testing products the,biggest most important variable is the,product itself you can have an amazing,website amazing ads and if your product,just doesn't sell and doesn't peak,interest and doesn't hit certain,criteria then it's just not going to,sell whereas if you reverse it if you,have an amazing product you know a,perfectly good winning product something,that sells peaks interest and does all,these things right but you have a,terrible website and ads that are not so,good,you can still be profitable and make,money so keep this in mind that product,research is probably the number one,thing that you should be putting your,focus on getting better at uh when,you're trying to find a winning product,now really there's three main ways that,i would recommend people find winning,products and these are the three main,methods that i've used over the past,month to find the three winning products,that we're talking about the first one,is by scrolling through hashtags on,tiktok now the way that i do this is,very very simple i basically just open,up tik tok on the computer search up,like hashtag products or something like,that try to find videos underneath that,hashtag and then i try to find hashtags,underneath the videos i know that this,is getting confusing but i look for,hashtags that are anywhere from 100,million views to 500 million views in,size we don't want them too small or we,don't want them too big where all the,saturated products are going to be and,basically just scroll away on those,smaller hashtags and try to find,products that we think could be good to,test the reason i love this method is,because anybody can whip open tiktok you,know on a whim and just start scrolling,and scrolling and just build up a nice,list of products that they could,potentially test,meaning you don't have to wait around,you don't have to like do a lot of,digging you can basically just pull it,up it's super accessible the other thing,i love about this method is there's,already content there for you to be able,to run ads with because you're doing,product research on the platform itself,so literally for those two reasons alone,i highly recommend this product research,strategy for beginners or if you're just,looking for the quickest and most,efficient way to build up a nice list of,products that you could potentially test,the next method is basically just,opening up aliexpress and just scrolling,through different categories and,products on aliexpress itself now this,is commonly known as the pioneer method,where you're basically just looking at,different marketplaces to try to find,products that you think could be good,based on your own experiences your own,opinions,and your own criterias whatever those,may be so i wouldn't like a thousand,percent recommend this for a beginner,because you're basically going in blind,you're basically just finding products,that you think would be good based on,whatever reasoning you have and another,thing to keep in mind is that if you,find a product that nobody else has,really tested before you're going to,have issues finding content for that,product and you're probably going to,have to order the product and get,content yourself so keep that in mind,but i really really love this method,because you can find amazing untapped,products with good margins and also most,of the products that i

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How To Find Your Competitor's TikTok Ads - Spy On Competition

How To Find Your Competitor's TikTok Ads - Spy On Competition

hello everyone and welcome back to on,our Channel again my name is Ennis and,I'm working for you so if you have any,questions or any video requests make,sure to drop them Below in a comment or,check out my Instagram it's right here,below me all in the description box as,well so in this video I'm going to show,you how to find your competitors Tech,talk ads and yes we will do that without,using any tools or anything like that,because actually that information is,already available by Tech talk,themselves and finding your competitors,Tech stock ads is really important step,before you even start promoting this,product because by spying on competitors,you influence your product the design on,also the stores design on also something,that your competition might have missed,out you can use that you can use that,actually when implemented in your store,or product page or whatever the case is,to actually generate sales more than,them and I'm not saying that those Spy,shows are bad no actually they are very,good and most important actually what,type of videos they use on check talk,because on Facebook ads there is a lot,of AD types they can use wherever it's,just a picture or just the the link,directly with the picture or whatever,but on check stock ads you need actually,to use the video and the videos if it's,not appealing or if it's not good it,will not perform good so you need,actually to spy on competitors that's a,very very important step so without any,more checking let's just get to it and,just a disclaimer before we start the,platform that I'm going to use or the,two that I'm going to use does not have,all the tech stock ads for example if,the attack stock Advertiser did not,agree to share his ad sets on the,platform it will not show up there but,the good thing is there's a lot of,people don't know this and they do they,don't even care they don't even check if,if that option is available or not,because they don't know this basically,so most of the ads will be available on,this platform but some clever marketers,or tricky people like me will actually,enable the option in their ad set will,not show up on the platform so without,any more checking let's just jump to it,and please make sure to subscribe I need,to get to 20 000 by the end of the year,and begging begging you anyway so let's,just jump to the screen right now as you,can see I'm going to close this and open,up obviously Google search engine to,search for a tech talk ad library,because sex talk ad library is actually,did add an option just recently so we,can search by keywords and that's really,good actually because if you use the,search Future properly you can actually,discover your competitors so for example,a mixture actually to a sign into an,account it does not let you see all the,the the content on the ad Library if you,are not signed into an account so as you,can see right here the first option is,make sure actually to pick the country,that you are going for I'm just speaking,United States for demonstration,so after that the first option you will,see here is for you option make sure to,click on it and click for set a year,which stands for a click through so,obviously the higher click through is,the more successful the ad is there is,no talk about that if the people are,seeing for example if 70 out of 100,people saw the ads click on it that's a,successful ad that's what we need so,make sure to click on sit there after,that and this week just keep it blank,because sometimes the advertiser will,mess up the the anniversary or even I,did find some ads I don't know if it's,from the check talk adability and or,from The Advertiser end but just keep it,blank so you can all select all for,example oh let's just keep it blank,let's just now select anything and the,objective here make sure to click on,conversions products product sales both,of them right here conversions and,product sales and after that the live X,just keep it like that do not select,anything so we can get more options,obviously and the duration just do not,pick anything for the same reason and,here,and also make sure to keep it at seven,days seven days we need to get more,accurate data or more up-to-date data as,I should say so here you can see the,search bar right here so simply click on,it and it will show up this year so you,can search by brand or product keyword,and you did find out some products or a,keyword or a keyword for a project sorry,and you need to discover competitors if,you go to text organ type in that,keyword you will end up on a lot of,videos and a lot of accounts on these,videos and accounts may not be drop,shippers or e-commerce websites or or,marketers or anything like that that may,just have been people that's using the,keyword the hashtag so but in the ad,Library you will only find ads that has,the same keyword so for example in my,previous video I did go for a keyword,that's the projectors I'm going to go,for mini projector this is just for,demonstration make sure to go

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Tutorial | Find The Target Audience For Your TikTok Ads - TikTok Ads Manager 101

Tutorial | Find The Target Audience For Your TikTok Ads - TikTok Ads Manager 101

how do you ensure that your ad reaches,the right segment of an intended,audience,how do you find your most engaged,concentrated and accessible users,how broad or narrow do you keep your,targeting,to answer these questions let's talk,about the importance of targeting,hi everyone welcome to the tick tock ads,manager 101 series,i'm peter and i'm here to help you,through your tick tock,advertising journey our mission is to,give you all the information,you need to successfully launch your,campaigns on tiktok,let's get started today we will talk,about,targeting explore why targeting matters,and examine some of the targeting,strategies we use at tiktok to optimize,your campaigns,what is targeting whenever you create a,campaign on tick tock you'll be able to,determine who sees your ads by selecting,a series of targeting,options at the ad group level based on,the objective of your campaign,you would like it to be shown to the,most interested user by giving the,platform,enough direction to find the right,person on the right device,at the right moment in short your target,audience,is a group of people that you've,identified that you want to appeal to,why does targeting matter once you set,up targeting the tick tock system will,optimize the ad delivery according to,your campaign objective,when you have optimized your targeting,you're more likely to reach consumers,interested in your products or services,it also means that it will decrease,the chances of your ad spend getting,wasted on uninterested users,and help move potential customers down,the proverbial funnel,targeting options on tick tock you have,multiple targeting options to choose,from,we will go through each of them so you,can understand them when you want to,reach people on tick tock who have,already,interacted with your business and,exclude already converted users to,maximize media efficiency,you can create a custom audience by,grouping certain tick tock users from,your,audience source this source can be from,four different facets,customer file where you can add your,existing customers device ids and tick,tock will,match those customers to the users on,our platform,these matches will then be used to,create an audience,all you need to do is select customer,file from,custom audience and choose your csv or,txt,file type with gaids or idfas,which are basically your customers,unique identifiers,this file will be used to match those,users on tiktok platform,and create a set of users you can be,assured of the privacy of your user,details,by our supported hashing methods app,activity where you can create an,audience of users who have completed,certain events within your app,you simply need to select app activity,from custom audience and,in the include section select the event,type and time period of that event,you can also add more rules and choose,broaden audience or,narrow audience depending on your,requirements,for example you can retarget the users,by creating a specific,audience who need a little push to,purchase the product,include add to cart as an in-app event,which will add all users who have added,products into their carts,in the past week a month or even six,months,you have a range of look back window to,select from,and then exclude the ones who have not,purchased the product,and show them a nudge or a reminder ad,engagement where you can select users,who have interacted with your,ad creatives on the tick tock family of,apps basically it will collect,all users who have viewed or clicked on,your ads with the same,include or exclude logic you need to,select,engagement from custom audience and,include the type of engagement,time period and ad group id if you want,the engagement from a particular ad,group,if you want to select the data from all,the campaigns rather than just the ad,group id,you can just leave it blank you can add,more rules depending on your,requirements and also,exclude users with a certain type of,engagement as an example,you can use engagement audience to,target users who have viewed,your ad creative for 75 percent or even,100,of the time but have somehow not clicked,yet,by grouping these users together who,have shown reasonable intent and,targeting them again,can't help those users move down the,funnel website traffic where you,select users who have taken a specific,action on your website which is recorded,by ticktockpixel,the steps are the same as app activity,with an addition,of selecting pixel name or id in the,include and exclude section for example,you can create a list of people who have,previously showed interest,on your site by viewing content but have,not yet,purchased the system will collect all,users who have browsed your website,and subtract the ones who have already,purchased something based on events,tracked by tick tock pixel you might,have guessed that a prerequisite for,creating this audience,is having a pixel integrated and working,an important thing to note for any,custom audience is that the audience,size needs to be a

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TikTok Ads Targeting Options [How To Find Your Target Market]

TikTok Ads Targeting Options [How To Find Your Target Market]

how's it going everybody corbin here,from zoco marketing in today's video we,are going over tick-tock targeting,options all the options that you have,inside of tick tock there are some,really unique options inside of here so,we're going to be taking a deep dive and,on how to use all of them so let's jump,right in so the first thing you will,need is obviously a tick tock's ad,manager,and all the targeting inside of tick,tock happens inside of the ad group,level so you'll need to go and create a,campaign and come into the as ad group,level for the purpose of this tutorial,tutorial i will just be focusing on the,targeting options i'm not going to go,through the other settings inside the,campaign options if you wanted a full,tutorial on how to set up a tick tock um,campaign you can check out this video up,above but for this one we're going to be,taking a very deep dive into the,targeting option so the first thing we,have here is our ad group name which i,uh named targeting options uh in,preparation for this video and with the,prototype we're gonna have website and,then here's where we get to our first,targeting option which is placements,you'll notice that the default option is,automatic placements which means you'll,show on all of the different placements,that ticktock deems worthy for your ads,that if but you also have this option,here for select payments you can choose,to show on tick tock or any of these,other two,places as well just keep in mind that,not all of these networks are available,in every single country so if you are,wanting to target a multitude of,countries a multitude multiple countries,make sure that you go through and check,which placements have have targeting for,specific countries i know that some,places in europe don't i don't have some,of these placements so just keep that in,mind you know if you wanted to just only,show on tick tock you come through and,obviously just uh click on those but for,now we're going to stick with the,automatic placements now i also do want,to call your attention as we go in,through this video you'll notice all,over here that very similar to facebook,is tiktaka's does give you kind of a,broad or a gauge to let you know how,broad your audience is or how specific,or how narrow and it also gives you this,targeting summary as i move my head out,of the way here and i'm still going to,be in the way and it gives you the,location and some other options inside,of there so pay attention to that as,you're going through the targeting,options because it will give you an idea,of how narrow or how broad your audience,is currently is and this will change as,we go through and edit the audiences as,well just something i want to point out,to you as we're going through this,so when you are creating tic toc ads i,do recommend keeping user comments,available uh you want your ads to be as,native looking to the platform like an,organic posting as possible and if you,don't allow people to comment on your,ads then,it's just kind of a red flag right users,kind of notice those things and they,think hey why isn't why in their,comments below so make sure you allow,comments video downloads so there's that,next now we get to what this video is,actually about which is the targeting,now inside of the targeting you have,audience targeting you have demographic,targeting you have interest and behavior,targeting and you have device targeting,we're gonna go through all of the,options here and talk about how you can,utilize some of them,as well so we're gonna start first with,the audience targeting now the audience,targeting if you come from a facebook or,linkedin has this as well this is where,you can create custom audiences or look,like audiences and how you do that is,you come in here and you can click down,and you'll notice that i don't have any,populated currently in this because just,because this is a demo account we're,going to come in here to create new,and it's going to take us to our,audience manager once again very similar,to facebook and right here is the in,this drop down is where you can create a,custom audience or a look like audience,so we're going to go through like we're,creating a custom audience here we're,going to click this down and you'll,notice that there are five different,options inside of here you can upload a,customer file and target current,customers so you wanted to you had an,ecommerce store and you wanted to upsell,those customers you could upload that,list here you could run an engagement,campaign people who saw or clicked on or,engaged on any of your content on tiktok,so say somebody watched your video 75,through you could then remarket to those,people you could create an app activity,this is of course for those who of you,who own apps and want to run advertising,for apps and then we have website,traffic this is if you have the tick,tock pixel installed on your website and,that is cooking people and then you can,go and run remarketing campaigns them if,you want to le

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This Secret TikTok Ads Testing Strategy Is Changing Lives

This Secret TikTok Ads Testing Strategy Is Changing Lives

hey buddy,yeah you what are you a damn headlights,come over here real quick don't be shy i,hear you're looking for that ecom gushy,gushy that underground black hat ad,strategy that will leave your bank,account impregnated maybe even,afterwards after your mrs sees it she'll,want to get impregnated too oh hey yosh,keep your voice done keep your voice,down geez always because this stuff,doesn't come cheap my friend a lot of,media buyers on my team on my team were,sacrificed to get these strategies,so it's gonna cost you,let's say,a million dollars,you know what my friend actually for you,if you like this video down below,i'll give these to you right now i,really don't wear hoodies that much,because i live in florida and it makes,me look like a giant penis but let's,actually talk about tik-tok product,testing strategies and how do people,even come up with these strategies in,the first place because you're gonna see,these videos all the time from a bunch,of different gurus and a lot of times i,feel like they're just blowing smoke out,of their rear end but for me because i,run a ad agency where we're literally,testing hundreds of products every,single month and we're testing on,thousands of different accounts this is,actually the way that we come up with,strategies that work for us we have a,sheet that looks like this and you can,easily come up with a spreadsheet where,you have a base control testing strategy,like this one right here where you have,five ad groups three of them with,interest two no targeting and how you,can develop your strategy over time,especially when you're doing a lot of,tests is you can introduce a little bit,of chaos with having an independent,variable so for us when we're doing,split testing we always will do one,variable changing from our original,control group so in this instance with,this top column we did us with australia,for the targeting instead of us and,canada and then what we would do is,measure the results these are all fake,numbers by the way we would do this over,and over and over again over the course,of multiple months and this is how i,actually came up with this exact,strategy this isn't just me oh well i,think this is what's gonna work no this,is proven how you can actually develop a,strategy that works over time and you,can also do other split tests like doing,a combination of number one number five,so that would be us with australia while,also doing a cbo on to mark all of the,data because at the end of the day,you're gonna be biased and if you don't,have the numbers guiding your decisions,you're not gonna make good decisions,when it comes to media buying because,it's all based on numbers and not your,emotions so this has helped us scale,brands like this one right here from,zero to 1.7 k a day like this brand,right here to zero to 1.8 k a day so,again this is proven to work and if you,do want to work with my team before we,start this video i do have an automation,agency where we have a team of experts,who will find products for you build,custom coded one product stores and even,film custom ads so if you're interested,in finding your first or next winning,product and help you scale to one grand,a day or more in the fastest amount of,time you can click the link down below,and book a call with my team so without,further ado let's get on to tick tock,ads and i'll show you how we test,products so the first thing you're going,to do obviously you're going to click on,conversions because we're not trying to,get no dang video views i can't deposit,that to my bank account so for me this,is how i name all my campaigns so i'm,going to be testing this product the,frost ball how i name all my campaigns,is the name of the product whether it's,a testing or scaling campaign and then,the break-even point because when you're,testing on multiple ad accounts it is,good to know first off what's the,product and what's my bep because when i,first analyze ad accounts and this will,be talked about a little later on i look,at cpa more than i actually look at,roads and i'll explain a little later on,because i know everyone's obsessed with,roes but for us and this is after i've,talked to senior media buyers who have,scaled accounts to the millions they,don't really look at roads as much as,you would think it is somewhat of an,important metric but i would say cpa is,more important your cost per purchase,but let's get into the actual ad group,settings now i do five ad groups,whenever i'm testing a new product one,campaign,five ad groups and all the ad groups are,identical i don't change anything about,either of them we're not split testing,anything and i get some people saying,ethan if you're not split testing then,what's the point of just creating five,that are identical well the thing is and,if you are someone who does media buying,you'll notice that even if you create,two ad groups that are exactly alike,they're never gonna perform the same way,the cpms will be different the cpcs will,be different

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